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Analysis of Limited Liability Partnership Act: There are different forms of business organization prevalent in India and the world with ownership, control, liability membership, and capital distinguishing them -- By Manali Singhal- Posted: 2010/12/24
Angioplasty of Separation of Powers: The article is about Judicial Activism and how it is taking up the separation of power in order to make society worth living......By Sandeep Kumar Passi- Posted: 2010/12/24
Marital Rape versus Conjugal Right: The spousal rape or marital rape is the most common version of rape which never attracted much attention. There is a serious controversy over the matter whether ....By Jewel Chanda- Posted: 2010/12/24
Professional Ethics: It means a code of rules which regulates the behaviour and conduct of a practicing lawyer towards himself, his client, his opposite party, his counsel and of course towards the court......By anupom chakraborty- Posted: 2010/12/24
Judicial Process in India: critique of judicial process in India, demerits of adversarial system of justice delivery, reforms in court system, inquisitorial mode of justice delivery, corruption in judiciary...By Sabaha Khan- Posted: 2010/12/24
Understanding the Concept of Corporate Governance in the Light of Companies Bill 2009: My article basically highlights the Bill which replaces the 1956 Act and consolidates a number of its provisions....By Sabaha Khan- Posted: 2010/12/24
Leading Questions: The entire corpus juris (body of laws) is broadly classified into 2 categories, i) substantive laws, and ii) adjective laws. Substantive laws are those, which define the rights, duties and liabilities......By prachi shah- Posted: 2010/12/21
Protective Discrimination and Tribal Welfare: The word reservation has attained a particular legal significance in matters relating to public employment. The concept is founded on separating individuals...By Rahul Shrivastava- Posted: 2010/12/21
Different Perspectives On Justice: This article describes the very
essence of law that is 'justice' as perceived by John Rawls in his
time-turning 'A theory of Justice'...By Rahul Shrivastava- Posted:
Fundamental liability theory: Law is any rule of human conduct accepted by the society and enforced by the state for the betterment of human life........By Animesh- Posted: 2010/12/9
Power of Arbitrator to Delegate his Duties: The Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 does not make any special reference as to the power of arbitrator to delegate........By Odyssey Bordoloi- Posted: 2010/12/9
Women Society’s Honour Really Under Threat in India: The article relates to Honour Killing, which is spreading its wing like a disease. although we have enough law but how it can be tackled according to........By Sandeep Kumar Passi- Posted: 2010/12/9
Development and Human Right to Food: This is an article directing for foundation of a balance between economic development of the country and the basic human right to food of its citizens......By Rahul Shrivastava - Posted: 2010/12/9
Role of Individual and Sustainable Development: Individuals are now the only hopes to save the environment and maintain the sustain deployment and make the earth best place for future generation...........By Rajrupa sinha roy- Posted: 2010/12/9
Conservation of Natural Resources: The forest closed behind and then it got all globular and we could soil it round. It was ours to keep, we burrowed deep to see what could be found.....By Vijay N Hiremath- Posted: 2010/12/9
Rawls V. Ors: This article deals with the concept of justice as explained simultaneously by various philosophers/thinkers.. ........By Rahul Shrivastava - Posted: 2010/12/9
Trespass: This article is about Trespass to Person, Trespass to Chattels, Trespass to Land and it also deals with their defenses...........By Ripudaman Singh Tanwar- Posted: 2010/12/9
Protecting Economic Rights of Hindu Women: At the outset, it must be pointed out that the existing laws of maintenance are disparate, chaotic and scattered. Maintenance law in India relating to Hindu female...........By shiva satish - Posted: 2010/12/9
Right To Information: The Right to Information Act, 2005 (RTI) is a law enacted by the Parliament of India "to provide for setting out the practical regime of right to information for citizens...........By Rahul Shrivastava - Posted: 2010/12/9
Madness and Civilization: Madness and Civilization is a deep and complex treatment of the role of madness in Western society. It begins by describing end of leprosy in Europe........By Rahul Shrivastava- Posted: 2010/11/24
Coparcenary Rights of Major Unmarried Hindu Daughters: In the light of judgment in the matter of: B.Chandrashekhar Reddy V. State of Andhra Pradesh AIR 2003 SC 2322.........By Rahul Shrivastava - Posted: 2010/11/23
Offences and Penalties under the IT Act, 2000: he introduction of the internet has brought the tremendous changes in our lives. People of all fields are increasingly using the computers to create... .....By Pradnya Pahurkar - Posted: 2010/11/22
socio economic survey of the Project Affected Families of Kakinada SEZ Private Limited: Kakinada Special Economic Zone Private Limited (KSEZ), having been endowed with an objective of setting up of industrial establishments contributing for the development of the area.....By Mohan Rao- Posted: 2010/11/21
special Economic Zones Act, 2005: The SEZs. are given several relaxations of customs and other duties including anti dumping duty. These are more liberal regimes in respect of other levies.....By Mohan Rao- Posted: 2010/11/21
Offences and Penalties under the IT Act, 2000: he introduction of the internet has brought the tremendous changes in our lives. People of all fields are increasingly using the computers to create,.....By Pradnya Pahurkar- Posted: 2010/11/21
Money Laundering: is a global problem that not only threatens security, but also compromises the stability, transparency and efficiency of financial systems.....By Samridha Neupane- Posted: 2010/11/21
R. Rajagopal alias R.R. Gopal and Another Vs. State of Tamil Nadu: In the present case the author examines the proposition which is raised is concerning the freedom of press country. .....By kumar sumit- Posted: 2010/11/21
Contract Ratification: Ratification is in law equivalent to previous authority it may be expressed or it may be affected impliedly by conduct.[1] Section 196 and 197 .....By Abhinav Kumar- Posted: 2010/11/21
Arbitral Award Its Challenge and Enforcement: In this article the author has tried to cover a very effective, important and developing area of dispute settlement by means of arbitration. Though, it is true that .....By -kumar sumit - Posted: 2010/11/21
Superior of the superiors: It actually discusses the cause of the crimes that occurs and its solution, with a human right perspective.......By Pradnya Pahurkar - Posted: 2010/11/21
Evidence produced by Child Witness and the need for Reforms: Capability of a witness is the condition precedent to the administration of oath or affirmation, and is a question distinct from that .....By Parul Singh - Posted: 2010/11/11
Intellectual properties rights: Intellectual property rights are a bundle of exclusive rights over creations of the mind, both artistic and commercial. The former is covered by copyright laws.....By Shuchi pandey - Posted: 2010/11/11
Which employees do not fall under the ambit of Industrial Dispute Act, 1947: Experience of the working of the 1929 Act revealed various defects which needed to be overcome by a fresh .....By Shuchi pandey - Posted: 2010/11/11
Demerger under Company Law: Companies often reorganize and restructure their operations to carry out various business activities in more focused manner........By Samridha Neupane - Posted: 2010/11/11
