1. Impact of Extra-Marital Relation on The Legal Marriage
Adultery is a ground for divorce under Section 13(1)(i) of Hindu
Marriage Act, section 27(1)(a) of Special Marriage Act, Section 32 (d)
of Parsi Marriage and Divorce Act,1936 and under Section 10 of the
Indian Divorce Act .The ground for getting a decree for divorce on the
grounds of adultery is provided as :The Respondent has after
solemnization of marriage, had voluntary sexual intercourse with any
person other than his or her spouse. In other words, the spouse who
engages in extra-marital intercourse is guilty of adultery. Under the
Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act, adultery as such is not a ground
for divorce, but if the husband associates with women of evil repute or
leads an infamous life, it amounts to cruelty to wife and she can sue
for divorce on that ground. This seems sometimes akin to living in
adultery. But none of these enactments, except the Parsi Marriage and
Divorce Act, confers any such corresponding right on the husband to
dissolution of marriage for extra-marital sexual relations maintained by
the wife.
In Shivakumar v Premavathi it was held that stamping the child as an
outcome an adulterous relation or charging a woman for extramarital
intercourse is a serious thing with legal consequences. No woman can be
blamed for an adulterous relation relationship and no child can be
called as illegitimate unless there is conclusive evidence in support of
such conclusions. The case of Sunil Eknath Trambake v Leelavati Sunil
Trambake clarified that in the matter of proving the paternity of a
child, a DNA test can be ordered only in exceptional and deserving cases
if it is in the interest of the child. The charge of adultery is serious
as it casts aspersions on the character of the spouse affecting his/her
reputation in the society besides raising question marks in terms of the
parentage of the child delivered by the wife, therefore not only the
charges of adultery should be specific but also should be established in
all probabilities. The proceedings for adultery, under the Hindu
Marriage Act, are in the nature of quasi-criminal, as such, higher
standard of proof than mere preponderance of probabilities is required
as was held in Partap v Veena
2. Importance of Parental Fidelity and Family Structure
Obviously, the most important post-divorce problem with which the
individual and society are most vitally concerned is the problem of
finding adequate solutions to matters concerning custody, education,
maintenance of, and access to children. These are the matters which
affect significantly the children and parents emotionally and socially
.The Supreme Court gave a judicial message in the case of Gaurav Jain v
Union of India that children are innocent and abandoning of the child by
one of the parents, excluding a good foundation of life for them, is a
crime against humanity. In Ninia Baehr v Lawrence H.Mike the Supreme
Court of Hawaii stated that: The father and the mother offer different
and complementary cognitive and emotional organizations of the world to
the infant. An intact family environment consisting of a child and his
or her mother and father presents a less burdened environment for the
development of a happy, healthy and well adjusted child .The benefit to
children which come from being raised by their mother and father are
maximum in an intact and relatively stress free home.
The importance of parental fidelity to the psychological well-being of
children cannot be underestimated. While an affair is taking place
children sense that the parent is expending emotional energy outside the
family. As a result the children may become anxious or frightened, or
they may sense rejection and feel they have done something wrong.
Moreover experts found, such children are prone to have affairs
themselves when they marry. The child, eventually, after witnessing the
hostile environment at home and the parental animosity resulting from
the extra-marital of either of the parents, breaks down under the strain
of conflict. The child's distress may take the form of school related
problems, anxiety, depression, bullying, victimization and sometimes
even health related illness.
3. Divorce: Psychological Impact on The Children
Actually, children's psychological reactions to their parents' divorce
vary in degree dependent on three factors:
(1) the quality of their relationship with each of their parents before
the separation,
(2) the intensity and duration of the parental conflict, and
(3) the parents' ability to focus on the needs of children in their
divorce. "Divorce is deceptive. Legally it is a single event, but
psychologically it is a chain sometimes a never-ending chain¬ of events,
relocations, and radically shifting relationships strung through time, a
process that forever changes the lives of the people involved."
