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Constitution of India - Constitutional lawAn Insight on the Constitution, various Reviews and articles on Legality of Foreign Judgments, Fundamental Rights, Parliament, Indian Judiciary |
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Right To Die
Euthanasia in India
Right to die- To be or not to be?
Euthanasia-A modern term to provide moksha
Indian Judicial Approach Regarding Right to Die
Constitutionality of the right to die - A brief analysis
Article 21 and Constitutional validity
of Right to Die
Role of Writs In Administrative Law
There are five types of Writs- Habeas Corpus, Certorari, Prohibition
Mandamus and Quo Warranto Article 32 and 226 of the constitution of India
has designed for the enforcement of fundamental rights and for a judicial
review of administrative actions, in the form of writs.
Writs In Indian Constitution
Article 226 empowers the High Courts to issue writs in the nature of habeas
corpus, mandamus, prohibition, certiorari and quo warranto or any of them
for the enforcement of any of the fundamental rights or for any other
Analysis of Writ of Mandamus
Writs in Indian society and its execution
of Writs In The Administrative Law
Writ of Habeas Corpus For Securing Liberty
Constitutional philosophy of Writs: A detailed analysis
Hart's View on
Legal Enforcement of Morals
Herbert Lionel Adolphus Hart (1907-92) was a British philosopher who was
professor of jurisprudence at the University of Oxford. His most important
writings included Causation in the Law (1959, with A.M. Honoré), The Concept of
Law (1961), Law, Liberty and Morality (1963), Of Laws in General (1970), and
Essays on Bentham (1982).
Rule of law
Res Judicata
of Pleasure
Doctrine of Necessity
Rule of Law in India
Res Judicata in Arbitration
You May Have The Body
of Law in India & UK
of Constitutional Tort
Austianinan Concept
of Sovereignty
Harmonious and Beneficial Construction
Doctrine of Basic Structure (Constitutional Law)
Autochthonous nature of the Constitution of India
of Frustration & Force-Majeure Clause
Doctrine of Pleasure as under the Indian Constitution
Res Sub Judice, Res Judicata and Constructive Res Judicata
of pleasure and its proviso article 311 of Indian Constitution
Preventive Detention and Constitution of India - Effect on Human Rights
The Doctrine of Frustration Challenges the Validity of the Fundamental
Principle of Pacta Sunt Servanda
Indian Judiciary
Power of pardon
of Judicial Review
Justice Delayed is Justice Denied
Constitution-Judicial Democracy
Judicial Activism and Judicial Restraint
Need for National Judicial Commission
Judicial Accountability and Democracy
Audi Alterem Partem Right to fair hearing
Role of A Trial Judge Under Constitution
Justice: Bargaining with its very own ardor
Supreme Court the Final Pedestal of Justice
Judicial approach towards departmental bias
Supreme Court is the final Pedestal for justice
Sustainable Development and Indian Judiciary
Judicial Accountability
and Separation
of Power
Judicial Review of Administrative Actions in India
Guidelines on Arrest of Women and Judicial officers
of The Indian Constitution: Judicial Exposition
Judicial Response to the concept of Secularism in India
Condescension of Court: A constitution and Criminal perspective
The Judicial Pronouncement of The Preamble of Indian Constitution
Understanding of the term Decree, Order, Judgment and Mesne Profit
In search of True Alternative to existing Justice Dispensing System in India
Judicial Treatment of the Delegation of Legislative Power under the
Constitution of India
Can a Legislature supplement the powers of Courts given by a written
Constitution, through a Sub-Constitutional Legislation
E-Governance is an archetype of development in developing countries
Dynamics of Reservation Policy
Caste and Conversion in India
We Want Sarv Shiksha Not Sarv Bhiksha
Reservation and principle of equality
Constitutional Protection on Labour Laws
Protection against Ex-Post Facto Laws
Critical Analysis on Reservation Policy in India
Just because someone is poor, the State cannot allow him to die Delhi HC
landmark Judgment
Stifling expression of art and artists-the re-emergence of an intolerant
political ideology
Privileges of Parliament
Election Commission of India
Effectiveness of Parliamentary Control over Delegated Legislation
Parliamentary Control over Delegated Legislation
Indian Parliament & States Powering Regulation in the Trade & Commerce
Electoral Reforms Towards Decriminalizing Politics
Political Parties: General elections in May 1996 made the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
the biggest party capturing 161.
of Profit: Article 102(1)(a) of the Constitution of India makes the
holding of an office of profit by a member of Parliament a ground for
disqualification from the membership of Parliament.
