Latest from Administrative Law

The Commission Of Inquiry Act,1952


By Act no. 60 of 1952, the parliament of India enacted an act with the title the Commission of Inquiry Act 1952, which was extended to the whole of India from the 16th of January 1953. The c...

General Rules of Interpretation


Statutory interpretation is the process by which courts determine the meaning of legislation and apply it to specific cases. Given that laws are often written in broad and sometimes ambiguous t...

AADHAAR Act, 2016: A Step Towards Digital Identity and Inclusion


The Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and Other Subsidies, Benefits, and Services) Act, 2016, commonly known as the Aadhaar Act, is a landmark legislation in India aimed at providing a un...

Certificate Attestation Laws for India: A Complete Guide


Certificate attestation is a crucial process for individuals traveling abroad for employment, education, business, or residency. It serves as legal proof of authenticity for Indian-issued docum...

The Role Of Administrative Accountability In Corruption And Bureaucratic Disc...


"Accountability is the glue that ties commitment to the result." -- Bob Proctor Bureaucratic discretion gives public officials some freedom to interpret laws, policies, and rules whe...

Reformative Justice In Modern Prisons: A Paradigm Shift


This research article explores the need to transition from a punitive to reformative justice in India's prison system, addressing a significant gap in current practices. Conventional punitive j...

The Doctrine of Conflict of Interest


The doctrine of conflict of interest serves as a cornerstone principle in ethics, governance, and law. Its primary goal is to guarantee transparency, impartiality, and accountability in all dec...

Nemo Judex in Causa Sua: A Fundamental Principle in Law


The Latin phrase Nemo Judex in Causa Sua translates to "no one should be a judge in their own case." This principle is a cornerstone of natural justice, ensuring fairness and impartiality in le...

Audi Alteram Partem: A Core Principle of Justice


The Latin phrase Audi Alteram Partem, meaning "hear the other side," is a cornerstone of natural justice in law. It mandates that before any adverse decision is made against an indivi...

The Landmark Wednesbury Test: A Cornerstone of Administrative Law


The Wednesbury Test is a legal principle, established in the 1948 case Associated Provincial Picture Houses Ltd v. Wednesbury Corporation. It's used in the UK and other common law systems to de...