Kishan Dutt Kalaska

Kishan Dutt Kalaska

Member since: November 12, 2020
Total live articles: 86

Mr. Kishan Dutt Kalaskar enrolled with Karnataka Bar Association in the year 1985 and started practicing in Law at Chincholi, Gulburga Dist, Karnataka State.

He entered judiciary as Civil Judge junior division and judicial magistrate first class in the year 1992. He served in different capacities like head of the Legal Cell, Revenue department, Government of Karnataka, also worked as in charge central project officer (Computers) and took responsibility of Computerization of High Court of Karnataka and also supervised the entire Karnataka sub ordinate courts. He existed from the post in the year 2012 and started independent practicing law.

He has also worked as sub editor for several Law Journals namely Karnataka Law journal, SCC online, Madras Law Journal etc. and prepared and got published head notes for more than 10,000 judgments of Honorable Supreme Court of India and also different High Courts.

Currently his name appears on top 10 of many Online Legal Websites and attended more than 1 lakh free questions of different litigants'. Further given phone consultancy paid as well as free consultancies to more than 10000 litigants'.

Recent Articles by Kishan Dutt Kalaska

What Is The Difference Between Personal Bond And Surety Bond In Criminal Cases


Under the purview of criminal law personal bonds and surety bonds are very essential which works as a safeguard, providing a relief in respect of an accused person, through which he can be rele...

Validity Of Special Power Of Attorney


A special Power of Attorney is a legal document which provides a validity to an agent or any related person or attorney in fact the authority to act on behalf of the principle in respect of any...

If Accused Not Appearing In Cheque Bounce Case (Remedies)


There was a time when cheques were considered the most reliable form of payment. However, nowadays, due to the increase in cheque bounce cases, people fear accepting payments through cheques. ...

Possibility of Transfer of Criminal Cases Related to Family Matters


In India 'family matters' refers to legal issue related to divorce, adoption, marriage, child custody, alimony, domestic violence, and inheritance all of these come under the family matters. ...

Validity Of Agreement Of Sale In Respect Of Filing A Suit For Specific Perfor...


An Agreement of Sale has a significant importance in the legal and real estate areas. The foundation of a contractual relationship between the buyer and the seller, includes the terms and condi...

Gender Equality And The Law: Progress And Challenges In India


For the continuous period of time there were many essences which have been addressed in respect of the matters, for instance, the Gender equality which is deeply influenced by the basic terms o...

How To Avoid In Family Cases With Special Reference To Cruelty And Dowry Hara...


From pristine time the dowry death or cruelty or harassment against women (daughter in laws) have addressed us with the inequality of the society, which led us to an unimaginable backlash. The ...

How To Seek Counter Claim In Family Cases Under Section 23A Of HMA Act


In the society of India during the proceeding of divorce or judicial separation or facing the restitution of conjugal rights or the settlement of any claims, or alimony or demands of maintenanc...

How To Seek Early Disposal Of Case From The High Court?


"Tareekh Pe Tareekh…..Tareekh Pe Tareekh" is the ultimate depiction by bollywood when it comes to the Indian Legal System. While the idea is to uphold justice for one and all, it is also true...

Condonation Of Delay In Cheque Bounce Cases


While legal remedies are available in the Indian Legal System pertaining to Civil and Criminal matters, the law also specifies the timeline within which, the remedies could be availed by the li...

How To Change My Advocate? Find Here


Where there is a legal right, there is a legal remedy, and you need knowledge of law to claim that remedy. A person may appear in-person or hire a lawyer for representation during the Court pro...

How To Get Stay Order On Rented Property?


As an owner of property, renting the same involves risk of unpaid rents, damage to property, never-leaving tenants, etc. As a person/family, renting a property involves another set of risks, li...

Limitation Period for Civil Suit against Agreement to Sell


When it comes to legal remedies, you do not have a lifetime to enforce them. The Limitation Act, 1963 provides a period of limitation applicable for various claims. Once you miss out on the sam...

