Latest from Company law

Trade Law and Human Rights


The intersection of trade law and human rights has been a despirately urgent issue in global management, an evidence of symbiosis and conflict between economic opening and guarding fundamental ...

Winding Up Of A Company In India: Legal Framework, Procedures, And Key Case Laws


Winding up of a company is a critical legal process that marks the closure of a business entity, leading to the liquidation of its assets, settlement of liabilities, and formal dissolution. Thi...

Know How The Latest Circular Reshapes Algorithm Trading


What Is Algo TradingAlgorithmic trading is the use of Computational Algorithms based on processes and rules to execute transactions. This involves decision-making that uses sets of rules and va...

LLP And Private Limited Company Closure In India: Latest MCA Guidelines


Closing a business entity in India, whether it's a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) or a Private Limited Company, requires adherence to specific guidelines set by the Ministry of Corporate A...

Consideration and Privity of Contract Under the Indian Contract Act, 1872: Ke...


The Indian Contract Act, 1872 governs the law of contracts in India.1 Consideration and Privity of contract are two foundational concepts under the law of contract. Consideration is a essential...

Insolvency And Bankruptcy Code Of India: The Past, The Present And The Future


Conducting business through a company structure has long been regarded as the most favorable option, as it allows members to limit their personal liabilities. The doctrine of corporate personal...

Legal Consequences Of An Unenforceable Or Void Contract


The core principle at play here is that, if a contract never had legal validity due to some fundamental flaw (like illegality, mistake, or lack of capacity), a claim for breach of contract dama...

The Role of Corporate Registers and Their Importance in Ensuring Transparency


Corporate registers play an important role in today's economic context, where transparency, accountability, and governance are critical to long-term prosperity and public trust. These registers...

LLP vs Pvt Ltd: Key Differences in Taxation and Compliance


When starting a commercial enterprise, one of the crucial decisions to make is selecting the proper business structure. Two popular alternatives in India are the Limited Liability Partners...

Role Of Roc In Transfer And Transmission Of Shares Compliance


The Registrar of Companies (ROC) plays a crucial function in ensuring the prison and procedural compliance of various corporate sports in India, inclusive of the transfer and transmission of sh...