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Tortious Remedies - Injunction: Anyone moving the court in regard of some injury whether past or continuing must first ensure exhaustion of preferred relief measures of seeking damages........By Ishita Bhaduri - Posted: 2008/12/7
Globalization: challenges and opportunities: During 1990 to 2003, the volume of world trade has increased and the higher and middle-income countries managed to increase their share in world trade main.......By Prof. Loveleen Chawla - Posted: 2008/12/7
Beyond Reasonable Doubt: The Article deals with our Criminal justice system and how it sometimes fail to provide adequate justice on account of inability of the prosecution to prove the guilt.......By Sandeep Chauhan - Posted: 2008/12/5
Identity Theft: All across India, the fastest growing White Collar Crime in the nation has been identified as Identity Theft and its affecting each one of us in insidious ways......By Pulkit Tare- Posted: 2008/12/5
Right Of Foreign Homosexuals To Have A Surrogate Child In India: Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation) Bill, 2008 as how it is legal for a foreign homosexual couple to get a surrogate child in India......By Jyotsna Sharma - Posted: 2008/12/5
NRI Grievances Redressal Mechanism in India: Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs - offers customized solutions to address the varied expectations of the diverse overseas Indian community; read more......By Slahuddin Ahmed - Posted: 2008/12/5
The Code For Self - Regulation: In Advertising: Advertisement is a facet of right to information. A vital aspect of advertising that makes it a part of Article 19(1)(a) is that it facilitates the dissemination......By Shubhra Deepa Moitra - Posted: 2008/12/5
VAT in Asia Pacific: This article deals with the inception of VAT in European Union and the Asia Pacific countries......By Aakriti and Neelabh - Posted: 2008/12/5
Public Interest Litigation: Public interest litigation is not in the nature of adversary litigation. The purpose of P.I.L. is to promote the public interest which mandates that violation of legal......By Mohd Haris Usmani - Posted: 2008/12/1
How SEBI Should Deal With Disgorged Money: The Concept of ‘Disgorgement’ is gaining importance in the Indian Financial Market, as a mean of compensating Indian investors who......By Amit Bhaskar - Posted: 2008/12/1
Article 12: The article deals with scope of Article 12 of the Constitution and how it is changing with innovative decisions of the Supreme Court. The express language of the Article is narrow but as a part of its......By Bhumika Sharma - Posted: 2008/12/1
Buy Back Of Shares: Provision related to buy back of shares introduced in the Companies Act in the year 1999. It delves into the reasons for buy back, how buy back is carried out by a company.......By Saurav Paul - Posted: 2008/12/1
Designs Act 1911 and the Designs Act 2000: The article does a detailed comparison between the act of 1911 and the act of 2000 with the help of relevant case laws. Specific emphasis has been laid on the.......By Reshma Abraham - Posted: 2008/11/23
Section 55 - Goodwill of Parties: Dissolution of a firm implies dissolution of the partnership between all partners of a firm. It may be by agreement, compulsory, due to contingency, by will and by the court.......By Mohd. Anas Riyaz - Posted: 2008/11/23
Data Theft in Cyber Space: This Article highlights the susceptibility of data to theft in the digital age. It analyses as to what are the current provisions in the existing law on such theft and whether it can.......By Robin George - Posted: 2008/11/23
Prostitution in India: The article deals with the problem of prostitution in India and what steps government shall take to eradicate it or simply legalize prostitution in India.......By Kaustubh Nandan Sinha - Posted: 2008/11/6
SEBI - Insider Trading: aims to equip the readers with the basic concept of insider trading. it gradually proceeds from an introduction of the concept to the regulations formulated by the Securities Exchange Board......By Robin George - Posted: 2008/11/6
Predatory Pricing: Predatory pricing is a strategy that entails a temporary price below the cost of production in order to injure competition and thereby reap higher profits in the long run......By Sriraj V - Posted: 2008/11/6
Monarchy To Democracy In Bhutan: The two parties which took part in elections were People’s Democratic Party (PDP) and Druk Phuensum Tshogpa (DPT) or Bhutan’s Peace Party. .....By Kanishk Thakur - Posted: 2008/11/6
