Emergence of Second-Generation Rights In the 1980s, a legal battle commenced in the heart of Bombay that profoundly impacted the lives of not only the ones involved but also the entirety of In...
John Stuart Mill was a British philosopher, economist and statesman. Born on 20th May 1806 in Pentonville, London, he was the son of James Stuart Mill, the best friend and follower of Jeremy Be...
"Until, therefore, the nomenclature and language of law shall be improved, the great end of good government cannot be fully attained." -- Jeremy Bentham The Plain Language Movement has gained ...
Emergence of Second-Generation Rights In the 1980s, a legal battle commenced in the heart of Bom...
"Until, therefore, the nomenclature and language of law shall be improved, the great end of goo...
John Stuart Mill was a British philosopher, economist and statesman. Born on 20th May 1806 in P...