Judiciary is the ultimate authority in ensuring justice in most of the liberal
democracies and Indian judiciary is one of the most powerful and proactive ones
in the world. The Supreme Court and High Courts of the states in India are
filled with highly experienced judges who are appointed by the President of
India, as the Constitution mandates.
The Constitution vests a lot of power and
certain amount of immunity in judges. Fairness and impartiality are the
fundamental qualities to be possessed by a judge. In India, for the vast
majority of cases, there are no reports of having been heard by a partial and
unfair judge but there are instances where the contrary happens.
Once it appears
to the judge that he cannot deliver justice in an impartial manner, ethically he
is expected to recuse. The right to recuse is given to the discretion of the
judges. This trend of recusal of judges started from a case in 1852 where Lord
Cottenham recused himself from the case of Dimes V Grand Junction Canal, because
he possessed some of the shares in the company involved in the case.[1] Since
then recusal became a part of custom in common law jurisdictions.
At what instance should a judge recuse himself or herself from hearing a case is
statutorily given as the prerogative of the judge but the question that arises
is whether such choices of significance be left to the prerogative of the
individual judges. This question is followed by the pondering of circumstances
where an act of recusal becomes a contravention to that judge’s legal
responsibility and moral duty to hear a matter and deliver unprejudiced justice.
Also, are the judges accountable for explaining the reasons for recusal to the
concerned parties?
Or is it possible to hold judges accountable while not
hindering with the independence of judiciary. There is a lot of literature
available on these binaries and rather than analysing these two perspectives and
analysing them philosophically, I would focus on the Indian scenario with the
help of events in the past which has led to the jurisprudence of recusal. The
lacuna in this law triggers a lot of heated courtroom exchanges between the bar
and the bench and in this paper I would argue for the need of a defined code
even for the judges and the essential features of that code to ensure a
professional conduct on the matter of recusal.
There is no specific legislation in India to direct a judge’s recusal. Even
though there are no specific laws regarding the same, there has been customary
practice. This is based on a probable existing bias, where judges are expected
to recuse.
However, lawyers have unfairly taken advantage of this, by requesting
judges to recuse themselves from cases if they feel that they are not going to
receive a favourable verdict.[2] Even though Supreme Court of India has violated
one of the guiding principles of law that no one can be a judge in his own case
in many instances like forming a collegium for appointment of judges, there has
been not much judgments on the issue of recusal. Indeed there has been a lot of
heated courtroom exchanges but none of these ends up in records as these are
open court statements made by the judges. In one of its landmark decisions,
Supreme Court held that if a judge is shown to have a pecuniary concern in the
result of a matter, then the judge has to be inevitably recused from hearing the
However, in cases where the concern of the judge is something other than
pecuniary, the recusal would not be mandatory. There should be an enquiry for
analysing the extent of such an interest. Then judge can be disqualified after
being subjected to either the principle of "real danger" or "reasonable
In one of the landmark cases, Ashok Kumar Yadav v. State of Haryana, the Supreme
Court tried to explain the reasons behind recusal.[4] Rather than leaving it to
the absolute discretion of the judges, the likelihood of bias was focused on. If
there is a reasonable chance for the judge to be biased, the judge is supposed
to recuse himself. This stems up from the principle laid down by Lord Hewart CJ
in the case of R v Sussex Justices, ex parte McCarthy “Not only must Justice be
done; it must also be seen to be doneâ€.[5] In general, the Indian judiciary has
followed this principle and even in case of recusal, the judiciary has
recommended itself to follow this.
In a very recent case, Chief Justice of India [hereinafter referred to as the
CJI], Ranjan Gogoi, was approached with a request to recuse himself from the
hearing of a case regarding the release of over nine hundred prisoners who were
considered to be foreigners and who have spent a lot of time in preventive
detention under inhumane circumstances in holding cells of the state of
CJI made certain comments during the progress of previous hearings and
the petitioner felt that CJI had some preconceived notions regarding the matter
and had already made up his mind as to what would be the outcome. Any party to
the case can feel that the judge is biased but for this feeling to be considered
relevant, the test of reasonability has to be applied to the current scenario.