Stipend: It is an appeal to very advocates who possess and retain juniors to pay them stipend.....By Pankaj Kr. Dua - Posted: 2010/11/11
Copyright Societies: Copyright Society is a legal body which protects or safeguards the interest of owners of the work in which copyright subsist.....By Prof Pradnya Pahurkar - Posted: 2010/11/11
Domestic Violence as a Human Rights Issue: Freedom not only from violence but also from the threat of violence is the first indicator of rise in women's capacity for survival and empowerment. Violence against......By Sanmit Seth - Posted: 2010/11/10
Vodafone vs. Union of India: The last decade has viewed the tremendous growth in the Mergers and Acquisitions and it also witnessed the growth....By shuchi pandey - Posted: 2010/11/10
Adultery in India: law of adultery and the discrimination under it in light of the now legalized concept of homosexuality and proposes a modified definition of the law of adultery....By Nidhi Khare - Posted: 2010/11/10
Suit For Damages: this article discusses damages as a remedy to the breach of contract. it includes everything right from what are damages?, types of damages to the measure of damages....By Varsha G Subramanian - Posted: 2010/11/10
Anti-terrorism Laws: The article discusses the major anti-terrorism legislations enacted in India and is an attempt to distinguish the myth and reality behind these legislations.....By nalin nair - Posted: 2010/11/10
Indian Corporate Law: In this paper, the author will be dealing with three topics, which though seemingly distinct, are in certain ways mutually related and having significant effects on the evolution.....By Rajgopal Saikumar - Posted: 2010/10/31
Mesne Profit: The law of nature gives the primary right to compensation against the breach of legal right. Likewise, wrongful interference with the immovable property of another.....By Nikunj Kanara - Posted: 2010/10/31
Incorporation of Company: how company can be incorporated in India and what are the advantages and disadvantages of incorporation. And it also tells about the effects of Pre-incorporation....By Ripudaman Singh Tanwar - Posted: 2010/10/31
Partners under Limited liability partnership Act 2008: The concept of limited liability partnership had evolved in the aftermath of the collapse of real estate and energy prices....By Manoranjan Ayilyath - Posted: 2010/10/31
Should India have a Uniform Civil Code?: The issue of Uniform Civil Code has been debated since the time of Indian independence. This article deals with whether there is a need for India to have....By Raya Hazarika - Posted: 2010/10/31
Justice delayed is justice denied: The judiciary of our country is regarded as the best and independent by the western press. Its path-breaking judgments and fearlessness are appreciates by one and all......By Aniket Pandey - Posted: 2010/10/31
Enforcement Of Competition Law In India: A Comparative Analysis With U.K and EU: India has some unique features including a mixed economy, where private sector participation has been allowed in some.....By rini mitra - Posted: 2010/10/31
Juvenile Justice: The article looks at the issue of age determination in the context of juvenile justice and if the same is prone to misuse. The paper takes a hard look at the law-literally- and adopts.....By Naman Gupta - Posted: 2010/10/31
Copyright: Seductive mirage: Copy Right in real sense is not a property, because it conflicts with some people's traditional sense of what property is. They live in the physical world.....By Ayusman Mahanta - Posted: 2010/10/31
Environmental Tort from Indian Perspective: Post 9o’s there is a tremendous and rapid growth witnessed by our country. In order to stimulate and sustain the growth wagon of the country, the government has in.....By Ayusman Mahanta - Posted: 2010/10/31
Anti-terrorism laws in India: The bomb blasts and terrorist attack in many cities like Jaipur, Ahmedabad, Banglore and attack on Mumbai on 2611.....By Bhupendra Acharya - Posted: 2010/10/31
Can Human Rights be Universal and Have Respect for Cultural Relativism?: how the Human Rights are universal and upto which possible extent and also describe about two opposite view on UDHR.....By Bhupendra Acharya - Posted: 2010/10/31
Indemnity in a contract: this article deals with meaning and enforcement of indemnity in a contract. it also seeks to compare the remedies on breach of contract of indemnity and remedies under .....By shuchi pandey - Posted: 2010/10/31
Privity of contract and third party beneficiary in a contract: Legal doctrine that a contract confers rights and imposes liabilities only on its contracting parties. They and not any third-party, can sue each other....By shuchi pandey - Posted: 2010/10/31
Traditional Medicine and Intellectual Property Rights-An Indian Perspective: In developing countries, the issues of traditional knowledge have assumed a critical dimension in the area of intellectual......By B - Posted: 2010/10/28
Commercial matter under Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996: is an Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to domestic arbitration, international commercial arbitration and enforcement......By Abhijith Krishnan - Posted: 2010/10/26
Merging a company: A business grows over time as the utility of its products and services are recognized. It also grows through an inorganic process.....By shuchi pandey - Posted: 2010/10/26
Legal Aspects of the Bhopal Gas Tragedy: The Bhopal gas tragedy is, till date, the world’s worst industrial disaster. It occurred in December of 1984 at Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh......By Deepika Kumar - Posted: 2010/10/26
Human Rights Violation: Human rights violation have become very common now-a-days. The Newspapers and T.V. tell us that every day and at every moment, somewhat in the world......By Deepesh Mittal - Posted: 2010/10/21
Right to Information: India is a democratic country. The head of the country is elected by the people of the country. The Government of the country possesses the authority to work......By Deepesh Mittal - Posted: 2010/10/21
Historical Perspective of Terrorism and Cyber Terrorism: Terrorism is an organized system of intimidation. It is broadly defined as violent behavior designed to generate fear in the community......By shobhna - Posted: 2010/10/21
Sources of Hindu Law: The phrase source of law has several connotations. It may be the authority which issues rules of conduct which are recognized by Courts as binding. In this context, ‘source of law’.......By Debanshu Khettry - Posted: 2010/9/21
Financial Markets: Whenever we think about markets, a picture that flashes across our minds is of a place which is very busy, with buyers and sellers, some sellers, shouting at the top of their voice........By Kawaljit Singh Bhatia - Posted: 2010/9/21
Reconstruction and Amalgamation: The company wished to avoid being wound up and negotiated a scheme in which the existing shareholdings in the company would be transferred to a new company.......By Nishant Arora - Posted: 2010/9/21
Post-Termination non-compete clauses in employment contracts: Employees Confidential Information and other Rights V/s Right to Freedom of trade and Profession of Individual.........By Rashmi Jajoria - Posted: 2010/9/21
Cyber Crime - Issues Threats and Management: Managing Cyber crime to Cyber warfare’ the author commence his 1st chapter ‘Nature and Consequences of Cyber Crime’ by explaining about what is crime.........By Nikhil Borana - Posted: 2010/9/15
Void and Voidable Agreements: The law relating to contracts in India is governed by The Indian Contract Act , 1872. However the Contract Act does not purport to codify the entire law relating........By Rashmi Jajoria - Posted: 2010/9/15