Hung Parliament:
The oxford dictionary defines Hung Parliament as "parliament in which no
party has clear majority". In Parliamentary systems, a Hung Parliament
or a minority government is one in which no one political party has an
outright majority, and means the house is most commonly equally
Parliament: The Parliament
of India consist of The President and two housesfirst function of The Parliament is that
of providing the Cabinet and holding them responsible.
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Education System-Its Position In India
Domestic Violence Act - Fundamental rights: Domestic violence is sadly a
reality in Indian society, a truism. In the Indian patriarchal setup, it became
an acceptable practice to abuse women.
Freedom of Religion: One of the fundamental rights guaranteed by the
constitution also includes right to freedom of religion. India is a secular
nation and therefore every citizen residing within the territory of India has
the right to follow the religion they believe in.
Freedom of Press In India
Equality in India Social and Political Scenario
Freedom of expression - Democracy: Freedom of expression is the forth
pillar of democracy. Democracy is the government for the people, of the people
and by the people.
Right To Privacy A Fundamental Right-Uidai Violative of Individuals Right
To Privacy
Over the period of time, the meaning of privacy has changed but that does not
mean it is a dynamic term, just that it needs a dynamic interpretation of law.
Waiver of Fundamental Rights
Right To Equality- A Fundamental Right
Position of Fundamental Rights during Emergency
Position of Fundamental Rights In The World of Privatization, Globalization
and Industrialization
Ambit of Right to Freedom of Religion
Fundamental Duties Under Article 51-A:
Fundamental duties have been laid down in the Constitution for the citizens of
Fundamental Duties: A
countervailing factor has been introduced by the 42nd amendment Act of 1976,
known as the Fundamental Duties
Fundamental Duties under the Constitution as Legally Enforceable Duties under
Different Statutes
Remedy of Compensation under Article 32
Compensation to victims is a perceived guideline of law being upheld through the
conventional common courts.
Right to Privacy is a Fundamental Right - A Study
Article 21 of the Constitution and Right to privacy.
Double Jeopardy: Double jeopardy is a procedural defence
that prevents an accused person from being tried again on the same (or similar)
charges and on the same facts, following a valid acquittal or conviction.
Article 370: Article 370
of the Indian Constitution - special status to the State of Jammu and Kashmir- long & significant background. Treaty
of Amritsar ; Quit Kashmir Movement
Constitutional Background: The constitution was passed by the Constituent Assembly on 26 Nov 1949 and is fully applicable since 26 Jan 1950.
Making of The Constitution: The Constituent Assembly which had been elected for undivided India and held its first sitting on 9th Dec.1946, re-assembled on the 14th August 1947
Preamble: WE, THE PEOPLE
of INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens
Directive Principles: These Principles are in the nature
of instruments of instruction to the govt
Privilege Against Self - Incrimination: The main provision regarding crime investigation and trial in the Indian Constitution.
Scheduled Castes and Tribes Act: The cure is part
of the cause in this case; as members of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (SC/STs)
Genocide Under International Criminal Law: Genocide is not a wild beast or a natural disaster. It is mass murder deliberately planned and carried out by individuals
of consensual sex between adults: The Delhi High Court dismissed the
Petition in 2004.
Article 20 (3)
of Constitution of India And Narco Analysis: In any criminal investigation, interrogation
of the suspects
Reservation Policy:
The motive of having reservation then was the eagerness to modernize through the
promotion of education and industry and maintaining unity.
