Globalization must not be viewed from the restrictive sense as it connotes the process of making global, being present worldwide. It has brought to the force universalisation of diverse issue of commerce, production, consumption, trade and information technology. The increasing interdependence of the countries of world and integration of domestic economies with the world economy has its effect on each and every sector of the developed and developing countries alike.
can also be seen from different perspective as the growing
interdependence and intensively of interaction among nations and
about the Nation State coming under pressure, from transnational
phenomenon and so on .
It has been defined as the broadening and deepening linkages of
national economics into world market for goods capital and special
services . The concept of Globalization has brought about a
growing tendency towards the universal homogenization of ideas,
cultures, values and even the lifestyles. Needless to say can the
legal service and the legal profession remains unaffected by this
changing world order?
The Present paper attempts to analyze the impact of globalization on legal profession in India.
The Legal
Profession in India
India has the worlds second largest legal profession with more
than 600,000 lawyers . The predominant service providers are
individual lawyers, small or family based firms . Most of the
firms are involved in the issues of domestic law and majority work
under country’s adversarial litigation system. The conception of
legal services as a ‘noble profession’ rather than services
resulted in formulation of stringent and restrictive regulatory
machinery. These regulations have been justified on the grounds of
public policy and ‘dignity of profession’ . The judiciary has
reinforced these principles, which can be reflected in words of
Justice Krishna Iyer, when he noted,
Law is not a
trade, not briefs, not merchandise, and so the heaven of
commercial competition should not vulgarize the legal profession.
However over the years courts have recognized ‘Legal Service’ as a
‘service’ rendered to the consumers and have held that lawyers are
accountable to the clients in the cases of deficiency of services.
In the case of
Srinath V. Union of India (AIR 1996 Mad 427) Madras
High Court held that, in view of Sec. 3 of Consumer Protection
Act, 1986. Consumer redressal forums have jurisdiction to deal
with claims against advocates. Sec. 2 (U) of competition Act, 2002
defines the term ‘Service’ along the lines of consumer protection
Act, 1986. Thus it may be concluded that legal services are
becoming subject of trade related laws where consumerism and
market forces should be given adequate space .
Changing Face of Legal Profession
Globalization brought about a revolution in international trade
with increasing participation and involvement of countries &
greater access to domestic economies. The implication of the same
on the legal service sector has been both quantitative and
qualitative. The past decade has been mini-revolution in legal
service sector with the greatest legal impact on corporate legal
arena Activities in project financing, intellectual property
protection, environmental protection, competition law, corporate
taxation, infrastructure contract, corporate governance and
investment law were almost unknown before 90’s. Number of Law
firms capable of dealing such work was very few . It is evident
that need of professional service has been tremendous in the legal
service sector. In last few years Law Firms, in house firms and
individual lawyer’s expertise in providing legal services in
corporate sector has increased by several times. These new Law
Firms primarily engage and loan instrument, writing
infrastructural contracts, power contract, drafting of project
finance, contracts, finalizing transnational investment, joint
venture and technology transfer contracts. This is discerning
shift in the disposition of emerging legal sectors towards
settling disputes through ADRS rather adversarial litigation mode
of dispute resolution Globalization has thus expanded the internal
and external demand for legal services . Today in legal services
is on inevitable fact. At the same time significant for
progressive development of legal profession in India in this era
of Globalization.
Service Sector
The term legal services sector is completely, different type of
services as compared to software programming, medical practice or
other professional services. Though it is more or less protected
from intrusion due to the fact that its traditional base is
derived not only from statutes and the existence of statutory
bodies but also from conservative and traditional mind set that
inhibit development of cross border services supply. Even globally
the legal services sector is necessarily shackled by
jurisdictional constraints such of the requirement for a degree
from the country where the service is to be imparted. Some local
considerations apply only to certain aspects of legal services and
not to others. Where the local considerations are important they
must be preserved and exceptions made, must only for global market
access. Thus on the one hand there is the need to be part of a
global fraternity and to make beneficial commitments that promote
trade in services and on the other hand there is need to preserve
national interest.
