Marriage is the blissfully state of the two parties which conveys not only the
act or formalities should be performed by them but also the status as husband
and wife in the society.
Marriage is a foundation of stable family, two soul united as a spouse, a
permanent union of hearts. Earlier times marriage was recognized as religious as
well as social institution and not legal one but as times changes, now it is
considered as ones personal choice and marriage between two individual and not
between two families.
Thus, it moved to become a contract and requires
fulfilling legal requirements. Marriage as per law means a contract between man
and woman united together to support each other in a shared household. Right to
marry is recognized under article 21[1] of the Indian Constitution well as
article 16[2] of Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948.
Meaning of marriage differ from person to person some will say union of lives,
some will say bond of love, some will say life imprisonment and some will say
something else. Matrimonial laws in India were based on English matrimonial law
at the time they were drafted as they were drafted by warren hasting in 1772.
However there is no single uniform code of law for marriage rather we have
different laws for different religions. For Hindu we have The Hindu marriage
act, 1955[3], for Muslim the Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application Act
1937[4], for Christian and Parsi :The Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872 [5]and
The Parsi Marriage and Divorce Act, 1936[6] respectively. For the one who don't
profess any religion we have The Special Marriage Act, 1954[7] to govern their
Hindu Marriage Law
Marriage under Hindu is considered to be sacrament bond and is union for
upcoming seven lives and is not subject to dissolution because it is not a mere
contract between man and woman. Vedas teaches that marriage is also considered
as duty of a person.
- The Hindu marriage act, 1955[8] amends and codifies the matrimonial law
among Hindus. This act applies to Hindu, Buddhist, Jain or Sikh.[9]
- Act states capacity to marry and these conditions are mentioned in the
section 5[10] which says there should be no spouse living at the time of
marriage which means Hindu culture does not entertains bigamy, bride and
groom at the time of wedding must be sound mind, give their free consent and
are not insane .Both must have completed the age of 21[11], don't relate to
each other within the degrees of prohibited relationships and are not sapindas to each
- Section 7[12] defines the ceremonies to be performed in the Hindu
marriage in order to solemnize which are sagai , kanyadan and saptapadi.
- Sagai is a ring exchange ceremony performed by bride and groom.
- kanyadan is a emotional and sentimental ceremony where a dad donates
their daughter to groom and transfers his responsibility to groom of her
- Saptapadi is the ceremony where bride and groom take seven rounds of the
god of fire in Hindu religion where sacred fire act as invocation and meanwhile
priest chants sacred texts(mantras). When the seventh step is taken the marriage
is solemnised in Hindu religion.
- In Samit Subhash Agarwal v. Kamlesh Lataprasad Gupta[13], husband
challenged the validity of marriage and court held that taking seven pheras
around agarbatii doesn't mean they have not took seven around the scared fire
and makes their marriage invalid.
- Forms of marriage
The ancient Hindu law recognized three kinds of marriage which are valid and
regular. These were Brahma (arrange marriage), Gandharva (love marriage) and
Asura (bride sold by father for money).
- Brahma marriage is known to be the arranged marriage where a father
and family members of the girl finds groom for her. This kind of
marriage is mostly practised in past times and marriage of bride and groom will be done according
to the shastric rites and ceremonies.
- Gandharva marriage is also known as love marriage where bride and groom
voluntary unite and marry according to their choice irrespective of their
father's choice. This kind of marriage is practised in the modern time and
according to shastric rites and ceremonies are being performed.
- Asura marriage is forced marriage where a bride is sold by his father to
groom and his family.
- However, the current Hindu Marriage Act[14] does not include such forms
of marriage in it. As the people in today's worlds do things according to
their choice not as per their parents choice. And also time is changing and
parents also give importance to their child's choice and understands that
they have to live together so let them decide themselves.
- Registration of marriage
Section 8 [15]has given power to make rules for proof of marriage to state
government. Hindu marriage registrar has given all the power to direct time for
the parties to show their evidence and to get their certificate after payment of
a prescribed fee.
Muslim Marriage Law
- Muslim law is largely uncodified in India as Quran is silent or
- Muslim marriage is a civil contract where two persons enter into
contract with the view of sexual pleasure and legalisation of children. The
Islamic concept of marriage is different from Hindu marriage as in Hindu it is
sacrament bond but in Islam, it is a contract.
Essentials of a valid Muslim marriage:
- Proposal and acceptance- proposal in urdu is stated as ijab and
acceptance of the proposal is 'qubul' in urdu. Both ijab as well as qubul has to
be done in same meeting and in the presence of proper and competent
witnesses otherwise it will be not be a valid marriage
- Competency of parties-both partied must attained their puberty, which
means they must be major. Bride and groom must be of sound mind while
performing nikah and should be Muslim.
