The entire pretext of Due-Diligence has become an essential requisite before any Merger or Acquisition takes place. Due diligence can also be stated to be a small part of Corporate Social Respo...
The Decocture of Taxation from an Erstwhile Resident of India upon him vacating the Country and becoming a Non-Resident : Scrutinizing the Existing Legal Stature & Need of a Conclusive Fram...
The concept of Banking in India started in 1683 when The Madras Bank was found. Since its Inception, The concept of Banking in the country has seen copious changes. The Beauteous aspect is that...
The aspect of Enforceability of Arbitration clause in Cross Border Mergers and Acquisitions serves as a redressal mechanism for the contractual conflict between two parties engaging in either c...
Environment is the most prestigious asset of the planet Earth, If we do not conserve the Environment with respective safeguards, It will soon lead us to a precarious situation. Numerous legisla...
The entire pretext of Due-Diligence has become an essential requisite before any Merger or Acqu...
Environment is the most prestigious asset of the planet Earth, If we do not conserve the Enviro...
The aspect of Enforceability of Arbitration clause in Cross Border Mergers and Acquisitions ser...
The Decocture of Taxation from an Erstwhile Resident of India upon him vacating the Country and...