India is country which is diverse in its ethnic, linguistic, cultural and
religious characteristics, there are around 1.7 billion people in our country
which makes us the second-most populous nation after China, nonetheless, it
won't be long that we will conquer China and become the most crowded country on
the planet.
The greater part of us is currently mindful that our population is
growing expeditiously and we are in a phase where we need to control it. Our Hon'ble Prime Minister himself talked upon this point in his Independence Day
speech and advised us to have a deeper thinking in family planning. There was a
time where we were the first country in the world to ever adopt a policy for
population growth. Now the time has come to adopt it once again.
Why Population Growth Is A Problem For Us? / Why We Need To Control It?
Excessive population is not only going to impact human life but also is going to
impact environment, economy and etc. Some have been pointed down below:
India is a country where endless pattern of populace blast and neediness goes
on. Here a portion of population still lives with earning which is below $1 and
millions of youngsters still don't have a job. It's undeniably true that
individuals who are not able to meet there ends usually have higher number of
children in their family so that they can have more earning hands with them. The
infant mortality rate in underprivileged family is high because they are unable
to benefit themselves legitimate clinical and food assets.
This would mean these
families are in a cycle of producing more children by knowing the fact that many
of them would not survive. The outcome is that it is producing lot of stress in
population size prompting an increment. The major problem of no jobs and lack of
resources will increase with each birth which would ultimately mean increase in
the poverty.
India is developing country, here we have limited number of jobs available for
each individual. Due to the increasing number of people the competition in the
market is increasing even for the most menial jobs. In this pandemic time a lot
of people have lost their jobs. According to Centre for Monitoring Indian
Economy, unemployment rate in urban area stands at 10.07% and in rural area it
is 8.75%. With increasing population, the rate of unemployment is bound to be to
rise even more.
We in our real life at many instances have seen people with the
Bachelors and Master's degree are still sitting at home as they are unable to
find jobs. This would eventually encourage such youngsters to find job outside
India which would mean migration to developed countries.
Food Resources:
Every single asset on this planet is restricted in amount. India is in a
developing state and being an exceptionally crowded nation would imply that food
here would be produced in enormous amounts however this isn't correct. As
indicated by Global Hunger Index 2020 India stands at 94th position among 107
countries much behind Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Nepal.
Moreover, the estimates given by the Food and Agriculture Organization of United
Nations in
The State
of Food Security and Nutrition in the World, 2020 report show that around 14%
of the population in India is undernourished. Also, 51.4% of women in conceptive
age between 15 to 49 years are anaemic. This information positively shows that
lack of healthy sustenance actually is an extraordinary issue in our country.
If you walk on the streets in India, you could see children fight with each
other for a piece of food, this might be shocking for a couple of us, but it is
a daily survival task for most people. This takes us back to the question that
assuming we permit the population still to build, then we are permitting natural
selection in our country.
Religious and Cultural constraints:
India's way of life runs exceptionally profound and far back ever. Because of
the expanding populace, the educational facilities are extremely scant. Also, a
great deal of families leans toward having a boy instead of a girl. Thus, a ton
of families have a greater number of kids than they really need or can bear,
bringing about an increase in poverty, the absence of assets, and in particular,
an expanding populace.
Another one of India's cultural norms is for girls to get married at an early
age. In most parts of the country, families prefer to get their girls married at
the age of 14 or 15. Despite the fact child marriage is illegal in India, the
lifestyle and general public surrounding the girls in India doesn't allow them
to go against such choices made by their families. For some giving a girl in
marriage is not by decision, yet rather out by impulse.
The poor financial
status of tribal villagers is ascribed to one of the essential elements liable
for child marriage in India. Because of the youthful ages of these girls, they
have a greater ability to bear children, that is, since they start bearing
children at a very young age, they can have more children throughout their
This results in an overall increase in the global fertility rate.
Since these girls get married at a very young age, they don't have the chance to
get education. Consequently, they stay ignorant and show similar standards to
their own children, and the practice goes on from one age to the next.
Population polices in India after Independence:
In 1951 India turned into the first among the developing countries to come up
with a state sponsored family planning programme. The Planning Commission which
was set up in 1950 and was given the undertaking to choose the shapes of the
family planning programme.
In 1952, a populace strategy board of trustees was comprised. This panel had
suggested setting up of a Family Planning Research and Programmes Committee. Be
that as it may, the approaches outlined in 1951-52 were specially appointed in
nature and were fundamentally founded on restraint. So, it was not effective.
Camp Approach:
The Fourth Five Year Plan (1966-74) saw a huge shift with the government
receiving a forceful objective-based methodology to battle the quickly rising
population. Denoting the start of the state-sponsored family planning strategy's
advancement into a powerful, practically mechanical program we see today. While
the State at first saw financial and social improvement as the best
contraceptive and the biggest bulwark against rapid population growth the Indira
Gandhi government-regulated an extreme shift to one side, and the quest for a
more perpetual strategy for populace control: sterilization.
By the year 1976-77 the programme gained momentum and a lot of people were being
forcefully sterilized especially men. Millions of people were sterilized in
India under these coercive and intense measures during, before, and after the
Emergency Period. To put it into perspective, it is assessed that more than 6
million individuals were sterilized in 1976 alone more than the number of people
sterilized by Nazi Germany before 1939.
Because of this political and regulatory
push, the quantity of sterilizations rose from 1.3 million out of 1974-75 to 2.6
million of every 1975-76 and afterward shot up to 8.1 million out of 1976-77, a
level which has not been reached since.
