The right to property is one of the most controversial human rights, both in
terms of its existence and interpretation. The controversy about the definition
of the right meant that it was not included in the International Covenant on
Civil and Political Rights or the International Covenant on Economic, Social and
Cultural Rights. Controversy centres upon who is deemed to have property rights
protected (e.g. human beings or also corporations), the type of property which
is protected (property used for the purpose of consumption or production) and
the reasons for which property can be restricted (for instance, for regulations,
taxation or nationalisation in the public interest). In all human rights
instruments, either implicit or express restrictions exist on the extent to
which property is protected. Article 17 of the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights (UDHR) enshrines the right to property as follows:
- Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association
with others.
- No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.
The object of the right to property as it is usually understood nowadays
consists of property already owned or possessed, or of property acquired or to
be acquired by a person through lawful means. Not in opposition but in contrast
to this, some proposals also defend a universal right to private property, in
the sense of a right of every person to effectively receive a certain amount of
property, grounded in a claim to Earth's natural resources or other theories
of justice.
In India, prior to the enactment of the Constitution (Forty-fourth Amendment)
Act, 1978, Article 31 guaranteed to the people of India the fundamental right to
property. Article 31, as originally enacted, provided that:
no person shall be
deprived of his property save by authority of law.
It, however, permitted the
acquisition of private property by the State for some public purpose by paying
compensation to the owner. It also exempted Zamindari abolition and agrarian
reform laws from the requirements of compensation and public purpose.
Article 31 came to be interpreted by the Patna High Court in
Kameshwar Singh v.
State of Bihar. {1} In this case, the Bihar Land Reforms Act, 1950, provided for
the transference to the State of the interests of proprietors and tenure holders
in land including interests in trees, forests, jatkars, hats, mines and minerals
provided that compensation was to be paid in certain multiples. The Patna High
Court held the Act invalid and void for it contravened the provisions of Article
14. It was further ruled that Article 31(4) would not prevent the Zamindari
abolition laws from being challenged in a Court on grounds other than those
mentioned in Clause (2) of Article 31.
The interpretation of Article 31 gave rise to unanticipated difficulties and the
Government felt that the whole Zamindari abolition programme was endangered. To
overcome the difficulty, the Constitution (First Amendment) Act, 1951 was
passed. The object was to insert provisions, fully securing the constitutional
validity of Zamindari Abolition Laws and certain specified State Acts. The First
Amendment amended the Constitution and inter alia a new provision, Article 31-A
was added.
Article 31-A was aimed at removing social and economic disparities in the
agriculture sector. Article 31 (2) provided that a person deprived of his
property would be paid compensation.
In State of W.B. v. Bela Banerjee, {2} the Supreme Court held that the
principles laid down by the Legislature for the determination of the amount to
be given to the owner for the property appropriated, must ensure that what was
determined as payable must be compensation, that meant just equivalent of what
the owner had been deprived of. The question as to just compensation for the
deprivation of a person of his property was held to be a justiciable issue to be
adjudicated by the Court.
It led to the enactment of the Constitution (Fourth Amendment) Act, 1955. The
Fourth Amendment amended Article 31(2) to the effect that the question as to the
adequacy of compensation would not be justiciable.
Even after the Fourth Amendment, the Supreme Court, in some cases, held that
since the word compensation not having been eliminated from Article 31 (2). Full compensation must be payable to the person deprived of his property. {3}
To nullify the effect of these judicial pronouncements, Article 31 (2) was again
amended by the Constitution (Twenty-fifth Amendment) Act, 1971. The amendment
dropped the word compensation and instead inserted the word amount in
Article 31 (2). It was done in order to avoid judicial review of the term
compensation as just compensation.
The validity of the Twenty-fifth Amendment was upheld in
Kesavananda Bharati v.
State of Kerala. {4}
The majority of the Supreme Court, however, said that though there was no
scope for judicial review on the ground of inadequacy of compensation, the Court
could still interfere:
- On the ground that the Legislature had not fixed any amount or, specified
any principles according to which it could be determined.
