Ajay Amitabh Suman

Ajay Amitabh Suman

Member since: January 10, 2019
Total live articles: 741

Myself Ajay Amitabh Suman, An Advocate Practicing Hon'ble High Court of Delhi, having specialization in Intellectual Property Right for more than 22 years. Besides practicing in Hon'ble High Court of Delhi, I am also a Poet, Author, Blogger, Vlogger and Writer.

Recent Articles by Ajay Amitabh Suman

Dominant feature of Registered Trademark and Trademark infringement


Factual Background: Himalaya Global Holdings Ltd. and its subsidiary, leading herbal health product manufacturers, filed a suit against Rajasthan Aushdhalaya Private Li...

Foreign Patent Grants Or Rejections Have Only A Persuasive Value


Fact of the Case: Milliken and Company, the appellant, challenged the refusal of their Indian patent application (no. 6093/DELNP/2013) for "Additive Compositions and Thermoplastic Polymer...

Statutory framework under Section 11(6) and 11(7) of the Trade Marks Act, 199...


The Indian Hotels Company Limited (plaintiff), part of the Tata Group and owner of the renowned TAJ brand, filed a suit against Gaurav Roy Bhatt & Anr. (defendants) for infringement of their...

The Test For Consumer Confusion Is Based On The Perspective Of A Customer Of ...


Parties Involved: Mannat Group of Hotels Private Limited and its managing director, Mr. Virender Singh Kadyan (plaintiffs) filed a suit seeking a permanent injunction against M/s Mannat Dhaba...

Trademark Infringement and anti dissection Rule


This case revolves around a trademark dispute between DS Drinks and Beverages Private Limited and Hector Beverages Private Limited concerning the use of the mark "SWING" for beverages...

Licensee Patent Estoppel Challenges in Indian Patent Law


Licensee patent challenges represent a critical intersection between contractual agreements and patent law. This concept, which addresses whether a licensee can dispute the validity of a patent...

One Registered Proprietor of Design against another registered Proprietor of ...


This case concerns a design infringement dispute where Indo Asahi Glass Co. Ltd., the plaintiff, alleged that Jai Mala Roller Glass Ltd., the defendant, infringed its registered design titled &...

Patent Infringement in Quia Timet Action


This article examines a recent case wherein the plaintiff sought an ex parte injunction in a quia timet action for patent infringement concerning the pharmaceutical compound 'Ruxolitinib.' The ...

A Patentee Can Sue Another Patentee For Patent Infringement


The present case concerns a patent infringement dispute between Hindustan Lever Limited (HLL) and the defendants Mr. Lalit Wadhwa and Eureka Forbes Ltd. (Defendant No. 2). The plaintiff alleged...

Passing Off Claim Can Coexist With A Design Infringement Claim, Provided The ...


This case relates to a dispute between Havells India Limited and Panasonic Life Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. over allegations of design infringement and passing off. Havells India Limited, the pla...

Section 124 Requires Only Prima Facie Plea Of Invalidity Of Registered Tradem...


This case involves a trademark infringement suit between two global FMCG giants, PepsiCo Inc. and Parle Agro Private Limited, relating to the tagline "For The Bold." The case primarily...

Trademark Infringement And Google Ad Keywords


The case revolves around whether the use of a trademark as a keyword in Google Ads constitutes "use" under the Trade Marks Act, 1999 and if Google can claim protection as an intermedi...

A Slight Modification Of An Existing Design Does Not Confer Exclusive Rights


The case of Glaxo Smithkline Consumer Healthcare vs. Amigo Brushes Private Limited & Anr. revolves around an alleged infringement of a registered toothbrush design. The plaintiff, a global ...

Effect Of Dynamic Effect Part 1 Design Cancellation


This case, decided by the Delhi High Court on December 22, 1977, addressed the jurisdictional question of whether the High Court of Delhi had the authority to entertain applications under Secti...

The Standards For Evaluating Novelty And Originality Differ From The Standard...


The case of Diageo Brands B.V. & Anr. vs. Alcobrew Distilleries India Pvt. Ltd. before the Delhi High Court concerns the enforcement of rights under the Designs Act, 2000. The plaintiffs al...

A Registered Trademark Enjoys Statutory Protection And Cannot Be Diluted Mere...


The case of Devi Pesticides Private Ltd. vs. Shiv Agro Chemicals Industries is a notable decision concerning trademark infringement and passing-off within the agrochemical industry. The dispute...