M.C. Mehta v. Union of India: This article deals with the landmark judgment of M.C. Mehta v. Union of India AIR 1987 SC 1086 in which the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India laid down the principle .....By Surajit Bhaduri - Posted: 2008/11/6
Third Party Insurance: This paper is an endeavour to explain the relevance of third party insurance? What is third party insurance? Who is a third party? Why third party insurance......By Sangeeta Chakravarty - Posted: 2008/11/6
Domestic Violence in Marriage: The aim of this article is to segregate this evil from the other righteous norms, thus trying to create a mental block or resistance amongst people towards the undue violence.......By Rima Bhardwaj - Posted: 2008/11/6
Single share holder: The Directors of a company are responsible for its corporate governance; they according to the organic theory are the limbs and brain of the company which though being a separate......By Apurv Kothari - Posted: 2008/11/6
Legal Aid: Legal aid may be taken to mean free legal assistance to the poor persons in any judicial proceedings before the Court, Tribunals or any authority......By Kriti Madan and Swati Gupta - Posted: 2008/10/23
A Critique of Limited Liability Partnership Bill, 2006: The article puts forth the need for having such a law in the light of the present Partnership Act, which has become obsolete......By Partha Pati - Posted: 2008/10/21
Choice of law by the parties to the contract: In this era of globalization where a contract contains one or more foreign elements, the difficult and complicated question in proceeding that arises is that ......By vaishali B - Posted: 2008/10/21
Mergers: Merger is a tool used by companies for the purpose of expanding their operations often aiming at an increase of their long term profitability......By Viplaw Kashyap - Posted: 2008/10/19
Abandonment during Sunset Years: A majority of people would well desire to live life this way, but it is sad to know that only a few fortunate ones do live and die in this manner.......By Bharat S. Kumar - Posted: 2008/10/19
Article 370: Article-370 was created with a view that its existence would be temporary. The Ruler of Jammu and Kashmir signed the instrument of accession whereby only three subjects were surrendered.......By Kapil Raina - Posted: 2008/10/3
Contempt of Court: The Article deals with the Concept of the Contempt of Court from a lay-mans perspective.......By Rituj Chopra - Posted: 2008/10/3
Services - Consumer Protection Act: Services as under Consumer Protection Act. There are various characteristics of services and its various types too. The difference between contract of.......By Shuchi Mishra - Posted: 2008/10/2
Doctrine of pleasure and its proviso article 311 of Indian Constitution: How these articles regulates the functioning of government servants and what are the remedies available to government......By Kaustubh and Nabjita - Posted: 2008/10/2
Corruption in Decentralized Governance: Corruption in India is rampant and is a major human right issue on which various international conventions and municipal legislations have been adopted to......By Saurabh Dhawan - Posted: 2008/10/2
Special Economic Zone: A Special Economic Zone (SEZ) is a geographical region that has economic laws more liberal than a country's typical economic laws......By Piyush Jain - Posted: 2008/10/2
Directors of a Company: company is a legal entity and does not have any physical existence. It can act only through natural persons to run its affairs. The person, acting on its behalf, is called Director.......By Ankit Sethi - Posted: 2008/10/2
Nomination By Shareholders Of A Director From The Promoter Company: When the shareholders nominate a person as director from the promoter company, whether such person.......By Anando Mukherjee - Posted: 2008/10/2
Truth detection methods: Truth detection method helps in solving the ambiguities and so that the real accused should be convicted. Because of the Cardinal Principles which state as that 99 accused.,......By Abir Chatterjee- Posted: 2008/10/1
Globalization and the Indian Legal Fraternity: This article 's objective is to remove the doubts and issues related to the entry of the foreign law firms. It aims to prove that the foreign law firms will be......By Arihant Panagariya- Posted: 2008/9/22
Anti-Dumping Laws: explores the evolution of anti- dumping laws and looks into the investigation procedure for establishing anti-dumping duties critically, in the process of taking a.....By Pooja Kalyani - Posted: 2008/9/13.
