The present article examines the relationship between gender diversity in
boardrooms and the mandatory quotas instituted for it. It addresses the problems
that cause a disproportionate gender ratio on corporate boards. There are
various ways in which a woman enhances the corporate performance of a firm like
adding a different viewpoint on the table or ensuring stability in the
In India, the Companies Act, 2013 recognizes the importance of
gender diversity and has mandated certain legislative quotas for the same. How
have these quotas impacted the corporate scene in Indian boardrooms and their
advantages and disadvantages have been discussed further in this article.
According to the definition by Adrian Cadbury,
Corporate governance is the
system by which companies are directed and controlled. It refers to the set of
rules, policies, and protocols laid down to ensure efficient and structured
corporate behavior. Good governance is a symbol that shows a firm's business
integrity and transparency towards its investors, shareholders, and society at
large and helps build their trust in the organization.
There are several aspects
of boardroom diversity like background, age, nationality, experiences, and
perspective but gender diversity is a relevant subject at present that is
particularly gaining traction in the global corporate governance arena.
Gender inequality has been a problem for many years and it continues to exist to
date. Women all over the world are fighting discrimination at the workplace at
different levels and to address this issue and promote equality, gender quotas
have been introduced on corporate boards. Following extensive research on this
issue, it has been concluded that having a more gender-diverse board positively
impacts a company's performance and improves its efficiency.
In India, the
Companies Act, 2013 recognizes the importance of gender diversity and requires
that at least one woman director be appointed in listed and other specified
classes of companies. The significance of ensuring gender balance on corporate
boards is being increasingly recognized around the world with many countries
enacting legislative action and imposing quotas in this regard.
Gender Diversity On Corporate Boards
The initiative to promote gender equality at the workplace began in 2003 when
Norway became the first country to institute a 40 percent quota for women on its
corporate boards. This was followed by other nations like Spain, Finland,
Iceland, France, Israel, Kenya, Italy, Belgium, Portugal, Germany, and Austria
by instituting their own legislative quotas for women.
Despite all the efforts
by the countries around the globe to promote gender equality, women are still
under-represented in boardrooms globally, especially in the Asia -Pacific
region. Even today only one in five people in positions of leadership is a
woman. Major international organizations like The International Corporate
Governance Network (ICGN) believe that having gender-diverse boards ensures
progress in financial performance, effective governance and increases an
organization's reputation.
What leads to the underrepresentation of women on corporate boards?
The underrepresentation of women on corporate boards is a global concern.
There are various reasons that act as a barrier for women on boards:
- The male-dominated boardrooms and disproportionate gender ratio in the
corporate arena is an indirect consequence of the orthodox thinking that
prevails in the society which promotes discrimination and holds women back
from competing for equal rights and opportunities. Male-dominated boards
tend to appoint more male members or directors and this creates a perpetual
- Due to lack of acknowledgment and acclamation, women feel underconfident and
shy to put themselves forward for higher-level board positions. Also, a lot of
women prioritize their family and personal lives and end up sacrificing their
career and work life.
- Most of the organizations lack a formal process for recruiting a board
of directors and hugely rely on the network made in their personal capacity
which eventually makes it even more burdensome for deserving female
employees to be recognized and appointed.
- People are still oblivious to the advantages of having a gender-diverse
board and don't realize the importance of having equality regarding the same
and continue their bias by consciously disregarding this issue.
Does female representation on boards enhance corporate performance?
As per a research published by McKinsey and Co., companies that are higher on
the list of gender diversity are 15 percent more likely to be financially
efficient and better than the ones at the bottom. According to a survey by the
International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics, an institution can
reduce its bankruptcy rate by one-fifth if it has a women director on board.
Vĕra Jourová, commissioner in charge of justice and gender equality for the
European Union said:
"Women have a very good talent for long-term, sensible
spending [and] for crisis-solving because they can come up with proposals for
negotiation and compromise. It is a necessary balance to the approach of men:
attack and escape." One of the advantages of having a gender-diverse board is
that it ensures a better understanding of the customer's interests which leads
to more informed decision making.
