The COVID- 19 Pandemic has wreaked stupendous havoc, turned the world
upside-down, and made the very concept of existence undergo a radical change.
From how we move and travel around to how we interact and work, every facet of
human life has been immensely impacted since its origin and the situation hasn’t
gotten any better even after the vaccines have been developed. But thanks to the
technological advancements that facilitated conducting e-commerce, online
education, virtual meetings, etc.
The pandemic stimulated a lot of rethinking on
the traditional methods of managing and carrying out business. Amidst the
worsening conditions in India and in furtherance of ensuring adherence to social
distancing norms, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has allowed companies
to hold their Annual General Meetings (AGMs) through virtual modes on or before
31.12.2021 vide it's General Circular No. 02/2021[1], like it allowed in the
calendar year of 2020 vide it's General Circular No.20/2020.[2] This article
aims at discussing the COVID Era has transformed the way Annual General Meeting
has always traditionally been conducted and it further investigates the scope of
it becoming a permanent practice.
The Law
Compulsorily convened by all the public and private companies, AGMs are
conducted for the members to review the company’s growth rate and decide future
plans of improvement. The provision of AGMs is available under section 96 of the
Companies Act of 2013.[3] It provides for every company, other than One Person
Company, to host a general meeting in a year as its annual general meeting and
the period between two such meetings shall not elapse 15 months.[4]It must be
held in the Registered Office on a working day.[5]
As far as AGMs through the virtual mediums are concerned, there is no proviso
within the sections that deal with the aspect of AGMs. Under section 173 that
mentions meetings of the board, it is conducted either in person or through
video conferencing or other audio-visual means as may be prescribed.[6] In the
case of
Achintya Kumar Barua v. Ranjit Barthkur[7], section 173(2) of the
Companies Act 2013 read with the Companies (Meetings of Board and its Powers)
Rules 2014 was held to be a progressive step by the National Company Law
Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT).
This was held so because the section confers the
director with the right to participate in the meeting through means other than
in person, and the Rules were also passed by the Central Government in order to
enforce the very right. NCLAT also observed that it would be in the public
interest for the companies to comply with this provision.
Even though there is no such clause with reference to AGMs, 2020 was marked as
the year in which the shareholder meetings and a few AGMs were virtually
conducted for the first time. In addition to being favorable for compliance with
social distancing norms and public interest, virtual meetings witness greater
participation in the corporate decision-making as per their convenience and that
too at a lower cost.[8]Also, in such meetings, the items, in addition to the
ones related to ordinary business, of special business that can’t be avoided by
the board may only be conducted.
About the voting by shareholders, section 107 of the Act a resolution put to the
vote of the meeting is decided on ‘show of hands' unless the voting is done
through electronic mode or is demanded under section 109.[9] But this process
has become quite obsolete. In the order for conducting virtual AGMs, MCA
required the listing companies to provide a remote e-voting facility so that the
active participation of the shareholders could be ensured. For the companies
offering e-voting facilities, all the physically present members and the ones
attending the meeting on virtual platforms shall be called upon to maintain
quorum for meeting the requirement of section 103 of the Act.
As mentioned under
section 109 of the Act, the Chairman of the meeting shall appoint a required
number of members for the task of scrutinizing the poll process, and the votes
were given and then further report about the same in the manner as asked
in.[10] Post the culmination of the general meeting, the appointed scrutinizer
first has to count the vote, then unblock the votes cast through remote e-voting
and finally, within three days make a coalesced scrutinizer’s report of the
total votes to the chairperson or the authorized person who shall countersign
the same.[11]
The Perpetuation Of Virtual AGMS
With the onsite attendance of meetings getting discouraged due to the
pandemic, the companies have been exploring various online formats to obviate
any interruption in their business. Various companies of North America have
shifted to virtual-only AGMs in recent years. According to a recent study by
Asian Corporate Governance Association, the number of remote AGMs has
paramountly increased in Asia including the countries like Malaysia, India,
Singapore, etc.[12] In Canada, online meetings have become the newly set norm
and over 145 issuers chose fully virtual or hybrid formats of AGMs allowing for
remote participation and voting.[13]
The COVID- 19 phases have given a kick start to AGMs being carried out through
video-conferencing or audio-visual modes, but if this trend will be permanently
adopted is uncertain.[14]Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) has become the first
Indian company to reach out to a huge number of shareholders and host their AGM
online in 2020. The TCS-AGM application was designed for addressing the
questions asked by the shareholders and render real-time feedback. The
application software was called safe and scalable for it has the features like
biometric login, instant retrieval of content, content navigation facility, etc.
