Environmental disputes are not new on the international stage; rather they date
back to late 19th and early 20th century.[1] However, it was not the major
concern for States in those times. In present times however, environmental
issues take central stage and nations are more and more aware of the impact of
these issues. Modern courts are increasingly dealing with matters concerning
the environment;[2] however, they face certain lacunas while dealing with
environmental disputes.
Hence, an effort is required for the creation of an
international court of environment (ICE) dealing specifically in environmental
disputes. The call for an ICE is not something new; it started in the 80's with
Justice Postiglione who proposed a model for the formation of such a
court.[3] Another was in 1994, by the name International Court of Environmental
Arbitration and Conciliation,[4] to provide a forum for conciliation of
environmental disputes. The third was a project named International Court for
the Environment Coalition.
It consisted of an array of lawyers, academics and
public servants who supported the formation of an ICE.[5] The International Bar
Association has also shown support for the formation of an ICE. Hence, the
document aims at exploring the existing lacunas and providing a case for the
creation of ICE.
Existing Mechanisms and Drawbacks
The need for an ICE does not admit a total lack of intergovernmental or judicial
bodies on an international level; however, it does mean that these were not as
effective as one would assume. Over the years, countries through various
treaties, agreements and similar environmental regimes (IER), have tried to
solve the environmental damages because they had realized that humanity has only
one earth. The most popular among them are the Multilateral Environmental
Agreements ('MEA') which started with the 1972 Stockholm Declaration. Through
this soft law, for the first time, environmental issues were addressed globally.
Through its principles, it declares that it is the responsibility of
the state to prevent the harm caused to the environment. Later, the world saw a
burst in environmental awareness with the 1985 Vienna Convention for the
Protection of the Ozone Layer, 1987 Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete
the Ozone Layer, 1992 UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the
1997 Kyoto Protocol and so on. These steps, nonetheless, not limited only to
MEAs between a limited number of countries, but also bodies under the United
Nations ('UN') and other non-state bodies formed over the years as well.
Regardless of the various MEAs and non-governmental organizations ('NGOs')
cropping up, the fight between developed countries and developing counties
regarding sharing of liabilities and responsibilities resulted that even willing
and participating countries have no real incentive to comply with their
self-declared goals and thus, environmental degradation continues and the world
moves on a negative graph (as provided above).
Other than through MEAs, states also resorted to juristic bodies such as
International Tribunals ('ICT') to , the most common examples being the Trail
Smelter Dispute, 1905[6], . The 'next best thing' for the states was the
International Court of Justice (ICJ).
Major contribution by the ICJ was
the Corfu Channel Case,1949.[7] Some other notable cases were that of the Pulp
Mills on
River Uruguay(Argentina v. Uruguay), 2010 [8] Whaling in the
Antarctic (
Australia v. Japan) case, 2014 [9] and Certain Activities Carried Out
By Nicaragua In the Border Area (
Costa Rica v. Nicaragua), 2018.[10] Although
the ICJ has witnessed a few cases dealing with damage to the environment, most
rulings have not been in favor of those claiming damage.[11]
Interestingly, recognizing the increasing disputes related to environment, the
ICJ created a special Chamber for Environmental Matters, 1993. However, it
drastically failed and closed down because till 2006, i.e., during the thirteen
years of existence, not a single case came to the Chamber.
In spite of these great initiatives by the countries, there are certain lacunas
which render them ineffective and further emphasize the need for an ICE.
Primarily, MEAs are created taking into consideration an existing issue and yet
it takes time to be actually effective, hence it would be a very specific
solution with no future application. Secondly, all agreements are based on the
willingness of participation, i.e., if a state is not a member, all the MEAs in
the world will be ineffective.
Furthermore, there are no major incentives given
in these MEAs which can encourage the countries to stay true to the agreements.
Therefore, United States existed from the Kyoto Protocol easily. Thirdly, there
is a lack of rigorous non-compliance mechanism in a number of MEAs; countries
resort mainly to diplomatic negotiations, and sanctions only in the rarest
Further, the ICJ has very specific drawbacks which renders it ineffective in a
number of environmental issues:
- Only states have the competence:
Article 34 of Statue for International Court of Justice ('Statute of the
Court') enables only states to approach the Court. Thereby, if there is no
trans-boundary impact of pollution by the State, no action can be taken
against such activities. Or on the other hand, state is the wrongdoer, no
non-state actor can go to the court. Now, this very reason, i.e., the
incapacity of the non-state actors to bring the case was considered as the
major reason for the death of the Chamber for Environmental Matters.