Making the Most of Copyright in the UK: Copyright is one of the most common forms of intellectual property protection as it protects the most common forms of materials produced.......By Leigh Ellis - Posted: 2008/9/13
legal position of Eunuchs: This article is a very rare and sensitive article which delves into the practical problems that are faced by the Eunuch community in India and all over the world. .......By Abhinav Sinha - Posted: 2008/9/10
Disability and Education: An analysis of the the Persons with Disabilities Act with respect to provisions for reservation of seats in government educational institutions .......By Nandini Devare - Posted: 2008/9/10
Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds: India is the 7th largest and 2nd most populous country in the world. It is also the 4th largest economy in the world. A series of striving monetary reforms.......By Adv. Soni. A Tiwari - Posted: 2008/9/9
Constitutional Position of Jammu and Kashmir: Under Part XXI of the Constitution of India, which deals with Temporary, Transitional and Special provisions, the State of Jammu and Kashmir .......By Surya Bhan Singh Billawria - Posted: 2008/9/9
Foreign Direct Investment In Telecommunications Sector: One of the most significant contributors to India’s booming economy is the development of the services sector and the focus.......By Dipesh Sinha - Posted: 2008/9/9
Organ Transplantation: The development and application of technologies will arguably be the major driving force for the evolution of the world society in the first part of our new century.......By Jayant Prakash Patel - Posted: 2008/9/9
Judiciary’s Rights Beyond Information: According to our country’s constitutional scheme, the executive; legislature and judiciary are the three arms of our constitution. The Executive.......By Garima Malhotra and Saba Grover - Posted: 2008/9/9
Dishonour Of Cheque: The main object of this piece of legislation is to inculcate faith in the efficacy of banking operations and credibility in transacting business on negotiable instruments......By Shyam Sunder Tak - Posted: 2008/9/4
Promoter/Promoter Group: Though the term "Promoter" finds its place in the company law, it has not been defined anywhere under the Companies Act, 1956 .......By Harshita Srivastava - Posted: 2008/9/4
Compulsory Licensing: Given the inherent tension between competition policy and Intellectual Property Law, the interplay between the two has posed a conundrum for various competition .......By Manpreet Kaur - Posted: 2008/9/4
Combating Hostile Takeovers: This article analyses the concept of ‘Hostile Takeovers’ and the various defensive strategies adopted by the companies to ward off unwarranted takeovers .......By Kumar Sumeet - Posted: 2008/9/4
Independence of Judiciary: The Constitution has tried to insulate the Judiciary from outside influence both from the Executive and the legislature. Independence of the judiciary constitutes the foundation.......By Vatsala Kak - Posted: 2008/9/3
Outer Space- Legal Perspective: Though there is no boundary line between airspace and outer space, both jurists and Governments are agreed that the sovereignty of the.......By Mahendra Subhash Khairnar - Posted: 2008/9/3
Terrorism And Human Rights: The world is threatened by this crime which is also a crime against humanity. Different parts of the worlds are however taking steps to curb this menace of terrorism.......By Saurabh Dhawan - Posted: 2008/8/30
Peter Scott or Scotch: Providing a rigorous independent review of the recent judgment delivered by Supreme Court of India in ‘Khoday Distilleries Limited Vs. The Scotch Whisky Association and Ors.......By Utpal Kant - Posted: 2008/8/23
Geographical Indications: The whole world in its present form is driven by the innovation, which no doubt has changed a Gramophone Record to an I-Pod, an abacus to a computer, a penny mail.......By Karni Singh and Krishna K - Posted: 2008/8/23
Biodiversity and Traditional Knowledge: This article highlights the biodiversity and traditional knowledge and its regulatory framework at national, regional and international level. Biodiversity........By Harsh Vardhan Jajodia - Posted: 2008/8/23
Suicide and Euthanasia: The article speaks of instances where diseases like AIDS and other viral infections, cures for which have not been developed by modern science, which no.......By Adv.Dhruv Desai - Posted: 2008/8/23
OECD Project on Harmful Tax Competition: The Article examines various aspects of OECD Project on Harmful Tax Practices and considers the bonafides of the project. An effort is also........By Adv.Samir Malik - Posted: 2008/8/23
Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring: In order to discipline the Indian corporate insolvency and restructuring process, several efforts have been made, viz. SICA, SFC, DRT Act, SARFAESI........By Adv.Rabin Majumder - Posted: 2008/8/23
Cyber Crimes and General Principles: This article gives a basic overview of the concept of cyber crimes and how the concept is different from the traditional principles of criminal law.......By Ravi Sandip - Posted: 2008/8/19
Bank Frauds: Fraud is any dishonest act and behaviour by which one person gains or intends to gain advantage over another person. Fraud causes loss to the victim directly or indirectly.......By shounak mitra - Posted: 2008/8/19
IPR And Enforcement Mechanism: Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) implementation is one of the most crucial problems in dynamic cyberspace. For proper implementation of IPR there.......By A.Pandey, R.Mishra and S.Tripathi - Posted: 2008/8/19
