Latest from Intellectual Property Law

The Impact of Brand Protection Through Trademarks on Business


Trademark protection is essential for a company's survival and success in the cutthroat commercial world of today. Trademarks, which include names, logos, slogans, and other distinguishing indi...

A Guide to the Evolution of Trademark Laws


"Freedom and Property Rights are inseparable. You can't have one without the other"- George Washington Property creation, enjoyment, and accumulation have been fundamental pursuits i...

Non-use of Registered Trademark, Protection Provided and Effects for the same


Non-use of Trademark is here means that when the Trademark is registered in the name of registered proprietor but not in use with respect to the goods and services for which descriptively it wa...

Quest For Recognition: Exploring Judicial Perspectives On AI Inventorship


Technology advances make it harder for our current legal frameworks and systems to keep up. Many discussions have been triggered by the development of artificial intelligence (AI), especially i...

The role of IPR in the Digital Business World


As digitalization continues to transform the global business landscape, the role of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) has become increasingly crucial. Intellectual Property Rights refer to the...

Patent Registration Procedure and Infringement


Procedure To Obtain a PatentFiling the Patent Application  Section 6 of the Patents Act, 1970, specifies the eligible applicants, including the true and first inventor, an assignee (s...

Suit for Patent Infringement and essential features of the suit patent


The High Court of Delhi delivered a judgment on July 4, 2024, in the patent infringement case of ITW GSE APS & ANR. versus DABICO AIRPORT SOLUTIONS PVT LTD & ORS. The case, which was re...

Exploring the critical challenges of patenting cryptocurrencies and blockchai...


Blockchain technology enables networking from people to people, which thereby facilitates keeping a record of accomplishment of all monetary activities and implementing other similar valuable t...

Trademark Registration cannot be cancelled due to faulty examination of Trade...


On 15 July 2024, the High Court of Delhi delivered a significant judgment in the case of Loreal India Pvt Ltd versus Rajesh Kumar Taneja Trading as Innovative Derma Care & Anr. This case re...

Patentability of known properties of traditionally known component


The case involving the Civil Miscellaneous Appeal under Section 117-A of the Patents Act, 1970, revolves around the rejection of a patent application for an "Eco-friendly lamp made up of c...