- Jurisdiction:
According to Article 36(1) of the Statute of the Court, the Court has
jurisdiction only in two instance, first, by an agreement between the
parties in dispute and second compulsory jurisdiction via declaration or the
signing of treaty, thereby limiting its scope of jurisdiction. This limited
scope has led to injustice in several cases, the 1995 Nuclear Test case was
a good illustration of this limitation.[13]
- Lack of specialized scientist body:
Another area where ICJ lacks is
specialized body. In the case of Gabcikovo-Nagymaros the court itself stated
that environmental disputes invariably raise competing scientific
claims.[14] These claims involves thousands pages of documents which need to the
examined by Court. In order to do so, court sometime form as hoc bodies, but
there is no permanent body which can deal with such claims. However, it is not a
unique problem to the field of environment, but it definitely needs a
specialized body.
- Environmental claims do not arise in isolation:
Environmental claims include other areas of law such as trade agreement in
the WTO context, human
rights norms or issues of general international law. Hence there is a need for a
body of judges with general and specialized skills. According to one author,
another reason for the failure of ICJ's Chamber of environment is that no State
acknowledged that dispute is essentially environmental.[15]
A brief structure of an ICE
One of the principle ideas in a systematic structure for a working ICE includes
the creation of a tribunal which would act as a precursor to a formal judicial
court.[16] This would enable not only the states but also independent bodies to
submit their disputes towards such a forum.
As far as formation is considered, ideally an international court would be more
readily acceptable if it in association with an organization that deals
specifically with the environment[17]; for example the United Nations
Environment Programme. For the formation of ICE, independent framework providing
its competence and powers would be a viable option.
Inspirations can be drawn from current international commercial bodies such as
ICC, SIAC, and UNCITRAL etc.[18] The political mandate of the same would require
attention as it would mean trespassing into a State's sovereignty, if non-state
entities are to be given access to the court. However, States are more willing
to grant compulsory jurisdiction to specialized courts.[19]
Allowing non-state entities to submit claims, surpassing the sovereignty of
their respective State requires serious thought. A viable option could be to
chalk out conditions for a non-state party to bring a claim such as exhaustion
of all remedies in domestic courts, or the requirement of a minimum number of
members etc.[20] It would also help to set up a body similar to a public
prosecutor as majority of environmental problems are global in nature.[21]
The applicable laws for the same could be an adequate combination of IEL
principles as well as general principles of International law. As environmental
issues do not arise in isolation, limiting the scope will only hinder the
Hence, the panel for the same should then comprise of a wider array of
professionals ranging from specialists in IEL and PIL as well as legal experts
working hand in hand with scientific panels.[22] As mentioned above, dispute
resolution in environmental matters, requires extensive fact finding and
scientific research data which requires an independent panel of experts. Lastly,
it is necessary to ensure that these judgments are binding and enforceable.
Associating ICE with international bodies such as UNEP would provide additional
recognition to the decisions and would also help in forming an effective
non-compliance mechanism, as monitoring such compliance would be carried out by
such bodies. Counter-measures such as suspension of rights in IEL as well as
trade sanctions could be considered viable.[23]
The importance of environment and the need for its preservation becomes more
important day by day, at the same time the world also suffers from the lack of
an adequate international body for resolving environmental disputes. In such
times, the argument for the formation of a body to fulfill this requirement
holds value.
Although ICE shows great promise, it faces certain hurdles. The primary being
that the court would require signatory states to cede sovereignty over
environmental matters if non-state parties are to be allowed to bring a claim.
An ICE will have a stricter policies and mechanisms; therefore willingness of
States to submit to it remains unknown. Though this paper provides a brief
overview on the structure of an ICE, there are certain factors which require
consideration. For example, funding and financing of the court is not discussed.
However, an ICE “could provide an important engine for the further development
and refinement of international environmental law, including coordination
between its composite elements and its relationship to other norms of
international law”[24]
A step towards building ICE will not only renew the hope towards achieving
sustainable goals but also strengthen the bridge between science and law. It
will play a major role in unifying the myriad MEAs all across the globe. Lastly,
the recognition of finite nature of the environment, the irreversibility of
environmental damage and need for proper disposal of international environmental
disputes asks for the development of a mechanism like ICE to provide a one stop
- See, United States of America v. United Kingdom, Award, 15 August 1893,
Volume XXVIII (2007) Reports of International Arbitral Awards 263-276;
United States of America v. Canada, Award, 15 April 1935, Volume III (2006)
Reports of International Arbitral Awards 1905-1982; France v. Spain, Award,
19 November 1956, Volume XII (2006) Reports of International Arbitral Awards
- Said Mahmoudi, Cesare P.R. Romano, The Peaceful Settlement of
International Environmental Disputes: A Pragmatic Approach (The Hague:
Kluwer Law International, 2000), 456 pages, Yearbook of International
Environmental Law, Volume 11, Issue 1, 2000, Pages 796–800,
- Amedeo Postiglione, 'A More Efficient International Law on the
Environment and Setting up an International Court for the Environment within
the United Nations, Environmental Law, vol. 20, no. 2, 1990, pp. 321–328.
