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Worlds Greatest leaders their Biography
Role of UN In Soviet Invasion Of Afghanistan: As the world began to see peace initiative after the end of the catastrophic Second World War, the new power blocs started to polarize the Mother Earth into spheres of influence.Osama Bin laden: America's enemy No 1 - A complete Biography
Tamerlane (Timur): Tamerlane's life (c. 1336-1405) was spent conquering the inhabitants of Asia. A Turkik Mongol, his goal was to
Ivan the Terrible (Ivan IV): On January 16, 1547, Ivan became the first czar of Russia, ruling until 1584
Maximillien Robespierre: Robespierre was the mastermind of the Reign of Terror (1793-1794), the dark underside of the French Revolution

Joseph Stalin: Totalitarian leader of the U.S.S.R. from 1929-53, Stalin crushed the Soviet peoples with his
Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-tung): A despotic ideologue who controlled China from 1949-76, Mao subjected the Chinese
Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier: Up to 60,000 Haitians died under the 1957-71 reign of Duvalier, and millions were
Nicolae Ceausescu: Running a neo-Stalinist police state from 1967-89, Nicolae Ceausescu wound the iron
Idi Amin: Brutally authoritarian president of Uganda from 1971-79, Idi Amin oversaw the torture and murder of an estimated 300,000 of his own people.
Pol Pot: Radical Marxist leader of Cambodia from 1975-79, who butchered his own people. The four years of nightmarish.
Famous Saying - Quotes | Historical Facts
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi: Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869 in Porbandar - by Ms Mahalakshmi G.S.
Washington, George: 1st President of the United States (1789-97), commander in chief of the Continental army in the American Revolution.
Thomas Jefferson: Thomas Jefferson was born on April 13 (April 2, old style), 1743, at Shadwell in Goochland, drafted the Declaration of Independence
Abraham Lincoln: Abraham Lincoln was born in Hardin, he worked in a store, managed a mill, surveyed, and split rails
Theodore Roosevelt: was born in New York City on Oct. 27, 1858. A Harvard graduateHe was elected governor of New York in 1898
Franklin Delano Roosevelt: Franklin Delano Roosevelt was born in Hyde Park, N.Y., on Jan. 30, 1882. nomination for vice president as James M. Cox's running mate.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy: He was born in Brookline, Mass., on May 29, 1917. Son of, Joseph P. Kennedy, how was the Ambassador to Great Britain from 1937 to 1940.
Richard Milhous Nixon: After five years as a lawyer, Nixon joined the Navy in August 1942. He was an air transport officer in the South Pacific and a legal officer stateside before his discharge in 1946 as a lieutenant commander
James Earl Carter,: James Earl Carter, Jr., was born in the tiny village of Plains, Ga., Oct. 1, 1924, and grew up on the family farm at nearby Archery
Ronald Wilson Reagan: Ronald Wilson Reagan rode to the presidency in 1980 on a tide of resurgent right-wing ,sentiment among an electorate battered by winds of unwanted change, longing for a distant, simpler era.
William Jefferson Clinton: William Jefferson Clinton was born William Jefferson Blythe III in Hope, Ark., on Aug. 19, 1946. He was named for his father, who was killed in an automobile accident before Clinton's birth. Virginia Kelley, his mother, eventually married Roger Clinton, a car dealer, whose surname the future president later adopted.
World History (1910-1929)
1911 - Boy Scouts of America incorporated.
Angel Island.
1911 First use of aircraft as offensive weapon in Turkish-Italian
1912 Balkan Wars (1912-1913) resulting from territorial disputes.
1913 Suffragettes demonstrate in London. Garment workers strike in
New York and Boston.
1914 World War I begins: Austrian Archduke Francis Ferdinand and
wife Sophie are assassinated.
1915 Lusitania sunk by German submarine. Second Battle of Ypres. U.S. banks lend $500
1916 Congress expands armed forces. Battle of Verdun. Battle of the
1920 League of Nations holds first meeting at Geneva, Switzerland.
U.S. Dept. of Justice red hunt nets thousands of radicals.
1921 Reparations Commission fixes German liability at 132 billion
gold marks.
1922 Mussolini marches on Rome; forms Fascist government. Irish
Free State, a self-governing dominion of British Empire.
1923 Adolf Hitler's Beer Hall Putsch in Munich fails; in 1924 he is
sentenced to five years.
1924 Death of Lenin; Stalin wins power struggle, rules as Soviet
dictator until death in 1953.
Nellie Tayloe Ross elected governor of Wyoming; first woman governor elected in
1926 General strike in Britain brings nation's activities to
standstill. U.S. marines dispatched to Nicaragua during revolt.
1927 German economy collapses. Socialists riot in Vienna; general
strike follows acquittal of Nazis for political murder.
Kellogg-Briand Pact, outlawing war, signed in Paris by 65 nations. Alexander
Fleming discovers penicillin.
Trotsky expelled from U.S.S.R. Lateran Treaty establishes independent Vatican
World History (1930-1949)
1930 Britain, U.S., Japan, France, and Italy sign naval disarmament
1931 Spain becomes a republic with overthrow of King Alfonso XIII.
Nazis lead in German elections with 230 Reichstag seats. Famine in U.S.S.R
Hitler appointed German chancellor, gets dictatorial powers. Reichstag fire in Berlin
Chancellor Dollfuss of Austria assassinated by Nazis. Hitler becomes führer
Saar incorporated into Germany after plebiscite. Nazis repudiate Versailles Treaty,
Germans occupy Rhineland. Italy annexes Ethiopia. Rome-Berlin Axis proclaimed (Japan to join in 1940)
1937 Hitler repudiates war guilt clause of Versailles Treaty;
continues to build German power.
1938 Hitler marches into Austria; political and geographical
union of Germany and Austria
Germany invades Poland; occupies Bohemia and Moravia; renounces pact with England and concludes 10-year non-aggression pact with U.S.S.R
Hitler invades Norway, Denmark (April 9), the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg (May 10), and France (May 12). Churchill becomes Britain's prime minister.
Germany attacks the Balkans and Russia. Japanese surprise attack on U.S. fleet at Pearl Harbor brings U.S. into World War II
Declaration of United Nations signed in Washington (Jan. 1). Nazi leaders attend Wannsee Conference to coordinate the final solution
Churchill and Roosevelt hold Casablanca Conference (Jan. 14-23). Mussolini deposed
Allies invade Normandy on D-Day (June 6). G.I. Bill of Rights enacted. Bretton Woods Conference creates International Monetary Fund and World Bank
Yalta Conference (Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin) plans final defeat of Germany
First meeting of UN General Assembly opens in London (Jan. 10). Winston Churchill's Iron Curtain speech warns of Soviet expansion
Britain nationalizes coal mines (Jan. 1). Peace treaties for Italy,
Gandhi assassinated in New Delhi by Hindu fanatic (Jan. 30)
Cease-fire in Palestine (Jan. 7). Truman proposes Point Four Program to help world's less developed areas (Jan. 20).
World History - Click Here
Unsung Heroes: Kishan Lal ,who saved hundreds by defusing bombs ,dies unheard, unsung
Witness Protection Programs and Witness Protection Laws are the need of
the hour. In fact it is the absence of these laws that has been
strengthening criminals in the Indian Judicial system.
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