Rejection Of A Subsequent Patent Application Does Not Create A Carve-Out Or E...


The case of Cipla Ltd. vs. F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. & Anr. is a significant judgment in Indian patent jurisprudence, especially concerning pharmaceutical patents. The dispute centers aroun...

Phonetic Similarity Alone Can Be Sufficient To Establish Trademark Infringeme...


The case involves a trademark dispute where the plaintiff, Chanel Ltd., alleged infringement of its registered trademark "CHANEL" by the defendant, Sunder Chemicals Agarbati Works (P)...

Section 12A Of The Commercial Courts Act Is In Applicable To Suits Involving ...


The case concerns a trademark and copyright dispute where the appellant, Chandra Kishore Chaurasia, filed a suit against R A Perfumery Works Private Limited for alleged infringement of his regi...

Composite Suit for Design Infringement And Trade Dress Passing Off is Maintai...


The case revolves around a dispute regarding design infringement and passing off. Carlsberg Breweries A/S, the plaintiff, alleged that Som Distilleries and Breweries Ltd., the defendant, had in...

A Copy Need Not Be An Exact Reproduction; Substantial Similarity Is Sufficien...


The case revolves around an alleged infringement of copyright in an artistic work. The plaintiffs, C. Cunniah & Co., claimed that the defendants, Balraj & Co., had produced and sold a p...

A Publisher Of An Artistic Work Is Presumed To Own Its Copyright Unless Rebutted


The case revolves around allegations of trademark infringement, passing off, and copyright infringement by Brooke Bond India Limited against Balaji Tea (India) Pvt. Ltd. The dispute arises over...

A Suit For Patent Infringement Can Proceed Separately From A Declaratory Suit...


The case of Bristol-Myers Squibb Holdings Ireland Unlimited Company and Ors. Vs. Natco Pharma Limited revolves around a dispute concerning the alleged infringement of the patent for the pharmac...

Forum Shopping May Bar Injunction if Relief Was Denied Elsewhere


The case of Black Diamond Track Parts Private Limited & Ors. Vs. Black Diamond Motors Private Limited revolves around a dispute over the use of the trademark "BLACK DIAMOND" in re...

Family Agreements Bind Heirs If They Accept Benefits Under Them


The case of Ramji Lal Agarwal vs. Sourav Agarwal revolves around a dispute over the right to use the trade name "Sindharam Sanwarmal" in the dry-fruits, spices, and dry-vegetables bus...

Patent Claim Construction: Patent Specification Is To Read First And Then The...


The case of Biswanath Prasad Radhey Shyam Vs Hindustan Metal Industries is a landmark judgment in Indian patent law, where the Supreme Court of India examined the principles of novelty and inve...

Where A Party Contests Non-Receipt Of Hearing Notices In A Trademark Oppositi...


The case concerns an appeal under Section 91 of the Trademarks Act, 1999, challenging the order passed by the Trademark Registry on April 5, 2016. The opposition filed by Dr. Smita Naram agains...

Patent Applicant should not be allowed to suffer on account of negligence of ...


This case revolves around the abandonment of a patent application due to a failure to respond to the First Examination Report (FER) within the prescribed period under Section 21(1) of the Paten...

Effect of dynamic effect-Part-5: Trademark, Design and Patent Revocation Peti...


The concept of dynamic effect has played a crucial role in determining the jurisdiction of High Courts in intellectual property disputes, particularly in trademark rectification, design cancell...

Lack of Inventive Step and Insufficient Disclosure: Mutually Exclusive Ground...


The case of BASF SE Vs. Joint Controller of Patents revolves around the patentability of an invention filed by BASF SE. The dispute concerns the rejection of a patent application by the Indian ...

Bolar Provision under the Patent Act: Section 107 A of Patent Act 1970


The case of Bayer Corporation vs. Union of India & Ors., decided by the Delhi High Court on April 22, 2019, concerns the interpretation of Section 107A of the Patents Act, 1970, commonly kn...

The defense of using one's surname innocently in trade could not justify conf...


This case concerns a dispute between Bajaj Electricals Limited (plaintiff) and Metals & Allied Products and another (defendants) regarding the unauthorized use of the trademark "Bajaj....

Ex parte injunctions should be granted only when justified by urgency, with r...