Attachment theory of divorce: Children usually lose a degree of contact
with one of their very few attachment figures when a divorce occurs. It
is a confusing and stressful time for children, regardless of whether
the divorce was amicable or not. Poor school performance, low
self-esteem, behavior problems, distress and adjustment difficulties are
associated with divorce. In adolescents from divorced families they
noted more instances of delinquent behavior, early sex activity and
continued academic issues. There are many factors that may play into how
children's attachments are altered after a divorce, gender and age being
the two most documented variables. It is also important to discuss the
outcome of divorce and how it affects children's attachment style. Often
times, divorces end in ugly custody battles between the parents. During
this time, the parents being terribly selfish as to who is most
responsible often forget they are being observed at all times.
Attachment style can be even more afflicted by court battles in which
the child has no control over whom he or she goes with. This serves to
alter attachment style negatively. This could lead to negative
attachment style resulting in no attachment style at all.
4. Impact of Extra-Marital Relation on Children Born outside The Wedlock.
Despite international and national conventions prohibiting
discrimination against any child and imposing responsibilities on
parents, society and state to protect it in every manner, an
illegitimate child born out of an extra-marital relation is still
exposed to enormous social, emotional and legal deprivation. While the
parents can foresee the consequences of their socially and legally
disapproved alliance in the form of extra-marital relation, the child
has no choice in the matter. The sharing of the physical company and
properties between children born outside wedlock would be at the expense
of the family, and thus the peace and stability of the marriage would be
threatened. Justice Douglas in 1968 stated that illegitimate children
are not non-persons. They are humans and have their being.
4.1 presumption of legitimacy
Under the law there is a presumption in favor of evidence proving
legitimacy of a child born during the wedlock. The rule laid down in
Russel v Russel was followed in the case of Premchand Hira v Bai Gopal
,was that no evidence can be adduced by spouses that no intercourse had
taken place between them if the effect of such evidence would be do
bastardize the child. The force of this presumption in English law is
indicated by the remark …we may almost say that every child born to a
married woman is in law the legitimate child of her husband.
In India this presumption is statutorily recognized under Section 112 of
the Evidence Act 1872 which lays down as a general rule of presumption
that a child born during the subsistence of a legal marriage or within
280 days after its dissolution is a legitimate child unless non-access
between the parties at the relevant time can be shown. In a recent
judgment of the Supreme Court in the case of Goutum Kundu v State of
West Bengal where in an application was filed by the wife for
maintenance for herself and her child, the husband denied that he was
the father and made an application to the court for blood group test of
the child to determine the child's Paternity. The same was not granted.
It was held that under Section 112 of the Evidence Act, the birth of a
child during the continuance of the valid marriage is conclusive proof
of the child's legitimacy. The blood-grouping test was an attempt made
to prove that the child born to the wife couldn't be the husband's and
as a conclusion of this the wife had committed adultery. Thus, if the
husband has 'A' blood group and the wife has 'B' blood group then the
child will have either 'A' or 'B' or 'AB' blood group and if the child
has 'C' blood group then this would prove adultery on grounds of this
circumstantial evidence. . Also, in W v. W, a decree of divorce was
passed in favor of the husband as the white wife had given birth to a
child with Negroid feature but the Court did not allow for the blood
test as they were of the opinion that it would bastardize the child
4.2 Legitimation under Muslim law
Muslim law does not recognize putative father for any purpose. It clings
to the concept of filius nullis. Under the Islamic law conception
during lawful wedlock determines legitimacy of the child .There is no
process recognized under the Muslim law which confers legitimacy on an
illegitimate child. However mohammadans have adopted measures like
acknowledgement of paternity which are preventive measures to save the
children from being bastardized. Mohammedan Law has made a special
provision for conferring legitimacy on or rather recognizing the
legitimacy of a child, whether a son or daughter by the doctrine of
acknowledgement of ikrar . It is an acknowledgement of paternity by his
putative father. The person acknowledged must not be the off-spring of
zina , which is adultery in Muslim law, as he would be if his mother
could not possibly have been the lawful wife of the acknowledger at any
time when he could have been begotten, as where the mother was at that
time the wife of another man .Adoption or any equivalent of the same is
not recognized under Mohammedan law.
