What is a rape culture?
Rape culture is an environment in which rape is prevalent in which sexual
violence against women is normalised and justified where sex is associated with
violence and the victim is blamed for rape and the women who has been raped
later suffers social discrimination by the society.
Why by many scholars India is described as rape culture?
According to the survey conducted by NCRB.
Seventy-seven rape cases were reported across India on an average every day in
2020.Total 28,046 a year, overall, 3,71,503 cases of crime against women were
reported across the country last year.
Rajasthan has highest number of rapes (5,310) in 2020, followed by Uttar Pradesh
(2,769), Madhya Pradesh (2,339) cases.
We live in a patriarchal society where men are dominating and females are
expected to be submissive and the one who are made to adjust. People are trying
to make Domestic violence a part of women's life.
Rapist don't understand what consent means. Even the social upbringing of such
people are so poor and they belong from such families where they see
discrimination between their mother and father.
Sex education is not proper in most of the schools. Teacher skip the chapter
because they feel talking about such things lower down their moral and values.
Even parents feel shy and don't talk about penis, vagina, sex, protection.
Children tend to learn such things from their peer group and they don't get
proper knowledge.
Marital rape is forcing your spouse into having sex without proper consent is
another important issue contributing towards inequality and affecting her mental
Experts point outs that violence against girls and women usually in their
surroundings. According to the National crime records bureau data from 2017, 93%
of all the rape cases are confide by people known to the victim. Generally
family members relatives, employees.
Increase in rise of rape cases angered many Indian. They are demanding for
capital or the authorities to hang the culprit. Experts say that this
contributes towards rise in such violence.
Movies and Advertisement play a vital role in developing minds of young kids.
Generally, the female protagonist is shown as fragile and always who need
someone to protect, either father or her husband.
The way how females are depicted in songs makes an image and character which is
subject to easy comment on. Women are retrained in their house and not allowed
to move freely at night and those who dare to are given remark such as character
less, bad girls.
In most of the state’s people believe that the victim should be equally
They say that "It is impossible to clap with one hand" The way girls wear jeans
and walk; boys get attracted when they see them.
They believe in the concept that Rape is a part of the society this will go on
and the Victims of the rape who are raising their voices are lowering the
reputation of the family. In a lot of cases victim of rape has to face honour
killing by their families or relatives.
These simple lines give huge disappointment.
The Justice System
- Fighting for justice is not an easy process. Many instances have been seen where
victims are pressurized, blackmailed to withdraw their cases.
- If a case goes on trial, it will take centuries to reach to a decision.
This adds a lot of problem to the victim life by their own families, society
and yes, the rapist as well
- Section 375 of IPC defines rape as "sexual intercourse" With a women
without her consent, by coercion, misinterpretation or fraud or at a time
when he in intoxicated or dumped or is of an unsound mind, mental health and in any case if
she is under age of 18.
- Penetration is sufficient to constitute the sexual intercourse necessary to the
offence of rape.
- Protection of children against sexual offences act 2012 was made to protect
child from sexual assault, sexual harassment and pornography.
- It also includes other types of penetration apart from penile-vaginal
penetration and Criminalises act of Immodesty against child too.
- There is an ordinance pass to amend the Indian penal code, 1860, to increase
minimum punishment of rape of a woman from seven to ten years. Rape and gang
rape of girls below the age of 12 years with minimum imprisonment of 20 years
and is extendable to life imprisonment Or death.
This vicious cycle must stop and we educated people who consider themselves
responsible should actually work towards this 'Rape Culture' as well as try to
provide right information to children.
School should educate girls about their rights. We, as a society also play a
really big role in identifying and countering. The factor that plays an
important role in promoting the rape culture.
Written By:
Akshika Dubey,
Ballb (hons) -
Jagran lakecity university