- Free consent of parties- while reading nikah free consent of both the
parties is required that means consent must be free from coercion, fraud,
mistake of fact in order to term as free consent.
- Dower or mahr is defined as the sum of money or property given by husband
to his wife in consideration of marriage contract as a mark of respect to the
- Free from Legal Disability-Under Muslim law, marriage is not permitted
under certain circumstances and this restrictions/prohibition can be divided
into three parts: Absolute Prohibition, Relative Prohibition, and
Miscellaneous Prohibition.
Muslim marriages are classified into four:
- Sahih marriage or valid marriage:
It is the marriage where each and every kind of conditions are fulfilled in
order to known as valid marriage
- Fasid is irregular marriage where irregularity if removed then this type of
marriage could be convert to Sahih marriage. Grounds for Fasid marriage are
marrying to a fifth wife, marrying to the women who is undergoing Iddat,
marrying without proper witnesses, marrying to a woman who is idol worshipper.
- Batil is void from the beginning and cannot be converted to valid marriage
after removing irregularities like fasid marriage. Grounds for batil marriage
are – woman practicing polyandry or marrying to man who worships fire, couples
sharing common ancestors, man marrying his sister in law during the lifetime of
his wife.
- Muta marriage is a temporary marriage and the object of contract is enjoyment
and time period of it must be fixed with proposal and acceptance in the same
meeting, dower should be fixed. Muta marriage with Hindu women is considered to
be void.
Christian Marriage Law
- The Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872 codifies the matrimonial law
among Christians.
- Indian Christians takes place in church in the presence of witnesses as
well as clergymen.they exchange their ring take vows while reading of the
Bible take place.
Conditions for certified Christian marriage:
Section 60[16] of the Act states the Christian marriage condition which is as
- The age of man and women must be 21 and 18 respectively.
- Neither of the party shall have living partner.
- In front of licensed person as stated under section 9[17], and two
credible witnesses other than such person, each of the marrying party must
say to each other that they accept each other as their better half.
Solemnization of Marriage
According to section 4 [18]marriages done between Christian or non-Christian
will be solemnized according to the sections in the act and any marriage without
provision stated in the act shall be void.
- Persons authorized to solemnize Christian marriage
Section 5[19] states the Christian marriage to to be solemnized by whom.
- Time specified for solemnizing marriage
Section 10 [20] states the time for solemnizing the marriage which is from six
in the morning to seven in the evening.
- Place of solemnization
Section 11[21] permits the clergyman of the Church of England to solemnize a
marriage in the church unless there is no church within the 5 miles from the
shortest distance from such please.
- Notice of marriage as per schedule I
Section 12[22] states any of the party is suppose to give the notice as
mentioned in the I schedule of the act to the concerned minister by whom the
marriage is going to be solemnized. The notice must contain the important
information such as name along with surname as well as profession, residence,
dwelling place of both parties along with time they lived there, church chosen
by them for solemnization of the marriage.
- Publication of such notice
Section 13[23], when the notice reached to the minister of religion, he shall
affix the notice in the church.
- Procedure of receipt of notice
Section 16[24] once the notice is fixed in the church by minister of religion he
must send that notice to each of the other marriage registrars in the same
district or as given in the act.
- Issue of certificate
Section 17[25] states when minister sends the notice to the either party to the
marriage then he must make the declarations as per Section 18[26].Issue of
certificate should be done only after expiry of 4 days from the notice delivered
and parties fulfilled the lawful impediment in order to get certificate.
- Solemnization of marriage
Section 25[27] of the Act states that after the certificate issued as per
section 17[28] in front of 2 credible witness ,the minister is supposed to
solemnize the marriage in any of the form of ceremony he adopts.
- Section 26[29] states that if the marriage is not solemnized within the
2 months from the date of issue of certificate issued to the parties then
the marriage will be void and new certificate should be issued to the
- Granting Certificate of marriage
Section 61[30] states once the marriage is solemnized as per provision stated in
the section 60[31] authorized person shall issue the certificate of marriage of
solemnization after paying of the prescribed fee (25 paise) and when declaration
has been made. The certificate must be signed by the authority as well as
parties to the marriage. Section 61[32] makes the marriage certificate important
as it is the proof of marriage and it will act as evidence of a valid marriage
in the court.
Parsi Marriage Law
- The Parsi Marriage and Divorce Act, 1936 codifies the matrimonial law
among Parsis.
- There are various ceremonies performed in the parsi wedding some of them
are bride and groom have to face each other and a curtain is to placed between
them and rice is thrown by bride and groom on each other while priest chants the
prayers .Priest will be asking the certain questions to the bride groom and
witnesses which will include whether the consent of the couple is free or not,
after answering of the question priest will recite blessings.