- If the principles laid down for determining the compensation resulted in
non-payment of compensation or in paying an illusory compensation, which
would shock the conscience of a reasonable man.
The Constitution (Forty-fourth Amendment) Act, 1978, ultimately, took away
the right to property from the Chapter on Fundamental Rights. The Amendment
omitted Article 31 and Article 19 (1) (f) and inserted in their place Article
300-A, providing:
No person shall be deprived of his property save by authority of
Good Governance India Foundation v. Union of India, {5} a three-Member Bench
of the Apex Court headed by the C.J.I., Justice S.H. Kapadia, dismissed a PIL
petition seeking a direction to make right to property a fundamental right.
Earlier in
I.R. Coelho v. State of Tamil Nadu, {6} a three-Member Bench of the
Supreme Court had ruled that Right not to be deprived of poverty, save by
authority of law is no longer a fundamental right but only a Constitutional
right which has never been treated as part of the basic structure of the
Constitutional Right to Property (Article 300A)
The object behind the (Forty-fourth Amendment) Act, 1978, was to reduce the
right to property from the status of fundamental right to that of a legal right.
{7} This right to property secured under Article 300-A, will be available
against the executive interference and not against the legislative action. It
has been held to be a human right and a constitutional right. {8}
Referring to Article 17 of the Declaration of Human Rights, 1789, the Apex Court
Chairman, I.V. Pradhikaran v. Puri Industrial Cock and Chemical Limited, {9}
observed that the right of property, being inviolable and sacred, no one might
be deprived thereof, unless the public necessity, legally ascertained. obviously
required it and just and prior indemnity had been paid. Property, the Court
ruled, while ceasing to be a fundamental right, would, however, be given express
recognition as a legal right. The procedure laid down for deprivation thereof
must be scrupulously complied with. {10}
Article 300-A does not permit deprivation of property in a manner unknown to
law. Where, there is utter lack of legal authority for such deprivation, it is
held in
State of U.P. v. Manohar, {11} that the Court may not only grant
compensation but also impose exemplary cost on the State authorities. Therefore,
merely on the basis of some Government Order, the property of a person cannot be
taken over by the Government. Such a procedure has been said to be high-handed
action of the State, wholly illegal and violative of Article 300-A.
Likewise, in
Alok Mohan Das v. State of Bihar, {12} the Patna High Court quashed
the notice issued by the Nagar Parishad to the petitioner, the owner of land, to
not to sell the land as it was used by general public in the form of road. It
was held to be violative of the right conferred under Article 300-A.
Likewise, Section 69(2-A) introduced by the Maharashtra Act, 1984 in the
Partnership Act, 1932 to the effect of depriving the unregistered firm to
dissolve the firm or recover the property of the dissolved firm, has been held
arbitrary and unreasonable and hence unconstitutional. It is held violative of
Articles 14, 19(1)(g) and 300-A. {13}
The Supreme Court in
Bishamber Dayal Chandra Mohan v. State of U.P.{14}
explained that the term
law in the context of Article 300-A, meant
Act of Parliament or of a State Legislature, a rule or a statutory order, having
the force of law, that is positive or State-made law.
State of Maharashtra v. Basantibai {15} upholding the validity of the
Maharashtra Housing and Area Development Act, 1976 under Article 300-A. The
Supreme Court, said that the impuguned law could be upheld even by the standards
of eminent domain as applied in the United States. The Court further held that
a law under Article 300-A, relating to acquisition 0f property, need not satisfy
the requirements of Article 21.
The word
property used in Article 300-A must be understood in the context in
which the sovereign power of eminent domain is exercised by the State. It is
held to include an undertaking which is a going concern. {16} The expression
right to property includes the right to use {17} /enjoy/manage/ consume and
alienate the same.{18}
The expression deprivation of the property must equally be considered in the
fact situation of a case. It means different things under different situations.
