The following is a brief Case Analysis of the case titled
A.D.M Jabalpur
v. Shivkant Shukla [(1976) 2 SCC 521]. This case is considered to be a black
spot on Indian Judiciary as the verdict is widely criticized. It is alleged that
Judiciary was biased while ruling out the verdict in the favour of the then
ruling government of Indira Gandhi. This case has been read, summarized and
analyzed broadly under the following heads: introduction, brief facts of the
case, issue, arguments on the behalf of petitioner, arguments on the behalf of
respondent, views of the court, judgement & conclusion. This case gives emphasis
on Article 14, Article 19, Article 21, Article 22, Article 25, Article 32,
Article 226 and Article 359 of the Indian Constitution as well as the Sections
3, 16A of the Maintenance of Internal Security Act (MISA).
The 1975 Emergency is considered by many as one of the darkest times in Indian
democracy. Fundamental rights were taken away for personal political gains and
the Union Government was functioning according to its own whims and fancies. The
case of Additional District Magistrate, Jabalpur v. Shiv kant Shukla and others
came up when the judiciary was called upon to adjudicate this serious matter.
This case is also popular for the sole dissenting opinion of Justice II. R.
Khanna, who was the only one who advocated for the supremacy of Fundamental
The rest of the judges held that Fundamental rights will remain suspended as
long as Emergency lasts. Some people argue that it was merely a narrow
interpretation of the law, some say it was the fear of an extremely powerful
government in the Centre, but the fact remains that this judgement is a blot on
the Indian judiciary. This case is also known as the Habeas Corpus case, as the
said writ was asked in the form of relief by the petitioners. The term literally
means "to produce the body" and the writ orders directs law enforcement agencies
to present an arrested person in front of the Court and explain the reason
behind their detention.
Brief Facts Of The Case:
It all started in 1975, when Justice Sinha of Allahabad High Court convicted
Indira Gandhi for engaging in malicious election practices and declared her Lok
Sabha election void i.e. the seat of Rae Bareli. This came-up as a huge blow for
Indira Gandhi as she was asked to leave her office and not to contest any
election for the period of next six years. In order to save her position as the
Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi asked the then President of India
Fakruddin Ali Ahmad to declare emergency under clause (1) of Article 352 of the
India Constitution by releasing a statement which read as "a grave emergency
existed whereby the security of India was threatened by internal disturbances”.
The reasons given by the government to impose emergency were the economic growth
damage caused by the 1971 war with Pakistan and the Drought of 1972. On the very
next day i.e. on June 27, 1975, under Article 359 (1) all rights and cases
pertaining to Article 14, Article 21, Article 22 etc. were suspended. People who
had dissenting opinions or who raised voice against the ruling government were
locked into prison without trial under Prevention Detention Laws. By President's
order the same was enacted in Jammu and Kashmir on the very same day. Also,
order no. 1 and 7 were amended and replaced by the Act No. 39 of 1975 Domestic
Security Maintenance Act. On amending, a new Section was introduced i.e. Section
16A which came into effect on June 29, 1975. In October 1975 new amendments were
done in Section 16A of the Maintenance of Homeland Security Act and clauses
16(8) and 16(9) were added respectively.
Many famous leaders who were then giving Indira Gandhi a fair competition were
booked under MISA (Maintenance of Internal Security Act) such as Atal Bihari
Vajpayee, Lal Krishna Advani, Moraji Desai, J.P. Narayan etc. Numerous petitions
against these orders were filed in different courts throughout India against the
abovementioned situations; most of the courts gave their decision in favour of
the petitioners which forced Indira Gandhi to move to Supreme Court of India for
resolving the issue. A writ of Habeas Corpus was filed in the Supreme Court
which at the time of emergency was not considered as a Fundamental Right.
Issue Of The Case
The issue in the present case was whether a writ petition can be filed or not
under Article 226 of the Indian Constitution in the High Court during the period
of emergency in order to enforce the Fundamental Rights.
A Bench consisting of 5 Judges examined the aforesaid questions in the light of
rival contentions.