After extensive research and analysis, it has been concluded that having a woman
on board establishes stability, improves the governance of the company, ensures
a balanced style of leadership, and helps in framing better strategies in the
best interest of the organization.
Gender Diversity In Indian Boardrooms And The Mandatory Quota Established By The Companies Act, 2013 And SEBI
One of the first instances of gender quotas being introduced in Indian corporate
boards was in 2003 when The Companies Act, 1956 was proposed to be amended and
specified classes of companies were required to appoint a particular number of
women directors as prescribed by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs.
The proposed
bill received criticism and backlash from the industry groups and experts and
eventually, it had to be withdrawn. Then finally a provision was added in
section 149(1) of The Companies Act, 2013 where every listed company or any
other public company having a share capital of one hundred crore rupees or more
or a turnover of three hundred crores rupees shall have to mandatorily appoint
one women director on board.
However, Indian male-dominated boardrooms started appointing one women director
just for complying with the prescribed regulations and defeating the very
purpose of the legislation. Women were appointed just to avoid the strict
penalties and they hardly had any say in the decision-making of the company.
the companies really intend to attain a gender-diverse board they need to accept
well-educated and qualified women on board and be open to their valuable
perspectives. Later in 2018, SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Requirements) (Amendment) Regulation, 2018 was enforced wherein it was made
compulsory for all the top 500 and top 1000 listed companies to appoint at least
one independent women director by April 2019 and April 2020 respectively.
Mandatory quotas: A Success or Failure?
In the early stages of the introduction of the mandatory provisions for
appointing women directors, the male-dominated Indian boardrooms found it
difficult to give seats to their female counterparts. Nevertheless, following
the regulations laid down by SEBI in 2018, there was a visible increase in the
representation of women on boards. It has been observed as of 31st March 2019,
there has been a 20 percent rise in the number of women directors in India.
per NIFTY 500, female representation was at 5% as of March 2012, which increased
to 13% as of March 2017 and according to a recent survey, as of March 2020,
there are 777 women directors out of 4657 directors in 500 companies, leading to
16% women representation on boards. There are various companies in India like Godrej, Apollo Hospitals, India Cements Limited etc., that have five female
members on their board. Approximately 44% out of 500 companies have two or more
women directors on their boards.
Despite complying with all the regulations and a rising graph denoting higher
representation of women on Indian boards there are still a lot of problems that
need to be addressed and appropriate measures required to be taken regarding
those issues. As mentioned earlier, most companies appoint women directors just
to comply with the norms and not in the spirit of gender equality. Often company
leaders appoint female members from their own family leading to a high incidence
of tokenism.
It is expected from companies to appoint women based on their merit
and qualification and not treat them merely as quota fillers. Countries like
Norway, Germany, Belgium, Italy etc. have mandated a particular percentage of
seats for the minority gender on corporate boards whereas India has reserved
only one seat for women on boards regardless of the total composition of the
Although a single woman director in authority can also make substantial
changes in the organisation, she can still be a victim of stereotyping and be
considered less efficient and useful by other male members on board. Hence,
Indian boards need to have the "critical mass" criterion, which will ensure more
female members on boards and better corporate governance.
It is unusual and unique that on one hand, we have companies like Godrej,
Apollo, and PepsiCo where women are at the highest position of authority and on
the other hand, if we look at the data on women's participation on corporate
boards it is dismally low. India follows the legislative approach also known as
the quota approach following the footsteps of countries like Norway and Germany
for ensuring gender diversity on boards.
Indeed, the quota approach has its
benefits like an increase in female representation on Indian corporate boards
from an initial 5% in 2012 to 16% in 2020 but there's still a long way ahead. To
ensure a gender-neutral corporate environment we need to address the issues of
tokenism, discrimination, and harassment of women at the workplace, lack of
critical mass, etc.
Shareholders, male board of directors, and industrialists
need to understand that the appointment of women on boards is not merely about
complying with the stipulated norms and it represents a larger cause of gender
equality and a safe workplace environment for women where they don't experience
any sort of stereotype and can express their opinions and perspectives freely on
boards where they are valued by other members.
Internet Sources/ Journals/Blogs
Written By: Prime Legal Law Firm
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