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Army law:
Judicial Approach In Grant of Pensionary Benefits to Army Personnel who are Dismissed Under the Army Act
Written by: Lt Col Rajinder Kumar, Dy Commandant, Institute of Military Law,
Kampteee Relevant Provisions Regarding Grant of/Forfeiture of Pension Under Pension Regulation 1961 Grant and forfeiture of pension is governed by
Pension Regulations for
the Army 1961 (Para 1) which are non-statutory. Reg 2 A lays down that
pension shall include gratuity except when it is used in contradistinction
to the term gratuity. Judicial Trend In Grant of Pension To Cashieredidis Missed Personnel Under Army Act As stated above, there are specific provisions in
Pension Regulations for the Army regarding forfeiture of Pensionary
benefits to a person cashiered dismissed from service under the Army Act.
Considering the relevance of Pension at old age, persons cashiered or
dismissed from his service have approached the courts for relief in
pension matters. Perusal of cases reveal that 'judicial Approach' in this
regard has not been uniform. At times, one gets reminded of 'Shakespearian
theme' to be or not to be. That is whether to pass a direction for grant
of pension or not. This confounding dilemma still confronts the Courts and
the matter is pending before the Hon'ble Supreme Court.
Stage-1: Judicial Approach Inclined More Towards Facts Rather Than
Rules - Liberal view Stage- II
Following Maj OS Sodhi's case, various High Courts granted relief's
to petitioners on the ground that Courts Martial though competent, have
not awarded the sentence of forfeiture of pension under Sec 71 (h) of the
Army Act. The view taken was that if Court Martial, which tried the
petitioner, did not forfeit service for pension then under Reg 16 (a) or
113 (a) of Pension Regulations for the Army 1961 (Para 1) pension cannot
be forfeited. This trend continued for some time. |
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Is Indian Army Secular?
Indian army provides employment to more than 1 million people. There
are no reservations for SC/ST’s in the Indian. Also here I shall
point out the duty of Indian Government to protect the fundamental
right of its citizens guaranteed under Art. 15 (4) of the
constitution of India introduced by the first Constitutional
Amendment Act of 1951. The Government claims Indian Army to be truly
secular, but there are regiments like the Rajput regiment, Sikh
regiment, Gorkha regiment, Naga, Jat, and Maratha etc. in the Army
even today.
Summary Court Marital And The Indian Judiciary:
The provisions for summary courts martial were not introduced into
the regular army till after the mutiny in the Bengal Army in 1857.
The discipline of the regular Indian Army had, for some time before
that catastrophe, seriously deteriorate and it was noticed that an
irregular troops, especially the Punjab irregular Force, where in
this respect in a much better state than their comrades of the
regular army. After the suppression of the mutiny the reason for
this difference was sought, and it was found to be insignificance
occupied of comparative insignificance occupied by the commandant of
a regular regiment, who had practically no power to punish or reward
his own men. In contrast the commanding officer of a regiment of the
Punjab irregular Force had almost absolute power and could himself
deal promptly and effectively with all military of fenders.
Role of UN In Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan:
As the world began to see peace initiative after the end of the
catastrophic Second World War, the new power blocs started to
polarize the Mother Earth into spheres of influence. The world
experienced the rise of the Cold War. As a consequence, smaller
nations engaged in proxy wars that were usually bloody and violent.
Afghanistan is one of the examples of the same. In December 1978,
Moscow signed a new bilateral treaty of friendship and cooperation
with Afghanistan, and the Soviet military assistance program
increased significantly. The regime's survival increasingly was
dependent upon Soviet military equipment and advisers as the
insurgency spread and the Afghan army began to collapse. By October
1979, however, relations between Afghanistan and the Soviet Union
were tense as Hafizullah Amin refused to take Soviet advice on how
to stabilize and consolidate his government. By early November 1979
contingency military preparations for an Afghan operation were well
under way.
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The Appellate Authority for Integrated HQ of MoD (ARMY) is as under
Provost Marshal & Appellate Authority
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Court Martial means a Judicial court for trying members of the armed
services accused of offences against military law.
Court Martial in Indian Army:
The Army Act, 1950 governs the Indian Army which provides us the detail about
the functioning of Courts-Martial.
There are 4 kinds of Court-Martial:
General Courts-Martial
District Courts-Martial
Summary General Courts-Martial
Summary Courts-Martial
Types of offences can be tried by a Court-Martial?
Almost all the offences that are committed by any army personnel will be tried
by a Court-Martial. The offences that can be tried by the Court-Martial has been
given in the Chapter VI of the Army Act, 1950.However,
Court-Martial shall not have jurisdiction, when any army personnel commit an
offence of:
Murder, or
Culpable homicide not amounting to murder, or
Rape against a person not subject to any of the defence's Acts.
But, there is an exception to the above exception according to which the
Court-Martial will have jurisdiction over the matter if the offence was
While on active service
At any place outside India
At a frontier post specified by the Central Government in notification.
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