Constitutional Validity Of Marriage Laws Amendment Bill-2010: With the changing times, notions of fairness and justice assume newer and wider dimensions and customs and beliefs of the people........By Anooja Srivastava - Posted: 2010/9/15
Law And Democracy: The evolution of the individual as the ultimate measure of things is a universally accepted standard of democratic society........By Dr Prem Nath - Posted: 2010/9/12
Trade Mark Law in India and Its Violation: A trademark or trade mark is one of the elements of Intellectual Property Right and is represented by the symbol TM or ® or mark is a distinctive sign or indicator........By Amit Kumar - Posted: 2010/9/12
Registration of Unconventional Trademarks: trade mark may be a word signature, name, device, label, numerals or combination of colours used by an undertaking, on goods or services or other articles........By Amit Kumar - Posted: 2010/9/12
Basic Structure of Constitution - Myth or Reality: This Article deals with question that whether the doctrine of Basic Structure is a myth created by hon'ble Supreme Court or a reality........By Surya Bhan Singh Billawria - Posted: 2010/9/12
Legal Education: Globalization of the legal profession has introduced a sea change in the entire fabric of law teaching and legal profession in India........By Sumit Kumar - Posted: 2010/9/12
Snehlata Gupte Vs. UOI and Others: In the backdrop of some recent cases where the observance was that the time gap between the grant of patent and subsequent acts like recordal of entry in the..........By David Bhatt - Posted: 2010/9/7
Right of Women to Terminate Pregnancy: My article describe how Judiciary and Statue has narrowed the rights of women..........By Pratyush Nath upreti - Posted: 2010/9/2
Custodial Torture: This article deals with the current scenario with respect to custodial torture in India, the constitutional and legislative provisions that deal with the same and their inadequacy to counter the issue.......By Rukmani Seth - Posted: 2010/9/2
Global Terrorism and Major Indian Legislations: This paper has discussed the effectiveness of the provisions of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 in dealing with offences related to global terrorism .......By Arun Babu - Posted: 2010/8/31
Right to Innocent Passage in Territorial Sea: This article deals with Right to innocent passage in territorial sea in accordance with United nation convention on territorial sea......By haris jamil - Posted: 2010/8/31
Hear- Say In Contracts: This paper is clearly analysis the issues regarding the communication for offer and acceptance and hence is restricted to the issues surrounding the topic, especially in the context.......By Akshata Srinath - Posted: 2010/8/31
Limited Liability Partnership: A Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) has the best of both partnership and company. It has the features of a partnership, vis-à-vis, agreement......By Marina - Posted: 2010/8/31
Standard form of Contract: The Standard Form Contracts are standardized contracts that contain a large number of terms and conditions in fine print, which restrict and often exclude liability under the contract.......By Adv. Vishnu S - Posted: 2010/8/31
Position of Directors In A Company: Director is an agent of the Company for the conduct of the business of the company. Directors of a company have fiduciary relationship with the company as well......By Adv. Vishnu S - Posted: 2010/8/31
Children Rights under the Constitution: Children Rights with reference to various provisions of the constitution, child labour, juvenile justice......By Deepti Susan - Posted: 2010/8/31
Wagering Agreements: The article describes wagering agreement and its variation from other agreements. It clearly encapsulate the agreements collateral to wagering agreements.......By Akansha Rathore - Posted: 201009/8/31
Plagiarism: works created by other people is rightfully their intellectual property and if we use that work we are bound to acknowledge that......By Shobhna - Posted: 2010/8/31
Pedestrians Rights: On most of the public roads in Kerala the rights of the pedestrians are overlooked by the PWD and municipal authorities......By R.Premanandan - Posted: 2010/8/31
Software Licensing Agreement: It is a general overview of software licensing agreement and its applicability in India........By parikshit singh- Posted: 2010/8/31
Interpretation of word industry: it is a general overview of how the
court has interpreted the term Industry... ......By parikshit singh -
Posted: 2010/8/31
Quantum of damages in Tort Law: In tort law, a remedy is paid in the form of monetary compensation (damages). Since the quantification of such damages have not been codified, the determination.....By Modhura Roy - Posted: 2010/8/31
Underwriting contract at the time of issue of securities: Underwriting is the nature of an insurance against the adverse situation in the timing of the public issue. This paper deals with the different aspects of the.....By Modhura Roy - Posted: 2010/8/31
Shops and Establishment Act of Punjab and Haryana: its an a brief description of Shops and Establishment Act of punjab and Haryana, which anyone can understand how the Shops can be open ......By Amit Kumar - Posted: 2010/8/24
Private Participation in Infrastructural Development: Public Private Partnership (PPP) across all key infrastructure sectors including Highways, Port, Power and Telecoms is considered to be a major step...By Anupam Shukla - Posted: 2010/8/24
Honour Killing: ‘Honor crimes are acts of violence, usually murder, committed by male family members against female family members, who are held to have brought dishonor upon the family...By radhika karkhanis - Posted: 2010/8/22
Deductions Under Section 80d and 80e Of The Income Tax Act: The article expounds the concept of deductions in general provided under the Income Tax Act , 1961 , and specifically the deductions with....By Deeksha Chaudhary - Posted: 2010/8/22
Virtual Worlds-A Real Problem: Virtual worlds are a reality. The internet has spread its wings and brought every aspect of life under its shadow......By Medha Vikram - Posted: 2010/8/22
Regulatory Aspects of Venture Capital In India: Venture Capital is money granted by qualified who advance and administer swiftly increasing companies that have the potential to enlarge as...By maneesh yadav - Posted: 2010/8/13
Protection against Ex-Post Facto Laws: This article includes meaning , scope and provisions in other countries of ex post facto law and a detailed analysis of article 20(1) of Indian constitution.....By Nikita Vaidya - Posted: 2010/8/13
Carbon Trading In India: India is the biggest beneficiary of carbon trading and it is expected that over a period of time India will gain $5 to $10 billion......By Gautam Ahuja - Posted: 2010/8/3
Women and Participation: Women the very word reminds us of poor, needy, weak, and underprivileged so on. The scenario may not be same as I have quoted all across the globe......By swapnil verma - Posted: 2010/8/1
Center’s Obligation towards State: Unity in diversity is an old theme of the political and cultural life of India. The strands in this theme are numerous and are woven into complex patterns......By Dr Prem Nath - Posted: 2010/8/1
Globalization: When most people think of globalization they think of the rapid expansion of trade, finance markets and corporate activity, and perhaps the associated decline in government power......By Dr Prem Nath - Posted: 2010/8/1
Immigration Laws in India: Although human migration has existed for hundreds of thousands of years, immigration in the modern.........By Tulika Chakraborty - Posted: 2010/8/1
Child Labour in Indian Society: Almost one-third of the world population consists of children. Therefore they need to be cared and protected, to keep up and improve posterity.........By adv.vishnus - Posted: 2010/8/1