The CJI stated “A judge says a lot of things to test the waters...What was said
in a healthy debate was understood by you as an opinion. The opinion is in the
order. You are quoting from sentences exchanged in the debate...the main matter
is pending before this court. How can you say the court has decided the matter?
That the CJI has prejudged? Is this fair? You want to serve the country, is this
how you serve the country?â€
That is why you shouldn't become a lawyer yourself.
This is why we don't allow
laypeople to get into the intricacies of proceedings...Learn to Trust your
judges! The day you don't trust your judges, you've had it!"
These are some excerpts from the conversations which happened between the bench
and the petitioner who was representing himself. The CJI reiterated that whether
a judge has to recuse is the judge’s own prerogative and not of that of the
litigant’s. Analysing the CJI’s comments and rhetoric of the necessity of being
a lawyer to argue and his comments regarding the matter is reasonable enough to
presume that the CJI had some prejudice regarding the matter. Also, in a bizarre
manner, the bench presided by the CJI penalized the petitioner for requesting
the recusal and removed the petitioner from being a signatory to the petition.
Furthermore, the bench went on to appoint the senior lawyer who had been
discharged by the petitioner, as amicus curiae in the matter.
Another deeply
problematic issue is the demand of CJI for ‘trusting the Judges’. It seems as if
the apex court is oblivious to the notion of a judge is remotely himself on
trial when he is judging a matter where he is interested. This principle of open
justice exists principally due to the fact that we are a democratic polity and
there should not be a necessity of ‘trusting the judges’.
The judges are to be
scrutinized prudently when they are hearing a matter, and their conduct has to
be analysed. The CJI was also unhappy about the petitioner, who was not present
in court, relying upon certain media reports on the courtroom exchanges while
the hearing was ongoing. When the petitioner relied on news reports by the
reporters from the Supreme Court, the CJI was not impressed and he presumed that
the petitioner was ignorant about the working of the Supreme Court. According to
the CJI, the oral observations made by a Judge cannot be used as a valid
apprehension of bias but the CJI did not clarify as to why oral observations
should not be used.
The legal fraternity has criticized this order and the Commonwealth Human Rights
Initiative has also criticized these statements. These include the eminent
jurists like the retired Supreme Court judge Madan Lokur, Wajahat Habibullah, a
former Chief Information Commissioner who is the chairperson of Commonwealth
Human Rights Initiative and the former Chief Justice of the Delhi High Court,
Justice A. P. Shah.[7]
From the above case, we can see the amount of discretion left for the judge in
relation to recusal, even if there are allegations against her, it is ultimately
the prerogative of the judge and there is no way of redressing in cases where
the petitioner feels that the judge is biased. In the case of lower courts there
is a scope for appeal in case of a biased judgment but if it comes to Supreme
Court, it becomes a matter of convincing a judge how that judge is biased. There
are various examples where a judge has refused to recuse from hearing and
ultimately ended up giving predictable verdicts like the infamous Judge Loya
case where Justice Dhananjaya Y. Chandrachud was repeatedly requested to recuse
as accused in that petition were sitting judges of Bombay High Court which was
Justice Chandrachud’s parent High Court.[8]
However, he refused to recuse from
the matter and those judges were given favourable verdicts and even those
lawyers who requested the recusal were all threatened with contempt of court by
the judge. There are many instances of judges refusing to recuse from cases
where they are reasonably presumed to have pecuniary interest like the Justice
Kapadia issue in the case of Vedanta, a conflict of interest allegation made
against him by senior lawyer Prashant Bhushan.[9] Justice Kapadia remained in
the bench as opposed to the general norm where he should have ideally recused
Recusal can also lead to instances where cases get dragged causing delay in
justice delivery. This is the flip side of judges using their discretion to
recuse from the case and not doing their judicial duty. There are a lot of
examples from the Indian judiciary. In case of the alleged sexual harassment
raised against CJI, Justice NV Ramana of the Supreme Court Has recused from the
bench instituted for an in-house enquiry.[10] Justice Ramana’s reasoning was
that the CJI was a close friend his and is treated like a family member by him.
