Latest from Company law

Evolution and Impact: The Role of CSR in Shaping Sustainable Future


When we talk about CSR at its early stages the CSR was considered just a corporate philanthropy which was being a choice for the organizations to fulfil corporate social responsibility for secu...

Streamlining Mergers And Acquisitions: A Look At The Companies (Compromises, ...


In today's dynamic business world, mergers and acquisitions have become a common phenomenon for companies looking to expand their market presence, streamline operations, or unlock synergistic b...

An Analysis Of The Development Of Section 233 Of The Companies Act, 2013


Introduction To Section 233 Section 233 of the Companies Act, 2013[1] provides for a procedure known as Fast-Track Merger. It is an alternative method to the normal proceedings as mentioned un...

SEBI's New Era: Regulating Finfluencers and Streamlining Financial Processes


The Securities and Exchange Board of India has recently taken major steps toward regulating financial influencers, otherwise known as finfluencers, and initiated several steps meant for rationa...

Due Diligence Essentials: Key Considerations in M&A, PE, and VC Transactions


Due diligence is a critical step in financial transactions, serving as a detailed investigation to assess the risks, benefits, and potential liabilities of a deal.[1] This process provides all ...

The Legal Landscape of Corporate Whistleblowing


The corporate world has seen a tremendous boom in past years, one side of the coin is vast growth and opportunities whereas the flip side is darker which includes frauds, corruption, mismanagem...

The Legal Battle Over Trademark Infringement and Strategies for Trademark Pro...


Starbucks Corporation, an American multinational chain of coffeehouses and roastery reserves which is headquartered in Seattle, Washington is currently the world's largest coffeehouse chain. Th...

Legal Validity of Trademark Registration


In India, a trademark is an important instrument for preserving a business's identity. A trademark is a sign or symbol that distinguishes a business's goods or services from those of its compet...

Finder of Lost Goods: Examining Rights and Duties


A finder of lost goods is subject to the same responsibility as a bailee. He is bound to take reasonable care of the goods. He must trace its owner. Except the true owner, he is the owner again...

Wagering Contract: Differences between Wagering Contract and Insurance Contract


A wagering contract, commonly referred to as a bet or wager, is a legally binding agreement between two parties where one party promises to pay the other a specific sum of money or other valuab...