of Globalized Legal Services
World Trade Organization (WTO) is the successor of the General
Agreement of Tariffs and Trade (GATT), which ruled the world
between 1960 and 1993. both Co-existed between 1994 and 1995, when
WTO came into existence. Services are brought for the first time
under multilateral trading system under the Uruguay Round
Agreements launching WTO. Earlier the GATT System confined only to
goods trade. The inclusion of services under the WTO in 1995 is a
reflection of growing share of services in national economics
world over. It is on indication that trade in services is set to
play on all important role in the economic development of
countries in future . The ‘developed’ west Economics are
specializing in knowledge based service and this GATS entered the
WTO agenda in 1995 . It is among the WTO’s most important and the
first and only set of multilateral rules concerning International
Trade in services. It was negotiated by the Governments themselves
and set the framework agreement containing general rules and
disciplines and the national schedules, which list basic
commitments on behalf of individual countries. As with the GATT,
GATS serves to create a Most Favoured Nation (MFN) status for
members of the WTO through specific commitments that allow
non-discriminatory treatment to be given to foreign suppliers from
overseas. Members have complete freedom to select which services
to commit and while granting access a country may however limit
the degree to which foreign services provider can operate in the
market. Thus, it is possible for a country like India to limit the
number of foreign legal practitioners who may be licensed to
practice here. But it goes much further than that. A whole range
of non-tariff barriers exist which countries may either commit to
remove, dilute or otherwise restrict in their operation so as to
create a more friendly trading environment within which services
can be provided across national barriers. GATS achieves its
objectives following basic GATT principles using. Most Favoured
National treatment under Article II and XVII respectively while
aiming to reform markets and yet allow special and differential
treatment for developing countries. The two excepts to GATS are-
(i) services
provided to the public in the exercise of governmental authorities
(ii) in the Air transport structure, traffic, rights.
GATS provides
for trade in services through four different modes which are
defined in paragraph 2 of Article I.
a) From the territory of one member into the territory of any
other member.
b) In the territory of one member to the service consumer of any
other member.
c) By a service supplier of one member, through commercial
presence in the territory of any other member.
d) By a service supplier of one member, through presence of
natural persons of a member in the territory of any other member.
The GATS schedules refer to each of these modes and all commitments are made accordingly.
classification & Legal Services
There are 12 sectors classified by GATS for which commitments may
be made one of them is Business Services. Business Services is
further divided into 6 types of services, which include
professional services. The Professional service sector further
divided into 11 services, which include Legal Services.
India has made only specific commitments in relating to engineering services.
India has made no commitments in the legal services sector at present. This may be contrasted with commitments mode by 44 countries in the legal service sector even same developing countries have made commitments. Such commitments are beneficial to all i.e. to countries and to consumers. As these commitments will bring Trade in the legal services which will play crucial role benefiting consumers countrywide.
Trade in
Legal Services : Benefits to Consumers
The emerging legal service sector is equally beneficial to all
consumers of legal services, without discrimination . In the age
of consumerism and competition law, consumers right to free and
fair competition is paramount and cannot be denied by any other
consideration . Trade in legal services focuses on benefits
accruing to consumers from legal service sector, particularly the
quality of service available with respect to particular fields. In
the case of In Re Sanjiv Datta, Secretary, Ministry of Information
and Broadcasting . The supreme court observed,
Some of the
members of the profession have been adopting prospectively casual
approach to the practice of the profession. ……they do not only
amount to contempt of court but to the positive disservice to the
In our country must often consumers are at the mercy of advocates
and the system and they resort to any other service provider in
absence of choice.
Secondly, the
services available to consumers of India are only domestic legal
service providers. Corporate legal activities are recent
phenomenon in India and solution of some complicated legal issues
can only be granted by professional International Law firms hence
allowing them shall be beneficial for satisfaction of consumers in
India Many countries across the globe resort to Legal Process
Outsourcing (LPO) and gain best of the legal services and
solutions at competitive prices. Existing regulations deprive
consumers to derive benefit, which ultimately effects development
Regulations on Legal Services Trade
Further it is submitted that there exists various restrictions on
trade oriented legal service sector, which heavily hampers
interest of consumers of legal services. Hence following points
need reconsideration and fundamental charge of mindset.
