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Anticipatory Bail in CrPc: Explainer through Asfak Alam Case


Intro and Background: Our criminal laws in the name of Gender Parity give a tool to policemen to take a toll on rights. The deference to fundamental rights is often accorded in the same vain, ...

Trade Laws in the Digital Era: A Case for Integration of Artificial Intellig...


Washington DC has recently taken to public criticality of India's e-commerce policy as well as data localisation rules in place. They cite "discrimination" and "distortive of trade" for this re...

A Critical Study on Naxalite Movement in India


The Historical Context Of The Peasant Movements In Bengal And Their Connection To The Naxalite Uprisings: Indigo Revolt (1859-1860): Cause: The British East India Company imposed an explo...

Freedom Of Press In Today's Era


Article 19(1)(a) of the Constitution of India guarantees the freedom of expression to all the individuals. Freedom of press is derived from it. Time and again the hon'ble Supreme Court in vario...

Doctrine Of Post: Decisional Hearing


Similar Articles: On Doctrine Of Post: Decisional Hearing Post Decisional Hearing: Development through Judicial Pronouncement and case study of Canara Bank v. V.K.Awasthi, 2005 (6) SCC...

Maintenance Under CRPC And A Comparative Study With Hindu Law And Muslim Law


Maintenance means to financially support one spouse to another. But it not only limits one's spouse but also to support his or her children or parents. In india there are various laws related to ...

Role of Security Exception in the Unprecedented COVID-19 Pandemic


The unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic has challenged the healthcare sectors all over the world. A sudden scale up in the production of PPE kits, COVID testing kits, medicines, masks, scanners and...

Doctrine of Reasonable Classification


Right To Equality Equality is the essence of a democratic country, including that of India and hence the constitution of India guarantees the right to equality and protection of the same. The ...

The Claims Tribunal under MVA, 1988


During the British regime, Indian Motor Vehicle Act of 1914 was ratified with an objective to regulate enforcement and to ensure the registration and licensing of vehicles and motorists to mainta...

Imposition Of Costs By Courts: Judicial Trend And Critical Analysis


Indian Judiciary is excessively overburdened and the pendency of cases is bound to increase in the aftermath of the ongoing pandemic when Courts are hearing only urgent matters, if at all. Seve...

liability of administration in contract/ Government contract


The government contact has become more significance in these days. Government will have to enter into contact with private organizations in order to carry out welfare activities. Government con...

Adultery And The Armed Forces


What is adultery?The offence of adultery and the punishment for it are specified in Section 497 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860. The Section stated that any male who has sexual intercourse with ...

Insolvency And Bankruptcy Code


The Insolvency and Bankruptcy, 2016 (IBC) was introduced in Lok Sabha in December 2015. It was passed by Lok Sabha on 5 May 2016 and by Rajya Sabha on 11 May 2016. The code got the assent of th...

Analysis of Insurance Ombudsman Scheme In India


Insurance is like marriage. You pay, pay, pay, and you never get anything back Introduction: The institution of ombudsman was first established in Sweden 1809. Ombudsman is...

Issues Faced by Migrant Labourers in Covid


The COVID-19 pandemic financially affects the worldwide populace, with numerous nations near the precarious edge of breakdown and individuals left scrambling for fundamental supplies. In India,...

Model of the Constitution in the context of Indian Democracy


Democracy, the dream for many, achievement of some and past talks for few. As we all know that India is a democratic country and its democracy is based on democratic federalism. After Independe...

Copyright Protection and Infringement in India


In September 2019, Nintendo, a consumer electronics and video games company, filed a lawsuit against, a website involved in hosting pirated versions of Nintendo games, claiming ...

Hindu Women's Right to Property: The Fight for Equal Rights from Past to Present


Hindu women's right to property has been evolved out of continuing struggle between patriarchal Indian society and modern progressive forces of India. The right of Hindu women to inherit proper...

The Law Of Torts And Its Justification


Meaning of TortTort is not a crime but a civil wrong;- mr X enters into Mr. y's house and use the swimming pool and exists. Here Mr. x had not caused any loss/injury or any type of damage to Mr...