The case of B.L. And Co. And Others vs. Pfizer Products Inc. revolves around the alleged passing off of the drug 'VIAGRA' by the defendants through their product 'PENEGRA'. The dispute primar...

There Is No Statutory Bar On Instituting Patent Infringement Suit While Post-...


Astrazeneca AB & Anr. filed a suit against Westcoast Pharmaceutical Works Ltd. alleging patent infringement. The plaintiffs contended that the defendant was manufacturing and selling a ph...

Effect of Dynamic Effect: Part-4 Trade Mark Cancellation-Referred to Larger B...


The case concerns a rectification petition filed under Section 57 of the Trade Marks Act, 1999, challenging the registration of the trademark "HARSHY", which was alleged to be decepti...

Effect Of Dynamic Effect: Part-2: Patent Revocation Petition And Patent Appeal


This case pertains to a revocation petitionfiled under Section 64 of the Patents Act, 1970, by Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Limited and MSN Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. against the patent granted...

Trademark Rectification Must Be Filed in the High Court of the Granting Trade...


Fact of the Case: Chunulal Seetaram filed an appeal under Section 76 of the Trade Marks Act, 1940, against the decisions of the Registrar of Trade Marks regarding the rectification o...

Rule 45(2) Of The Trade Marks Rules, 2017 Is Procedural And Directory In Nature


Alpha Foundation for Education and Research, a charitable educational trust established in 1993, had been using the trademarks "AKARA," "AKARA STAR KIDS," and its associated...

Cause of Action for Trademark Appeal Lies in High Court of Registrar’s Deci...


The case of Abdul Ghani Ahmad vs. Registrar of Trade Marks addressed a significant issue concerning the interpretation of “the High Court having jurisdiction” under Section 76(1) of the Tra...

Claiming A Generic Defense Is Not Valid When The Defendant Itself Seeks Propr...


The case involves a trademark dispute between Automatic Electric Limited (plaintiff) and R.K. Dgawan & Anr. (defendants) regarding the alleged infringement and passing off of the plai...

Failure to File a Written Statement Within 120 Days Under the Commercial Cour...


The case of Rohit Sharma Vs A.M Market Place Pvt Ltd. was adjudicated by the High Court of Delhi concerning issues related to service of summons, procedural compliance, and forfeiture of the ri...

Madras HC's Jurisdiction to Transfer Rectification Proceedings from Trade Mar...


Detailed Factual Background: The plaintiffs, Nippon Paint Holdings Co. Ltd and Nippon Paint (India) Pvt. Ltd., had obtained trademark registration for "NIPPON PAINT" from the Trade Marks Reg...

Renewal of Trademarks Beyond the Statutory Period:


Brief Facts of the Case The petitioner, M/S Sakthi Oil Mills, was the registered proprietor of the trademark "THENALEE," registered under Trade Mark No. 1133971 in Class 29. ...

Rectification Petitions Under Sections 47 And 57 of the Trade Marks Act Must ...


The case revolves around a trademark rectification dispute in which the petitioner, M/S Woltop India Pvt. Ltd., sought the transfer of its pending rectification petitions from the Registrar of ...

Civil Courts Cannot Examine Case Merits While Deciding Trademark Validity Und...


The case involves a dispute over the trademark "AZURE" between Microsoft Corporation, the petitioner, and Azure Knowledge Corporation Private Limited, the respondent. Microsoft Corpor...

Under Section 124 of Trademark Act 1999, passing off action can not be stayed


This case involves a dispute between M/S. Lotus Organic Care and M/S. Aadhar Products Pvt. Ltd. concerning trademark infringement and passing off. The primary contention revolves around the val...

Condonation Application Within Limitation Still Requires Sufficient Cause


The case involved rectification petitions filed by Godfrey Phillips India Limited against ITC Limited, seeking cancellation of certain trademark registrations. These petitions were previously d...

Patent Examination Must Follow The Why And What Standard, Ensuring Proper Jus...


Brief Facts of the Case: The case involved an appeal against an order dated 22nd October 2021, wherein Daikin Industries Ltd's patent application 1481/KOLNP/2014, title...

The Trade Marks Registry Must Issue An Expiry Notice To The Registered Propri...


Brief Facts of the Case: The petitioner, Aurobindo Pharma Limited, had registered the trademark "ENRIL" under Trade Mark No. 636467 in Class 5. The applica...

