Health is an integral part of our life and it is directly linked to survival. Survival of the fittest is a rule of nature. The quality of life depends upon the Health. So that every person has ...
International Refugee Law is one of the most important pillars of international law. International Refugee Law was established after World War II under the UN convention of 1951 implemented in ...
Origin & Development: International Humanitarian Law (IHL) is a branch of International Law. It doesn't not deal with legality of war but only deals with humanity during the war. It is a b...
Muslim Law is a divine law as opposed to man made law which are passed by legislature. The concept of oneness of God is unlike Hindus which believe in the plurality of Gods. Muslims believe tha...
In the case of Salomon Vs. Salomon & Co. Ltd. 1897 it was considered from the Justice point of view a company is a legal person distinct from its members. This principle is regarded as a ve...
History Background LGBT rights fight against two hundred years previous British era law that criminalised homosexual intercourse which is against the order of nature under the code Under ...
Company Law is a wider concept based on commercial law. It states about all legal rights, relation, and conduct of a persons, companies, organizations & businesses and its formation, fundin...
Basically it is a doctrine which means "Law made by judges" & it is one of the major sources of Law which is contributory in nature in the form of making the new Laws. It is a decision taken b...
Company Law is a wider concept based on commercial law. It states about all legal rights, relat...
Health is an integral part of our life and it is directly linked to survival. Survival of the f...
History Background LGBT rights fight against two hundred years previous British era law that...
Muslim Law is a divine law as opposed to man made law which are passed by legislature. The conc...