The Competition law is a law that promotes or seeks to maintain market
competition by regulating anti-competitive conduct by various enterprises and
companies. In India, Competition Act 2002 was implemented to prevent practices
from having an adverse effect on competition and to promote and sustain
competition in the markets.
The Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices act,1969 is currently not in
force as it was repealed and replaced by The Competition Act,2002 and The MRTP
Commission was replaced by the Competition Commission of India.
Abuse of Dominance
Abuse of Dominance refers to a situation where affirm or group of firms that
have a dominant role in the market intend to eliminate a competitor or a
competing firm or dissuade a new firm from entering the market. The dominant
enterprise or group exercise certain practices that Section 4 of the Competition
Act prohibits. Some of them are Imposition on predatory prices, denying market
access, limiting the supply of goods and services, use of dominant position in
one market to enter into another market.
Cartel includes an association of producers, sellers, distributors, traders,
or service providers who, by agreement amongst themselves, limit, control, or
attempt to control the production, distribution, sale or price of, or, trade in
goods or provision of services.
Cartels are agreements between enterprises (including a person, a government
department, and association of persons/enterprises) not to compete on price,
product (including goods and services), or customers. The Act gives a detailed
definition of an enterprise in section 2 (h). The objective of a cartel is to
raise prices above competitive levels, resulting in injury to consumers and the
economy. For the consumers, cartelization results in higher prices, poor
quality, and less or no choice for goods or/and services.
Telecom Sector
The telecom sector in India has witnessed the intense change over the last
decade. The Arrival of Reliance Jio in the telecom market in 2016 and the
Vodafone-Idea merger in 2018 reinforce the steep competition in this sector. In
this context, I shall refer to two judicial decisions delivered in recent years
where the telecom market players have initiated complaints against each other
for predatory pricing and cartelization.
Bharti Airtel V. Reliance Jio
In this case, a complaint was filed by Bharti Airtel against Reliance Jio.
Bharti Airtel alleges three basic contentions as follows:
The services granted by Reliance Jio right after its entry into the telecom
market included a ‘Jio Welcome Offer' under which data, voice, video, and a full
bouquet of applications were granted free of cost to the purchasers which
attracted the consumers and gave an impact on their mind to switch to Reliance Jio and to not use any other network as it was pocket friendly to the consumer.
The Competition Commission of India started the proceeding with a preliminary
conference with both the parties and then further went on to examine each
allegation to the facts as provided by Bharti Airtel and Reliance Jio. The
Competition Commission has limitedly interpreted the term ‘relevant market' in
the context of the present matter. The Commission has sufficed the wireless
telecom services to be the relevant geographical market and focused on the
dominance of Reliance Jio in its individuality.
The Competition Commission of India went on to note that, according to market
data, Reliance Jio does not have a market share of more than 7% in each of the
22 telecom circles in India, and the market consists of several players (such as
Vodafone, Idea, Tata, MTNL, etc.) who have similar financial and technical
capabilities. There existed sufficient choice in the market and the consumers
were not in any way dependent on a single service provider. In light of this,
the CCI held that Reliance Jio cannot be said in the dominant position in the
relevant market. As it was not in the dominant position, there does not arise
any case of abuse of the dominant position through predatory pricing in the
relevant market.
Competition Commission of India V. Bharti Airtel
In this case, a complaint was filed by Reliance Jio under Section 19(1) of the
Competition Act,2002 against Bharti Airtel, Vodafone, and Idea, contending that
these three telecom operators had formed a cartel and were indulging in
anti-competitive practices. Further, Reliance Jio filed an application before
the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) to monitor the conduct of IDOs
and COAI.
CCI's order (directing investigation under Section 26(1) of the Act) on the
above application was challenged before the Bombay High Court which held that
the CCI had no jurisdiction in the matters of telecom sector as in the instant
case, the matter was also referred to TRAI which is technically well equipped to
deal with the said issue. Aggrieved by the impugned order of the High Court, CCI
and Reliance Jio challenged it before the Supreme Court by way of a special
leave petition.
The Apex Court dismissed the appeals filed by the CCI & Reliance Jio and upheld
the decision of the Bombay High Court has deftly resolved the long-debated
scuffle for predominance between the overarching fair market watchdog, the CCI,
and the sector-specific regulators, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India by
deferring scrutiny into any possible coordination or collusion between the
existing telecom players through the platform of COAI or otherwise by CCI.
Further, the Court whilst upholding its previous judgment in the SAIL case on
the nature of the CCI prima facie order under Section 26(1) of the Act, for the
first time, made a demarcation between examination of competition issues by the
CCI in a sector having a statutory regulator and a sector without one. The Court
adduced the need for use of Section 21A of the Act, which makes it obligatory
for the CCI to procure the opinion of the sector regulator on sector-specific
issues first. This way, the Court eventually showed a middle way to sort out the
long-debated jurisdictional conflict issue between the CCI and sector
regulators. By invoking the doctrine of harmonious construction, the court has
maintained an equilibrium by giving TRAI the authority to determine the rights
and obligations of the parties first, and then if it apprehends the existence of
anti-competitive act, evokes the jurisdiction of CCI.
As competition in the Indian telecom sector continues to rise steeply, the
market players are bound to raise similar disputes against each other in the
future. Also, as the Competition Act, 2002 is a penal statute that allows
imposition of significant penalties, raising a complaint about a violation of
this statute turns out as an attractive option for the rival market players.
The absence of clear dividing lines between promoting competition and checking
anti-competitive practices leads to conflicts as we have seen in the above
cases. The legislatures while enacting the framework under the Competition Act,
2002 and Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Act, 1997 failed to establish the
power and role of competition commission and sectoral regulatory. Both these
bodies have to formulate boundaries for themselves and ensure that they manage
to create a pro-consumer business-friendly model for the telecom sector.
Written By: Prathit Sareen: 2nd Year, JIMS Engineering,
Management and Technical Campus School of Law, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha
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