Various Stages Of Crime


To understand various stages of crime we have to understand- what is an offence?Offence under IPC The word offence is derived from a latin word offendere The various offences set out in the In...

Arrest of Women in India: Procedure and Rights


In order to preserve the judicial machinery from the prevailing social lacuna of patriarchal dominance and to promote the concept of gender equality, several substantive and procedural laws of ...

Restitution of Conjugal Rights under HMA


It is to be noted that marriage and family are two vital institutions of society. The value of both increased when we see it from the perspective of Indian tradition. Both these institutions ar...

Havoc Caused Due To Benami Transactions


Evading taxes through investing in assets with some other name and also getting return on investment for your black money? Seems good right? The amendment of 2016 in benami transactions bill, y...

Issues Faced by Migrant Labourers in Covid


The COVID-19 pandemic financially affects the worldwide populace, with numerous nations near the precarious edge of breakdown and individuals left scrambling for fundamental supplies. In India,...

Analytical Study Of Sabrimala And Other Similar Cases


Menstruation is the natural part of the reproductive cycle in which blood from the uterus exits through the vagina. It is a natural process that first occurs in girls usually between the age of...

Case Commentary On Lalman Shukla Verses Gauri Dutt


This case of Lalman shukla verses Gauri Dutt case is one of the most famous landmark judgments under the Indian contract act and this case is about the validity of contract if there exists no...

Force And Criminal Force


Indian penal code is a substantive law that has all the offences and punishments stated in it. Indian penal code has 511 sections which are divided into 23 chapters, each chapter dealing with a...

103rd Amendment To The Constitution: Are Reservations On The Grounds Of Econo...


he 103rd Constitution Amendment Act introducing special measures and reservations for economically weaker sections (EWS) has been viewed as clearly unconstitutional. This article is sceptical o...

Same sex Marriage: Complication and Way out


Marriage is an institution in the modern world and throughout the history. In simple meaning we can says two people of opposite sex or gender bond together for a lifetime. Many other definition...

Critical Analysis Of Hostile Witness


One of the major roles played in Indian Evidence Act, 1872 is of the witness. Witness is a person who provides for evidence or himself testifies before a court of law. Chapter IX and Chapter X ...

The Essential Conditions Of A Valid Hindu Marriage Under HMA, 1955.


Marriage is considered as a sacrament in Hindus. It is the last of the 10 sacraments in the Hindu religion for regeneration of men and obligatory for every Hindu who does not desire to adopt th...

Legal Aid In India


Since independence, the percentage of people in India who can afford a good lifestyle has been increasing steadily, while the percentage of people under the poverty line has decreased considera...

Right To Marriage By Choice


The right to marriage is a fundamental right given to both males and females under Article 21 of the Constitution but its practical interpretation in an Indian family is hard to find. Marriage ...

Mere Silence As Fraud: Exploring The Ambit Of Half-Truths And Actionable Misr...


Section 17 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 gives a clear explanation of 'Fraud' and the elements that constitute it. In a contract, where a party has a duty to convey certain important and val...

Case Commentary On Kulbhusan Jadhav Case (India Vs Pakistan) 2019


In the present case, India had filed an application instituting proceedings against Pakistan in International Court of Justice for the Violation of ‘Article 36 of the Vienna Convention on Con...

Amicus Curiae


Amicus curiae is a legal Latin phrase, literally translates as friend of court. It is a legal tem and the definition is -"an impartial advisor, often voluntary, to a court of law in a part...

Self-Identification of Gender and the Constitution


"...this Court is not breaking any new ground. It is merely stating the obvious. Sometimes to see the obvious, one needs not only physical vision in the eye but also love in the heart...&q...

Annulment Of Marriage Under Hindu Law


Annulment of Marriage As per Legal terminology, the term annulment refers to making a marriage null and void/voidable; in case the marriage is void ab initio (which means the marriage is consi...

Case Analysis: Bondar Singh v/s Nihal Singh (2003) 4 SCC 161


Material facts The following facts were relied upon by the court to reach the conclusion in the present case of Bondar Singh v. Nihal Singh[1]: The plaintiffs (respondent herein) (hereinafter re...