Another giant, Reliance Industries, which traditionally used to host its AGMs at
Birla Matushree Sabhaghar in South Mumbai, conducted its first online AGM via a
new application that taken in more than 1 Lakh shareholders from 500 locations,
Indian and overseas, simultaneously.[15]Not only this, via WhatsApp, it also
launched an educative Chatbot equipped to respond to the queries and accurately
and immediately guide the shareholders, media, potential investors, and general
public with correct information with respect to AGM.
With the positive turnouts of the virtual AGMs, many have shown the
preference for AGMs becoming permanently of a virtual nature. This is mainly
driven by the fact that surpassing all the geographical barriers and other costs
of attendance, online AGMs have a wider scope for making an unlimited number of
shareholders more accessible for both institutional and retail investors.
However, there is some criticism as well to this virtual setting.
A short
meeting is likely to impact the active interaction between the directors and
shareholders, even during the Q&A session. Furthermore, due to various cost or
logistical problems, most companies can hold AGM through audio conference call
only which is not a good experience for the shareholders. Another observed
problem has been inherent proxy plumbing.
Considering both sides, hybrid meetings seem to be a better option,
even for the future times to come once the pandemic is over. The Singapore
Exchange Resolution and the Monetary Authority of Singapore have stated that
they are accepting of permitting hybrid or completely virtual shareholders
meetings even post-pandemic.[16] A hybrid AGM puts up the flexible offer of
choosing between in-person AGM and on-ground AGM to the shareholders and is thus
quite inclusive and has a wide reach.
Since it is organized at a physical
location with virtual AGM provision in place, it is quite a seamless event, and
selecting the right technology is the key to a secure and reliable meeting
platform. Given the relatively narrow digital penetration and bandwidth issues
in India, hosting hybrid AGMs can be considered as a more optimal option so that
the shareholders who can’t travel can be at ease. This is a viable option to be
incorporated within the system post-pandemic too.
Regarding its execution, for
example, the division of questions between the two sets of attendees can be done
through breakout sessions and handled by the moderator. Infosys, without any
regulatory diktat, ran almost a hybrid kind of AGM in 2020, and in long term, it
envisages a hybrid model where one would have the flexibleness to work from
office or home.[17]
Even with the initial incertitude, the companies have been able to successfully
conduct virtual AGMs.The experiment of testing the efficacy of virtual meetings
has shown both, the benefits and the concerns. If the government of India, like
other countries, decides to incorporate the provision of virtual or hybrid
meetings within the system, it will have to amend the Companies Act 2013 and
related rules and regulations. Hosting hybrid AGMs can be expensive, however,
the costs will be worthwhile if these will positively impact shareholders’
participation and facilitate shareholder democracy truly take wing in the long
- GeneralCircularNo.02_14012021.pdf, ,
(last visited May 6, 2021
- Circular20_05052020.pdf, , (last visited May 6,
- Guest, The Future of Virtual Meetings under the Companies Act, IndiaCorpLaw
(last visited May 6, 2021).
- Id. 2, Sec. 96, Cl. 1
- Supra Note 2, Sec. 96, Cl. 2
- Supra Note 2, Sec. 173, Cl. 2
- Achintya Kumar Barua v. Ranjit Barthkur, (2018) 91 123
- Guest, The Future of Virtual Meetings under the Companies Act, IndiaCorpLaw
(last visited May 6, 2021).
- Supra Note 2, Sec. 107
- Supra Note 2, Sec. 109
- Supra Note 3.
- 2021-01-11_BT_The future of AGMs: physical or virtual, ,
(last visited May 7, 2021).
- The Future of Annual General Meetings, , ICGN (2020), (last visited May 7, 2021
- First Virtual AGM: TCS Taps Digital Transformation Opportunity, , (last visited May
7, 2021).
- Reliance 1st online AGM to feature brand-new virtual platform, Chatbot - The
Economic Times, ,
(last visited May 7, 2021).
- ADRIAN CHAN, The future of virtual AGMs, The Business Times (2021),
(last visited May 7, 2021).
- Nandan Nilekani et al., CORPORATE PARTICIPANTS: 40.
Written By:
- Navin Kumar Jaggi
- Vanshika Mehra