Our environment is the most valuable and rich jewel to endure, on this planet
EARTH. We human beings often ignore that we are mostly reliant on Mother
Nature and become oblivious towards taking care of it. The environment is the
only thing that can make growth sustainable. Without it, we cannot sustain even
a single day. For example, our skin will burn, the lungs will get broken, our
blood pressure would raise.
If the Earth were our savings account, we would be on the verge of failure.
World Environment Day is celebrated on 5th June every year. People from more
than 100 countries come ahead to celebrate this day. The world environment day
is run by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) as the year 1974. A
good planet depends on all of us.
The main ideology behind observing this day is to increase knowledge about the
protection of our environment at highest levels.
Centuries of irreversible loss occasioned
The forest cover all over the world is being used rapidly on an ever-increasing
pace. Trees are cut down for paper, fuel and to increase farming areas, the land
is utilised for the growth of industries and factories. The land left behind is
stripped not only of trees but the plants, animals and insects that lived in
that special ecosystem.
Such steps of deforestation further aggravate the
ecosystem inequality as there are no plant roots to hold the soil in its place,
the valuable soil washes away with rainfall leading to excessive soil erosion.
The forest cover plays an essential role in improving global climatic changes,
the trees assist in separating the carbon dioxide, one of the major greenhouse
gas from the atmosphere, while at the same time the trees cycle oxygen back into
the atmosphere.
But, it is important to know that when trees are cut down the
carbon dioxide is published again in the environment. It is very sad to know it
has been determined that almost 25% of the total carbon dioxide going into the
atmosphere every year is delivered from the trees being cut and burned. Thus,
saving and preserving the world’s forests is very necessary for determining the
global weather change dilemma.
NGT[1]: The Law relating to Environment
The Indian Government and the judiciary collectively considered the need for
fixing up of special environmental courts which shall be exclusively devoted to
environment-related problems and disputes arising thereto. The National Green
Tribunal (NGT) was accordingly set up in the year 2010 under the National Green
Tribunal Act (2010) for efficient and quick settlement of cases relating to
environmental protection and preservation of parks and other natural resources.
NGT is provided with the required expertise to handle multi-disciplinary
environmental disturbances including implementation of any legal right reporting
to the environment and giving support and coverage for damages to persons and
property and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
India is the
first developing country in the world to set up a specialized environmental
tribunal, only after Australia and New Zealand. Presently, the NGT has five
places of meetings, New Delhi is the Principal place of sitting and Bhopal,
Pune, Kolkata and Chennai are the other four.
- The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981,
- The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986,
- The Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991, and
- The Biological Diversity Act, 2002.
Role of NGT in Saving the Environment
Over the years NGT has appeared as a significant player in environmental
command, passing stringent orders on subjects ranging from pollution to
deforestation to waste management. NGT offers a path for the development of
environmental jurisprudence by fixing up an alternative dispute resolution
mechanism. NGT is less precise, less expensive, and a faster way of determining
environment-related conflicts. It plays a crucial role in controlling
environment-damaging activities. The NGT has been instrumental in ensuring that
the Environment Impact Assessment method is rigorously observed.
At last, quoting the words from Franklin D. Roosevelt,
A nation that destroys
its soil, destroys itself. Let us all come forward together on this Environment
Day and make our contributions to save our soil to save our nation.
On the individual aspect, I firmly believe that it’s a dangerous time for all of
us to focus and take steps to save our environment from its degeneration before
things are beyond our control and condition worsens. Nature’s gifts are rare and
cannot be purchased from money.
It is essential that each one of us wake up before it’s too late. Don’t smoke in
public places or dump garbage in the open area. These small openings will surely
lead to a better place for survival. Let’s make together efforts to secure this
planet sustainable so that our future creations are not stripped of these
resources and the beauty of our nature and have a future to enjoy by making
judicial use of the same without wasting these precious resources.
- The National Green Tribunal Act, 2010 is an Act of the Parliament of
India which enables creation of a special tribunal to handle the expeditious
disposal of the cases pertaining to environmental issues.