5. Status of The Illegitimate Child Born out of The Extra-Marital Relation
Lord Ch .J. King in Marchioness of Annadale v Harris :-If a man says
he, does mislead an innocent woman, it is both reason and justice that
he should make her reparation. The case is stronger in respect of an
innocent child, when the father has occasioned to be brought into the
world in this shameful manner, and for whom, in justice he ought to
provide. The Supreme Court in Gaurav Jain v Union of India has
categorically stated that the children have the rights of equality and
opportunity, dignity and care, protection and rehabilitation by the
society with both hands open to bring them into the mainstream of social
life without pre-stigma affixed on them for no fault of his/her.
5.1 Guardianship
The Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act ,1956 under Section 6(a)
provides that while in the case of a minor boy or a minor unmarried girl
it is the father who is the natural guardian and the mother comes only
after the father, however under Section 6 (b) the order reverses incase
of illegitimate children; the mother is the natural guardian and the
father comes only after her. An illegitimate child does not get the
father's name. Perhaps there is a rational distinction between a child
born into a family and one born outside and since such child would
normally not be living with the father but with the mother, it might
sound logical that the child should be identifiable with the mother; and
laws on guardianship and adoption fall in line with this reasoning
.However from the child's perspective discrimination and bias is evident
as in a patriarchal set up like ours, child can be singled out as having
been born out of a wedlock.
5.2 Maintenance
5.2.1 Secular law: Under the provisions of the Code of Criminal
Procedure ,1973 which is applicable to all communities irrespective of
caste and religion, every child who is unable to maintain itself is
entitled to be maintained. Though the word illegitimate is
specifically mentioned there is no discrimination in the entitlement on
the basis of marital status of the parents of the child. The main
provision regarding grant of maintenance is contained in Section 125 of
the Code. A Magistrate of the first class may, upon proof of such
neglect or refusal, order, such person to make a monthly allowance for
the maintenance of his wife or such child, father or mother, at such
monthly rate, as such Magistrate thinks fit, and to pay the same to such
person as the Magistrate may from time to time direct." Apart from this
uniform and secular legislation, there are provisions for maintenance of
children under the personal law statutes as well.
5.2.2 Hindu law: Under the Section 20 of the Hindu Adoptions and
Maintenance Act ,1956, minor children-whether legitimate or
illegitimate, are entitled to be maintained by their father or mother.
In K.M Adam v. Gopala Krishnan the Court imposed an obligation on the
Muslim father to maintain and support his illegitimate Hindu child born
to a Hindu woman. There was no marriage and it was argued on behalf of
the father that neither under personal law nor under the provisions of
the Hindu adoption and maintenance Act he was entitled to maintain the
child, however the child was considered to be a Hindu as one of the
parent ,i.e. The mother is a Hindu. Illegitimate sons and daughters are
dependants under Section 21 of the Act and are entitled to get
maintenance from the estate of their putative father under Section 22 –
in case of a son till he is a minor and incase of a daughter ,till she
remains unmarried.
5.2.3 Muslim law: Application of maintenance to an illegitimate child is
strictly prohibited because of the concept of nullis filuis. In
Pavitri v Katheesumma a question arose on the maintenance of an
illegitimate daughter , born of a Mohammedan male and a hindu woman,
against his putative father and his assets. The court held that the
Mohammedan law imposes no burden of maintenance of an illegitimate child
on the putative father. An illegitimate child is not entitled to be
maintained by either parents under the shia law and only from mother
under the hanafi law. No maintenance was claimed under Section 125 of
the Criminal Procedure Code. However in Nafees Ara v Asif Sadat Ali Khan
the petition was filed under Section 488 of the Criminal Procedure Code
of 1898 claiming right of maintenance for an illegitimate child. In this
case the court after referring to cases held that the muslim law does
not make any specific provision provide for granting or prohibiting the
grant of maintenance to an illegitimate child against the father, does
not mean that the civil or criminal court have no jurisdiction to grant
maintenance. Provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code are a part of the
general law of the land which in the absence of any contradictory
provision under the Mohammedan law is binding on the Muslims as on other
citizens of the country.