- There was a decline in IUD cases, along with a drop in using
conventional contraceptives i.e., condoms- from 83.5 % to 74.9%. This shows
how forced sterilisation programme assumed control over the whole family planning
programme, subsequently basically falling flat as an all-adjusted methodology
during the Emergency.
- The raids carried for sterilisation mostly targeted vulnerable segment
of the general public.
- The manner in which the sterilizations were performed was rushed,
amateurish, perilous, and unsanitary. It had undying effect on the public
impression of family planning practices in India. The shaky strategies used
to accomplish absurd sterilization quotas discoloured the public's view of health
National Population Policy 2000:
Adopted by the government on 15th February, 2000. This policy had three
Immediate Objective:
Address the unmet needs for contraception, health care
infrastructure, and personnel health care. Also, to provide integrated service
delivery for basic reproductive and child health care;
Medium Term Objective:
To bring Total Fertility Rate to replacements levels by
Long Term Objective:
To achieve stable population by 2045.
- Policy had the tight viewpoint as it gave a lot of significance to
contraception and sterilisation rather than basic prerequisite for population
control i.e., poverty alleviation, improving standards of living, and spread of
- Policy was not plugged and neglected to produce mass help for populace
- We have inadequate framework attributable to absence of prepared staff,
absence of sufficient fitness among the staff, and restricted use or abuse
of the hardware.
Population Regulation Bill, 2019:
The private member bill was introduced by MP Rakesh Sinha in the Upper House of
parliament. The proposed bill states that induvial with multiple children (more
than two) will get less government services. This incorporates cash and
restricted advantages under the public distribution system, in any event, for
those at the lower part of India's financial layers.
It likewise suggests that
those with multiple children be precluded from election to public office. New
government workers should consent to not have multiple kids. The Bill advantages
admittance to state funded training, medical care offices, and protection to
families with less than two children.
The bill likewise proposes for the incorporation of new provision in- Article
47A (Duty of the State to promote small family norm) Part IV of the Constitution
which manages the Directive Principles of the State Policy.
- Could create disparity in the childbirth ratio, as in India people still
desire a male child over female child which might lead to social
- Problems like gender imbalance, undocumented children, etc. might be
Uttar Pradesh Population (Control, Stabilization and Welfare) Bill, 2021:
The bill targets advancing two child policy and states that individuals
disregarding it in the state will be suspended from challenging nearby bodies'
surveys, going after government positions, or getting any sort of sponsorship.
Additionally, there would be endeavours to balance out the populace by giving
open answers for impotency or reproduction and diminishing death paces of infant
and moms. The strategy is additionally prone to make courses of action to deal
with the old, alongside giving better administration, wellbeing, and nourishment
to youths between the age gathering of 11 and 19 years.
- Available data on fertility levels suggests that the brunt of these
reformatory estimates will be borne by the oppressed.
- Clause 4 to 7 will go against women as the burden of sterilization for
incentives will be loaded on them. As indicated by a report distributed by
the National Health Mission, between 2017-18, 93.1% of the sterilizations
performed in India were on women.
- Denial of ration under PDS could amount to a violation of the Food
Security Act.
Recommendation and Solution
Social Measures:
- Minimum age of Marriage:
In India minimum age for marriage is 21 years for
men and 18 years for women has been fixed by law. As fertility depends on the
age of marriage, this law ought to be immovably executed and individuals ought
to likewise be made aware of this through publicity.
- Raising the Status of Women:
There is still victimization of ladies. Thus,
women should be offered opportunities to develop socially and monetarily. Free
tutoring should be given to them.
- Spread of Education:
The spread of education changes the viewpoint of
individuals. The informed men like to defer marriage and embrace little family
standards. Instructed ladies are wellbeing cognizant and avoid progressive
pregnancies and in this manner help in cutting down the pace of birth.
- Adoption:
Some parents do not have any child, in spite of expensive
clinical treatment. It is fitting that they ought to embrace orphan kids.
- Social Security:
An ever-increasing number of individuals ought to be
covered under government-backed retirement plans. In this way, they don't depend
on others if there should be an occurrence of old age, affliction, joblessness,
Economic Measures:
- Greater work openings:
The first and foremost measure is to raise the
employment avenues in rural as well as urban areas.
- Improvement of Horticulture and Industry:
If farming and industry are
appropriately grown, huge number of individuals will get work. At the point when
their pay is expanded, they would work on their way of life and embrace little
family standards.
- Way of life:
Improved standard of living acts as a deterrent to the large
family norm. To keep up with their better quality of living, individuals like to
have a little family.
- Urbanization:
It is on record that individuals in metropolitan regions
have a low rate of birth than those living in country regions.
Other Measures
- Late Marriage:
This will reduce the period of reproduction among the females cutting down
the rate of birth.
- Family Planning:
This strategy infers family by decision and not by some
coincidence. By applying preventive measures, individuals can direct the rate of
birth. The accomplishment of this technique relies upon the accessibility of
modest contraceptive devices for birth control.
- Exposure:
The correspondence media like television, radio, and paper are
the acceptable way to proliferate the advantages of the arranged family to the
clueless and ignorant individuals particularly in the provincial and in reverse
spaces of the country.
Suggested Articles on Population Control:
Reproductive Rights for Women in India
Population Control Bill: A Problem Or A Solution?
Uttar Pradesh Population Control Bill, 2021
UP Population Control Bill: A Step Towards The Goal
The Need For Population Control Legislation
Consequences of Over-population in India
Need of Two Child Policy in India