White Collar Crimes - cyber crimes: cyber crimes in India have been increasing with a great pace. this article deals with the different types of cyber crimes and their prevention. the author has also......By Akahat Kulshrestha - Posted: 2010/8/1
Development of Adalat System during the time of Warren Hastings: various reforms made by Hastings during his time in India. It emphasizes on the changes which were made in regard to civil and criminal justice.......By Sucheta Mehra - Posted: 2010/8/1
SEZ Act 2005: In the context of the widespread discontent that the SEZ policy has generated among the people of this country, the scheme itself should be abandoned. Forcible acquisition......By Nishant Arora - Posted: 2010/7/15
Export of Services: The concept of taxation of services is of recent origin. The share of services accounts for 60%[1] of the GDP and it is the major driver of economic growth......By Ranjani Sivaraman - Posted: 2010/7/15
Defending the Constitution and The Rule Of Law: Rule of law is one of the pillars of the modern world, and widely considered necessary for sustained economic development, the implementation of democracy......By Sanjay Gupta - Posted: 2010/7/15
Election Commission of India: An article related to composition,powers, functions and modern approach of the Election Commission of India......By Varun Israni - Posted: 2010/7/14
Negotiation-Mode Of ADR: Negotiation is self counseling between the parties to resolve their dispute. The word "negotiation" is from the Latin expression, "negotiatus", past participle of negotiare......By V.G.Ranganath - Posted: 2010/7/14
Extension of Time in Service Contracts: this article explains that where in service contracts time is of the essence of contract, it does not cease to be if time for the performance of the contract is extended......By Nidhi Khare - Posted: 2010/7/14
Indian Judiciary A Pillar Above All: Our constitution is a document which demarcates limits of various wings of state is the source of power of these arms. It not only provides for separation of power......By Shikhar Sinha - Posted: 2010/7/14
Dis-honour Of Cheques: The article deals with dis-hnonour of cheque as per the NI Act, amendment made in it, essentials of section 138 and other related subtopics....By Pragya Aishwarya - Posted: 2010/7/3
Is your company's name legal: The core of naming a business lies in understanding trademark law. Trademarks help consumers identify the makers of good or services....By Neha Sharma - Posted: 2010/7/3
Patenting of Micro-Organism in India: Biotechnology patenting in India is still in its infancy even in 2010. Three factors are primarily responsible. First, product patents on substances...By S.P. Srivastava Sr. Lecturer - Posted: 2010/7/3
Right To Anticipatory Bail: The word Anticipatory Bail is not found in s. 438 or in its marginal note. In fact anticipatory bail is a misnomer as it is not bail presently granted in anticipation of arrest......By Dr Prem Nath - Posted: 2010/7/3
Justice Delayed Justice Denied: Law is a noble profession. Lawyers and Courts have always been the last refuse for the helpless and the harassed litigants.......By Dr Prem Nath - Posted: 2010/7/3
Passing off and the Concept of Goodwill: Passing off is a part of the law of contract which can be used to enforce unregistered trademark rights. The tort of passing off protects the goodwill of a trader......By Sujay Dixit - Posted: 2010/6/24
Anti-Terrorism Legislation: Anti-terrorism legislation designs all types of laws passed in the purported aim of fighting terrorism. They usually, if not always, follow specific bombings or assassinations......By Sujay Dixit - Posted: 2010/6/24
ADR Mechanism in India: this is about alternate method of dispute resolution in India and how it differs from ADR in foreign countries......By Sujay Dixit - Posted: 2010/6/24
Why Mergers and Acquisitions fail: Mergers and acquisitions are at a all time high and so is their rate of failure. What are the reasons behind this......By Gautam Ahuja - Posted: 2010/6/24
Validity and formation of a Contract: According to legal scholar Sir John William Salmond, a contract is "an agreement creating and defining the obligations between two or more parties"......By Sujay Dixit - Posted: 2010/6/22
Surrogacy in India: Surrogacy or Surrogate means substitute. In medical parlance, the term surrogacy means using of a substitute mother in the place of the natural mother......By Sujay Dixit - Posted: 2010/6/22
Applying the Usurious Loans Act of India: An analysis of RBI's proposal to extend the Usurious Loans Act of India, 1918 to the banking industry; in order to curb predatory lending......By Arush Sengupta - Posted: 2010/6/22
Legitimacy of Adultery Laws in India: the various aspects of Adultery Laws existing in India, which, on analysis would be found to be in want of amendment or change......By Christopher Vijay Rao - Posted: 2010/6/22
The Rights of Children in India: This article deals with the International Laws, Constitutional provisions, various legislations, policies of the Govt......By Mayukh Gupta - Posted: 2010/6/22
You May Have The Body Habeas Corpus: A habeas corpus petition is a petition filed with a court by a person who objects to his own or another's detention or imprisonment.......By sonal chhablani- Posted: 2010/6/22
Perspective of Information Technology: Recently, some criminal elements of cyber society reminded the world of their existence by laying siege on live IT Corporations, Government websites........By V.G.Ranganath- Posted: 2010/6/22
Burkina Faso V. Mali: Subject is the case of frontier dispute between Burkina Faso v. Mali. What is of importance here is the fact that frontier disputes are a major reason for the Public International Law to exist... .......By Pushkar Thakur- Posted: 2010/6/22
Executive: Civil and Criminal Immunity: The Executive is what is comprised of the President, the Vice President, Attorney General and the council of ministers. ‘Rajapramukh’ was also a part of the executive........By Pushkar Thakur- Posted: 2010/6/22
Confiscation and Forfeiture of Property: The draft posted is on the code of Criminal Procedure Act, 1973 is Forfeiture and confiscation of property. The chapter in the code of Criminal Procedure Act, 1973..........By Pushkar Thakur- Posted: 2010/6/22
Miscellaneous Proceedings: The draft basically will deal with the concept of Miscellaneous proceedings under the code with respect to Article -141.......By Pushkar Thakur- Posted: 2010/6/17
Intoxication as a Defence: There is general agreement that causing another person's death with deliberate intent is culpable as one of the most serious offences...........By Pushkar Thakur- Posted: 2010/6/17
Leviability of Sales Tax to Actionable Claim: The issues dealt by me in this article are as follows: I) Whether actionable claim can be considered as goods? II) Whether sales tax can be levied.....By Juhi Bansal- Posted: 2010/6/17
Freedom of Press In India: This article deals with the constitutional provisions regarding freedom of press and the role played by the media in delivering justice........By Mayukh Gupta- Posted: 2010/6/17
Ethics of Judges and Judicial Accountability: Justice S.H. Kapadia said: When we talk of ethics, the judges normally comment upon ethics among politicians, students and professors and others........By V.G.Ranganath- Posted: 2010/6/17
Child Custody and Guardianship: Child custody and guardianship are legal terms which are sometimes used to describe the legal and practical relationship between a parent........By Pushkar Thakur- Posted: 2010/6/16
Waiver Of Fundamental Rights: The doctrine of waiver explains that a person, entitled to a right or privilege, is free to waive that right or privilege.....By Pushkar Thakur- Posted: 2010/6/14