Trademark Infringement And Honesty In Adoption


The case of Renaissance Hotel Holdings Inc. vs B. Vijaya Sai is a landmark judgment in Indian trademark law, elucidating the principles of infringement, trans-border reputation, honest adoption...

Anti Dissection Rule and Trade Mark Infringement


Trademark infringement cases often highlight the balance courts seek to strike between protecting intellectual property rights and allowing fair competition in the market. The present case betw...

Trademark Holders Cannot Monopolize An Entire Product Category Without Genuin...


The case revolved around the rectification of trademark registration under the Trade and Merchandise Marks Act, 1958. Vishnudas Trading, a manufacturer of quiwam and zarda (chewing tobacco prod...

Family Of Trademark: Golden Qilla, Lal Qilla, And Neela Qilla v/s Hara Qilla


This case revolves around a trademark infringement and passing-off dispute concerning the use of the term "Qilla" in branding rice. M/S Amar Singh Chawal Wala (plaintiff) claimed that...

Permitted Use By A Registered User And Trademark Trafficking


The case of American Home Products Corporation vs Mac Laboratories Private Limited & Anr. is a landmark judgment in Indian Trademark law, addressing critical questions regarding the registr...

The Test Of An Average Man With Imperfect Recollection


The case of Amritdhara Pharmacy vs. Satya Deo Gupta is a landmark judgment in Indian trademark law, particularly concerning the principles of deceptive similarity and acquiescence under the Tra...

Pianotist Case:Test of deceptive Similarity and consumer intelligence


The case of Pianotist Company Ltd. (1906) is a landmark ruling in trademark law, establishing key principles for assessing deceptive similarity in trademarks. The dispute arose when Pianotist C...

Trade Connection and Trademark Confusion


This case revolves around a trademark dispute under the Trade Marks Act, 1940, where Corn Products Refining Co., a U.S.-based company, opposed the trademark registration of "Gluvita" ...

Grant Of Patent In Foreign Company And Its Relevance In Indian Proceeding


This case concerns an appeal filed under Section 117A of the Patents Act, 1970, challenging the rejection of a patent application by the Assistant Controller of Patents and Designs. The primary...

Patent Expiration Does Not Eliminate A Company’s Right To Challenge Biosimi...


This case revolves around biosimilar drug approvals and allegations of regulatory non-compliance in granting approvals to biosimilar versions of Roche’s patented cancer drugs. The plaintiffs,...

Principle of Res Judicata and Interlocutory Orders


Facts: The petitioner (defendant) in a suit for injunction challenged a trial court order allowing the plaintiff (respondent) to amend the plaint to seek specific per...

Big Fish Can Not Be Permitted To Swallow Small Fish


This case pertains to intellectual property rights, specifically concerning the alleged passing off of a trademark. The dispute arose between Rasiklal Manickchand Dhariwal and Anr. (appellants)...

Courts Will Apply A Stricter Test When Infringer Was Previous Owner Of The Mark


Introduction: The case concerns a dispute between ITC Limited and Arpita Agro Products Pvt. Ltd. regarding the alleged infringement and passing off of ITC's trademarks, primarily 'NIMYLE' and ...

Scope and Protection of Standard Essential Patent


A 230-page judgment has been delivered by Hon’ble Justice Shri Sanjeev Narula of the Delhi High Court on 20th February 2025 in the case of Koninklijke Philips N.V. Vs. Maj (Retd) Sukesh Behl ...

Narrowing down of Claim in Patent Examination and its effecf in Patent Infrin...


The case of Festo Corp. v. Shoketsu Kinzoku Kogyo Kabushiki Co., Ltd. presented the Supreme Court with the opportunity to clarify the relationship between the doctrine of equivalents and prosec...

Doctrine of Equivalence and Prosecution Histroy Estoppel


The case of Warner-Jenkinson Co. v. Hilton Davis Chemical Co. was a pivotal Supreme Court decision concerning the doctrine of equivalents in patent law. The Court examined whether the doctrine ...

Criminal Proceedings Under The Copyright Act And Designs Act Are Not Justifie...


This case concerns the quashing of an FIR under Sections 420 and 114 of the Indian Penal Code, Sections 11 of the Designs Act, 2000, and Sections 63, 64, and 65 of the Copyright Act, 1957. The ...

Doctrine of Equivalents in Patent Infringement


The case of Actavis UK Ltd. vs. Eli Lilly & Co. is a landmark decision by the UK Supreme Court on the application of the doctrine of equivalents in determining patent infringement. The case...

