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Cyber Laws in India | Internet laws in IndiaCyber Law Topics is discussed here are Virtual Worlds, Software Licensing Agreement, White Collar Crimes, Cyber Crime, Data Protection, Cyber Torts, Cyber Forensics, Internet Censorship, cyber crime |
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What Is Cyber Crime?
Cyber terrorists usually use the computer as a tool, target, or both for their unlawful act either to gain information which can result in heavy loss/damage to the owner of that intangible sensitive information. Internet is one of the means by which the offenders can gain such price sensitive information of companies, firms, individuals, banks, intellectual property crimes (such as stealing new product plans, its description, market programme plans, list of customers etc.), selling illegal articles, pornography etc. this is done through many methods such as phishing, spoofing, pharming, internet phising, wire transfer etc. and use it to their own advantage without the consent of the individual.
Many banks, financial institutions, investment houses, brokering firms etc. are being victimised and threatened by the cyber terrorists to pay extortion money to keep their sensitive information intact to avoid huge damages. And it’s been reported that many institutions in US, Britain and Europe have secretly paid them to prevent huge meltdown or collapse of confidence among their consumers. Computer Law
Data Exclusivity Law: Data exclusivity is a matter of heated controversy
now-a-days all over the world and a source of tussle between developing and
developed countries
Cyber Squatting- Clear and Present Danger: In the new e-economy it is commercially prudent for a company to have an easily traceable address in the cyber-space
Patent laws in India and patent Registration
National Electronics/ IT Hardware
Manufacturing Policy
Intellectual Property Office
- Copyright of Softwares
# IT Act 2000
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• Bare Acts
Latest additions on cyber laws
Multimedia: Multimedia is a term of complex meanings and divergent definitions...
Outsourcing - An Overview: Government by definition is a distortion of the free market. Its very existence is a perversion of free market economics
Spam: Is it time to legislate?: Spamming is truly the scourge of the Information Age. This problem has become so
The Nature And Functions
of IP Law: Principal object of intellectual property is to ensure consumers a varied variety
Care For Your Intellectual Property: Talent considers a wide range of factors such as behavior, creativity, performance
Censorship of Video Games: Over the last few years, governments around the world have been firing shots across the bow of the Interactive Video Game Industry
E-Contracts & Its Legality: Today with the recent advancement in the areas of computer technology, telecommunications technology, software and information technology
Copyright Infringement in Cyberspace & Network Security: Information Technology is growing faster than any other communication vehicle in the history mankind. Invention of digital technology
Intellectual theft- an essay on Plagiarism: Plagiarism is an issue of concern among people all around the world. It is a moral, ethical, legal issue which has been plaguing the world for centuries
Copyright Law in India: Under section 13 of the Copyright Act 1957, copyright protection is conferred on literary works, dramatic works, musical works, artistic works, cinematograph films
Outsourcing To India - Legal And Tax Considerations: Over the last few years, India has emerged as a leading destination for companies wishing to outsource their software development
Electronic agents: Undoubtedly, the influences of IT (‘Information Technology’) have already invaded every corner of our daily lives
Geographical Indications: The whole world in its present form is driven by the innovation.
IPR And Enforcement Mechanism: Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) implementation is one of the most crucial problems in dynamic cyberspace.
Breach of privacy & Confidentiality: deals with Section 72 of the Information Technology Act, 2000 which speaks about penalty for Breach of Confidentiality
E-contracts & issues involved in its formation: An attempt to reveal the incomplete character of the laws present in India
Offences & Penalties under the IT Act, 2000: introduction of the internet has brought the tremendous changes in our lives.
Cyber Crimes: first recorded cyber crime took place in the year 1820
E-contracts & issues involved in its formation: An attempt to reveal the incomplete character of the laws present in India w.r.t the econtratcs by analysing issues involved in the formation of an e-contract when it is analysed hand in hand with the conventional forms of contracts involving legal persons. - - Aniket Waghdhare
Servers & Routers in India by a foreign entity: Countries negotiate bilateral tax treaties to govern the tax treatment of cross-border transactions. Under most tax treaties, a company that sells goods and services to foreign markets - - Swati Sinha
Defamation in Cyber Space: Internet is a cheap, fast means of international communication of text, sound or image. In other words
Intellectual Property Rights- A Boon To Indian Companies:
Intellectual property plays an important role in an increasingly broad
range of.
Cyber Ethics: In legal phraseology and prospectus are very wide terms and very much intermingled.
Copyright : Seductive mirage: Copy Right in real sense is not a property, because it conflicts with some people's traditional sense of what property.
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GDPR Is a Data Science Law for European Bloc:
What is GDPR? GDPR or General Data Protection Regulation is a
legislation to secure the rights of the consumers. Its approval was
taken in 2016. The European companies nailed on it two years ago.
Now, it’s likely to come into effect from May 2018.
Privacy Settings to Support Cyber Law by Securing FB Data:
How is it if someone delivers your email address to an unknown?