Controversial IPL 2010: Sweatly Bid Rigged?: This is a classic example of complications in restrictive trade practices issues and corporate dispute. Bone of contention chiefly.....By Juhi Bansal- Posted: 2010/6/14
Live-in Relationships: position in India and abroad-pros and cons-legitimacy of child-inheritance of property... .....By Swathy Gopal- Posted: 2010/6/14
Trespass -Tortious Liability: The tort of trespass is one of the oldest and widest writs; it covers both criminal and civil aspects within its ambit. The Idea of security of person......By Pushkar Thakur- Posted: 2010/6/14
Special and Differential Treatment in WTO: The WTO Agreements containing special provisions give developing countries special rights and developed countries the possibility to treat developing countries.....By Pushkar Thakur- Posted: 2010/6/14
Anti Competitive Practices in India: Competition laws in India were governed by the Monopolistic Restrictive Trade Practices Act, 1969 which is substantially taken from U.K Legislations.....By Pralika Jain- Posted: 2010/6/9
Patentability: Section 2 (j): Invention means a new product or process involving an inventive step and capable of industrial application. This article deals with the conditions of Patentability......By Mohan Roy Mathews- Posted: 2010/6/9
Neha Bhasin v/s.Raj Anand Raj and Performer’s Rights: Section 57 of the copyright Act provides author of a copyright, a right to claim authorship of the work and also rights of integrity.......By Anna Alphonsa- Posted: 2010/6/9
Limited Liability Partnership in India: he article speaks about Limited Liability Partnership in India with an overview of the same being different and yet similar to traditional Partnership Companies......By Akshat Gupta- Posted: 2010/6/9
Role of NGO in the WTO system: Both state and non-state actors are important partners in the governance of trade at the international and national levels......By Priyanka A Shetty- Posted: 2010/6/9
Remuneration of Directors: Regulation of directors' remuneration becomes necessary for several reasons, prominent among them being the prevention of diversion of corporate funds..........By Mohan Roy Mathews- Posted: 2010/6/9
Renting of Immovable Property - Service Tax: Hierarchy of Case laws deciding whether renting of immovable property alone is exigible for service tax..........By D.Satya Siva Darshan- Posted: 2010/6/4
Right To Circulation: Freedom of expression has always been emphasized as an essential basis for the democratic functioning of a society..........By Aarsha Unnikrishnan- Posted: 2010/6/4
Restriction on Advocates: Rules 47 to 52 of Bar Council of India Rules puts a restriction on advocates from taking up other employments........By Mohan Roy Mathews- Posted: 2010/6/2
Marine Insurance against Piracy: Insurance is a thriving business as well as a necessity for pursuing a living without threats of economic loss. The contribution of marine insurance........By Ann Thania Alex- Posted: 2010/6/1
Constitutional Protection on Labour Laws: In this project I have analyzed the main Articles of our Indian Constitution which protects , supports , and act as a guideline to various labour laws........By Aarsha Unnikrishnan- Posted: 2010/5/27
Foreign Direct Investment in Real Estate Business: It explains the current legal position after the consolidated FDI Policy, April 2010 regarding Foreign Direct Investment in.......By D. Satya Siva Darshan and Mohan Roy Mathews - Posted: 2010/5/27
A Vision of Food Related Laws with Special Reference to Consumer : Every human being is a consumer in day today life availing goods and services for his necessity and fittest survival. A comparative.........By V.G.Ranganath- Posted: 2010/5/27
Shit Environment: What is interesting is that as man evolved, it was only because of rapid environmental change that led to a lot of changes in humans especially cutting down the trees.......By Abhigyan bhowmick - Posted: 2010/5/24
Corporate Personality: Corporate Personality is the creation of law. Legal personality of corporation is recognized both in English and Indian law........By Aarsha Unnikrishnan - Posted: 2010/5/22
FDI policy, April 2010 - An Analysis: The Government of India released the new document on FDI policy on March 31, 2010 whereby.........By D. Satya Siva Darshan and Mohan Roy Mathews- Posted: 2010/5/22
Joint and Several Liability: A detailed note with case law on section 42 and section 43 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872.........By Anubhav Anand - Posted: 2010/5/21
Recovery of Debts in Ancient India: The roots of the present day human institutions lie deeply buried in the past. The same is true of a country’s law and legal institutions. The legal system of a country.........By V.G.Ranganath - Posted: 2010/5/17
Right Of Disabled: The law is enforced by the disabled rights commission which is an independent body of people. They would put there to ensure that elimination is met for discrimination of disabled......By Dhruvesh Singh Yadav - Posted: 2010/5/16
Legalizing Abortion: Legalizing abortion in India is a serious topic as our law and sociological condition is concern. Abortion is now a controversial issue because of the conflict of the rights.......By Dhruvesh Singh Yadav - Posted: 2010/5/16
Changing Dimension of Environmental Law: International law has been based on the relationship between independent states that exercise exclusive national sovereignty over their territories.......By Dhruvesh Singh Yadav - Posted: 2010/5/16
Environmental Legislation and Its Legal Aspect: Every human being has fundamental and equal right including the right to access to the resources needed for descent standard of living........By Dhruvesh Singh Yadav - Posted: 2010/5/16
Law and Emotions: Law and Emotions go hand in hand. This relation becomes more intimate in criminal law. The flow of emotions strongly governs your conviction under criminal law........By Suyash Manjul - Posted: 2010/5/15
Scope and Nature Of Indian Partnership Act,1932: The Indian Partnership Act was enacted in 1932 and it came into force on 1st day of October, 1932........By Akber Ahmad. - Posted: 2010/5/15
Indian Foreign Direct Investment Policy: A new circular, Circular 1 of 2010 is issued by Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), Ministry of Commerce and Industry and Government of India in April.....By Lovejeet Singh - Posted: 2010/5/11
National Investigation Agency: a new legislation has been passed but, is it necessary that it should be there this type of legislation and what about those provision which are already given.....By Saurav Singh - Posted: 2010/5/10
Nature of Indian Constitution: very confusing issue which is still not settled this article highlight some more issues in same regard....By Saurav Singh - Posted: 2010/5/10
Defence Against Culpable Homicide: this describe all the element regarding self Defence and provide very practical description....By Saurav Singh - Posted: 2010/5/10
Homosexuality: In the article there is comparison between law and morality and secondly that if such an act is done inside a closed room, then whether....By Saurav Singh - Posted: 2010/5/10
If Law Overshadow Morality, it is Not a Good Law: If law overshadow morality, it is not a good law. Morality plays a vital role in law making as well interpretation of law....By faisal fasih - Posted: 2010/5/10
Trips and Right To Health: There is an apparent struggle between the large multinational pharmaceutical companies and developing nations with regards to access to medicines ....By faisal fasih - Posted: 2010/5/10
Freedom Of Trade and Commerce: Free movement and exchange of goods throughout the territory of the country is essential for the economic unity of the nation which alone could sustain.....By faisal fasih - Posted: 2010/5/10