1. In India there is an absolute bar on advocates advertising and soliciting for any purpose and indicating area of specialization . Restrictions on advertising by lawyers in India have resulted in a situation where consumers can not make an informed choice from the competitive market since the information relating to service is not available to them. Moreover restrictions on professional firms on the informing potential users on range of their services and potential causes further injury to the competition
2. The Bar
Council of India Rules, 1975 in chapter III Rule I, prohibits
advocates from entering into partnership or any other arrangement
for sharing remuneration with any person or legal practitioner who
is not an advocate. Lawyers cannot enter in co-operation with
non-lawyers. Prima facie there seems to be no pro competitive
justification for such a regulation. Such a measure as hampered
the delivery of services to the consumer and anticompetitive . The
absolute bar has been lifted to some extent with the institute of
Chartered Accountants permitting tie-ups between lawyers and
Chartered Accountants.
3. The regulatory and legal system in India has the effect of
limiting the size of legal establishment. Sec. 11 of the companies
Act, 1956 stipulates that a partnership or any form of association
with more than 20 members if not registered as company shall be an
unlawful assembly.
4. In India only natural person can practice law, as is evidenced
by combined reading of Sec. 24, 29, and 33 of Advocates Act and
artificial body cannot act as a lawyer. Justification for such
restriction is on public policy grounds and in particular to
ensure professional responsibilities and liabilities. This a legal
service provider can not be incorporated as a company and still
continue in practice the profession of law in India, as per the
provisions of Advocates Act, 1961.
5. The Requirement that Advocates enter into partnerships only with other Advocates has the effect of prohibiting partnerships with foreign firms. The effect to the provision is that partnerships can not be entered into between Indian Lawyers and those of other countries. These restrictions on incorporation and size of partnerships, prohibition on entering into partnership with foreign firm and lawyers; has limited the size and growth of the profession as well as professionals and prevent them from being globally competitive.
6. The Lack of restrictions on partnerships across the world has given rise to firms with a member of partners. Big law firms having wide controlling, regulating and functioning power nationally and internationally. In sharp construct Indian firms are small and incapable of associating with legal experts firms other countries. This way Indian law firms are at disadvantage to law firms to U.S. and E. U .
professional regulations are in all likely hood protecting the
weak producers of professional services at the cost of information
being made available to consumers opening up to legal service
sector to foreign law firms and its interaction with growing arena
of international trade shall be beneficial for development of the
sector. The existing state of decay that the justice delivery
system of country finds itself in is to a certain extent
attributable to the overprotected legal regime that they have been
provided with and some of the members have adopted a “Casual
approach” to the practice of law .
The Apex Court has warned that if the present trend is not checked
it is likely to lead to a state where the system is found wreaked
from within before it is wreaked from outside.
Opening up of legal services sector is going to lead to a flow of
expertise in sectors where local firms and lawyers are deficiently
delivering services. Accepting ‘trade’ facet of legal services
would develop the profession qualitatively.
The Raghavan Committee has summed up the effect of the existing regulatory system in professional services. The legislative restrictions in terms of law and self regulation have the combined effect of denying opportunities and growth of professional firms, restricting their desire and ability to compete globally, Preventing the country from obtaining advantage of India’s considerable expertise and precluding consumers from opportunity on free and informed choice.
today or tomorrow we have to open up out legal service, but if
should not seen as a threat but an opportunity to complete in more
& more countries. As soon as Indian perspective in concerned,
already Indian legal service section is hugely crowded, will
opening up of legal service in India will only overhead if it’s
bring word class service job all needs to be
I would like to conclude only with a thing, that how globalised
the word may became, & how professional peddle may became, that in
race of globalization which & professionalism, they shall continue
to remain agency through which people can get justice.
The author can be reached at: /
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