Vishal Bhardwaj

Vishal Bhardwaj

Member since: December 17, 2020
Total live articles: 3

Recent Articles by Vishal Bhardwaj

Trademark Infringement And Their Defenses In India


Infringement occurs when other person uses a trademark that is same or similar to registered trademark for the same or similar goods/services. Section 29 of the Indian Trade Marks Act, 1999, ta...

Can the Applicant delay PCT National Phase Entry Deadlines?


The PCT national phase application in PCT contracting states/countries is entered within 30/31 months from the earliest priority date claimed by the International application. Mostly, the a...

Indian Patent Office Law and Practice for obtaining Foreign Filing License


Different jurisdictions by way of their national laws have different restrictions over Patent Application filings proceedings, outside their authority in order to safeguard national security. M...

Copyright Filing
Online Copyright Registration

Popular Articles by Vishal Bhardwaj

Trademark Infringement And Their Defense...


Infringement occurs when other person uses a trademark that is same or similar to registered tr...

Can the Applicant delay PCT National Pha...


The PCT national phase application in PCT contracting states/countries is entered within 30/31 ...

Indian Patent Office Law and Practice fo...


Different jurisdictions by way of their national laws have different restrictions over Patent A...

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