Misuse of Anti Dowry Laws: In recent years the criminal law of the land have undergone radical changes to provide protection to women, more teeth have been provided to existing laws....By Bharat Chugh - Posted: 2010/5/8
Law of Adultery in India: The law of adultery as it stands in India punishes only man, and assumes that in all cases ‘man is the seducer’ and the women, who is an equal participant....By Bharat Chugh - Posted: 2010/5/8
Litigation and Delays in India: The Right to Litigate or the Right to get Access to Justice, has been amply provided in our Constitution and other national as well as international instruments....By Bharat Chugh - Posted: 2010/5/8
DV Act and its retrospective effect: Are Laws with penal consequences susceptible to retrospective application ? the answer is in negative for reasons more than one, the essentiality of a right of protection....By Bharat Chugh - Posted: 2010/5/8
Consumer Justice In India: In our day to day life we become consumer through buying goods or services. In the era of science and technology globalization....By Nagnath Chandrakant Borphalkar - Posted: 2010/5/7
26/11 trial - professional misconduct by the special public prosecutor: This article highlights the professional misconduct displayed by special public prosecutor Mr. Ujjwal Nikam while handling.....By Arnav Joshi - Posted: 2010/5/6
Transborder reputation of Trade Marks: The article is based on international reputation of trade marks. It states that if a trade mark is not registered or used in a country, yet the owner of that trade mark......By Sunaina Basera - Posted: 2010/5/6
Federalism: while in a unitary State, all power is vested in a single Central Government, without imposing any constitutional limitations upon its authority.......By faisal fasih - Posted: 2010/5/6
Historical Development of Human Rights: The history of human rights covers thousands of years and draws upon religious, cultural, philosophical and legal developments throughout the recorded history.......By faisal fasih - Posted: 2010/5/6
Need for Amalgamation of ADR with CPC: It is a universally admitted fact that arbitration, conciliation, and mediation are efficient alternative means for resolving disputes........By V.G.Ranganath - Posted: 2010/5/5
Contempt of Court: The rule of law is the foundation of a democratic society. The Judiciary is the guardian of the rule of law. If the judiciary is to perform its duties.......By Priya Jagadeesh - Posted: 2010/5/5
Pre-incorporation contracts: Before a company commences business, it has to enter into several contracts and incur several initial expenses.......By Surya Bhan Singh - Posted: 2010/5/3
Need for National Judicial Commission: The Judiciary was to be an arm of the social revolution upholding the equality that Indians had longed for. In India from times immemorial Judges have been ..........By VG.Ranganath - Posted: 2010/5/3
ADR and FDR: The need to establish the Family Courts was first emphasized by the late Smt. Durgabi Deshmukh. After a tour of China in 1953, where she had occasion to study the working .......By VG.Ranganath - Posted: 2010/5/2
Legal Education and Its Aims: Legal education is a human science which furnishes beyond techniques, skills and competences the basic philosophies, ideologies, critiques.......By priya ravi - Posted: 2010/5/1
Oppression and Mismanagement: The management of a Company is based on the majority rule, but at the same time the interests of the minority can’t be completely overlooked.......By Surya Bhan Singh - Posted: 2010/5/1
Email Privacy and Anti-spam Law: attempts to enquire into the issues of ever-growing challenges of Email privacy and find preventive measures to get rid of spams .......By Sudhir Kumar, Abhishek Yadav, Amit Tripathiand Gopal Prasad - Posted: 2010/4/30
Role Of Election Commission: The Preamble to the Constitution declares India to be a Democratic, Republic. All of us who are working for protection and upholding.......By Nagnath Chandrakant Borphalkar - Posted: 2010/4/29
Latest Financial Statement: In this article I would like to explain what latest financial statement is, its importance, relevance under scheme and other issues relating to it .......By Asifbasha.A - Posted: 2010/4/28
Rights of Arrestee: Arrest is taking away certain rights of a person by the poce authority, who is apprehended for some danger or threat to the society.......By Adhideb Bhattacharya- Posted: 2010/4/28
One Person Company Concept: This article analyses the yet-to-be introduced "One Person Company" concept in the Indian Company Law scenario........By Adhideb Bhattacharya- Posted: 2010/4/28
Trips And Public Health: The establishment of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in January 1995 was the principal outcome of the Uruguay Round of the General Agreement........By Prantika Sengupta and Ritesh Vaman - Posted: 2010/4/26
Constitutional Validity of the 93rd Constitutional Amendment: The 93rd Amendment to the Constitution directly or indirectly affects millions of citizens of this country. If Article 15(5) is permitted.........By Arkoday Roy - Posted: 2010/4/24
Economic Instruments for Controlling Air Pollution: Air pollution takes place by virtue of both natural and manmade causes. It has various harmful effects which include health hazards, greenhouse effect..........By Rishabh Goenka - Posted: 2010/4/24
Online Copyright Infringement and Liability of Search Engines: As the use of technologies over the years got increased several legal issues were set forth before the copyright laws.........By Abhishek Kumar Pandey - Posted: 2010/4/24
Indian Parliament and States Powering Regulation in the Trade and Commerce Industry: Free flow of trade and commerce and intercourse within a federal country having a two-tier polity is a pre-requisite for promoting economic unity of the country. An attempt has, therefore, been made in all federations....By Arkoday Roy - Posted: 2010/4/23
Judicial Activism V. Judicial Restraint: Role of Higher judiciary under the constitution casts on it a great obligation as the sentinel to defend the values of the constitution and the rights of the Indians....By Shinsy Shahulhameed - Posted: 2010/4/22
"Undue Hardship" Under Section 35F of the Central Excise Act ANF 129 E of the Customs Act: This article aims to focus on the work "undue hardship" and various component related to it , as used under.....By Anchit Oswal - Posted: 2010/4/17
Fee Structure vis-a-vis Private Unaided Educational Institutions: The article deals with the autonomy enjoyed by the private institutions in fixing their fee structure, and the amount of state interference.....By Rajat Pradhan - Posted: 2010/4/17
Anti-Terrorism Laws: The Reality: The mere sound of the word ‘terrorism’ generates a sense of fear in us. In the last decade, the rate of terrorist activities across the world has increased by leaps.....By Kritika Vij - Posted: 2010/4/16
Agency By Estoppel: The concept of agency by estoppel arises where one person acts in such a way that the other believes that a third person is authorized to act on his behalf and enters into.....By Rishabh Goenka - Posted: 2010/4/15
Reduction Of Capital, Does It Reduce Only Capital Or Even Minorities?: I would like to deal with the basis of reduction of capital and how unfairly the minority shareholders are eliminated.....By Asifbasha.A - Posted: 2010/4/15
Company as State under Article 12 of Constitution of India: In
determining whether a corporation or a government company or a private
body is an instrumentality or agency of the state.....By Ranidipa Ghosh
- Posted: 2010/4/14
Cyber Crime: The word cyber and its relative are probably
the most commonly used terminologies of the modern era. In the
information age the rapid development of computers, telecommunications
and other technologies has led to the evolution of new forms of
trans-national crimes known as “cyber crimes”.
