Freedom of Trade and Commerce: A Constitutional View Point


On January 26, 1950, the Indian Constitution came into effect, establishing the Republic of India. The Indian Constitution is a written constitution that is the largest in the world. It offers ...

Federalism: Balancing Diversity and Unity in Governance


Federalism blends geographical variety with national cohesion. The balance between these two concepts is reflected in the various forms of federalism, the division of responsibilities, and the ...

Dying Declaration and its Authenticity


When providing testimony, the basic rule is that the witness should be actively involved in the topic of the testimony and should not vouch for the experiences of other people. Under some condi...

Online Financial Cybercrime in India


Banking system is one of the systems which have not only survived the test of time but have also successfully adopted technology to enhance its reach and services. In fact, no industry has been...

Default Bail under Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita (BNSS), 2023


According to Section 187 (3) of the BNSS, a Magistrate cannot detain an accused in custody under this provision for a total period exceeding: Ninety days for offenses punishable by death, lif...

Release of Prisoners from Jail under the Provisions of Bharatiya Nagarik Sura...


According to Section 2(1)(b) of the BNSS, 'bail' refers to the release of an individual accused or suspected of committing an offense from legal custody. This release is conditional upon the in...

The Complexities of Celebrity Endorsements and Brand Liability in India


On May 7, the Supreme Court of India issued a warning, stating that social media influencers and celebrities would share equal responsibility and liability if they are discovered endorsing prod...

Artificial Intelligence: Boon or Bane for Intellectual Property


Artificial Intelligence is designed to mimic human intelligence in carrying out human-like tasks such as generating texts and images etc. But will artificial intelligence ("AI") be able to repl...

Human Trafficking As A Modern Form Of Slavery


Human trafficking is a severe violation of human rights, resembling the historical horrors of slavery but manifesting in new forms. It entails using force, compulsion, fraud, or deceit to rec...

Tractors And Farm Equipment v/s Greenfield Farm Equipment's: A Legal Battle ...


Tractors And Farm Equipment Ltd. v/s Greenfield Farm Equipment (P) Ltd. 2006 (32) Ptc 343 Facts: The plaintiff (plaintiff) is a company manufacturing tractors and agricultural machinery since...