Prior Trademark user prevail over later Trademark registration


Case Title: Shrinath Travel Agency Private Limited Vs. Ajay Kumar Sharma & Anr. Date of Order: 17 February 2025 Case Number: R/Rectification Application No. 25 of 2023 Neutral ...

Issue Of Invalidity Can Be Framed Post Filing Of Rectification Petition


The present case involves a legal dispute between Resilient Innovations Pvt. Ltd. (RIPL) and PhonePe Private Limited (PPL) regarding trademark rectification applications under the Trademarks Ac...

Trademark Infringement Liability Extends To E-Commerce Brand Owners If They D...


This case involves a trademark infringement dispute between Life Style Equities CV, the owner of the "Beverly Hills Polo Club (BHPC)" brand, and Amazon Technologies, Inc. along with i...

Proof Of Actual Deception Is Unnecessary In An Infringement Claim; Likelihood...


This case is a landmark decision in Indian copyright law concerning artistic works. It deals with the issue of copyright infringement in relation to the pictorial representation of a deity. The...

Non-Filing Of A Replication Does Not Amount To Admission Of The Written State...


The case of K. Laxmanan vs. Thekkayil Padmini & Ors., decided by the Supreme Court of India on 3rd December 2008, primarily dealt with issues concerning the proof of a Will and a Gift Deed ...

Due Diligence Requirements for E-marketing Websites


This case involves an appeal by Navya Network Inc. against the rejection of its patent application for an invention titled "Treatment Related Quantitative Decision Engine." The appeal...

Bad Faith Adoption And Interim Injunction


The plaintiffs, Novartis AG and its affiliate, are globally recognized pharmaceutical companies engaged in the manufacture, marketing, research, and development of high-quality pharmaceutical p...

Where A Single Judge Or Division Bench Finds Prior Rulings Incorrect, It Must...


This case highlights an important legal principle concerning judicial discipline and the necessity for consistency in judicial rulings.  The Division Bench of the Delhi High Court, while ...

Role Of Delay In Grant Of Ex Parte Ad Interim Injunction


Brief Facts of the Case: The dispute arises from the use of the trademark “Dakshin” in the restaurant business. The appellant, Adyar Gate Hotels Limited, entered into an agreement in 1985 ...

Combination Of Ordibary Generic Words (Portmanteau Words) Could Be Protected ...


Brief Facts of the Case: The dispute pertains to trademark rights over the name "DISPOSAFE." The appellants, Disposafe Health & Life Limited, claimed prior use of the trademark "DISPOSAFE"...

Minor Variation Or Modification Of An Existing Method Does Not Qualify As An ...


This case deals with the fundamental principles of patent law, particularly the requirement of novelty and inventive step. The Supreme Court of India examined whether the method of manufacturin...

Test for copyright infringement is substantial reproduction or a colorable im...


This case is a landmark decision in Indian copyright law concerning artistic works. It deals with the issue of copyright infringement in relation to the pictorial representation of a deity. The...

Appointment of Advocate Commissioner Without Notice Under Order 26 Rule 18 CP...


The case involves a commercial dispute relating to trademark infringement, search and seizure, and ex-parte injunction orders passed by the Civil Judge, Senior Division, Nalbari, Assam. The pet...

Non Filing of Admission Denial Affidavit and its consequences


This case pertains to the failure of the defendant to file an affidavit of admission and denial of documents as per procedural requirements. The main legal question before the Delhi High Court ...

Admissibility of Publically available additional Documents


This case involves a dispute between Novateur Electrical & Digital Systems Pvt Ltd (Plaintiff) and V-Guard Industries Ltd (Defendant) regarding the alleged infringement of registered design...

Bad Faith Adoption and Trademark Rectification


Introduction:This case pertains to a rectification petition filed by Godai Global Inc., a South Korean company, under Section 57 of the Trade Marks Act, 1999 before the High Court of Delhi. The pet...

Jurisdiction of Court and Defendant's product available on third party intera...


Introduction: The present case concerns a trademark infringement and passing off suit filed by Johnson & Johnson PTE Ltd. against Mr. Abbireddi Satish Kumar and others before the Delhi Hig...

Effect of Expiry of Subject Matter Patent during pendency of Appeal proceeding


Introduction:This case concerns an intellectual property dispute in the pharmaceutical sector. The appeal, filed under Order XLIII Rule 1(r) of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, read with Section ...