This reasoning might sound justifiable as there is high possibility for a judge
to give a favourable verdict in favour his fellow judge but the Supreme Court is
filled with judges who have known each other for some period of time and the
solidarity they show for one another in terms of such allegations makes it
harder for an unbiased Supreme Court monitored enquiry. Justice Ramana also
recused from hearing the petition challenging the appointment of an interim CBI
director, M Nagaeshwara Rao citing his visit to Mr Rao’s daughter’s
wedding.[11] It is very probable that even the highly ranked bureaucrats,
judges, politicians and even celebrities would have met each other at a
gathering or a public function or even private functions. This should not be
considered significant enough to count as a reason to recuse from the judicial
duty which a judge is supposed to do.
Also the recusal causes high amount of uncertainty and judicial backlogs. In
Tripura High Court, which has a total of three judges including the Chief
justice, it became materially impossible to establish a division bench for
hearing appeals on the orders of a single Judge.[12] Also, when one of the other
two Judges decide to recuse from hearing it makes it very difficult for
administering speedy justice. This causes a lot of administrative issues
pertaining to the judges and there are no solutions offered.
In cases with political undertones, recusals are very common. When the former
Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu was under trial, the Supreme Court transferred the
hearing to Karnataka high Court upon the recommendation of the bar as well as
the collegium of Tamil Nadu High Court.[13] Similarly, in the state of Kerala,
four judges of the High Court recused themselves in quick succession and refused
to hear the SNC Lavalin case where the, current Kerala Chief Minister, Pinarayi
Vijayan was accused.
[14] Those judges who recused received the flak of political
opponents of Mr. Vijayan. VR Krishna Iyer, retired Supreme Court judge and
probably the best jurist India has ever produced, considered this act of recusal
as a breach of the solemn responsibility vested in the Judges by the
constitution and even demanded the impeachment of these judges by the
President.[15] In the case of Sanjay Kumar Srivastava v. Acting Chief Justice,
it was held that not only were the judges not really permitted to cherry-pick
whatever subject matter jurisdiction they preferred, they were also not given
any options to hear whatever case they would want to hear, since the mechanism
of the judiciary would have buckled and the judicial functioning could have come
to an end by a cohort of inner tiffs on account of yearning for a specific
subject matter jurisdiction or a specific case.[16]
When it comes to statute, Section 479 of The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973,
states as follows:-
Case in which Judge or Magistrate is personally interested. No Judge or
Magistrate shall, except with the permission of the Court to which an appeal
lies from his Court, try or commit for trial any case to or in which he is a
party, or personally interested, and no Judge or Magistrate shall hear an appeal
from any judgment or order passed or made by himself.
This section is inspired from one of the principles of natural justice, Nemo
judex in causa sua which means no one should be a judge in his own
case.[17] This is also followed by the judges of High Courts and the Supreme
Court even though they are not statutorily bound by this section. In 1972, the
American Bar Association drafted a Code of judicial conduct and it is applied
throughout the US.[18] In that code of judicial conduct, it is said that the
personal relationship, pecuniary interests and ideological bias have to be
analysed before the judge decides to recuse. Similarly, in India also, we have
exhaustive judgments explaining as to what the reasons of recusals must be.
However, the obedience to such laws are circumvented by the judges just by using
the principle of judicial discretion. In India, as we have seen, judicial
discretion is used by the judges very liberally and the reasons for recusal are
not given in writing to the parties.