Arguments On The Behalf Of The Petitioner:
The main contention put forward on the behalf of the State was that the main
objective of the emergency provisions prescribed in the Constitution of India is
to confer the State with special powers in the Executive field. They have the
full authority over the implementation of such laws in the country i.e. State is
considered as of supreme authority during the period of emergency.
Another contention put forward was that no detune was issued despite of the
statements released by the advisory board that authority had no legal cause for
detention i.e. keeping him in detention is a grave violation of Article 22. In
order to enforce rights under Article 19 was suspended due to the President's
order in compliance of Article 359(1).
In order to enforce Fundamental rights (right to life and personal liberty), the
right of the people to move to courts was suspended. It was contended that it
was done within the ambit of law and claiming the ongoing situation would not
the absence of the rule of the law.
It was further contended that Articles 358, Article 359(1) and Article 359(1A)
stated under Part XVIII of the Indian Constitution are the basic necessities of
a nation and military and economic security of the nation is supreme.
The Presidential Order's under Article 359(1) cannot be challenged on the
grounds of infringement of Fundamental Rights as it was suspended by the
above-mentioned Article in the first place.
Arguments On The Behalf Of The Respondent:
On the contrary of the Petitioners, Respondents argued that legislature got
supreme authority under Article 359(1) during the emergency period and no
restrictions were there to safeguard laws made in violation of the fundamental
It was also argued that the sole motive to enact Article 359(1) was to restrict
people from going to Supreme Court under Article 32 of the Indian Constitution
in order to safeguard their Fundamental Rights, however, it did not effect
common law and statutory rights of personal liberty and people were allowed to
reach High Court for addressing the issue under Article 226.
Respondents further argued that the Presidential Orders which were imposed were
only subjected to Fundamental Rights and had no effect on Natural Law, Common
Law or Statutory Law.
It was also argued on the behalf of the Respondents that Executive's power were
not increased by a bit, they were either with the people or against the people.
The powers conferred to the Executives were in compliance to Article 162 of the
Indian Constitution. Arguments were laid forth that the detention laws were in
compliance with the conditions prescribed by the Constitution and Article 21 is
solely not only about the right to life and personal liberty.
Article 256, Article 265 and Article 361(3) confers non-fundamental
constitutional rights and it was argued that the Presidential Orders had no
effect on abovementioned rights. It can only be swept by the statue and not by
the executives.
It was further argued on the behalf of the Respondents that the arrests and
detentions were done in conformity with the guidelines prescribed under Section
3 of the MISA Act and if an arrest was done without fulfilling the whole
guidelines it was declared as the 'beyond the powers' of that act.
Views Of The Court
The court by majority stated that "In view of the Presidential order dated 27
June 1975 no person has any locus-standi to move any writ petition under Article
226 before a High Court for habeas corpus or any other writ or order or
direction to challenge the legality of an, order of detention on the ground that
the order is not under or in compliance with the Act or is illegal or is
vitiated by mala-fides factual or legal or is based on extraneous
A.N. Ray
"Freedom is limited and controlled by law, whether at common law or in law,
which is, according to Burke, regulated freedom, not abstract or absolute
freedom. The good sense of the people and the system of representative and
responsible government that has developed: if extraordinary powers are granted,
they are granted because the urgency is extraordinary, and we are limited to the
period of emergency.”
H.R. Khanna
Justice Khanna gave the sole dissenting opinion in this case. He disagreed on
all aspects of the judgement from the majority opinion. He refused to state that
Article 21 is the sole repository of the Right to Life and said that, "Sanctity
of life and liberty was not something new when the Constitution was drafted the
principle that no one shall be deprived of his life and liberty without the
authority of low was not the gift of the Constitution. It was a necessary
corollary of the concept relating to the sanctity of life and liberty; it
existed and was in force before the coming into force of the Constitution. The
idea about the sanctity of life and liberty as well as the principle thin no one
stall be deprived of his life and liberty without the authority of law are
essentially two facets of the same concept."