Party-In-Person (PIP) In High Court And Other Courts


The law is known as black letters, which is complex and not easily understandable by a person who lacks a legal background or has undergone legal studies. So when it comes to Courts, lawyers/ad...

How To Get Interim Compensation Under Section 143A Of NI Act?


A mere cheque bounce can attract criminal proceedings as under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881. The person in whose favour the cheque was drawn files a complaint against the...

Legality of Homosexual Marriages: Same Sex Marriages


Legalizing same-sex marriage is a recent socio-legal issue subject to the heated debate before the Indian legal system and citizens. While this issue addresses the provisions of many personal l...

Illegal Termination Of Employees By Multi National Companies (Mncs): Legal Re...


Employment termination is a complex issue, which requires careful consideration and adherence to legal guidelines. Some companies choose to terminate employees for illegal or unethical reasons....

New Online Gaming Laws in India: Banned Games


The gaming industry has seen a massive surge in popularity over the past few years and has witnessed exponential growth, with millions of players indulging in various forms of gaming. The rise ...

Married Woman-Matrimonial Home-Domestic Violence-Maintenance


This blog attempts to surface the rights of a married woman with respect to her matrimonial home.It also lists several cases where married women may find themselves aggrieved due to their matri...

Procedure to track Court Cases online: CNR number-QR code


The digital drive has accelerated growth in many sectors in India and across the globe and has produced groundbreaking results in different domains. Digital transformations in forms of digital ...

Under which Act, Credit, Debit Cards, ATMs, PhonePe, PayTm Wallets etc works


The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) established the Payment and Settlement Act System, 2007 (PSS Act, 2007), which was approved by the President on December 20, 2007. It becomes effective on August...

Intellectual Property: Registration and Effects


Intellectual Property: Registration and EffectsThis blog will help you understand the process of registration of your IP, and the effects of its non-registration. If you are here because you are ...

Clearance To Get A Passport And Visa During The Pendency Of Criminal Cases


The fundamental rights guaranteed by the Indian Constitution in Part III are a cornerstone of Indian democracy and, thus, play a significant role in protecting the individual rights of citizens...

Union Budget 2023: Post Office Monthly Interest Scheme: An Attraction


Concessions And Benefits Extended By Post Office Finance Minister Nirmala today announced to increase the maximum deposit limit of Post Office Monthly Income Scheme (POMIS). The new maximum depo...

Builders and Developers: How to Recovery Advance paid to them


The concept of advance payment or deposit is part of a contractual relationship between a buyer and a seller in transferring immovable property. However, it differs from security money, which g...

Discharging and Quashing in Criminal Cases


In criminal cases, it is crucial to consider all available options for the accused, particularly whether to file a petition for Discharge or go before the High Court in a quashing petition. The...

Frequently Asked Questions: On Cheque Bounce Cases


What legal action can be adopted in response to a bounced or dishonoured cheque? A criminal prosecution under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act against the drawer of the cheque can...

How to Start Online Business: Online Fake Jobs


Online shopping has picked up a desirable pace in this growing digital world. The concept of digital India has certainly opened manifold opportunities, and platforms for e-commerce businesses a...

Mutual Divorce Section 13B Of Hindu Marriage Act Consequences Of Breach Of Mu...


According to Section 13-B of the Hindu Marriage Act, the husband and wife must jointly file the petition in the Family Court with jurisdiction to grant the divorce by mutual consent. The terms ...

Important Supreme Court Judgments 2022


Gurmail Singh & Anr. Vs. State of Uttar Pradesh & Anr Impact or effect if one of the convicted co-accused is died during the pendency of Criminal Appeal. Ten defendants were foun...

Modes Of Call Recordings Accepted By Court


A court's responsibility is to discover the truth and further the interests of justice. Courts give precise, relevant facts and evidence that is recorded in a understandto uncover the truth. ...

