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AI is Set to Transform Indias Healthcare: Where is the Legal Framework:
Machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) is making rapid strides in
the healthcare sector in India. Global technology leaders such as Microsoft,
Google and Siemens as well as dozens of new Indian startups are introducing
promising AI solutions to address the country’s burgeoning healthcare needs. Medical Jurisprudence: An Indian Law Perspective: Medicolegal is the term, which incorporates the basics of two sister professions i.e. Medicine and Law. Everybody talks about the law but few, aside from lawyers, judges and law teachers, have more than the vaguest notion of what constitutes law. The average layman often has about as much accurate information about the law as he has about medicine-or life on Venus. And, unfortunately, two professional groups suffer from more ignorance of law and medicine than is good for them: Those lawyers, who do not constantly deal with medical issues in their legal practice, know very little about the medical profession and its problems; physicians frequently comprehend too little about the law and how it affects them in the practice of their profession. Medico legal experts can provide a link between these two professions for their smooth and effective functioning in a scientific manner. The physician meets the law at every turn. He confronts it when, as the treating doctor, he is subpoenaed as a witness in a personal injury lawsuit; he meets it when his aid is sought as an expert in connection with a claim that another member of his profession has been negligent and when he is faced in his office or clinic by a narcotic addict, a man with a gunshot wound, or a young couple seeking a blood test. He is face-to-face with the law when he is required to render an aggravating array of governmental reports or to preserve physical evidence for the benefit of a law enforcement agency. The physician, in fact, finds a great deal of the law intensely irritating, often because he is not absolutely clear as to its purpose. What Is Negligence Negligence may be defined as breach of duty caused by the omission to do something which a reasonable man, guided by those considerations which ordinarily regulate the conduct of human affairs would do, or doing something which a prudent reasonable man would not do, actionable negligence consists in the neglect of the use of ordinary care or observing ordinary care and skill toward a person to whom the defendant owes a duty of observing ordinary care and skill Brain Mapping Test - Narco Analysis Test in India What is Brain Mapping Test The Brain Mapping Test is also known as P-300 test. In this test of Brain Mapping the suspect is first interviewed and interrogated find out whether he is concealing any information. The activation of brain for the associated memory is carried out by presenting list of words to the subjects. Narco Analysis: A Volcano In Criminal Investigation System: The revolution in scientific technology is waving like fast flowing air and water in the modern world of advancement. The field of law is also under the shadow of scientific advancement. Judicial system, particularly the criminal justice system, is not untouched with the advancement of science. A volcano has emerged in the age old established laws of crime detection and investigation with the introduction of view techniques of crime detections like Brain Mapping, Narco-Analysis, Hypnosis, P-300 and Polygraph Test in laws of evidence and criminal jurisprudence Human Cloning and Ethics: Cloning is a very interesting and new concept developed with the huge technological advancements made in the field of science. The cloning of the animals is becoming common. Dolly, a cloned sheep was the first cloned animal. The questions of bioethics come into picture over here as cloning human beings is the next step to be taken in the field of cloning. The cloning of human beings and the question of bioethics is the main focus of the study. To understand the topic and the concept of ethics, first of let's understand what cloning is and how it is actually done. Forensic Sciences and Criminology: Forensic Science embraces all branches of science and applies them to the purpose of law. Originally all the techniques were borrowed from various scientific disciplines like chemistry , medicine, surgerybiology, photography. |
of Ligature Mark In Cases of Strangulation:
Very often we hear of deaths due to
strangulation. Strangulation is a violent type of death due to asphyxia
resulting from the constriction of neck by means of ligature or any other
means where body is not suspended. This is also brought about by compressing
the neck by means of foot, knee or any other solid article. In a form of
Strangulation called? BANSDOLA ? the victim's neck is compressed between the
two bamboos, one placed in front and the other behind the neck, the ends
of which are fastened by the rope at the ends.
In all these cases, a mark is left behind indicating the method used to strangulate the victim. The death occurs when the pressure
applied is sufficient to obstruct the air passages and the blood vessels
of the neck. Thus one thing is clear that a person cannot strangulate himself
as he cannot exert that much pressure on himself because the person will
become unconscious after applying little pressure on the neck and the pressure
cannot be sustained thereafter.
The close examination of ligature mark and the state of structures in the neck region under the ligature mark provide vital clues
as to the method applied for strangulating the victim.
It is very common to find that a rope is twisted round the neck and pressure is applied by pulling both the ends of rope in proximity
to each other. Thus such a method leaves behind a ligature mark encircling
the neck once, twice or thrice (As the case may be) and is found all around
the neck. This is circular but may be oblique if the victim is dragged after
tying the rope. There may be an impression of the knot which may be single
or multiple. The oblique ligature mark is also found in cases where the victim
is strangled from behind in a sitting position and the force used is from
backwards and upwards. Generally these ligatures are situated below the Thyroid
cartilage in the neck region.
On removing the ligature, the base of the groove will be found pale and their margins will be reddish and ecchymosed. If this
is examined after some hours of death, this will be dry, hard and
parchymentised. Sometimes there are abrasions and ecchymosis in the skin around, when a rope
made of jute is used. The pattern of the rope is judged from the
impression of the impact left at the site of ligature. Rope is a hard material and thus
the impressions are clearly visible. In cases where soft material like dhoti
or scarf has been used, sharp impressions are not seen but the effects of
the application of pressure at the site are clearly found out. Sometimes
they are invisible, if the material used is yielding in character like stocking
or handkerchief. In some cases, the clue is obtained from the
fibers of the material used which are found at the site.
In cases where stick or foot is used to strangle the victim, a bruise is found in the centre of the neck and the mark of the substance
used is found. In case one stick in front and one behind the neck have been
used, the marks of bamboo sticks in real dimensions will be present.