Taxing Power In Democracy: Power is a measure of a person's ability
to control the environment around them, including the behavior of other
persons. The term authority is often used for power perceived......By
Lakshmi.S - Posted: 2010/2/24
Private Defence: Section 96 to 106 of the penal code states the law relating to the right of private defence of person and property. The provisions contained in these sections give authority to a man to use.....By Mohi Kumari - Posted: 2010/2/24
Public Interest Litigation: It is an attempt to analyse the dangerous tendency to convert public interest litigation in to a private or political interest litigation. Article suggests measures to be adopted.....By Shinsy P.S - Posted: 2010/2/24
Corruption: A Menace In India: Corruption literally means Inducement of a public official by improper means (as bribery) to violate duty by committing a felony. In the author's view corruption is the root.....By Kunal. J. Vyas- Posted: 2010/2/24
Misuse of Anti Dowry Laws: Dowry is one of the biggest social evils facing our country, and no civilized society should tolerate this, and every effort should be made to eradicate this evil, people.....By Bharat Chugh - Posted: 2010/2/24
Privilege Against Self - Incrimination: The main provision regarding crime investigation and trial in the Indian Constitution is Art. 20(3). It deals with the privilege against self-incrimination. The privilege.....By Harshit Khare - Posted: 2010/2/24
Office Of Profit: Article 102(1)(a) of the Constitution of India makes the holding of an office of profit by a member of Parliament a ground for disqualification from the membership of Parliament......By Sachin Sachdeva - Posted: 2010/2/24
Human Rights, Environment and Industrial Disaster: Globalization has influenced trade all over the world; companies have looked for new opportunities In this era of open global market economy.....By Pooja Murarka - Posted: 2010/2/24
Laws Regulating Mergers and Acquisition In India: A merger is a combination of two companies where one corporation is completely absorbed by another corporation. The less important company loses.....By Prabhanshu - Posted: 2010/2/24
Copyright Infringement in Cyberspace and Network Security: Information Technology is growing faster than any other communication vehicle in the history mankind. Invention of digital technology.....By Tabrez Ahmad - Posted: 2010/2/24
Silence Of The Lambs - Article 20(3): Protection Prescribe By The Constitution In It’s Fundamental Right For Prohibition Against The Self-Incrimination, Which Are Being Procedurally Vague and Unspoken In.....By Apurv Shah - Posted: 2010/2/14
Data Protection Act: The Data Protection Act of England is an act that was made after the report of Lindop’s Commission that had spoken about the privacy of the citizens of the country.....By Shivangi Raman - Posted: 2010/2/14
Rule of law: For a purposeful rule of law to exist in a society, democracy is required and for a democratic state the prevalence of rule of law is required. Thus, it can be concluded that democracy.....By Chhavi Agarwal - Posted: 2010/2/14
Vicarious Liability Of Directors And Officers On Bouncing Of Cheques: This Article attempts to examine, a few questions in the light of decisions of the Apex Court, the provisions relating to section 141(1).....By G.P.Sahi - Posted: 2010/2/14
Rule of Law in India and UK: Rule of law is the supreme manifestation of human civilization and culture and is a new ‘lingua franca’ of global moral thought. It is an eternal value of constitutionalism and inherent .....By Varsha - Posted: 2010/2/14
Chemical Disaster Management: The term Disaster owes its origin to the French word desastre, which is a combination of two words "des" meaning bad and aster meaning star......By Urja Bidhan - Posted: 2010/2/14
Strikes and Lockouts: In any Industrial endeavour co-operation of labour and capitalis quite essential for its success, although they have interests contrary to each other. They have different strategies......By Sonakshi Verma - Posted: 2010/2/14
Res Judicata: is a phrase which has been evolved from a Latin maxim, which stand for ‘the thing has been judged’, meaning there by that the issue before the court has already been decided.....By Shashwat Agarwal - Posted: 2010/2/14
Doctrine of Pleasure: Effective and efficient governance is the expectation of every civilized society. This role is performed by the government which is one of the four essential elements....By Shashwat Agarwal - Posted: 2010/2/14
Litigation and Delays in India: The word ‘Litigation’ in common parlance is used to refer to a controversy before a law court or simply put a ‘lawsuit’, but with the total pendency at last count exceeding 30 million cases.....By Bharat Chugh - Posted: 2010/2/14
Section 304-A of I.P.C. be a license to kill: Section 304-A was inserted in the I.P.C in the year 1870, for the crimes where neither intention nor knowledge to cause death is present. This section creates an......By Bharat Maheshwari - Posted: 2010/2/14
Global Warming: Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century and its projected continuation caused chiefly by increasing.....By Varsha Apte - Posted: 2010/2/14
Transgender: Sex testing was first introduced at the European Athletics Championships in 1966 in response to some allegations that some female athletes were actually male.....By Medha and Archi - Posted: 2010/2/14
Freedom of Press: A Free press stands as one of the great interpreters between the Government and the people. To allow it to be fettered is to fetter over selves. ‘Freedom’ means absence of control.....By Kirti S. Soni - Posted: 2010/2/14
Company Law Board v. Arbitral Tribunal: The legislature never intends to contradict itself by providing conflicting provisions in different statutes. However, with the bulk of laws and statutes in.....By Navneet Kumar - Posted: 2010/2/14
Homosexuality: The sexual attraction or the romantic behaviour among people belonging to same sex group leads to homosexuality. It could be either situational or enduring disposition......By Arunima Jha - Posted: 2010/2/14
Bhatia International Vs. Bulk Trading S.A: The judgment in Bhatia International v. Bulk Trading S.A. is one of the important judgments of the Supreme Court of India that is bound to attract attention from those.....By Arunima Jha - Posted: 2010/2/14
KK Modi Vs KN Modi: This case discussed the attributes which are necessary for considering an agreement as an arbitration agreement. It was held that among the attributes which must be present.....By Arunima Jha - Posted: 2010/2/14
Indian Railway Construction Co. Ltd. V. Ajay Kumar: Administrative law is the body of law that governs the activities of administrative agencies of government. Government agency action can include .....By Mansi Trivedi - Posted: 2010/2/14