Rights And Duties Of Seller And Buyer


Most of the property cases are between family members, leading to the diffusion of the joint family into a nuclear one. Therefore, it becomes necessary to have clear views regarding the provisi...

Basis For Award Of Compensation In Motor Vehicle Accident Cases


Under the Motor Vehicles Act of 1988, an individual injured in a car accident or the legal representatives of an individual killed in a car accident may claim damages. It is a law made to preve...

Inadequacy Infrastructure In Indian Courts


According to the Chief Justice of India, developing a strong judicial infrastructure for Indian courts has always been a secondary concern. Because of this mentality, courts in India conti...

The Break Down Of The Doctrine Of Res-Judicata


The meaning of Res is Subject Matter, and the meaning of judicata is adjudged together meaning "a matter adjudged". In easier words, the thing has been concluded by the court. If the matter has...

How Is Black Magic Governed In India


Black magic has been practised in India for a long time and is a social evil in our country supported by people's religious beliefs. There are several examples where in the context of healing t...

Different Identities of an NDA


NDA stands for Non-Disclosure Agreement whichis utilised to safely share personal data and information which is confidential such as trade secrets and inventions that are unpatented, with anoth...

Entry into judiciary: Minimum required qualifications


In India, becoming a young judge is considered a prestigious and significant achievement. To become a judge in this country, you must have a certain level of discipline and commitment. The Indi...

Grounds for refusal of a Trademark application


Intellectual property rights provide for the rights to the owners of intellectual properties to preserve their ownership and to sustain and receive the benefits of their creativity and genius. ...

Lok Adalat Has No Jurisdiction To Decide A Matter On Merits


The Lok Adalat is a dispute resolution procedure used as an alternative to the traditional court system. To put it another way, it is one method of settling disagreements. It is a venue for the...

Early Disposal Of Pending Cases By The High Court: Time Limit To Dispose Civi...


In multiple cases across multiple courts, the constitution of India recognises the need and right to speedy justice, which can only be achieved by quick disposal of cases from the court. In the...

Lok Adalat Has No Jurisdiction To Decide A Matter On Merits


The Lok Adalat is a dispute resolution procedure used as an alternative to the traditional court system. To put it another way, it is one method of settling disagreements. It is a venue for the...

Significance Of A Police Clearance Certificate (PCC) In A Pending Accident Case


A Police Clearance Certificate (PCC) is an official document issued by the Indian Police or government authority in India. It acknowledges any criminal records that an individual may have again...

Digital Rupee: It's Understanding


Digital Rupee - It's UnderstandingCentral Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), as per the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), is a digital representation of legal tender money issued by a central bank. It is a...

The Concept of Burden of Proof


The Indian Evidence Act does not define the term "burden of proof." However, in simple terms, the burden of proof refers to the legal requirement or responsibility of the parties to establish t...

How To File A Complaint In Regards To Violation Of Cyber Laws


The idea of cybercrime has increased in scope as a result of the widespread use of the internet and its associated benefits. The Information Technology Act of 2000,[1] which was later updated t...

Delayed Justice from Consumer Courts


The Consumer Protection Act, 1986 was enacted to promote consumer welfare and protect the rights of the consumers, and in order to accomplish the same, the Consumer Commissions in the National,...

Can A Registered Will Be Challenged In The Indian Court?


In India, the concept of Will has its deep-rooted origin for a very long time; its importance grows with the feeling of transferring family wealth and business from one generation to another wi...

Withdrawal of Mutual Divorce Proceedings


When both parties agree on the dissolution of marriage in a friendly manner, rather than battling in court and defaming each other, it is more harmonic. They can file a petition in a District C...

Unnatural Sex With A Female Has Been Classified As Rape Under Section 377 IPC


Unnatural Offence is an act or behaviour to commit a crime that is contrary to what is considered a natural offence. Section 377 of the IPC deals with the unnatural offences that state that: W...

Standard from of contract: Legal or Illegal?