It includes
destruction, {20} seizure of
goods,{21} or revocation of a proprietary right.{22} It has been held that
deprivation for
the purposes of Article 300-A means acquisition or taking possession of property
for public purpose, in accordance with the law made by Parliament or a State
Legislature, a rule or a statutory order having force of law. Deprivation by any
other mode is not acquisition or taking possession under Article 300-A. {23}
Taking over the management of the property by a legislation permitted under
Article 31 A (1) (b), is held to be outside the purview of Article 300-A. {24}
It has been held that each and every claim to property would not be property
right within the meaning of Article 300-A.{25}
However, acquisition of land, in the exercise of its power of eminent domain, by
the State is subject to conditions that there exists public purpose and
reasonable compensation is offered. The Land Acquisition Act, 1894 fulfills
these criteria. It, however, lays down the detailed procedure there for. It
further imposes restrictions/conditions for acquisition of land for the benefit
of the land owner. It has, thus, been ruled that the State must scrupulously
comply with all these procedural safeguards.{26}
Jilubhi Nanbhai Khachar v. State of Gujarat, {27}the Supreme Court held that
acquisition of property by law made in furtherance of the Directive Principles
of State Policy was to distribute the material resources of the community
including acquisition and taking possession of private property for public
purpose. It would not require payment of just compensation or indemnification to
the owner of the property expropriated. Payment of market value in lieu of
acquired property has been held as not sine qua non for acquisition.
The Madras High Court has held that the legitimate rights of a citizen to have
his property restored or its market value reimbursed could not be denied on the
plea that there was no specific statutory provision for such restitution or
reimbursement. The right of a citizen, in this regard, the Court said, was
secured under the Constitution in the form of guarantee under Article 19 (1) (g)
and Article 300-A. {28} Relying on these observations, the Madras High Court in
Rice Mills v. Dist. Officer, Madurai,{29} directed the respondents to pay the
value ascertained in terms of their prevailing market value of the goods seized
illegally under Section 6-A of the Essential Commodities Act, 1955.
Likewise, illegal seizure of forest produce has been held deprivation of
property, violative of Article 300-A.{30} As also, recovery of debts due to
Banks or seizure of vehicles, done by hiring recovery agents, musclemen, has
been held violative of Article 300-A. {31}
Ajay Kumar v. 0.S.F.C., {32} the Orissa High Court held that arrears of
consumption charges of electricity by previous owner was not charge on immovable
property and that these could not be recovered from subsequent purchaser of
property. It would be illegal deprivation of property violative of Article
Ram Nayan Singh v. State of U.P., {33} the petitioner was deprived of his
land without his consent or agreement and without following the due procedure
under the Land Acquisition Act, 1894. The Allahabad High Court held him entitled
to claim possession or compensation based on market value along with solatium
and interest.
Doctrine of Adverse Possession
It is a legal doctrine that allows a person who possesses or resides on someone
else's land for an extended period of time to claim legal title to that land. In
India, a person who is not the original owner of a property becomes the owner
because of the fact that he has been in possession of the property for a minimum
of 12-years, within which the real owner did not seek legal recourse to oust
Article 142
It provides discretionary power to the Supreme Court as it states that the
Supreme Court in the exercise of its jurisdiction may pass such decree or make
such order as is necessary for doing complete justice in any cause or matter
pending before it.
Article 136 (Special Leave Petition)
It allows the Supreme Court to hear, at its discretion, an appeal against any
order from any court or tribunal in the territory of India. However, this does
not apply to any judgment, determination, sentence or order passed or made by
any court or tribunal constituted by or under any law relating to the Armed
A citizen's right to own private property is a human right. The state cannot
take possession of it without following due procedure and authority of law. The
Bench referred to an earlier verdict in
State of Haryana v. Mukesh Kumar case
(2011) wherein it was held that the right to property is not only
a constitutional or statutory right, but also a human right. Doctrine of Adverse
Possession: The state cannot trespass into the private property of a citizen and
then claim ownership of the land in the name of adverse possession.
private land and then claiming it as its own makes the state an encroacher. In
1967, when the government took over the land, right to private property was
still a fundamental right under Article 31 of the Constitution. Right to
Property ceased to be a fundamental right with the 44th Constitution Amendment
in 1978. It was made a Constitutional right under Article 300-A. Article 300-A
requires the state to follow due procedure and authority of law to deprive a
person of his or her private property.
