As per World Justice Project Rule of Law Index 2019 rule of law adherence in
126 countries, India ranked 68[1] . The Rule of Law is measured on multiple
factors like Government Powers, Absence of Corruption, Open Government,
Fundamental Rights, Order and Security, Regulatory Enforcement, Civil Justice,
and Criminal Justice which has fallen from 65th to 68th. This Article is focused
on meaning and understanding of rule of law in global sense also argue on the
vitality of subject in present era.
So, the concept of rule of law can be traced
back from the civilization of Greece, China, Mesopotamia, India and Rome. In
fourth century B.C. Aristotle wrote book Politics which tells governance of
law and suggested the notion of participatory governance. While explaining it he
quoted that all men should follow and abide by the law. Also the Greeks were
among the first people in history to separate the court process from government
power, and introduced judgment by their peers.[2]
The Modern form of Rule of Law
originated from the criticism of the Divine Theory of State. As per it the king
was given the power to govern the people by the Divine Authority (God). This
theory propagates that, King can do no wrong, king is above law[3]The Chief
Justice of England, Sir Edward Coke at the time of King James I, criticize and
argued that king should also be under the preview of rule of law. Professor A. V
Dicey in his book An Introduction to the study of the Law of the Constitution
summed up these practice in five principle i.e. Principle of impartiality,
principle of equality before the law, principle of fair hearing, principle of
supremacy and right to appeal. Later Davis worked on it and listed seven
principles of rule of law which includes:
Preference for judges and ordinary courts of law
to executive authorities and administrative tribunals; and Judicial review of
administrative actions.
After analyzing historical background if we sum-up rule
of law then it will be laws which are applicable to everyone equally. It also
covers laws which are created through predetermined, open and transparent
process not by the whim of the most powerful members of society. Relationship
between Political Sovereign and Stakeholder is the matter of governance which
can be rum effectively and efficiently through the system of Rule of Law. Often
rule of law is confused with rule by law. Any law which is laid down by the
supreme law making authority of that country and cannot be questioned is rule by
On other hand according to Britannic cyclopedia:
Rule of law is a process,
institution, practice or norm that supports the equality of all citizens before
the law, secure non arbitrary form of government.[4]
On understanding this
definition in rational sense we will be able to understand that above mentioned
definition is based on three pillars that are supremacy of law, equality under
law and sense of legal spirit. Segregation of society on basis of ideologies,
culture, language, region and other such social cultural set of block give rise
to discrimination practices. On same way subjects of law also varies which give
unequal practice of law.
Rule of law in this context refers that act as
instrument which regulates all subject matter in uniform sense and focus on
equality. Equality before law is the popular phrase of equality principle of
rule of law. From the Magna Charta to French Revolution this notion of equality
has been used in various political revolutions against sovereign and state. John
Locke and Rossueal studies talks about certain rights and freedom which takes
into consideration of equality principle into. Later natural law philosopher
like Fuller and Mill discussed the concept of inner morality which emphasis on
just and equal laws in procedural and applicability sense.
To keep proper check on uniformity of above mentioned notion, there is a need
where all the executives need to exercise their power in reasonable and rational
manner. It opens the door for discretional use of authority rather than
arbitrary exercise of functions. Authorization refers to the code of conduct
which has backing of legal source.
The action performed by bureaucrat should
have discretion not arbitrary. Discretion is the power of a judge, public
official or a private party (under authority given by contract, trust or will)
to make decisions on various matters based on his/her opinion within general
legal guidelines.[5]Lord Diplock put it well in a recent case when he said:
very concept of administrative discretion involves a right to choose between
more than one possible course of action upon which there is room for reasonable
people to hold differing opinions as to which is to be
Justification or accountability is another aspect of use of power
as Justification provides protection against arbitrariness; part of what defines
arbitrary action is action that is not justified. Scope of Judicial Review of
certain administrative action can also fix check over the Negative discretion.
Procedurals fairness and Coherence are the last two essential elements of fair
discretional use of authority. Later concept of proportionality and
transparency added to this principle through which rule of law could become more
efficient and effective.
In Indian Constitution from the popular habeas corpus case, ADM Jabalpur v.
Shivakant Shukla the implementation of rule of law discussed.In this case, the
question before the court was 'whether there was any rule of law in India apart
from Article 21'. This was in context of suspension of enforcement of Articles
14, 21 and 22 during the proclamation of an emergency. The answer of the
majority of the bench was in negative for the question of law.
However Justice
H.R. Khanna dissented from the majority opinion and observed that:
Even in
absence of Article 21 in the Constitution, the state has got no power to deprive
a person of his life and liberty without the authority of law. Without such
sanctity of life and liberty, the distinction between a lawless society and one
governed by laws would cease to have any meaning [7].
Fundamental Rights our Constitution restrict law making power of the Indian
Parliament in order to guarantee and promote fundamental rights and freedoms of
the citizens and the respect for the principles of the democratic State based on
rule of law. Even in the United Kingdom the rule of law is a long-standing
principle of the way the country is governed, dating from Magna Charta in 1215
and the Bill of Rights 1689[8].The U.S. Army field manual* defines the rule of law as follows:
rule of law refers to a principle of governance in which all persons,
institutions and entities, public and private, including the State itself, are
accountable to laws that are publicly promulgated, equally enforced, and
independently adjudicated, and which are consistent with international human
rights norms and standards.
It requires, as well, measures to ensure adherence
to the principles of supremacy of law, equality before the law, accountability
to the law, fairness in the application of the law, separation of powers,
participation in decision-making, legal certainty, avoidance of arbitrariness
and procedural and legal transparency.[9]
As we discussed from Rome and Greece Civilization to Modern State like India,
USA and UK has always took into account the concept of rule of law and its
application. Each state from ancient era till present time has implemented and
adopted the ideas of it.
Accountability, Fair Trail, Reasonable use of
authority, Transparency, Supremacy of law are some of the system which are
always been a part of administrative and legislative part of the governance. The
incident like fall of divine theory of state, Magna Charta and Landmarks
Precedents goes around these values. Thorough UN to individual states all are
the subject matter of Rule of Law. Refuges, Women, illiterate, Poor, Children
are covered and protected through it. Basic and Universal right contract between
state and stakeholder regulate through it.
In coming era where flow of
Nationalism, Privatization and Capitalization is increasing the acceptance of
Uniform Rule of Law is decreasing. The Aim of Political Sovereign has been
shifted from global concern to own concern. In such a scenario it will be really
interesting to see the role and position of rule of law and its influence over
the transnational policy around globe.
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