A Comprehensive review of maintenance under Hindu law


Granting of maintenance could be a measure of social justice, by itself. it's the elemental duty of a person to take care of his wife, children, parents, near relations, etc. see you later as ...

Juvenile delinquency and crime prevention


Juvenile delinquency is the term used to describe the criminal acts of the criminal offenders who are not major under 18. Delinquency rate in India is much higher among boys than among girls a...

The Critical Analysis On Primary And Secondary Evidence With Respect To The A...


As government, business, and commerce move into the 21st century and onto the high level age, it is important for the law to break up with its subject, and advance compatibles. Regardless of wh...

Pre-Independence Legislation Of Wakf In India (The Origin And Development)


This article is based on the analysis of the legislation of the Wakf in pre-independent India. Now what is known as Wakf? Wakf means detention of a property so that its produce or income may ...

Crimes Against Women Under Indian Penal Code, 1860


In the current situation, the violence and the increasing crimes against women is seen by everybody over the world in some or the other way. It shows the tremendous and meditation of the monster ...

Case Study On The Grand Prince Case, 1st April, 2001


Parties to the Case: Plaintiff: Belize v/s Defendant: France Cited Legislation: United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 - Judgment Bench: International Tribunal fo...

Separation of Powers-Doctrine A Review by Indian Judicial vs Legislative


When we observed the politics phenomena after 1947 India Independence, we might understand well, why India has been called as Constitutional democracy than Parliamentary Democracy. The Constitu...

Understanding the Concept of Muslim Will through Legal Lens


You know not who among your children and parents are nearest to you in benefit. This is the law of God. Indeed, God is Wise and all-Knowing. 1 -Allah Almighty says in Holy Quran. In terms o...

Mahr under Muslim Law


Dower (Mahr) Origin In old pre- Islamic Arabia, institution of marriage was not developed and many sexual relationships between men and women had no name. Men after ruining their wives used ...

Hierarchy of Criminal Courts and their Jurisdiction


Administration of justice is the most important function of the State. For this purpose our Constitution has set up a hierarchy of courts. The Supreme Court of India is the highest court and is...

We The People v/s Technology


It is irrefutable to deny that Democracy is at gunpoint thanks to the rapid development and growth of Silicon Valley technologies such as Social Media, Artificial Intelligence, Bitcoins and var...

Unsettled matter of Preventive Detention vs Article 22: a critical analysis


The supreme law, our Constitution provides certain fundamental rights to the citizens of India in order to protect them and succour them to live with freedom and dignity. One of them is Article...

Why Did Babri Masjid Mediation Failed?


Henry J. Brown explained that: Mediation is a facilitative process in which disputing parties engage the assistance of an impartial third party, the mediator, who helps them to try to arrive a...

Contemporary Condition Of The Industrial Pollution And Its Laws In India Thro...


If ever we had proof that our nation's pollution laws aren't working, it's reading the list of industrial chemicals in the bodies of babies who have not yet lived outside the womb. -Louise Slau...

Protection of Whistle Blowers - A Socio Legal Perspective


Instances of fraud, corruption and deceit are widespread in the societies of the world. In an atmosphere where suppression of facts is encouraged, mainly because the perpetrators of the crimes are ...

Raja Nandkumar


Raja Nand Kumar also called Nanda Kumar or Nuncomar born in 1705 at Bhadrapur, which is now in Birbhum. He was a Hindu Brahmin, a big zamindar and a very influential person of Bengal. Maharaja ...

Adultery as a ground of Divorce: A Comparison between Hindu and Muslim Person...


Adultery is defined under section 497 of the Indian Penal Code as "whoever has sexual intercourse with a person who is and whom he knows or has reason to believe to be the wife of another ...

The Farm Bill, 2020


Articles on Farm Laws: The Constitutional Validity of the Farm Laws (2020) in light of the Indian Farmers' Protest of 2020-21 Farm Laws - India Is An Agri Based Economy Agri...

crime and violence against women in India


This article basically deals about the crimes against women . How the women are subjected to crime  ,violence ,rape, sexual abuse, torture , dowry deaths psychological harassments , abetme...