Witness Protection Programme: The greatest weakness of our criminal justice system is that it has become dogged and does not function in a fluent fashion resulting in prompt determination of the guilt .......By Ankit Kejriwal - Posted: 2008/8/19
Intestate Succession: Succession, in the eyes of law, means the transmission of rights from one to another. In case a person makes a will before his death regarding his wishes, such is to be honoured.......By Arpita Saha - Posted: 2008/8/19
Process of Land Acquisition: The difficulties that come in the process of Land Acquisition in India are immense, given the population density and the type of land use in the country. .......By Lavanya Chandan - Posted: 2008/8/15
Critical Analysis on Confession: The concept of confession which existed since time immemorial needs serious help. The provisions of evidence relating to confession which was passed.......By Arpan Gupta - Posted: 2008/8/14
Pharmaceutical Product Patents: A Patent is a form of Intellectual Property Right granted and protected under the law. It is an exclusive right granted to a person who has invented a new and.......By Reshma Abraham - Posted: 2008/8/14
Patenting Recent Biotechnological Inventions: Since the discovery of Recombinant DNA technology in the early 1970¡¦s, Biotechnology has become an important tool for many researchers and industries......By Reshma Abraham - Posted: 2008/8/14
Analysis Of The Police Act: The Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, having visualized the long-felt need to replace the 146 year o ld Police Act 1861, set up a Committee of Experts, .......By Kritika Malhotra - Posted: 2008/8/14
Foreign Investors, Ukrainian Markets: Ukraine’s desire to move toward Europe, becoming a member of the World Trade Organization as well as a strong Commitment to join and the .......By Sergiy Oberkovych - Posted: 2008/8/14
Medical Negligence: Medical profession is one of the oldest professions of the world and is the most humanitarian one. Inherent In the concept of any profession is a code of conduct, containing the.......By Sneha Patil - Posted: 2008/8/14
Competition Protection: The main legislation governing competition in India is the Competition Act, 2002 which repealed the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices (MRTP) Act, 1969.......By Shyam Sunder Tak - Posted: 2008/8/14
Promissory Estoppel : The doctrine being a principle of equity does not find a place in the statues in India. Hence, the article looks at the way the judiciary has brought this principle.......By Chitranshul Sinha - Posted: 2008/8/12
Article 370: Article 370 of the Indian Constitution - special status to the State of Jammu and Kashmir- long and significant background. Treaty of Amritsar ; Quit Kashmir Movement.......By Slahuddin Ahmed - Posted: 2008/8/9
International Criminal Court - Terrorism: The dreadful terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, have made it clear that the international community needs to cooperate and take actions against.......By Juliee Sharma - Posted: 2008/8/9
Declaration and Distribution of Dividends by a Company: The purpose of this article is to enunciate the procedure for declaration and distribution of dividends by a company under.......By Tulika Sinha and Shashank Bijapur - Posted: 2008/7/23
Electronic agents: Undoubtedly, the influences of IT (‘Information Technology’) have already invaded every corner of our daily lives. Nowadays, it is unimaginable if one determines not to relevant.......By Sachin Mishra - Posted: 2008/7/23
Using Manufacturer Trademarks on Compatible Consumables: As awareness of protecting the environment increases, recycling or reuse of goods and resources is also on the rise, which is highly .......By Poorvi Chothani - Posted: 2008/7/23
Violence against woman - Issue Of Honor killing: A woman can be targeted by individuals within her family for a variety of reasons, including: refusing to enter into an arranged marriage, being the.......By Siddarth Banke - Posted: 2008/7/21
Right to Information Act, 2005: Right to information is more or less a universal concept. The concept of Right to know and right to Information, and right to make a demand for certain documents.......By Induja. M. J - Posted: 2008/7/20
Conflict between Interest and Duties of a Lawyer : A lawyer should not appear before any authority of which he is a member in a case against it. A lawyer should not accept a brief in which he has acted.......By Amanjot Malhi - Posted: 2008/7/18
Legal Aid: explores the efficacy of the concept of legal aid after its express insertion in form Article 39A in the Constitution and how far the vision of Justice P.N. Bhagwati andJustice Krishna Iyer.......By Himani Kaul and Deepika Singh - Posted: 2008/7/16
Women Suffrage: A comparative perspective toward women’s voting right between Scandinavian and Middle Eastern countries -with a focus in Iran.......By Negar Niknam - Posted: 2008/7/16
Future of Indian Immigration: Globalization, which helps businesses expand into new international markets, is eroding nation’s virtual borders through the Internet and blurring its geographic.......By Poorvi Chothani - Posted: 2008/7/11
Trial By Media: Sheds light on the negative as well as the positive aspect of the trial by the media and discusses about the various successes and failures. It goes into the desirability of strict......By Himanshu Raman Singh - Posted: 2008/7/2