- Bruce, “The Project for an International Environmental Court”, in C
Tomuschat, RP Mazzeschi and D Thürer (eds), Conciliation in International
Law: The OSCE Court of Conciliation and Arbitration (Brill, 2016). At 20.
- For detailed information, visit; (http://www.icecoalition.org/)
- In the dispute between United States and Canada, Arbitration Tribunal
elaborated that it is a state's responsibility to not damage environment
outside its jurisdiction. this case is significant because this approach was
taken by the Tribunal even before the Stockholm declaration.
- In this case, court reaffirmed that it is the obligation of the State to
not use or allow others to use its territory in such a way that it harms the
rights of other states. Principle 21 of Stockholm Declaration is based on
this and Trail Smelter's case.
- In this case, Court recognized environmental impact assessment as a
practice that has become an obligation of general international law.
Environmental Impact assessment means is the idea that harmful impact of the
project on environment should be analyzed before giving the approval.
- In this case, the Court highlighted the responsibility of the one State
party for the protection of interest of another State party to the
convention. It was the first case, where court accepted that for the
protection of global public interest, states collectively are liable. Hence
one state party cannot breach a convention which is a system of collective
guarantee and regulation. At the same time, court highlighted the importance
of scientific body to determine environmental disputes.
- It is the first case where ICJ renders environmental compensation.
- Catherine Zengerling, Greening International
Jurisprudence,(August,2013)https://brill.com/view/title/24158; Tim Stephens,
International Court and Environmental Protection, 120, (2009). https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/international-courts-and-environmental-protection/01C87E1135F9B3F76238FF3B3109C827
- F. Francioni, Dispute Avoidance in International Environmental Law, 63,
Int'l Environmental Law and Policy Series, 229-243, (2003), https://www.ecolex.org/details/literature/dispute-avoidance-in-international-environmental-law-ana-071171/.
- In this case, Australia and New Zealand moved to the ICJ to stop the
testing of nuclear weapons, however before the case could be decided, France
issued a declaration that the testing was complete, and no more such
activities would occur. This exhausted the mandate of the court and hence
could no longer proceed. The court did not consider the impact of the former
tests on the environment.
- See, E.g., Judgement in Case concerning the Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Project,
1997 ICJ Reports 7 et seq.,27,29-31 (September 25).
- Judge Thomas A. Mensah, Law of the Sea, Environmental Law and Settlement
of Disputes, 315, (Tafsir Malick Ndiaye & Rüdiger Wolfrum, eds., 2007).
- Stephen Hockman, 'The Case for an International Court for the
Environment', pg 9.
- See, Karen Tyler Farr, ''A New Global Environmental Organization'',
Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law, Vol. 28, 2000, p. 493;
Daniel Esty, ''The Case for a Global Environmental Organization'', in Peter
Kenen, ed., Managing the World Economy, Washington, D.C.: Institute for
International Economics, 1994, p. 287; and Catherine Tinker, ''Environmental
Planet Management by the United Nations: An Idea Whose Time Has Not Yet
- Stuart Bruce, “The Project for an International Environmental Court”, in
C Tomuschat, RP Mazzeschi and D Thürer (eds), Conciliation in International
Law: The OSCE Court of Conciliation and Arbitration (Brill, 2016). At 25
- Joost Pauwelyn, 'Judicial Mechanisms: Is there a Need for a World
Environment Court' in W. Bradnee Chambers and Jessica F. Green (eds.),
Reforming International Environmental Governance: From Institutional Limits
to Innovative Reforms (United Nations University Press, 2005) 159
- Ibid at 162.
- Ibid at 163.
- Stuart Bruce, “The Project for an International Environmental Court”, in
C Tomuschat, RP Mazzeschi and D Thürer (eds), Conciliation in International
Law: The OSCE Court of Conciliation and Arbitration (Brill, 2016). at 26.
- Joost Pauwelyn, 'Judicial Mechanisms: Is there a Need for a World
Environment Court' in W. Bradnee Chambers and Jessica F. Green (eds.),
Reforming International Environmental Governance: From Institutional Limits
to Innovative Reforms (United Nations University Press, 2005) 168.
- Ibid at 169
Written By:
- Abhishek Kundley -
IV year student of Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur and
- Darshita Sethia -
IV year student of Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur