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File Mutual Consent Divorce |
The Simplest way to get out of the marriage is by way of Mutual consent Divorce, A Couple can seek Mutual Divorce under Section 13-B of the Hindu Marriage Act. Our services provides you a simple and easy way to obtain divorce and settlements quickly and easily. How to file for mutual Divorce Right Away Call us at Ph no: 9650499965 |
Divorce lawsListed below are the laws governing Divorce in India and various grounds for Divorce, Maintenance, Child Custody:
Irretrievable Breakdown of MarriageThis concept was first introduced in New Zealand. The Divorce and Matrimonial Causes Amendment Act, 1920 included for the first time the provision for separation agreement for three or more years was a ground for making petition to the court for divorce and the court was discretion whether to grant divorce or not.
Void and Voidable Marriage
Restitution of Conjugal Right
Adultery laws
Maintenance for wife and Dependent Children
Child Custody laws
Domestic violence is sadly a reality in Indian society, a truism. In the Indian patriarchal, Dowry is one of the biggest social evils facing our country and to curb and protect the Rights and interest of woman 498a was introduced, the following links below provides detail explanation and latest developments on these glaring issues
A Will is a solemn document by which a dead man entrusts to the living to the carrying out of his wishes. S. S.2(h) of Indian Succession Act, 1925 provides that Will means the legal declaration of the intention of a person with respect to his property, which he desires to take effect after his death Will has been defined in Corpus Juris Secundum as A Will is the legal declaration of a man's intention, which he wills to be performed after his death, or an instrument by which a person makes a disposition of his property to take effect after his death.
Whether Amendments Made To The Hindu Succession Act Are Achieving Gender Quality
Right to property - of Muslim & Christian illegitimate children
Whether Amendments Made To The Hindu Succession Act Are Achieving Gender Quality?
File Special Leave Petition!Call us at: 9650499965 / Email at: tapsash@gmail.com |
File Caveat in Supreme CourtRight AwayCall us at Ph no: 9650499965 |
Hindu marriage is a Sanskar or a sacred ritual performed. Marriage a bond which unites two people together. Institution of Hindu marriage has been very strong from very beginning and there is no reference of promiscus society in Veda. Marriage has been considered as an indissoluble union between a man and women not only during this life but also for all lives to come. Marriage of a Hindu couple is not only a union of a man and women but is considered as a sacrament. Marriage has been placed one of the sixteen sanskara of a Hindu. Sanskara is a socio religious rites by performance of which life of present Hindu is sanctified.
Right of Foreign Homosexuals to Have a Surrrogate Child In India
Same Sex Marriage: Homosexuality has an ancient history in India. Ancient texts like Rig-Veda which dates back around 1500 BC
Homosexuality: People who refuse to fit every expression of their sexuality under one homogeneous umbrella to satisfy society.
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Mediation is an informal dispute settlement process run by a trained third party, called a mediator. Mediation is intended to bring two parties together to clear up misunderstandings, find out concerns, and reach a resolution. The process is voluntary. During the mediation, each side will present its view of the issue, and the mediator will work with each side to attempt to work out a settlement. At the end of the process, the mediator can present his or her findings and present a potential solution to the issue. The mediation process, unlike arbitration, is non-binding; that is, the mediator does not impose a decision on the parties, but he/she attempts to present a solution that is acceptable to both parties.
How to approach a lawyer | What to ask a lawyer
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Surrogacy or Surrogate means substitute. In medical parlance, the term surrogacy means using of a substitute mother in the place of the natural mother. Commercial surrogacy is a form of surrogacy in which a gestational carrier is paid to carry a child to maturity in her womb. This procedure is done in a large scale in several countries including India where due to high international demand and ready availability of poor surrogates it is reaching industry proportions, thus an Urgent need of affective laws to regulate this sector has become imperative.
Social, political, moral and & legal implications of surrogacy
Artificial Insemination and In Vitro Fertilization challenges to legal system
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