Singapore Arbitration: Singapore is a vibrant centre for alternative dispute resolution processes. After a quarter of a century of development, building up an arbitration-friendly environment and capabilities......By Pooja Umadi- Posted: 2008/6/30
Vicarious Liability of Employers in Sexual torts committed by employees: With a steep rise in the number of womenfolk being employed in the patriarchal society like India, the safety of women is......By Dhivya Manivannan - Posted: 2008/6/25
Overseas Acquisitions/Investments By Indian Companies: analyses the emerging trend of overseas acquisition by Indian companies and the various methods of......By Adv. Bhuvana Veeraragavan - Posted: 2008/6/23
Distribution Of Revenues: its about distribution of revenues among unions and states and certain restrictions provided in it and also a brief about Finance Commission......By Komal Dave - Posted: 2008/6/23
Share Transfer Restrictions: restrictions on free transferability of shares in the case of companies with emphasis on section 111A of the Companies Act......By Nishtha Kacholia - Posted: 2008/6/23
Environment: our rich tradition of living in peace and harmony with nature, then why we are becoming indifferent towards the nature? Why condition of our natural resources......By Shubhya Pandey - Posted: 2008/6/23
Trafficking in Women: ever haunting and growing incident of trafficking in women and children that are increasingly coming to light in the present times. It discusses the meaning, incidents, causes......By Suyasha Jawa - Posted: 2008/6/12
India’s FDI Policy in Trading and Retailing Sector: India has developed very comprehensive and open policy towards Foreign Direct Investment (‘FDI’). Since the inception of economic reforms in early 1990s - By Ved Prakash - Posted: 2008/6/12
Minors In Torts: Article tells about the legal position of minors in the law of torts in India and the Commonwealth countries along with some relevant case laws. Child's capacity to be sued in cases of - .By Mohd Umar - Posted: 2008/6/11
Reservation: Reservation acted as a boon for our country’s development and individual rights. A member of a scheduled caste who was not earlier even allowed to attend a panchayat can now become a - .By Ritu Bhadana - Posted: 2008/6/11
Trademark Infringement and Passing Off: A trademark can be used for identifying and distinguishing a particular seller’s goods from others. Trademark also shows the origin of the goods - .By Avinash Gadhre - Posted: 2008/6/11
Access To Education In Private Schools: John Stuart Mill, in his Principles of Political Economy and Liberty, argued that ‘since education was necessary for the child to fit him to perform - .By Ishana Tripathi - Posted: 2008/6/7
Organ Transplantation Law In India: The article deals with the topic of organ transplantation, and the development of law on the same. It highlights the problems faced in the proper implementation - .By Nupur Nadir - Posted: 2008/6/7
Uniform Land Revenue System in India: In this particular paper an attempt is made to study and analyze the prevailing state of affairs with regard to Land Revenue and an option - .By Sneha Snehal and Ajay Chaudhary - Posted: 2008/5/25
Plagiarism: What is plagiarism? What are the types of plagiarism? What are the ways of detecting them? Prevention of plagiarism and the penalties - .By Stuti Bansal - Posted: 2008/5/22
I. R. Cohelo Vs. State Of Tamilnadu: In the present study this chapter is of utmost importance as it is the recent case relating to the confrontation of power between the Supreme Court and the - .By Azim Pathan - Posted: 2008/5/16
Phenomenon Of Consumerism: Today, consumer is called the king of the market. He is at the centre stage of all market activities. It is constant endeavour of producers that the production of - .By Abhishek Vinod Deshmukh - Posted: 2008/5/16
Directors of a Company: A company is a legal entity and does not have any physical existence. It can act only through natural persons to run its affairs. The person, acting on its behalf - .By Harsh Vardhan Jajodia - Posted: 2008/5/15
Abolition of Zamindari System in Rajasthan: The system of Zamindari is not unknown to anyone in India. The politicians of post-independence time had promised the uneducated public - .By Ajay Gadhwal and Priyanka Lal - Posted: 2008/5/12
Vishakha Judgement: Vishakha Judgement brought out the problem of sexual harassment at workplace in public glare. Even after the Supreme Court gave the guidelines, harassment is still prevalent - .By Devina Awasthi - Posted: 2008/5/12
Child Labour: "A Child is a father of the man". This famous line quoted by William Wordsworth refers to the importance of the child in a society for the development of society as well as - .By Shreyansh Chouradia - Posted: 2008/5/8
Forest Management In India: This paper analyses the evolution of sustainable forest management through participatory approach in India. the paper brings out a number of field level - By Anuja Chopra and Shivangi Sharma- Posted: 2008/5/8
Public Policy - Zoroastrian: Posing threat to the unity and integrity of the Nation - By Adv. A. Patrawala - Posted: 2008/5/8
Austin’s theory of Sovereignty in modern India and Pakistan: Austin in Province of Jurisprudence Determined broke the shackles of natural law, following his teacher Bentham, and provided for a newer........By Radhika Raman - Posted: 2008/4/27