Legal Overview of the Status of Tibetans in India


India has been extraordinarily generous to the Tibetan people: it has allowed Tibetans to enter India and, with respect to the first wave of arrivals, to develop settlements, schools, and med...

Graphic Account Of Travel To Kashmir - In The Reign Of Maharaja Ranjit Singh ...


WHICH, beyond all controversy, was the earthly Paradise, was the half-muttered reply of my Brahmin, Thakur-Das, when I asked him whether he would accompany me to Kashmir, and I understood immed...

Discovering Ancestors-Through Land Registers


Records to do with land can frighten people because of their esoteric names and legal jargon, but in essence, they tell you who lived where and what they did with their land. These are worth se...

Choice Of Jurisdiction


Choice of governing lawThere are important reasons for a clear choice of law clause to create certainty for the parties, and involves consideration of the following: Law is unlikely to be the...

Surrogacy In India


An agreement by a woman (Surrogate mother) to undergo pregnancy so as to produce a child which will be surrendered to others (Intended parents) who cannot have children is surrogacy.This resear...

Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill, 2020: Doing more harm than good?


Surrogacy has often been treated as a taboo topic due to the moral and legal complexities entwined with the very idea of a woman bearing a child for a third party. Surrogacy was legalized in 20...

Right To Education Amidst Of Covid-19 Situation


How to file Special leave petition in Supreme Court How to file Special leave petition in Supreme Court - Adv.T.Choudhury Ph no: 9650499965

Illegalizing Convicted of MP's and MLA's


Lily Thomas v. Union of India, (2013) 7 SCC 653 Introduction In India it is a known fact which has been debated since a long time that the nexus between the criminality and politics goes to ...

Marital Rape: A Legal Crime


Marital rape is the act of sexual intercourse with spouse without the consent of that spouse forcefully. It is a form of domestic violence and sexual abuse which the strong women have to surviv...

Sexual Offences under the IPC-Section 375-377


Sex related offences has been recognized as a crime by almost all cultures and religions throughout the history. It is a grave infraction of human rights of an individual. Sexual offences compete...

CAA-A Critical Analysis


India is the largest democracy in the world. It should always maintain the spirits mentioned The Constitution of India,1950. It should not implement laws which affects its own essence of Seculari...

Why Happening Draws attention rather than a Fore Lasting Prejudice


Racism is a prevailing concept in certain societies, where the societies are divided based on ethnicity, in which one group considers itself superior to the other and discriminates, antagonizes a...

Foundation of Tortious Liability


According to prof. Winfield the law of torts has been a definite part of English law for over six hundred years. Tort is a civil wrong and it consists of those wrong which violates legal rights o...

Medical Insurance For Mental Treatment: Legal Angle


the whole world is developing a slew of measures to cope up with COVID-19, India is not left untouched with the increasing number of cases day by day with rising death tolls. India as a country...

Marital Rape: How Far? How Long?


Marital rape has not yet shaken the conscience of the legislature of the country. The judiciary too has averted the question of marital rape. The recent case law of Independent Thought v. Union ...

No-refund clause and its enforceability


Contracts form an indispensable part of both our personal and professional lives. The sheer volume of transaction that entails in our daily lives calls for a regulating code that can govern these...



Democracy word made from two words- demo and kratos. Demo means people and kratos means power. Therefore, supreme power lies with the people. So word democracy means people's power and government...

Womb's For Rent: Legality Of Surrogacy In India


When money is exchanged for pregnancy, some believe in newborn while others, come close to organ selling, or even baby-selling ...

Welfare state


According to kent, A welfare state is a state which provides for its citizens a wide range of social services. According to Arthur Schlesinger, The welfare state is a system wherein government a...

Post-tenure Political Appointment of Judges: A Judicial Impropriety


The independent nature of the judiciary is a quintessential feature of liberal democracies around the globe and our constitutional framework isn't an exception to it. The insulation of judges fro...