Amicus Curiae: An Amicus curiae is a friend
of the court and are generally those persons who represent the unbiased will and opinion
of the society
Article 12: The article deals with scope
of Article 12 of the Constitution and how it is changing with innovative decisions
Article 21 of The Constitution:
Indian democracy wedded to rule of law aims not only to protect fundamental
A Complete Summary Review: A complete review
of the entire Constitution Has been given article wise
Res Ipsa Loquitur with reference to Case Laws: Things speak for itself. Prima facie it appears to be a simple and easy maxim to understand and apply. However it is not as simple as it appears to be
Public Interest Litigation: It is an attempt to analyse the dangerous tendency to convert public interest litigation in to a private or political interest
Litigation & Delays in India: The word ‘Litigation’ in common parlance is used to refer to a controversy before a law court or simply put a ‘lawsuit'
of Press: A Free press stands as one of the great interpreters between the Government and the people. To allow it to be fettered
of Public Servants: This article deals with the much disputed area of law, wherein the question relates to the appropriate
L. C. Golaknath V. State
of Punjab: In the famous case of Golaknath V. State of Punjab, in the year 1967 the Court ruled that Parliament
Changing Sovereignty in The Light of WTO: Sovereignty means the right of the nations to govern them. This concept has fostered
Whether Section 377 of IPC Constitutionally Valid: It is humbly submitted that the Part III
of the constitution primarily carries the common theme
Obligation towards State with special reference to the state of J&K:
"Unity in diversity" is an old theme of the political and cultural life of
Constitutionalism - changing paradigm: A constitution is a charter
of government deriving its whole authority from the governed
Procedures and Powers of Claim Tribunals:
The Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 is an Act of the Parliament of India which
regulates all the aspects of road transport vehicles.
Central State Relation - Legislative, Administrative and Financial:
In India, before the formation of the federation the States were not sovereign
Also Read
Article 370
Dual Citizenship
Preamble- a Key to Open the Minds
of the Framers of the Constitution
Racism - Society's Cancer
of Foreign Judgments
Victory for Gay Rights in India
Administrative Powers And Discretionary Powers
Landmark Cases on Constitution Amendments
The Right to Information Act, 2005
Right To Information
RTI a Tool for Good Governance
Scope of Section 8 (1)(j) of The RTI act
Open Government And Right To Information
Meaning of Section 23 of the RTI Act- Remedies available to an aggrieved party against an order of the Central Information Commission
Australian Constitution: The
Australian Constitution has properly been described as the birth certificate
of a nation. It also provides the basic rules for the government of
Australia. Indeed, the Constitution is the fundamental law of Australia
binding everybody including the Commonwealth Parliament and the Parliament
of each State.
Constitution of
Courts System in Ireland
The Constitution of Nepal
Constitution of Switzerland: The 1874 Constitution has been repealed by public referendum on 18 April 1999 and replaced with a new constitution in force since 1 Jan 2000
Constitution of Iran: The former monarchy and the Constitution
of 1906 were abolished by the revolution of February 1979. The 1979 Constitution dates 24 Oct 1979 and is in force since 3 Dec 1979
Constitution of United States: To get a flavour
of what is happening in constitutional law in the United States, consider this sampling
of links: United States Constitution
- Declaration of Independence
- Bill of Rights
Constitution of United Kingdom: The Magna Carta (1215)
- 1689: The English Bill of Rights
Constitution of China: The 'Chinese Declaration
of Human Rights', a 1979 document of the Chinese Human Rights Alliance, has been published on Democracy Wall on Peking's Tian'anmen Square. It is no
official document.
With Brief Ref: to Tibet & Taiwan
Constitution of Russia: Russia is a fascinating example
of a country grappling with varying forms of federalism
Rights of Scheduled Caste
Principles of Natural Justice In Indian Constitution
Exceptions To The Principles of Natural Justice
Origin and Development of Principles of Natural Justice
The Application of Natural Justice while Discharging Administrative Actions
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