Digital Signatures: Digital Signatures have been provided for in the Information Technology Act, 2000, to bring about a minimum level of security in the increasing amount of data transfer over the Internet - By Nandini Devare - Posted: 2008/4/22
Granting Cultural And Education Rights To The Minority In India: The purpose to guarantee these rights and to distinguish them from majority was not creating such discrimination but to make them able, - .....By Amit Kumar Jha- Posted: 2008/4/22
Law, Women And Advertisements: The Advertising Standards Council’s Code for Self regulation defines an advertisement as a paid-for communication, addressed to the Public or - .....By Rani Premkumar - Posted: 2008/4/18
Till Divorce Do Us Apart: Legal separation can sometimes be harder than getting married. Here's a look at the procedure involved in getting a divorce, and on life beyond it - .....By C.V.L .Narsimha Rao - Posted: 2008/4/13
Licensing and Access to Medicine in Developing Countries: In this paper we argue that compulsory licensing is a fundamental tool that developing countries may use in certain.....By Varun Maheshwari and Rahul Chaursia - Posted: 2008/4/11
Legal Aid: Free legal aid undoubtedly is beneficial to poor people and has been instituted with the noble purpose. Yet it has become a good ground for breeding corruption - .....By Arindam Datta- Posted: 2008/4/10
Business Connections: The term "Business connections" has always created confusion in its proper application and it has undergone lot of changes with the help of judicial pronouncements - .....By Swati Upadhyay - Posted: 2008/4/10
Issue of Bonus Shares: While the issue of bonus shares increases the total number of shares issued and owned, it does not increase the value of the company - ....By Shagun Mehta - Posted: 2008/4/8
Indoor Management: The doctrine of Indoor management, popularly known as the Turquand’s rule initially arose some 150 years ago in the context of the doctrine of constructive notice - ....By Kunvar Bharat Singh - Posted: 2008/4/8
Gender Inequality: Man and woman are both equal and both plays a vital role in the creation and development of their families in a particular and the society in general - ....By Abhishek Vinod Deshmukh - Posted: 2008/3/21
Changing Facets Of Sexual Offences: This article mainly aims at the man’s illicit temptations, which makes him incompetent to realize the value and modesty of a woman - ...By A P Nayak - Posted: 2008/3/20
Legal Dimensions of Information Technology - issues of copyright: It is related to the cyber world and the main focus is given on the issues such as the cyber crimes, right to information - ..By Dr. (Ms.) Thrity D. Patel and Azim Pathan - Posted: 2008/3/20
Insider Trading: Meaning of Insider Trading, the laws regulating it in India, an international overview of insider trading and some shortcomings of the regulations relating to insider trading in India along - ...By Himanshu and Sumeer - Posted: 2008/3/20
Why Do Prosecution Witnesses Turn Hostile: The most controversial and dilemmatic situation in a judicial process arises when the prosecution witness turn hostile and thus result in the acquittal of - ....By Manoj K Bahti - Posted: 2008/3/20
Data Exclusivity Law: Data exclusivity is a matter of heated controversy now-a-days all over the world and a source of tussle between developing and developed countries - ....By Amit Bhaskar - Posted: 2008/3/20
An Open Letter to the Bar Council of India: Nowadays Advocates are not without professional hazards- inviting criminal action for no fault...Dignity of Lawyers must be protected - ....By Adv.Abdulraheman Patrawala - Posted: 2008/3/20
Copyright Law in India: Under section 13 of the Copyright Act 1957, copyright protection is conferred on literary works, dramatic works, musical works, artistic works, cinematograph films - ....By Mahendra Kumar Sunkar- Posted: 2008/3/20
Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005: Despite of these legislations there is no legislation which particularly deals with rights of women against domestic violence - ....By Renuka Aloria - Posted: 2008/3/19
Watching Television with family: With the passage of time media has become the base of our society. It had been helping us by providing useful information relating to politics, soaps, movies day to - ...By Suman Purkait - Posted: 2008/3/19
Law Of Outer Space: The initiation of space exploration and subsequently its advancement unexpectedly sparked off another field of law known as the law of outer space or the space law - ....By Kapil Raina - Posted: 2008/3/14
Retrospective Operations Of Criminal Law: The great myth of being protected by retrospective laws, especially criminal law is clearly analyzed and examined. The author also through citing various - ...By Nikit Bala - Posted: 2008/3/14
Domestic Waste: It is related to the environmental hazard and the problem which society is facing due the huge generation of waste - ...By Azim Khan B. Pathan - Posted: 2008/3/13
Right To Employment Of Persons Living With Hiv/Aids: Despite the passage of a quarter-century since the AIDS/HIV infection was diagnosed, the stigma that surrounds it has not subsided. The number of persons who have become victims of this affliction - ..By Mahendra kumar sunkar - Posted: 2008/3/7
Right to Information in India: A democratic society survives by accepting new ideas, experimenting with them, and rejecting them if found unimportant. Therefore it is necessary that whatever ideas the - .By Manoj Kumar Bhati - Posted: 2008/3/5