Some scholars say that reasons for recusal must be hidden based on the doctrine
of independence of judiciary. This doctrine has also been used by the judges to
not come under the ambit of RTI or disclose their assets.[19] Some judges use
this of judiciary for not disclosing the reasons for recusal as well. The
professional ethics behind recusal of a judge has to do with the opacity about
the reasons as to which the recusal has happened. Since India is a liberal
democracy, the citizens can expect accountability from public servants. By not
giving reasons to recusal the judge is putting herself under speculation by the
public, The moment it is made oblivious to public, there arises a chance for
presuming the worst even if there is a noble reason to recuse.
On the contrary, if a judge finds out that his brother/ sister judge recused for
a specific reason, there could be an inclination from the new judge to give a
favourable verdict for the party in whose favour the other judge recused.
It is high time there are some guidelines to direct the judges for recusal as
the judgments are not enough and the lack of an objective standard as well as
the powers vested as judicial discretion is way too much for transparency. It is
evident from the past that judiciary wants to vest in itself a lot of own
decision making powers regarding its affairs and tends to remove the executive
from making decisions for judiciary like the scrapping of National Judicial
Appointments Commission or setting up the collegium system by
However, recusal is not an instance where the judiciary is under
threat as the aggrieved party would like to know why a judge has recused. There
are some Bills pending in the parliament regarding this, but nothing fruitful
has been done so far.[21] If the parliamentary process fails, this can be used
as an opportunity by the judiciary for a self-reflection, as it has done before.
Even if that fails, there could be measures like High Court Judges being
appointed to a different state from where they practised as lawyers and English
as the medium of communication would be of help. Expecting the High Court
lawyers and Judges to understand and speak English is not an irrational
expectation. The judges who were earlier a part of the bar would not be under
pressure to ensure that they keep the senior lawyers happy.
Bar Councils and other associations are vested with enough powers to ensure that
Judges give the reasons for recusal as a matter of mandatory requirement. It is
the duty of Bar to ensure their client knows why the judge recused from their
specific matter. There has to be a requirement of statutory obligation on the
judges to inform the litigants as to why there is a decision to recuse from
hearing. Recusal should be used sparingly like the emergency provision in the
Indian Constitution.
[1] (1852) 3 HL Cas 759
[2] Olowofoyeku, Abimbola A. “REGULATING SUPREME COURT RECUSALS.†Singapore
Journal of Legal Studies, 2006, pp. 60–85.
[3] (2002) 3 SCC 343
[4] 1987 AIR 454
[5] [1923] All ER Rep 233
[6] https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/sc-throws-out-plea-seeking-recusal-of-cji-from-assam-detention-centres-case/article27013235.ece
[7] https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/sc-remark-on-foreigners-detention-in-assam-defies-constitutional-obligations-rights-body/article27021851.ece
[8] https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/judge-loya-death-case-point-by-point-rebuttal/article23607977.ece
[9] https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/Contempt-plea-against-Prashant-Bhushan-maintainable-court/article16196538.ece
[10] https://www.thehindu.com/news/resources/full-text-of-justice-nv-ramanas-letter-to-recuse-himself-from-the-judges-committee-to-probe-complaint-against-cji/article26945616.ece
[11] https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/sc-justice-n-v-ramana-recuses-from-hearing-plea-against-appointment-of-nageswara-rao-as-interim-cbi-director/videoshow/67769062.cms
[12] https://indianexpress.com/article/india/supreme-court-asks-gauhati-hc-to-decide-on-transfer-of-case-from-tripura-hc-4765502/
[13] https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/karnataka-stuck-to-an-apolitical-role-in-the-jayalalithaa-sasikala-case/articleshow/57160233.cms
[14] 2006 (4) KLT 749
[15] https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/kerala/Judges%E2%80%99-recusal-breach-of-obligation-Krishna-Iyer/article11521093.ece
[16] Writ Petition No. 2332 of 1993, Allahabad High Court
[17] A Dictionary of Law Enforcement (2 ed.) Graham Gooch and Michael Williams
Publisher: Oxford University Press Published online: 2015 Current Online
Version: 2015 eISBN: 9780191758256
[19] https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/rti-integral-says-supreme-court-but-refuses-to-come-under-it/article26283856.ece
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