A contract[1] is a formal agreement established between two or more parties, which holds legal enforceability and creates a set of obligations and responsibilities for each party involved. This...
Arbitration is an Alternate Dispute Resolution method to resolve disputes without having to go through lengthy litigation process. Arbitration process is comparatively less hectic and cost effe...
Winfield defined Tort as "Tortious liability"[1] arises from a breach of duty primarily fixed by law; This duty is towards persons generally, and its breach is redressible by an action for unli...
An intellectual[1] is a person whose works, skills, studies, etc, with regard to a variety of different ideas. Property designates those things that are commonly recognised as being the possess...
Winfield defined Tort as "Tortious liability"[1] arises from a breach of duty primarily fixed b...
An intellectual[1] is a person whose works, skills, studies, etc, with regard to a variety of d...
Arbitration is an Alternate Dispute Resolution method to resolve disputes without having to go ...
A contract[1] is a formal agreement established between two or more parties, which holds legal ...