Would you ever take this act granted? Matthew Oczkowski, the head
product of the aforesaid consulting firm, harvested the data of 50
million Facebook users.
The state Cyber Cell v Yogesh Pandurang Prabhu:
This case deals with the Section 509 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 and
Section 67 and 67A of Information Technology Act, 2000. This case
deals with the sending of obscene emails sent by the accused to the
Email Privacy & Anti-spam Law: Internet email is an electronic system through which messages are transported between systems on the behalf of their users. It is a faithful system in that the mail server delivers a message to the receipt that it is directed to.
Cyber Crime: The word cyber and its relative dot.com are probably the most commonly used terminologies of the modern era. In the information age the rapid development of computers, telecommunications and other technologies has led to the evolution of new forms of trans-national crimes known as cyber crimes.
Protection Law In India: Probes into data protection and its Indian
perspective ,Data Protection Law In Respect of Information Technology Enabled
Services, its significance and challenges citing various instances of the frauds
and mishaps - - Swati Sinha
Intellectual theft- an essay on Plagiarism: Plagiarism is an issue of
concern among people all around the world. It is a moral, ethical, legal issue
which has been plaguing the world for centuries - - Soumo and Suvajit
Online Defamation: The concept of defamation in India is defined under
Section 499 of Indian Penal Code. The concept is very old and is backed up by
various judicial pronouncements - - Vibhor Verdhan
Does India have a Data Protection law: This article mainly throws light on
the absence of Data Protection law in India and its consequences - - Mohammed
Nyamathulla Khan
Breach of Confidentiality and Various Legal Issues: Confidentiality has been
defined as the "ensuring that information is accessible only to those authorized
to have access" and is one of the cornerstones of information security. - -
Vibhor Verdhan
Data Retention Policies: Document retention, especially the retention of
electronic data has become a hot topic in the legal industry. In the 21st
century business world, companies are creating and storing the electronic
document and information at light speed. - - Vibhor Verdhan Verdhan
Data Protection Act: The Data Protection Act of England is an act that was
made after the report of Lindop’s Commission that had spoken about the privacy
of the citizens of the country of United Kingdom. The data protection act
contributes its level best in maintaining the privacy of the citizens of the
country - - Shivangi Raman
Copyright Infringement in Cyberspace and Network Security: Information
Technology is growing faster than any other communication vehicle in the history
mankind. Invention of digital technology was the most important revolution in
the last century. The influence of digital technology - - Tabrez Ahmad
Data Protection Law in India: The purpose of this article is to throw light
upon the laws that are for the protection of data inh India. A comparative and
critical analysis with the foreign laws relating to data protection has been
made. - - Pankaj Kumar
Emergence of Knowledge Economy: In an agricultural economy land is the key
resource. In an industrial economy natural resources, such as coal and iron ore,
and labour are the main resources. - - Husain Nazish Irshad
Cyber Crime And Law: contributes an understanding of the effects of negative
use of Information technology, and how far the present law in India is
successful in dealing with the issue, and what way is the legal structure
lagging to curb the crime. - - Akanksha and Akshay
Cyber Terrorism: Cyber terrorism is the premeditated use of disruptive
activities, or the threat thereof, in cyber space, with the intention to further
social, ideological, religious, political or similar objectives, or to
intimidate any person in furtherance of such objectives. - - Subhojyoti Acharya
# White Collar Crimes - cyber crimes
# Virtual Worlds-A Real Problem
# Software Licensing Agreement
# Cyber Crime - Issues Threats and Management
# Historical Perspective of Terrorism & Cyber Terrorism
# Offences & Penalties under the IT Act, 2000
# Keyword Trademark Infringement
# Internet Censorship
# Cyber Forensics & Electronic Evidences
# Cyber Torts
# Data Protection and Outsourcing
# Cyber Terrorism - Quick glance
# Cyber Offences - A Technological Termite
# Cyber Crime- success of conviction lack of jurisdiction
# Issue of Jurisdiction in Combating Cyber Crimes
# Prevention of Cyber Crime
Prosecution for Infringement of Copyright under:The idea of Copyright protection only began to emerge with the invention of printing, which made it
Copyright Societies: Copyright Society is a legal body which protects or safeguards the interest of owners of the work in which copyright subsist.
Making the Most of Copyright in the UK: Copyright is one of the most common forms of intellectual property protection as it protects the most common forms of materials produced
Plagiarism: What is plagiarism? What are the types of plagiarism? What are the ways of detecting them? Prevention of plagiarism and the penalties.
Copyright in judgments: It is very important to know certain details about copyrights before analyzing the topic in hand.
Trade Secret: Trade secret is a formula, process, device, or other business information that is kept confidential.
Trademark laws and Issues - Discussion Forum
Trademark Registration and Violation
Copyright Laws - Discussion Forum
Bare Acts of India:
The Transplantation of Human Organ Act 1994
The Cinematograph Act, 1952
Copyright Act of 1957
The Emigration Act, 1983
Union Budget 2012
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