5.2.4 Christian law: Even though the codified law of the Christians of
India does not speak of maintenance of illegitimate children, the
secular law governing the country's masses has made it compulsory for
parents of illegitimate children to support them (if not the successors
of the illegitimate children) in the form of a monthly amount that is to
be fixed by the Magistrate. A Christian child is bound to be maintained
as per the secular law of the land as provided by the Code of Criminal
Procedure, 1973. The main provision regarding grant of maintenance is
contained in Section 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code.
5.3 Adoption
Statutory adoption provisions exist only in the Hindu law under the
Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance act,1956. Prior to this act only sons
could be adopted and illegitimate sons could not be adopted. The act
imposes no such restrictions. Section 2, which is applicable clause
however specifically distinguishes between a legitimate and an
illegitimate child and provides that in case of an illegitimate child
the mother can give the child away in adoption without the consent of
her paramour. In case of a legitimate child the primary right of giving
in adoption is the fathers and the mother cannot exercise such right
during the lifetime of the father unless he is disqualified as laid down
under Section 8(c) of the abovementioned Act. In the case of the giving
of an illegitimate child by his mother although Hindu law never
considered an illegitimate child as filius nullius , the relationship of
such a child with the father (except for maintenance) was not recognized
but instead the mother of such a child was recognized as seen in Mayana
v Littram.Obviously the mother should have been recognized to have the
power to give the child in adoption but our courts have rendered
conflicting decisions. in Appya Shettya Talwar v Ramnakka Apya Talwar,
the Bombay HC stated that since the two mandatory conditions i.e. the
child given in adoption by a woman was her husband's child and the
husband was incapable of giving assent, could not be fulfilled in the
case of an illegitimate child, adoption of such a child was not possible
and if made, it was void. Since in the definition of father, putative
father is not included, the illegitimate child has no father and thus
even where a putative father is known and acknowledges the child, he has
no role to play in the adoption of such a child. Neither he himself can
give the child in adoption nor can he prevent the mother from giving
away the child in adoption.
6. Conclusion
The child, eventually, after witnessing the hostile environment at home
and the parental animosity resulting from the extra-marital of either of
the parents, breaks down under the strain of conflict. The child's
distress may take the form of school related problems, anxiety,
depression, bullying, victimization and sometimes even health related
illness. Eventually, the parents must be brought along to understand
that their antagonistic tug of war is the toxicity hurting their child.
Finally the child needs to be brought into a session with both the
parents where they demonstrate their maturity by co-operating for the
child's mental development and growth by giving him/her the necessary
family environment and equal love, care and support from both the
parents thus to extinguish any insecurities or mental pressure the child
might be undergoing. Apart from the legal recognition of the difference
in status of a child born within and outside wedlock, it is the societal
rejection and practical problems which add to the hardship of such
children. These can be witnessed in several matters like-birth
registration, name, school admission, marriage and so on. Under article
7(1) of the 1989 convention on Child Rights states that, the child
shall be registered immediately after birth and shall have the right to
a name, the right to acquire a nationality and as far as possible, the
right to know and be cared by his or her parents.
However in the case of children whose paternity is unknown or whose
parents are not married, difficult situations arise in terms of
emotional security or property rights or social esteem. The problem has
to be tackled on two fronts- firstly by discouraging illegitimate births
and secondly by removing social prejudices and legal inequalities. The
fear of being saddled with the responsibilities of such children would
deter many adults from indulging in illicit sexual cohabitation. The
factual position however is, that the law absolves the father of his
duties towards his illegitimate offspring as is the case of a child born
out of an extra-marital relation and thus correspondingly deprives the
child of several rights – including the right to his company. The
primary guardian of an illegitimate child is the mother as against the
father in case of a legitimate child. The objection is not to the
mother's right but to the different legislative provisions under the
personal laws of India discriminating against the child born in or
outside the wedlock. However the sole factor which should be taken into
consideration is the best interest of the child rather than the status
of the legal relationship of the parents.
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