Does Dividend Distribution Tax amount to Double taxation: the conflict of law regarding the implication of Dividend Distribution Tax. It has been argued time and again by many that, DDT - .By Devika Singh - Posted: 2008/3/5
Constitutional Morality And Judicial Values: Justice and Rule of Law are perhaps two of the noblest concepts evolved by the wit of the man that survived the test of the time through out the world - ...By Minu Elizabeth Scaria - Posted: 2008/3/5
Res Gestae: is an exception to the rule against Hearsay evidence. Res gestae is based on the belief that because certain statements are made naturally, spontaneously and without deliberation’ - ....By Mita Barik - Posted: 2008/3/5
Mass Torts and MNC’s Liability: can be explained as ‘Such activity of the defendant, the harm caused by which is wide and a large number or sector of society gets affected simultaneously’ - ....By Mukesh Chouhan - Posted: 2008/3/1
Takeovers: The author in his Paper has analyzed the provisions of law for the regulation of the activity of takeovers in India and has attempted to determine the loopholes in the regulatory - ....By Ankur Kashyap - Posted: 2008/2/29
Comparative Advertising laws: Comparative advertising is advertising where one party advertises his goods or services by comparing them with the goods or services of another party - ...By Rashi and Yamini - Posted: 2008/2/29
Right To Information: The Right to Information Act 2005 is a law enacted by the Parliament of India giving Indians (except those in the State of Jammu and Kashmir who have - ..By Namita Singh and Abhay Pratap Singh - Posted: 2008/2/23
Advertising And Trademark Infringement: Since independence the Indian businessmen and industries faced limited competition - both from within and outside the country. But, in 1990’s India - ..By Pradip Kumar Das - Posted: 2008/2/22
Human Organs Transplantation: An organ transplant is a surgical operation where a failing or damaged organ in the human body is removed and replaced with a new one - ..By Mohd Haris Usmani - Posted: 2008/2/22
Medical Negligence: This essay tries to signify the importance of the medical professionals in the society and the amount of sincerity they put in to their work. It also portrays the problems - .By Shounak Mitra - Posted: 2008/2/22
RBIs Control of Inflation: RBI has always looked to tackle inflation by concentrating on the demand aspect. However quite clearly that hasn't had the desired impact. By increasing the bank rates and pushing - .By Tishampati Sen - Posted: 2008/2/19
Is Narco Analysis a Reliable Science: A rough sketch of the concept of Narco- Analysis, its process, its legal aspects and recent position in India - .By Subhojyoti Acharya - Posted: 2008/2/19
Torts in India: Torts are civil wrongs resulting in personal injury or harm that constitutes grounds for a lawsuit. Thus, tort law addresses conflicts between private individuals or entities - By Mukesh Chouhan - Posted: 2008/2/16
Prison Reforms In Indian Prison System: All men are born equal and are endowed by their creator with some basic rights. These rights are mainly right to life and liberty - By Arnav Sood - Posted: 2008/2/15
Indian Secularism And Subsidy For Religious Populism: If India is to remain a secular country, the State must refrain from privileging any religion over another. Accommodation of minorities must not - By Dr. Rakesh Kr. Singh - Posted: 2008/2/15
Accomplice Evidence in Sexual Offenses: In sexual crimes, the other person usually the woman, may or may not be an accomplice, according as she is, by the nature of the crime, a victim of it - .By Pranaya Goyal - Posted: 2008/2/14
Child Labour with special reference to construction business: Its an article on how the rights of children are violated in construction business - By Abhinay Kapoor - Posted: 2008/2/13
Public Interest Litigation: This Article deals with the law and various case laws on Public Interest Litigation in India and the mechanism for protection of human rights through Public Interest Litigation - By Vishal P. Bhat - Posted: 2008/2/7
Cyber Terrorism: Cyber terrorism is the premeditated use of disruptive activities, or the threat thereof, in cyber space, with the intention to further social, ideological, religious, political or similar objectives - By Subhojyoti Acharya - Posted: 2008/2/7
Rights Of Senior Citizen: The population of the elderly persons has been increasing over the years. As per the UNESCO estimates, the number of the aged(60+) is likely to 590 million in 2005 - By Dr. Rakesh Kumar Singh - Posted: 2008/2/6
Alternate Dispute Resolution: Globalization has been a great stimulation in the process of integration of economies and societies of different countries across the globe - By B.S. Ajatshatru Meena - Posted: 2008/2/6
Sting Operation: The article deals with the justification of Sting Operations and also point out why it should not be allowed - By Yogendra Aldak - Posted: 2008/2/4
Power of Pardon: was historically vested in the British monarch. At common law, a pardon was an act of mercy whereby the king forgiveth any crime, offence, punishment, execution, right, title, debt, or duty - By Neil Borate- Posted: 2008/2/2
Should Judge be a Hermit: A person who has withdrawn from society and lives a solitary existence; a recluse is the most simple inference that can be drawn. Hermit is someone who doesn’t look for answers - By Ritika Behl - Posted: 2008/2/2
