The tussle between the executive and the judiciary over the tribunal system has
been never ending. [1]Over the years, cases are adjudicated at a very slow pace
and the process has become more expensive. The current promulgation of nine
tribunal appellate boards and its transfer of power to high court has raised
many questions on whether the courts of justice be able to solve this workload
which is increasing day by day. Tribunals were introduced as a reform to divide
the administrative work from executive and judiciary.
And now the reason to
abolishing so many tribunals is due to their ineffective functioning but the
major blame for the same has to be borne by the government itself due to its
indifference in constituting them and also the dominant behaviour of the higher
judiciary. As of April 2021, there are 25 courts functioning with only 669
judges as against the sanctioned strength of 1080 judges with pendency of
approximately 50 lakh cases.
(Department of Justice) This additional conferment
of jurisdiction to the high courts and their lack of expertise in the area,
coupled with formal procedure, expensive and delayed decisions is likely to
delay justice delivery further. (Indian kanoon, 1979) The following paper talks
about tribunalization and its impact on the judiciary and the trends followed by
it. (Bar And Bench, n.d.)
What is Tribunal?
The word 'tribunal' has not been defined in the constitution or in any other act
or law. Tribunal means where a judge or panel of judges sit and discuss on the
important controversies that happen between two parties and then exercises
judicial power which is primarily distinguished from administrative functions.
Tribunalization of justice means a way to analyse the position and outcome of
justice with regard to the tribunal system of India.
By the words of The Supreme
Court as used in
Durga Shankar Mehta v/s Raghraj Singh,[2] the tribunal is not a
court but includes within its ambit, all adjudicating bodies, provided that they
are constituted by the state and are vested with judicial functions as
distinguished from administrative or executive functions. In the words of MP
Jain, the tribunal does not allow any uniform procedure to be laid down as it is
civil procedure code and under the Indian evidence act of 1872 but they follow
the principals of natural justice.
No judicial review against the decision of
any tribunal is maintained by the any court of law but if it fails to follow its
principles then the same can take place. The tribunals play a very important
role in the sphere of adjudication of disputes. Whereas it's function is
different from courts but there is a common objective towards which the
tribunals work upon which is to impact and deliver justice. (Legal Service
India, n.d.)
In agreement to the global practice, tribunalization in India started with the
insertion of the articles 323A and 323B into the constitution by the virtue of
42nd amendment act,1976 [3]where the clause meant to establish Administrative
Tribunals so as to deal with service matters and also for the establishment of
other Special Tribunals which deal with specific disputes under respective
stautes. They are a substitute to high courts.
Articles 323 A (Constitution of
India) provided a comprehensive study on the adjudication or trial by the
administrative tribunals where disputes and complains are resolved. For example-
the service of persons appointed to public services and posts in connection with
the affairs of the union or of any state or local authority within the territory
of India. Thus law under these cases may provide for the establishment of an
administrative tribunal for the union and a separate administrative tribunal for
each state or two or more states thus excluding jurisdictions of all courts with
respect to the concerned disputes or complaints.
Judicial Review:
Through some exceptions we get to know that judicial review by Supreme Court
shall remain untouched and only act on matters of importance and grave injustice
which was challenged in
SP samptahh kumar v. Union of India[4] as violated of
the basic structure of the constitution.
Almost a decade later, in the case of
Chandra Kumar v/s Union of India, a 7 judge bench held that the power of
superintendence of High courts over lower Courts and tribunals as a part of the
basic structure of the constitution. They went on to further declare the
exclusion of jurisdiction clauses in all legislations enacted by the backing of
the article 323A and 323B were highly unconstitutional.
The Apex court in the
same case recognized the powers of tribunals to test the vires of subordinate
legislation and rules which became a subject of scrutiny by two judges bench of
the High courts. (The Tribunal Reforms, n.d.)
In 2002 a legislation was passed by the parliament for the formation of National
company Law Tribunal and the national company law appellate tribunal as
alternatives for High courts in company law matters (Bar And Bench, n.d.). The
court ordered for a selection committee be constituted which shall consist of
the Chief Justice of India (CJI) or his nominee as chairperson ( with casting
vote), a senior judge of supreme Court or Chief justice of high court as member
and secretaries from the ministry of Finance or Company affairs and Law as two
other members.
According to Section 184 of finanace act 2017 there were certain
rules and qualifications and other conditions of service of members of 19
tribunals. (Bar And Bench, n.d.)
In the case of
Rojer Mathew v/s South India Bank
Ltd, A 5 judge bench declared that the rules to be unconstitutional since:
- There was lack of judicial dominance in search and selection committee
- Qualifications that were required for judicial and technical members
lacked judicial character
- There was any disparity in age of superannuation
- Short tenures of members and powers of government to reappoint members
after retirement from one tribunal to another would lead to interference by
Thereby jeopardising the independence of the judiciary. These specific rules
were again changed in 2020 where a 5 member committee shall be appointed with
the chief justice and his nominee having a casting vote. It was also directed
that advocates who hold 10 years of experience can be appointed as judicial
members of the tribunals and their retirement age was set at 67 years. (Bar And
Bench, n.d.)
A recent judgement given by the supreme court in the case of Union of India vs
Madras bar Association ,where the Supreme Court ordered separation of Tribunals
from the clutches of the executive, has created a lot of interest in the legal
arena. It is imperative to say that the judiciary has always been in control of
the tribunals. Again the pattern in which they follow is to reduce the workload
of the cases of the judiciary.
Eventually as the result of this:
- The judiciary wants to have a major say in the appointment if the
members of the tribunals.
- The judiciary wants to rehabilitate retired judges in the tribunals
- The judiciary feels that it has exclusive and predominant power to
adjudicate even those disputes of technical and complex nature, as the sole
custodian of justice. (Bar And Bench, n.d.)
Here the nodal commission shall take place to end this tussle between the
executive and the judiciary. Consolidated funds shall be used for the
administration of the tribunals which rests in the hands of the present
The only concern which shall remain with the selection of members
would be if they have enough expertise in their field to administrate the
tribunals. With major countries in the world and their supreme courts
rehabilitating learned persons into this field, it will be a question for both
the executive and the judiciary to make a selection committee, who are capable
of selecting the best among the best.
- Bar and Bench :Administration of Justice from tribunalization to
- 1954 AIR 520, 1955 SCR 287
- Tribunalization of Justice: Legal Services India
- 1987 SCR (3) 233, 1987 SCC Supl. 734