- M.P. Jain and S.N. Jain, Principles of Administrative Law: An Exhaustive
Commentary on the Subject containing case-law reference (Indian & Foreign),
(Wadhwa and Company Nagpur, New Delhi, 6th Edn., 2007).
- Prof. Narender Kumar, Constitutional Law Of India, (Allahabad Law
Agency, Haryana 8th Edn., 2011).
- Right To Property, Wikipedia,
End Notes:
- AIR 1951 Pat. 91.
- AIR 1954 SC 170.
- R.C Cooper v. Union of India, AIR 1970 SC 664.
- AIR 1973 SC 1461.
- The Hindu, 20-10-2010.
- The Hindu, 15-9-2010.
- Objects and Reasons, the Constitution (Forty-fourth Amendment) Act,
1978. One of the reasons for deletion of the right to property from Part
III of the Constitution was that the economic liberties of freedom of
property came in direct conflict with egalitarian values, including
inter-generational equity'.
- Chairman, I.V. Pradhikaran v. M /s. Puri, AIR 2007 SC 2458.
- AIR 2007 SC 2458.
- V.J. Patel v. V.A. Patel, AIR 2008 SC 2675; Also in Devinder Singh v.
State of Punjab, AIR 2008 SC 261.
- AIR 2005 SC 488.
- AIR 2009 Pat. 64.
- V.Subramaniam v. Rajesh Raghuvandra Rao, AIR 2009 SC 1858.
- AIR 1982 so 32. Also in Ashak Kumar v. State of U.P., AIR 2005 A11. 44
- AIR 1886 so 1466.
- Shri K.G. Sugar Ltd. v. State of Bihar, AIR 2003 SC 3436.
- Decision of the Regional Transport Authority restricting the life of
Vehicles to be used under any permit to 15 years is held illegal. It is held
to be depriving the owner of their property or usage without authority of
law, violative of Article 300-A, also in Rajesh Kumar v. State of Bihar, AIR
2009 Pat. 98.
- Gango Coopt. Housing Society Ltd. v. M.C., Greater Bombay, AIR 2004
Born. 64. The Right to construct a building, has been held to be included in
the right to property, under Article 300-A. Also in T. Vijayalakshmi v. Town
Planning Members, (2006) 8 SCC 502.
- Ananda Behra v. State of Orissa, AIR 1956 SC 17.
- Chiranjit Lal Chowdhuri v. Union of India, AIR 1951 SC 41.
- Wazir Chand v. State of U.P., AIR 1954 SC 415.
- Virendra Singh v. State of U.P., AIR 1954 SC 447.
- Jilubhai Nanbhai Khachar v. State of Gujarat, AIR 1995 SC 142.
- Union of India v. Elphinstone Spinning & Weaving Co. Ltd., AIR 2001 SC
- Indian Handicrafts Emporium v. Union of India, AIR 2008 SC 3240.
- Mahender Pal v. State of Haryana, AIR 2009 SC 3220.
- AIR 1995 sc 142.
- M. Somasundara Mudaliar v. Govt. of T.N., W.P, Pension and gratuity have
been held to be valuable rights acquired and property in the hands of the
pensioners. Also mentioned in Gorakhpur University v. Dr. S.P Nagendra, AIR
2001 SC 2433.
- AIR 1998 Mad 22.
- State of W.B. v. Sujit Kumar Rana, 2004 (1) SCALE 641.
- Manager ICICI Bank Ltd. v. Prakash Kaur, AIR 2007 SC 1349.
- AIR 2007 Ori. 37.
- AIR 2009 (NOC) 787 (All.)