Generally speaking, standard contracts are imbibed with the common 'take it or leave it' clauses. In such situations, the other party has almost no power to negotiate the terms laid down in the...

MSME Debt Recovery Provisions


Micro, small and medium enterprises have always been one of the main growth engines of the Indian Economy. In recognition of their contributions, the Indian Government has formulated various in...

Early Disposal Of Pending Civil Cases: Directions From The High Court


The Civil Procedure Code, 1908, controls the civil procedure of courts in India. The unified Code in civil court procedure has allowed several suits to stay for decades. In most cases, the only...

Rape Against Men By Women: No Neutral Law In India


Rape is the fourth most serious crime in India and a serious problem worldwide. It is generally a crime committed by men against women, but have we ever thought about it vice-versa? Historicall...

Filing Of Complaints Against Biased Judges: Procedure


Complaint in case of a judge cannot be about a poor judgment or order. For that, there is a facility of correction, analysis, or appeal to the higher Judiciary. So, in what circumstances can pe...

Permanent Child Custody


Legal Custody, in a family law context, is a type of Child Custody that grants a parent the right to make long-term, important decisions regarding their children. The issue of Child Custody ari...

Validity Of An Unregistered Sale Agreement


A Sale Agreement constitutes all the terms and conditions of the sale of a property (movable or immovable) to the buyer. Under the Indian Registration Act, 1908, an agreement for the transfer of ...

Online Filing of Consumer Complaint


A Consumer is the backbone of the Indian Economy by purchasing the goods and services provided to them; therefore, it is necessary to protect their interests. It is the right of the consumers t...

A Complete guide on new e-commerce guidelines by GOI


In several nations, e-commerce is regulated. India, like other countries, has the authority to control the conduct of corporations operating on its territory. This is why the Indian government ha...

Can Couples Get Separated Without A Divorce


In India, divorce is still considered a social taboo. Couples often tend to neglect things in a relationship and carry on with the same situation, sometimes due to societal and family pressure. I...

NRIs right to purchase property in India


Can NRIs buy real estate in India? Most people ask this question, and the answer to this question is yes. The RBI's circular now allows Non-Resident Indians to purchase certain types of property....

How Can Litigants List Their Cases Online?


Due to COVID-19, the system has become stagnant, leading to the closure of courts and urgent cases remaining unlisted. Thus, to encourage paperless filings and introduce cost-saving efficiencie...

Benami Transaction – Its Implications


We are all aware of a famous phrase from Shakespeare, what’s in a name?, well the Law of the Land says a lot !!. And with that thought in mind, along with the essential need of curbing the incr...

Validity of Narco-Analysis in India: Crime Detection Technique


Narco-analysis is a crime detection technique in which a test is conducted upon an accused person to reveal the facts of the case and important proof of the commission of an offence. The test is ...

Remedies Against Frivolous Cases Registered Against Students By The Police


It is always said that young students are the future of our country. Recently, there has been an increase in student activism where students, especially university going students, have started sp...

Procedures involved in a Criminal Case


When a person commits an act prohibited by law, he ought to be punished for such acts. In India, the Indian Penal Code, 1860 is one of the most exhaustive statute listing down the offences and th...

How to Deal with False Cheque Bounce Case?


A very reputed businessman, who had established various branches of his brand in different cities across India was accused of false cheque bounce case by a bank. The amount charged on him was hug...

Conjugal Rights How to be Restored


Marriage is one of the beautiful and one of the important stages of everyone's life. It is a life-changing decision of two people who agreed to share their life with each other. But no one can pr...

Procedures Involved In A Family Court Case


According to Section 10 of the Family Courts Act,1984, the Family Courts are allowed to evolve their rules of procedure. The Code of Civil Procedure was amended to fulfil the reason behind settin...

Death Certificate of a Missing Person


According to the Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1969, the occurrence of death of a person has to be intimated to the Registrar of births and deaths within twenty- one days of such death. ...

