To know the meaning of environmentally responsible consumerism we have to
first understand what an environment is and what led to the formation of
environment and why one needs to be an environmentally responsible consumer.
Environment is a word derived from a French word
Environner, environment
is nothing but our surroundings, meaning that it is a sum total combination of
all living and non living things. This environment can also be defined as an
external surroundings and conditions which directly or indirectly affects the
living organisms, environment is sum total of air, water and land and This
interdependence and the Balance formed by the interdependence in correspondence
to the organic matters forms an environment, The environment is divided into
many types of components like atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and
One of the most dominant creature on this earth
Humans first appeared on
this planet around two million years ago[1], at first they were not capable of
utilising resources which were present in the environment but after sometimes
they started evolving at a very high pace and started inventing various tools
which were used to make their tasks easy, their biggest inventions involved
development of wheels and learning the uses of fire, although the first wheel
which was made was not used for transportation but it served for potter's
But after some years these inventions were not only used for personal
purpose but was also used for transportation and it made the humans more capable
in transporting and consuming the resources, which helped them not only to
sustain their life with ease but also gave them an edge for further future and
after sometime they started settling themselves at a permanent place and
established various civilizations it led to a sudden spike in consumption of
various necessary resources and to fulfil the same they started to collect
several resources and in course of that the capability to produce and to
consume gradually increased but after some times the so called consumption of
resources turned into the exploitation of the resources which led to scarcity
of resources among the living beings.
Time passed and the needs of human beings
increased but the resources were limited which became the apple of discord
between the people who were in need of the resources and they started using
various unethical ways to acquire the same and in the process of consumption
the human beings started acquiring more than what was required and this became
the cause of unequal distribution among them. People had the desire to acquire
more and more just for the possession which is considered to hold the so called
status in the society.
Consumerism is defined as an idea that rise in
consumption and buying of goods and services which are available is always an
attractive goal for wellbeing and happiness of an individual and this idea
mainly depends upon the fundamental theory that a person's happiness is depended
on the material possession, and it is a common phenomenon that humans always
desire more whether it is power, money, property or anything else, this
consumerism is a very old concept like in ancient societies people who had
things in excess than others they had an influence in the society for example
from the day when animal husbandry was started girls used to marry the person
who holded maximum number of cattle, which was the reason why they started
acquiring more than what they needed.
As society developed people started
flaunting their fancy clothes, various gadgets, and other things which were not
so important for their livelihood but then also people were buying them just for
material possession. In common day to day life this consumerism is playing very
important role as people are inclining more towards material consumption and
they are buying more and more things in order to maintain their status in the
society and as consumerism is hitting the market the acquisition of things
created the perception of wealth and success, in other words we can say that
consumerism is a social and economic phenomenon which encourages the accession
of services in more and more amount.
In this world where the demands of the people are limitless and to tackle this
demand we need production for which it is necessary to open production houses
and these production houses are increasing everyday for example: for the need of
clothes we will have to set up a textile factory, for the need of coal we will
have to set up coal mines, for the need of transport we will have to make
suitable paths for it and there are many other things which we need for our day
to day activities and for that we have to make certain necessary arrangements
which may cause severe harm to the environment if used blatantly, lakhs of
factories are set up in different parts of India which releases hundreds of
harmful gasses like CFCs, Carbon monoxide, Cardon dioxide, Sulphur oxide and
many other harmful gasses in the atmosphere untreated which results in poor air
quality, acid rain damages the crops, grains as well as the soil fertility and
productivity and it is also damaging monuments such as the Taj Mahal which is
constantly eroding, gasses like CFCs are damaging the ozone layer[3] and which
has almost made a hole in it due to which the UV radiation level is increasing
which is affecting the plant growth, as well as the agricultural productivity of
the soil, a study by the Researchers from the Indian Institute of Technology and
National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee have found that the number of glaciers
in Himalayan range had gone down from 103 to 97 and a total area of 41.2 ± 10.5
km2 (18.1 ± 4.1%) lost in a short span of 35 years- between 1976 and 2011[4] and
due to the decrease in the area of glaciers animals living in these glaciers
such as the snow leopards has been listed as endangered in IUCN's red list.
hazardous substances are also allowed to be discharged in the various rivers and
thus pollute them few years back a report as published that factories in
Maharashtra are damaging the quality of rivers[5] and this becomes one of those
reasons due to which the marine life of aquatic animals are at stake and we have
also seen this in the year 2016 when nearly all the aquatic animals of river Yamuna were chocked[6], when we talk of natural resources, we find
that with only 2.4% of total world's land area India has to maintain
approx. 18% of the total world's population[7], and India has the highest
population growth rate, which means that the environment already facing problem
in maintaining its population and if the people continue using the resources
blatantly then it will act like an over burden for the environment and the
consequences of the same can be very scary.