Afghans See Long Road To Peace Still,They Hope


The first real attempt to reconcile the Taliban was the formation of the Afghan High Peace Council in 2010.This was a group of politicians, civil society activists and former Mujahideen, also...

Understanding on Rule of Law


As per World Justice Project Rule of Law Index 2019 rule of law adherence in 126 countries, India ranked 68[1] . The Rule of Law is measured on multiple factors like Government Powers, Absence of...

Analysing The Nexus Between Huawei Crisis And Indian Telecom Sector


In modern world technology has become the most important part of human life, human cannot survive without technology. Through inventive mind and technology, the human had developed smartphones, w...

Honey Let's Get You Married And Divorced And Get Back Together: Halala or Haram?


Whenever, I expose myself to some misconceptions and misinterpretations of Islamic rules, being a Muslim and a Law student, I feel personally attacked and take it upon myself to correct it and ju...

India And Afghanistan Ties Are As Ancient As History


The relations between the people of Afghanistan and India traces to the Indus Valley Civilisation[1] Following Alexander the Great's brief occupation, the successor state of the Seleucid Empir...

Role of United Nations In Pursuit of Peace In Afghanistan


Role of UN in building peace in Afghanistan can be traced back to 1980s when an emergency session of UN Security Council, held between 10 and 14 January 1980 as an aftermath of USSRs Afghanista...

Lawrence v/s. Texas - Naz Foundation v/s Govt. of NCT of Delhi Based on Right...


The cases of Lawrence v. Texas and Naz Foundation v. Govt. of NCT of Delhi are two major and important and very relevant case laws. The case of Lawrence v. Texas was the first case law which iden...

Parliamentary Power To Exempt An Office of Profit From Disqualification Retro...


Holding Office of Profit under Government acts as a disqualification for being a member of either house of parliament or of the state legislature. Article 102 (1) (a) and Article 191 (1) (a) of t...

Right To Seek Solitude: The Forgotten Right of Tribal Communities


Life and personal liberty are inalienable rights. These are rights which are inseparable from a dignified human existence. The dignity of the individual, equality between human beings and the que...

Analysis of Order 33 of the Civil Procedure Code. 1908


The notion of justice evokes the rule of law and it refers to the resolution of conflicts by institutions that make laws and by those that enforce it. Justice implies fairness and the implicit ...

Evolution of Section 11 of Arbitration Act- Pre Konkan Railway to 2018 Amendm...


The laws regarding arbitration in India has come a long way but the main aim of the Arbitration Act,1966, which is to expedite the arbitration process and curtail judiciarys intrusion, has cons...

Alibi-A plea of an accused under the indian evidence act


Alibi is a Latin word, which means elsewhere. It is used when the accused takes the plea that when the occurrence took place he was elsewhere. In such a situation the prosecution has to dischar...

Arguing The Lethal Imaginaries of Terrorism And Methods of Its Tackling


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Is It Law of Tort or Law of Torts


The billion dollar question is: Whether it is a law of tort or only a law of torts? There are two competing theories in this regard. According to one theory, there is a general principle t...

Squinting at the Inheritance laws of Iran through Islamic feminism


Online Court Hearing and Inclusiveness of All Lawyers' as Equal Stakeholders in Court Proceedings

Arrest procedure and Right


Arrest The code has been not defined the term "arrest". State of Haryana v/s Dinesh Kumar 2008- the apex court observed that the expression arrest has neither been defined in the Crpc nor i...

No means No: Discounting Marital Status


Marriage is a commencement of a new family, more than being a physical union it is an emotional union of the spouses. Marriage is contemplated as a union of two souls who promise to enter into ...

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Arrest of Women in India: Procedure and ...


In order to preserve the judicial machinery from the prevailing social lacuna of patriarchal do...

Hierarchy of Criminal Courts and their J...


Administration of justice is the most important function of the State. For this purpose our Con...

Mahr under Muslim Law


Dower (Mahr) Origin In old pre- Islamic Arabia, institution of marriage was not developed and ...

Adultery as a ground of Divorce: A Compa...


Adultery is defined under section 497 of the Indian Penal Code as "whoever has sexual inte...

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