Persons with Disabilities: Disability refers to the disadvantage or restriction of activity caused by the way society is organized which takes little or no account of people who have physical, sensory.....By Pratim Sarkar - Posted: 2010/2/14
Cooperative Federalsim In India:Historical roots of cooperative federalism to the Mughal Period and goes on to give a panoramic coverage of its dynamic functioning in the Indian Democracy from the 1950s.....By Anusha Singh - Posted: 2010/2/14
Scheduled Castes and Tribes Act: The cure is part of the cause in this case; as members of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (SC/STs), also known as Dalits, avail themselves of.....By Dhruvan , Mohan Roy and Shiv Shankar - Posted: 2010/2/14
Operational Risk Management under Basel II in the light of COSO-ERMand
Maturity Model
Operational risk in today’s tech savvy organization is of great concern
which emphasizes of shield mechanism to mitigate the loss at adverse
instances. Looking to this very concept the Banking Sector,.....By
Shuchi Chandra- Posted: 2010/2/14
Prosecution of Public Servants: This article deals with the much disputed area of law, wherein the question relates to the appropriate authority in granting santion for the prosecution for public servants......By Chahat Chawl - Posted: 2010/2/14
Case Of Avena And Other Mexican Nationals: The judgment of the International Court of Justice in Avena and Other Mexican Nationals (Mexico v United States of America) considers the obligations that a state bears towards detained foreign nationals under art 36....By Abhilasha Bhatnagar - Posted: 2010/2/14
Trade Secret: Trade secret is a formula, process, device, or other business information that is kept confidential to maintain an advantage over competitors. It is an information-including a formula, pattern,.....By Pradip Das - Posted: 2010/2/14
Public Participation in Environment Impact Assessment: Environment Impact Assessment or EIA can be defined as the study to predict the effect of a proposed activity/project on the environment......By Arvin Thapliayal - Posted: 2010/2/14
Surrogacy Contracts: The question on legality of surrogacy contract revolves around the models of Rights Jurisprudence and Regimes of State Responsibility; the former insists on the importance of institution.....By Neha Meena - Posted: 2010/2/14
Genocide Under International Criminal Law: Genocide is not a wild beast or a natural disaster. It is mass murder deliberately planned and carried out by individuals, all of whom are responsible.....By Mohi Kumari - Posted: 2010/2/14
Condition of Women Working In the Unorganised Sector: When Amartya Sen had taken up the issue of women’s welfare, he was accused in India of voicing foreign concern. He was told, Indian women.....By Prantika Sengupta - Posted: 2010/2/14
Human Rights Of Vulnerable Sections: Human rights attach to all persons equally, by virtue of their humanity, irrespective of race, nationality, or membership of any particular social group. They specify the.....By Mridushi Swarup - Posted: 2010/2/14
Contempt Power of Court: Contempt of Courts Act gives power to Court to punish anyone who does its contempt. This concept / law developed in Britain, spread through colonialism to protect the......By Meenakshi Chauhan - Posted: 2010/2/14
Capital Punishment in the light of growing phenomena of Global Terrorism: Many countries in the world has done away with the capital punishment as they see as a violation of the Human Rights.......By Poulami Sikdar - Posted: 2010/2/14
Data Retention Policies: Document retention, especially the retention of electronic data has become a hot topic in the legal industry. In the 21st century business world, companies are creating.......By Vibhor Verdhan Verdhan - Posted: 2010/2/14
Mergers In Pharma Sector: Takeovers in the Pharmaceutical industry are the current rage ll over the world. The last decade has seen the Indian Pharma ndustry undergo a complete makeover......By Ankita and Kalyani - Posted: 2010/2/14
L. C. Golaknath V. State Of Punjab: In the famous case of Golaknath V. State Of Punjab, in the year 1967 the Court ruled that Parliament could not curtail any of the Fundamental Rights in the Constitution......By Ruchita and Kirti- Posted: 2010/1/21
WTO and Development In Developing Countries Perspective: The problem of our age is growing economic disparity between developed and industrialized country on the one hand......By Swapneshwar Goutam- Posted: 2010/1/21
Role Of Legal Services Authority In Contemporary Scenario: Every man is born free in the world. He inherits few rights naturally and few granted to him by the society.......By Umang Singh- Posted: 2010/1/21
Salem Advocates Bar Association v. Union of India: The present case Salem Advocate Bar Association v. Union of India is basically an aftermath of the original case Salem Advocates......By Vandini Sharma- Posted: 2010/1/21
Power of Indian courts to issue Garnishee Order: The word ‘Garnish’ is derived from an old French word ‘garnir’ which means to warn or to prepare . It is to serve an heir with notice i.e. to warn of......By Varsha Rajora- Posted: 2010/1/21
Dying Declaration by Rape Victims: A Critical Analysis: Dying Declarations are the statements made by a dying person as to injuries which culminated in his death or the circumstances under......By Varsha Rajora- Posted: 2010/1/21
Water Management: In any organized society, right to live, as meeting does not ensure a human being only the animal needs of men. It is secured only when he is assured of all facilities to develop......By Mohit Singhvi - Posted: 2010/1/21
Inherent Power of the Court to Grant Restitution: In law the term restitution is used in three senses: (i) return or restoration of some specific thing to its rightful owner or status; (ii) compensation for benefits derived......By Bhupendra Verma - Posted: 2010/1/17
Muslim Marriage: This article deals with the nature of Muslim marriages. definition, types, obligations and rights of spouses, divorce, iddat and maintenance under Muslim marriages are covered here......By Harshit Khare - Posted: 2010/1/17
Decriminalization of consensual sex between adults: The Delhi High Court dismissed the Petition in 2004 holding that the question was merely academic and there did not lay a cause of action......By Joyjyoti Mahanta - Posted: 2010/1/17
Back log of cases: India has to suffer the scourge of the world's largest backlog of cases. Over three crore cases are pending in courts across India with 52,000 and 40 lakh cases pending in .....By Adv.Konark Tyagi - Posted: 2010/1/17
Is Personal Liberty a hindrance upon the development of the nation:
Considering the global perspective regarding grant of absolute personal
liberty at the very beginning of development, there have been
instances......By Kapil Raina - Posted: 2010/1/17
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