Accountability Of Police


The incidence of police brutality, abuse of power and pre-trial detention in India has always remained a serious issue of human rights violations and has increased manifold in the recent past. Th...

Guidelines To Be Followed By Registered Medical Practitioners To Dispense Med...


According to the World Health Organization, dispensing refers to the practice of preparing and giving medicine to a person based on a prescription from a registered medical practitioner (RMP). Di...

Land Mark Judgments On Family Law For The Year 2020


Introduction: Property Claim: No limitation period for a divorced wife to claim property endowed with her husband. Child Custody - Be that as it may, the Court was unwilling to "throw away" the P...

Remedies against harassment by Recovery Agents


There are numerous cases of the oppressive and illegal conduct of recovery agents attempting to recover pending dues for the banks' benefit. In the past few years there have been many such inst...

Abetment to Suicide an offence under Section 306 of Indian Penal Code (IPC), ...


A person is accountable for abetment to suicide when any of the following conditions are fulfilled: He/She instigates someone to commit suicide. He/She takes part in a conspiracy to make a perso...

Rights Of Husbands In Dowry And Cruelty-Based Complaints


Dowry is one of the greatest social disasters ever confronted by our nation, and no enlightened society ought to endure this, and every effort is made to eradicate this evil practice. And on th...

Admissibility of E-evidence; Are WhatsApp chats and E-mails admissible in Court?


The world is ever developing, and the technology boom has laid its foundations for all parts of society. Everything, from communication to preparing to documentation, has gone digital. Numerous...

Bandhs - Evil consequences on Litigants and Courts to Function


Bandh is a Hindi word which signifies shut Bandhs, Hartals, tumults, and civil disobedience are incessant in India. They are considered an acclaimed technique for expressing dissent, drawing in t...

Pre-Arrest Notice - Section 41-A of Criminal Procedure Code


Under Article 21 of the Indian Constitution, the right to life has been offered a principal status by the judiciary. Article 21 and 22 ensure against arbitrary detainment and arrest and the leg...

NRI's Power of Attorney to sell property in India


There might be numerous occasions in an individual's life wherein he may be required to manage assets, properties, financial balances, and so forth, however,under certain circumstances, he may no...

Employment Contract Validity of Employment Bond


An employment contract is an agreement that discusses in detail the working rapport of a company and an employee. It helps both parties to comprehend their obligations and the stipulations of e...

Police Clearance Certificate


A Police Clearance Certificate (PCC) is an official record given to a person by the Indian Police or an approved Indian Government official. It recognizes any criminal records that an individua...

The Procedure For Filing A Complaint Against A Lawyer


Lawyers are the medium through which his client connects with the judiciary. However, as the demand for the legal industry has increased, it is also noticed that mishaps in this industry have inc...

Frivolous Complaints under the Sexual Harassment Act


Inappropriate behaviour at the workplace does not only make the workplace unreliable and threatening for women, but it also discourages their ability to convey themselves in the present contend...

Adultery under the Indian Law


The word adultery derived its meaning from the Latin verb adulterium that means: to corrupt. According to the dictionary meaning, a married man commits adultery if he has intercourse with a marr...

Division of Family Assets - Relinquishment Deed: NOC by Coparceners


Division of assets, also commonly known as division of property, is one of the most debatable topics in India. Earlier, through the implementation of Hindu Succession Act, 1956 a girl in a part...

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Popular Articles by Kishan Dutt Kalaska

Rights Of Husbands In Dowry And Cruelty-...


Dowry is one of the greatest social disasters ever confronted by our nation, and no enlightened...

Pre-Arrest Notice - Section 41-A of Crim...


Under Article 21 of the Indian Constitution, the right to life has been offered a principal sta...

Validity Of An Unregistered Sale Agreement


A Sale Agreement constitutes all the terms and conditions of the sale of a property (movable or ...

Remedies against harassment by Recovery ...


There are numerous cases of the oppressive and illegal conduct of recovery agents attempting to...

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