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Lawyers in India

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Lawyers in India

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Simply Choose a lawyer and select the area of law in which you need legal services and submit a request in your own words. We'll forward it anonymously to the lawyer of your choice.

After receiving personalized responses by email, you can then contact the lawyer of your choice. For more details.

The determination of the need for legal services and the choice of a lawyer are extremely important decisions. A description or indication of limitation of practice does not mean that any agency or board has certified such lawyer as a specialist or expert in an indicated field of law practice. A designation of a field of practice does not mean that a lawyer is a specialist or expert in a field of law nor does it mean that such lawyer is necessarily any more expert or competent than any other lawyer. When contacting a lawyer via email, do not disclose confidential information on your case. The attorney must be given time to ensure that he or she has no conflict of interest in representing you. Use email contact with the attorney to discuss very preliminary, and general information and to set up appointments.

Legal Services India makes no warranties either implied or expressed as to the quality or accuracy of this data and does not make any claims as to the use of this data for any particular purpose(s).

Every lawyer in India Pledge to his client the following:

  • To Study the appropriate law and provide expert legal advice.
  • To ensure that the client receives the benefit of all their rights under the law.
  • To protect the interest of the client and not do anything which might jeopardize their client's interest.
  • To Conduct the client's case so that it will be decided on the merits.
  • To Render the highest fidelity toward the rights of the client.
  • To Protect the client's confidentiality.
  • To Conduct the case in an orderly and expeditious manner.
  • To Obey the law and adhere to professional ethics.
We are Discontinuing listing of lawyers from India hence forth Due to Hon'ble Allahabad Court Order. We will no Longer make this service available for lawyers in India.
But the directory will Continue to List lawyers from other Countries Such as USA, England, Australia etc around the world

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