The held that Article 226 is an integral part of the Constitution and hence, the
power to enquire into the matter and issue a writ of Habeas Corpus cannot be
denied. He further stated that it is a way to ensure judicial scrutiny of
executive orders and maintain the seal of checks and balances, by citing
Ambedkar's views on the same, recorded during the Constituent assembly debates.
Finally, he implored that, "In dealing with an application for a writ of habeas
corpus, the court only ensure that the detaining authorities act in accordance
with the law of preventive detention. The impact upon the individual of the
massive and comprehensive powers of preventive detention with which the
administrative officers are armed has to be cushioned with legal safeguards
against arbitrary deprivation of personal liberty if the premises of the rule of
law is not to lose its content and become meaningless," thus differing with the
views of the majority.
M. Hameedullah Beg
"We can say that the Constitution is dominated by the rule of law because its
general principles were, for example, the right to individual liberty or the
right of public assembly. the rights of private persons in special cases
presented to the courts; whereas in many foreign constitutions the security (as
it is) conferred on the rights of individuals results or seems to result from
the general principles of the constitution.”
P.N. Bhagwati, J.-
"There are three types of crisis in the life of a democratic nation, three well
defined threats to its existence: a nation and a democracy. The first is war,
especially a war to repel the invasion when a 'state must transform its
political and social order in peacetime into a combat machine in wartime and
surpass the skills and efficiency of war the enemy.'
There may be a real war or a threat of war or preparations to deal with the
imminent occurrence of the war, which can all create a crisis situation of the
most serious order. The need to concentrate more power within the government and
the contraction of normal political and social freedoms cannot be discussed 8 in
such a case, especially when people face a horrendous horror of national
The second crisis is a threat or presence of internal subversion intended to
disrupt the life of the country and endanger the existence of a constitutional
government. This activity can have various causes. Perhaps the most common is
disloyalty to the existing form of government, often accompanied by a desire for
change through violent means. The third crisis, recognized today as a measure of
emergency sanction by the constitutional government is collapsing or causing a
collapse of the economy. It must be recognized that an economic crisis is such a
direct threat to the constitutional existence of a country at war or internal
subversion. These are three types of emergency that can normally endanger the
existence of constitutional democracy.”
Y.V. Chandrachud, J.-
"I must now consider a very important picture of the defendants' argument that
section 21 is not the only depository of the right to life and personal liberty.
This argument has been presented to us in too many aspects to be mentioned and
many cases have been cited in support. This was to some extent unavoidable, as
many types of council defended the same argument and each had its own particular
and preferred accent. I will try to compress the arguments without, I hope,
sacrificing the thematic value.”
The judgement was passed with the majority of 4:1. The Court held that no person
can move the High Court asking for any writ to enforce any fundamental right
detained under MISA, as a claim to the writ of Habeas corpus is an enforcement
of Right to Life and Personal Liberty under Article 21 which is barred by the
Presidential Order.
The majority agreed with all the contentions made by the appellants. To justify
the suspension of Fundamental Rights the Court said, "In period of public danger
or apprehension the protective law which gives every man security and confidence
in times of tranquility has to give way to interests of the State." It 9 was
also stated that "Liberty is itself the gift of the law and may by the law be
forfeited or abridged." when the question about the status of Article 21 was
This case showcases how judges have different viewpoints about a certain
problem. This decision is an example of how multi-dimensional But an issue can
be, at the same time, the gross neglect shown by the Court in recognizing right
to Life as an inalienable human right should be pointed out and criticized. The
grit shown by Justice II R Khanna is noteworthy and his opinions have acted as a
guiding light for future jurors and policy framers. This case paved the way for
even wider interpretation of Article 21. At the end, it should be understood as
to how Rule of Law has to be given the most priority in such cases to ensure
proper distribution and separation of powers.
Written By:
- Manmeet Singh, 4th Year law student, Department of Law - Central
University of Kashmir
- Navratan Badiyasar, 4th Year law student, Department of Law - Central
University of Kashmir