International Criminal Court and Universal jurisdiction: Background of the emergence and jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court, assesses its significance, analyses why some governments - By Karmanye Thadani - Posted: 2008/2/2
Concept of Marriage in Muslim Law: Marriage acts as an outlet for sexual needs and regulates it so one doesn’t become slave to his/her desires. It is a social need because through marriage, families - By Abhishek Pandey - Posted: 2008/2/2
International Human Rights and Transnational Corporation: Exploitation has always been considered to be water in river for capitalism. In the light of providing gifts it has let the darkness of exploitation - .By Mehul Gupta - Posted: 2008/2/2
Media and Child Protection: Increasing competition among the different newspapers and news channels at times rights of children are infringed. Recently the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights - .By Namita Anne Minj - Posted: 2008/2/2
Environmental Degradation and its Protection: Judicial as well as Legislative measures to protect the ecosystems of the country with relevant judicial verdict - ..By Avijit Roy - Posted: 2008/2/1
Foreign Law Firms In India: The Indian legal profession has, in recent years, undergone a significant change, emerging as highly competitive and ready to move along with the ongoing wave of - .By Ashok Priyadarshi Nayak - Posted: 2008/1/30
New Dimension to India's Taxation Policy: The Article reflects on the change in taxation policy from the british raj to the independence and then during the liberalization - By Harsh Vardhan Jajodia - Posted: 2008/1/29
United Nation and Security Council: In this article the author tried to focus on the powers and functions of one of the most important organs of the United Nation - By Sameer Shrivastava - Posted: 2008/1/28
Abolish Reservation Because Merit And Efficiency Are In Danger: Reservation is a highly debated topic in India. This system of positive discrimination remains mostly unimplemented in many sectors. - By Vinay Bhushan Upadhyay - Posted: 2008/1/28
Informal Sector And Social Development: Globalization means different things to different people. In its boarder sense, the term encompasses all types of economic and cultural transfer. - By Prof.K. Uma Devi, Dr. V. Sowbhagya Rani - Posted: 2008/1/27
Forensic Evidence: The mystic theories theretofore advanced to explain the scheme of things began to lose ground as the clear, cold logic of scientific experiment gradually shed a new light - By Arindam Datta - Posted: 2008/1/27
Nullification of Marriage - An Annulled Marriage: An annulment is a legal procedure which cancels a marriage between a man and a woman - By Adv.Shubhneet Kau - Posted: 2008/1/26
Forensic Evidence: The mystic theories theretofore advanced to explain the scheme of things began to lose ground as the clear, cold logic of scientific experiment gradually shed a new light........By Arindam Datta- Posted: 2008/1/26
Indigenous Governance: When the outsiders met indigenous peoples for the first time over five centuries ago, their concept understanding on indigenous peoples was very disparaging and called them aborigine, natives, tribal, schedule tribes, ethnic minorities and ethnic nationalities, connoting backwardness and........By Ashok Nayak - Posted: 2008/1/21
Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act: The need, nature ,structure and purpose and the initiative of the legislation along with the reasons of it being proven a menace and resulting in discrimination of men - By Mehak Khanna - Posted: 2008/1/21
Presidential Pardon: The dynamic nature and the changing dimensions round us impulses changes in the concept of morality and law - By Abhishek Kumar Pandey - Posted: 2008/1/21
Residence and Intentions under Tax Laws: The question of a person being a resident or not is identifiable after applying the test laid down in section 6 of the Income Tax Act, 1961. The scheme provided........By Mehul Gupta - Posted: 2008/1/16
Insider Trading And its Legal Mechanism: Insider trading may be perfectly legal, but the term is frequently used to refer to a practice, illegal in many jurisdictions, in which an insider or a related party trades - By Sudershani and Kartik - Posted: 2008/1/15
Cyber Crime And Law: contributes an understanding of the effects of negative use of Information technology, and how far the present law in India is successful in dealing with the issue, and what way is - By Akanksha and Akshay - Posted: 2008/1/14
Role of Law in E-governance: This paper specifically deals with E-governance in India, and prevalent laws applicable to it .Firstly, I have discussed the developments made by India with respect to e-governance - By Akanksha - Posted: 2008/1/09
Special Economic Zones: Globalization has prompted a shift from an import substitution based development strategy to an export promotion policy. Countries are viewing Special Economic Zones as engines........By Shikha Ohri - Posted: 2008/1/08
Danial Latifi v. Union of India: A Muslim is required to maintain his other relations only if he has the means. But a Muslim husband is duty bound to provide maintenance to his wife, even if he is poor, if the marriage is sahih or lawful - By Paushali De - Posted: 2008/1/08
Software Patenting: Software patenting is currently one of the most heated areas of debate. So, this article is an overview of software patenting in the current scenario........By Kartik Dawar - Posted: 2008/1/8
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