Hindi Translations Of The Trademark Written In English Constitute Trademark I...


This case pertains to a trademark rectification dispute before the Delhi High Court, wherein the petitioner, Anshul Vaish, sought the removal of the respondent’s registered trademark "RO...

Naked Licensing of Trademark and its Effect


The case of Tractors and Farm Equipment Limited (TAFE) Vs. Massey Ferguson Corp (MFC) revolves around the doctrine of naked licensing—where a trademark owner allegedly fails to exercise quali...

Honest Concurrent Use Is Not A Defense Unless The Mark Is Registered


This case pertains to a trademark infringement and passing-off dispute between Apex Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. (plaintiff) and Macleods Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (defendant). The dispute arises over the...

The 2012 Copyright Act amendment does not apply retrospectively


This case revolves around the alleged copyright infringement of the song "En Iniya Pon Nilave" from the 1980 Tamil film "Moodu Pani" by Saregama India Ltd. (the plaintiff) a...

Third parties can be compelled to provide evidence if it aids justice


This case concerns an international patent dispute between Pfizer Inc. and Softgel Healthcare Pvt. Ltd., arising from litigation pending before the United States District Court, Delaware. The p...

Doctrine of Election and Jurisdiction of Court


The case Los Gatos Production Services India LLP vs. Wunderbar Films Pvt. Ltd. & Ors. revolves around copyright infringement allegations concerning behind-the-scenes footage from the Tamil ...

Civil Contempt of Court and Obstruction during the course of Local Commission


The case of ITC Limited vs. Raj Kumar Mittal & Ors. concerns trademark infringement, trade dress infringement, and copyright violations by the Defendants, who allegedly copied the packaging...

Amendment of Plaint: Passing off to Infringement Action


The present case pertains to a trademark dispute between Bajaj Resources Limited ("Plaintiffs") and Goyal Herbals Pvt. Ltd. ("Defendants"). The Plaintiffs filed a suit seeki...

Patel Field Marshal Agencies v/s P.M. Diesels Ltd.: Scope of Sections 46, 56,...


The case of Patel Field Marshal Agencies & Anr. v. P.M. Diesels Ltd. & Ors. decided by the Supreme Court of India on November 29, 2017, is a landmark judgment in the domain of trademark...

Mandatory Nature of Pre-Litigation Mediation Under Section 12A of the Commerc...


The Supreme Court of India addressed a significant issue in M/S. Patil Automation Private Limited and Ors. vs. Rakheja Engineers Private Limited: whether pre-litigation mediation under Section ...

Pre-Litigation Mediation And The Scope Of Urgent Interim Relief Under Section...


The Supreme Court of India, in Yamini Manohar vs. T.K.D. Keerthi, addressed the critical question of whether a suit seeking urgent interim relief can bypass the mandatory pre-litigation mediati...

Heinz Italia v/s Dabur India Ltd- Trademark Infringement and Passing Off: An ...


This case revolves around allegations of trademark infringement and passing off brought by Heinz Italia against Dabur India. The dispute concerns the use of the trademark "Glucon-D" a...

J.B. Williams Co Vs. H. Bronnley-:Standard for assessing similarity in tradem...


This case revolves around the alleged passing off of shaving soap by imitating the packaging design of the plaintiff's product. The J.B. Williams Company, a prominent American manufacturer of s...

Increase in valuation of Suit and Amendment of Plaint


The case concerns a petition challenging the dismissal of an amendment application under Order 6 Rule 17 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (CPC). The petitioners sought to amend the valuatio...

Kaviraj Pandit Durga Dutt Sharma Vs Navaratna Pharmaceutical Laboratories:Tra...


The case of Kaviraj Pandit Durga Dutt Sharma Vs Navaratna Pharmaceutical Laboratories is a landmark judgment concerning trademark law in India. It highlights the interplay between statutory rig...

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Section 209 of IPC has remained unchartered territory in matters pertaining to Intellec...

The Scope of Contempt Proceedings and re...


The appeal under consideration challenges an order issued by a single judge of the Madhya Prade...

Additional Documents At The Trial Stage


This case relates to intellectual property right, more especially trademark right. The judgm...

Producing Additional Document At The Sta...


The Criminal Method Code of 1973 is the main code governing the procedure followed by Indian co...

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