This research article explores the need to transition from a punitive to
reformative justice in India's prison system, addressing a significant gap in
current practices. Conventional punitive justice systems have proven ineffective
in curbing repeat offenses or tackling the underlying social, psychological, and
economic causes of criminal behaviour.
In contrast, reformative justice emphasizes rehabilitation and reintegration,
focusing on individualized interventions, particularly for non-violent and
juvenile offenders This blog combines primary interview with the Director
General of Gwalior Central Jail, legal case studies, scholar articles and data
from NCRB reports to assess how the reformative approach is applied in modern
Indian prisons.
This research highlights the transformative potential of shifting towards
reformative justice, aligning with Gandhi's principle of "hate the sin, not the
sinner," fostering positive societal reintegration for offenders.
When we imagine life behind bars, we often think of grim, dark cells and an
atmosphere of despair. Yet, the advent of the reformative theory of justice is
challenging these perceptions. Indian prisons are gradually shifting towards a
model that focuses on rehabilitation, fostering environments of hygiene and
redemption. Despite these advances, a significant gap remains in the Indian
prison system, where the punitive model still dominates.
Punitive justice reinforces criminal identities, whereas a reformative approach
targets the root causes of criminal behaviour, focusing on rehabilitation and
reducing recidivism.
The reformative justice approach, on the other hand, seeks to rehabilitate
offenders by fostering personal change and equipping them with skills for
reintegration into society. With India's prison system grappling with issues
like overcrowding, understaffing, and inadequate resources, the need to fully
embrace reformative practices has never been more urgent. This article delves
into the evolution of this shift, examining the effectiveness of rehabilitation
programs and the systemic challenges that hinder the transition from punishment
to transformation.
History and evolution of punishment
In the archives of history, prisons and the nature of punishment have seen a
profound transformation. The Vedic period saw the nature of punishment as a
punitive one where punishment was used as a tool to instil fear in the minds of
offenders. The belief was based on the assumption that harsh punishment would
deter and therefore reduce crime rates. The effectiveness of this deterrent
approach was however questioned as the crime rates remained high. Punishment
under this included stone pelting, the death penalty, and other barbaric
methods; however, these brutal deterrence methods are now considered a type of
crime by punishment.
However, as societies evolved, there has been a paradigm shift from ancient to
modern times, where the punitive form of punishment has changed to reformative,
emphasising rehabilitation over retribution. Punishment is defined as, 'Any
pain, penalty, suffering, or confinement inflicted upon a person by the
authority of the law and the judgment and sentence of a court, for some crime or
offence committed by him, or for his omission of a duty enjoined by law'.
To deprive one's right to personal liberty by sentencing a person to
imprisonment is primarily justified to protect society against crime and create
a deterrent effect. However, the reformative theory reinterprets this definition
and emphasises that people are sent to prison as punishment, not for punishment.
This perspective advocates that punishment must not be used to create mere
deterrence in society; rather, it should be used to transform the offenders'
character and help them rehabilitate as law-abiding citizens.
Do prisoners deserve fair treatment?
One must ponder, why is the justice system looking to reform these offenders who
are guilty of harming the innocent public and not penalizing them. 'All
criminals should be treated as patients and the jails should be hospitals
admitting this class of patients for treatment and cure, no one commits a crime
for the fun of it. It is a sign of a diseased mind'.
This quote by Gandhi provides for a different view for individuals to understand
the concept of modern-day prisons based on reformative justice. A living example
is Laxman Ghole, who spent seven years in prison for slashing a goon and
harassing a woman. He was charged with 19 offenses, today, he has reformed into
Gandhi, who now gives lectures in jails, schools, etc.
Critics argue that long-term prison stays could teach offenders to commit more
crimes or that lenient conditions make prison appealing. However, mere
punishment often leads to revengeful attitudes, while reformative justice seeks
to address the root causes by transforming offenders' psychology and behaviour.
Another argument against the reformative theory of justice is why offenders
should live such a quality life off taxpayers' hard-earned money. However, it
should be considered that these inmates have already been curtailed and denied
freedom of liberty, and their other fundamental rights, like the right to life
enshrined under 'Article 14', can't be curtailed. Confining a person in a prison
is itself enough punishment, and the aim of prisons must be to give these
offenders a chance to start a fresh and honest life as a transformed law-abiding
citizen in society.
Reformative Practice In Modern Prisons
In India, the turning point towards the reformative justice approach came with
the case of 'Ramamurthy v. State of Karnataka', where the concept of open
prisons was put forward. Open prisons are different from traditional confined
prisons, as they are intended to provide a conducive environment for the
holistic development of offenders and help them transform into better human
Rehabilitation efforts
Modern prisons are focused on rehabilitation through a diverse array of programs
aimed at enhancing both academic and practical skills. Education plays an
important role; the prisoners are offered the opportunity to pursue various
vocational and computer courses.
The inmates are made to learn to sew quilts and blankets, make vermicompost, and
develop culinary skills. Through these, they not only learn new skills but also
contribute to the functioning of the prison community. Notably, they're also
compensated for their work; according to the Model Prison Manual, 2003, which
acts as a guiding principle for prison management in India, Workers pay should
be fair and equitable rather than little or insignificant; they should be
standardized and regularly adjusted in accordance with government announcements
that clarify or modify the proper minimum wages.
However, as per the report, the minimum prison wage for skilled work in at least
14 states and union territories, is set at less than ₹100 per day. Therefore, a
prisoner in Maharashtra or Assam makes, on average, ₹70 per day for skilled
labour, whereas his counterpart in Delhi's Tihar Jail earns between ₹194 for
unskilled labour and ₹308 for skilled labour.
Challenges faced
Picture this: the prison built to house 3000 inmates is bursting at the seams
with over 4500 individuals, leading to severe overcrowding.
The NCRB Report highlighted that prisons in India are overcrowded to the extent
of 131.4%. To worsen matters, the ratio of prison staff to prisoners is
alarming, with roughly one staff member for every nine inmates. This shortage of
staff not only strains resources but also compromises the safety and well-being
of all. Even in open jails, where offenders have much more autonomy and freedom
of movement, there is a glaring need for more staff and infrastructure, which
raises concerns about security and supervision.
Even the legal process within prisons faces its own set of challenges Delays in
court proceedings can result in prolonged detention for individuals awaiting
trial, exacerbating the issue of overcrowding and prolonging their uncertainty.
Way forward
The theory seeks to rehabilitate offenders and enable them to lead normal lives
as members of society outside of prison or correctional facilities. Its goal is
to rehabilitate them and make them law-abiding citizens. This ideology rejects
physical punishment in any form. It usually sees a person's exile from the
community as an effort to help them get back on their feet and shield them from
social rejection. Because it primarily relies on humanistic methods of
punishment, this theory is incredibly effective in correcting young offenders
and first-time offenders; however, it may not be as effective for more serious
offenders. Retributive theory and deterrence play a significant role in these
Currently, there lies a huge gap between the sanctioned and the actual prison
staff and officers. However, India's prison system is ripe for transformation,
and a key step in this journey would be the establishment of a specialized
Indian Jail Service similar to that of the IAS. By treating prisons as a
distinct field, we can attract a diverse workforce. A specialized cadre of
professionals brings fresh perspectives and skill sets to inmate rehabilitation
and administrative tasks. Moreover, by offering dedicated career pathways, it
incentivizes professionals to pursue long-term careers in prison service,
addressing staffing shortages.