Essentials of valid Parsi marriage
Under Section 3[33] given:
- Party to the marriage should not be related to each other in any of the
degrees of consanguinity or affinity as stated in schedule in I.
- Parsi marriage ceremony of "Ashirvad" to be performed by priest in the
presence of two witnesses other than the priest.
- Male should be of 21 years and female should be of 18.
- If the above conditions are fulfilled then the child born out of this
union will be consider as legitimate.
Section 4[34] explains remarriage is unlawful if the party to marriage
has not divorced their earlier partner.
Section 6[35] says about the
Certificate and registry of marriage –both parties to the marriage under this
act after solemnization of marriage must be certified by the priest which should
be sign by priest contracting parties as well as two witnesses after paying of
the fee of 2 rupees by husband to registrar. Registrar must enter the
certificate in his records.
The Special Marriage Act, 1954
- This act allows inter religion marriage registration in order to known
as valid marriage.
- This act is secular litigation.
- Section 4[36] of the act explains the conditions for a valid marriage
under this act:
- Section 4(a)[37]-Both of the parties must be single at the time of
marriage which means they must be divorced or there should not be spouse
living of the parties
- Section 4(b)i[38]-Both the parties must be sound mind in order to give their
free consent.
- Section 4(b)ii[39]-Both the parties must not subjected to mental disorders.
- Section 4(b)iii[40]-Both the parties must not subjected to attacks of insanity.
- Section 4(c)[41]-Male must complete the age of 21 and female of 18
- Section 4(d)[42]-The parties to the marriage should not relate to each other
within the degrees of prohibited degrees unless any custom governing each of
them permits between the two.
- Section 4(e)[43]-When the marriage is solemnized in state of Jammu and Kashmir
then both of the parties are Indian citizen and domicile in the territories
- Section 5[44]- Notice of intended marriage.- parties of the marriage
whose marriage is solemnized under this act shall have to give notice to the
Marriage Officer as mentioned in the II schedule of the act and at least one
of the party should reside for a month immediately after the date on which
notice is delivered to them.
Same Sex Marriage:
- In India same sex marriage is still not legalized. In the 21st century
when we talk about the concept of freedom as well as human rights ,it's the
need of the hour to legalized same sex marriage.
- In the Lata Singh v state of Uttar Pradesh[45] ,the Supreme court held
that right to marriage is a component of the right to life under article 21[46]
which means each and every citizen of the India have right to marriage as per
their choice and personal liberty.
- Sexual orientation of the person should not be the reason to take away
the right to marry to them.
- In Navtej Singh Johar v. Union of India[47] abolished section 377[48] of
the Indian penal code, sexual orientation freedom was granted.
- But still same sex union is not recognize in India.
- Constitution of India, Article 21
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948, article 16
- The Hindu Marriage Act,1955
- The Muslim Personal Law(Shariat) Application Act 1937
- The Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872
- The Parsi Marriage and Divorce Act, 1936
- The Special Marriage Act,1954
- The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955
- Section 2,The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955
- Section 5,The Hindu Marriage Act,1955
- Age declared by Prime Minister Modi (but not updated in the act)
- Section 7,The Hindu Marriage Act,1955
- Samit Subhash Agarwal v. Kamlesh Lataprasad Gupta, 2018 SCC OnLine Bom 890
- The Hindu Marriage Act,1955
- Section 8,The Hindu Marriage Act,1955
- Section 60,The Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872
- Section 9,The Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872
- Section 4,The Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872
- Section 5,The Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872
- Section 10,The Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872
- Section 11,The Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872
- Section 12,The Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872
- Section 13,The Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872
- Section 16,The Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872
- Section 17,The Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872
- Section 18,The Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872
- Section 25,The Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872
- Section 17,The Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872
- Section 27,The Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872
- Section 61,The Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872
- Section 60,The Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872
- Section 61,The Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872
- Section 3, The Parsi Marriage and Divorce Act, 1936
- Section 4, The Parsi Marriage and Divorce Act, 1936
- Section 6, The Parsi Marriage and Divorce Act, 1936
- Section 4, The Special Marriage Act,1954
- Section 4(a), The Special Marriage Act,1954
- Section 4(b)i, The Special Marriage Act,1954
- Section 4(b)ii, The Special Marriage Act,1954
- Section 4(b)iii, The Special Marriage Act,1954
- Section 4(c), The Special Marriage Act,1954
- Section 4(d), The Special Marriage Act,1954
- Section 4(e), The Special Marriage Act,1954
- Section 5, The Special Marriage Act,1954
- Lata Singh v. State of U.P., (2006) 5 SCC 475
- Article 21,Constituion of India
- Navtej Singh Johar v. Union of India, (2018) 1 SCC 791
- Section 377,The Indian Penal Code,1860