India has been making efforts to promote renewable energy to address concerns related to energy access, energy security, and climate change. These goals can only be achieved if the rules for re...
Pollution in India poses a significant environmental and health challenge, primarily driven by rapid industrialization, urbanization, and population growth. Air pollution, especially in urban a...
This article elucidates the necessity of the Environmental laws in protecting the Ecosystem and Preserving the nature as well. Firstly, it explains the importance of the Constitutional provisio...
Jurisdictional Phases of the ICJ in adjudicating environmental disputes:The ICJ has gone through three phases in adjudicating environmental disputes between the states. Still, the condition of th...
Being the Esteemed and Decisive organ present in the core of the United Nations,The International Court of Justice's persuasion spreads outwits the legal engagement of the states. As it is said...
The purpose of this article is twofold: to determine the "Role of Judiciary Shaping Environment Policy in India". India's judiciary has emerged as a pivotal force in environmental governance, t...
India, a country with different cultures, languages, and ecosystems, faces distinct environmental issues. The country is home to abundant wildlife, vital river systems, and quickly expanding me...
Climate change is considered one of the greatest threats to the ecosystems and also to economies and communities around the globe and, therefore, warrants mitigation actions with utmost urgency...
We humans have exploited our natural resources assuming there to be no consequences at all. Since the dawn of civilization, we have managed to colonize and change tracts of lands making them su...
Carbon taxation became an important tool in the war against climate change. Carbon tax has formed a crucial part of efforts by governments to recover the external costs that result from the emi...