In the common forms of strangulating the victim as mentioned above, sufficient pressure is needed to cause death and thus changes are
found in the structures below the skin where the ligature mark is found.
These changes are seen on dissecting the neck region in the area of the ligature
mark. When this examination is done by dissecting the neck, the extravasation
of blood (Accumulation of blood) in the subcutaneous tissues (Tissues beneath)
is seen under the ligature mark. This is due to the rupture of blood vessels
of the area due to the pressure applied. Besides thus, the
muscles of the
neck in the area involved are also found lacerated (Torn). At times, the
sheath of the Carotid artery (Main artery of the region) is found
lacerated and there is effusion (Collection) of blood in its walls. If the force has
effected the Hyoid bone, it is found fractured but when present, this is
taken to be the surest sign of death due to strangulation. Similarly, the
cornua of the Thyroid cartilage may be found fractured.
Medicolegally, to say that the ligature mark has been caused due to strangulation, it may be kept in mind that the soft ligatures like dhoti,
silk and scarf may not produce any mark. Sometimes similar marks may be
produced by wearing a collar or band in the neck loosely and in decomposed bodies due to pressure of gases, in the region. They may give a picture to look like a ligature mark due to strangulation. So
along with the ligature mark which may be circular round the neck presenting ecchymosis at its basewith
parchmentisation ,with the lapse of time, the effects of violence must be
present in the underlying tissues like rupture of muscles and blood vessels
as well as accumulation of blood underneath, besides other characteristic
signs of strangulation in body. If the pressure applied has been great, there
will be fracture of Hyoid bone at a particular site, which is considered
as the surest sign of strangulation by some authorities.
A tip to advocates for defence in a case of
strangulation :-
The scientific defence in case of strangulation centres round the postmortem
report itself. The advocate should look into the findings mentioned in the
report and compare them with the findings which should be found in a case
of strangulation (Particularly the description of ligature mark and injuries
to the deeper tissues as indicated in the article ) . The difference, if any,
will be of help in defence . In case of doubt, advocate should consult a
medicolegal expert.
Abortion laws in India:
Abortion laws
Abortion (or miscarriage) may occur spontaneously, in which case it is
of no interest to the criminal law; or it may be deliberately induced,
when it is a serious crime.! For legal purposes, abortion means
feticide: the intentional destruction of the fetus in the womb, or any
untimely ~livery brought about with intent to cause the death of the
When did abortion come to be
recognized as proper on medical grounds?
In 1929 Parliament perceived the need to qualify the child destruction.
statute by a provision for preserving the life of the mother, but
crassly failed to add a similar exception to the abortion section In
1861 (when t GAP A was passed as a consolidating measure) medical
science was r sufficiently advanced to make it safe to terminate
pregnancy, so this P makes no exception for therapeutic (health)
Where exactly is the line drawn
between contraception and abortion?
Formerly it was thought that the vital point of time was
fertilisation, the fusior of spermatozoon and ovum, but it is now
realised (although the point as not come before the courts) that this
position is not maintainable, and that conception for legal purposes
must be dated at earliest from implantation.
Where a pregnancy is terminated on
the ground of risk of injury to health, how great must the
risk be to justify the termination?
When the Abortion Bill came before the House of
Lords, much attention was given to this question. The adjectives
"serious," "grave" and "substantial" were considered, but their
lordships finally adopted Lord Parker CJ's suggestion (moved in his
absence by Lord Dilhorne, a strong opponent of relaxing the law), which
now appears in the Act.
The Reliability of Forensic Sciences:
Forensic science is the employment of scientific
discipline and technology in the field of civil and
criminal laws. Essentially this field of science
propounds various standards, regulations and guidelines
in regard of the permissibility of evidence in both
criminal and civil procedures. Law And Medicine With Special Reference To Genetic
Engineering And Gene Therapy
Fertility Services Regulation Needs Re and New Thinking:
The above statement can be considered as a universal
fact. In other words, one can say that every single
family in every nation contributes collectively to make
this world go on and on. The human race has evolved in
many different ways spanning a time period of thousands
of years but the urge to procreate has not changed.
MTP Act- The Flag Bearer of
Unconstitutionality: The right to life which is
the most fundamental of all is also the most difficult to
define. Certainly it cannot be confined to a guarantee
against the taking away of life; it must have a wider
application. By the term something more is meant than mere
animal existence. The inhibition against its deprivation
extends to all those limbs and faculties by which life is
Medico-Legal Significance of Bruise:
A bruise is called a Contusion. This is seen as a bluish coloured area on the surface of the skin to begin with.
This is due to the rupture of capillaries
X Vs Z on AIDS:
On account of
disclosure of the fact that the Appellant was H.I.V.(+) by the Hospital
authorities without the express consent of the Appellant, the
Appellants proposed marriage
A gene
is a locatable region of genomic sequence, corresponding to a unit
of inheritance, which is associated with regulatory regions,
transcribed regions and/or other functional sequence regions
Are Phase I Clinical Trials of Foreign Drugs Permitted in India
:Scientific Defence of Injuries (Abrasions)
:Medical Negligence
:Human Organs Transplantation
:Organ Transplantation Law In India
:Narco Analysis
:A Comparative Analysis of Various Indian Legal Systems Regarding Medical Negligence: Criminal, Consumer Protection and Torts Laws
Trademark law
Trademark Rules,2017
celebrity marks
Passing off
TM Section 25
Trade Secrets
Traditional Medicine and TM
Infringement & Remedies
Trade Mark Suit
File Infringement
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Sound TM
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TM in Music & Film
National IPR Policy 2016
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