Coming to Environmentally responsible consumerism our country is not in a good
condition the people of India are using the natural resources in more than the
required capacity, online marketing companies are making our life easier but the
packing that is done by them involves excessive use of plastics which are
harmful for the environment as they are not degradable and hence cause multiple
hazards, now a days electronic items are being sold at such a cheap rate that
people are buying more and more things and this is acting like a burden on the
environment, we think that if anything is being sold in lower price we must buy
the same and its alright if that particular thing is of no use for us and we
buy certain items just to fulfil our never ending desire of material
possession that we have, in these days the requirements of people are growing
and these requirements are not something that are very necessary for them but
people are buying in surplus just for the sake of possession which would make
them feel wealthy and rich.
According to a report published by The WaterAid
India used the largest amount of groundwater that is 24 per cent of the global
total - and the country's rate of groundwater depletion increased by 23 per cent
between 2000 and 2010[8], India extracts almost one fourth of total groundwater
of whole world, and the total extraction of groundwater in India is more than
the total of China and America together, this is quite alarming for our
environment as well as the future generation of this country because a time will
come when this depletion of ground water will reach to such a level that the
people will move here and there to get a glass of water to drink.
In this
present era people are fond of buying many wooden furniture which means many
trees are cut for making these things which creates an environmental imbalance
and the companies which are manufacturing these items are also unable to stop
its production as there is a demand for the particular thing in the market,
people are buying more than required clothes, a report was published by WWF and
it stated that if India is overusing its natural resources by 70% and if India
continues the same its consumption will rise to the combined consumption of all
the 34 OECD nations in just 14 years[9], humans are using the natural resources
so rapidly that it is leading to the exploitation of the same and the animals
and other organisms including flora and fauna are finding it difficult to
sustain in the environment which is being created by the humans.
Humans have
converted forests into agricultural lands and a lot of urea and other
fertilizers are being used by them in order to expand the fertility of the soil
which is not only affecting the bio organisms like leeches, worms and many other
organisms living in the soil but also directly affecting the health of the
people who are consuming it. All these fertilisers are being used just to
increase the productivity of the soil because the people are desiring to stock
more and more food items and this is adversely effecting the environment.
If this never ending race of acquisition does not stop or becomes sustainable it
will drastically lead to the exhaustion of the environmental resources and will
also simultaneously make it nearly impossible for the humans to sustain their
life on earth, so the people of India should start consuming justifiably and
should not try to consume more than the amount which is required for their
livelihood, or else incidents like Kedarnath will keep happening and the
environment will not be able to maintain the living of humans or any other
organisms on this earth.
So the people of India should tie a knot that we will
not consume anything in excess to what which is required and we should also try
to change this notion that people having possession of more goods or more
services are the only who are influential but we should try to develop a notion
that people who care more for this mother earth are more respectable ones and
should be given more honour and respect in the society.
- Introduction to human evolution,
- Megan Gambino, A salute to wheel(June 17, 2009) ,,to%20use%20them%20for%20chariots.
- Why are CFCs & HFCs harmful for the environment,,the%20earth%2C%20changing%20global%20climate
- SakshiRana, Decrease in Himalayan glaciers, study warns of flash floods,
depleting water resources (Dec 15, 2017) ,
- The Scroll, Maharashtra's polluting factories are making its rivers the
filthiest in India (May 15, 2017)
- The Hindu, Delhi's waste chokes Yamuna,
- TOI, (June 19, 2019)India has just 2.4% of world's land but 18% of its
- NDTV, Ground water depletion a major concern, warna report (March 19,
- The Hindu Business line, India overusing natural resources by 70%, says
WWF report (October 27, 2016)