Latest from Supreme Court

Curative Petition Before The Supreme Court Of India Under Order XLVIII Of The...


Key Points/ Purpose Research suggests a curative petition is a last resort after a review petition is dismissed, seeking to prevent miscarriage of justice. It seems likely that the peti...

Supreme Court of India The Guardian of the Constitution


History and Establishment Before India gained independence, the Federal Court of India (1937-1950) was the highest judicial body. After the adoption of the Constitution ...

Om Prakash Ambadkar v/s Maharashtra: A Comparative Analysis of Section 156(3)...


The Supreme Court's decision inOm Prakash Ambadkar v. State of Maharashtra & Ors.(Criminal Appeal No. 352/2020, 16 January, 2025) offers critical insight into magistrates' discretionary pow...

SC On Dismissing Female Judges: Men Would Understand If They Just Menstruated


In the case of [In Re: Termination of Civil Judge, Class-II (JR. Division) Madhya Pradesh State Judicial Service], the Supreme Court of India criticized the Madhya Pradesh High Court for firing...

In The Wake Of Atul Subhash's Suicide, The SC Lays Down Eight Factors To Dete...


In the midst of national outrage over the suicide of techie Atul Subhash, who was based in Bengaluru, who was allegedly mentally distressed due to marital issues with numerous court cases filed...

Judicial Independence: A Shield For The People, Not A Privilege For Judges


The concept of judicial independence is frequently lauded as a cornerstone of democratic societies, acting as a vital bulwark against tyranny and injustice. The phrase, "Judicial independe...

The Basic Structure Doctrine: Safeguarding Constitutional Integrity Across Ju...


Basic Structure DoctrineThe basic structure doctrine is a common law legal doctrine that the constitution of a sovereign state has certain characteristics that cannot be erased by its legislature. ...

Supreme Court's Stance on On-Time Settlement Rights


The Supreme Court in it's landmark judgment, The Bijnor Urban Cooperative Bank Limited, Bijnor & Others v. Meenal Agarwal & Others (AIR 2022 SC 7), delivered on December 15, 2021, the S...

Critique of NJAC Judgment


In Indian constitutional law, judicial appointments have long been a subject of intense debate and scrutiny. The process through which judges are selected has significant implications for judic...

Concept of Lien in Service Law


The word Lien is usually of commercial parlance, and it usually means the right which a Debtor has over goods of the person, to whom money has been lend. However, in Service Jurisprudence it re...