The field of IPR is known for asserting ownership rights to a person on an
innovative idea/product created by their mind in a similar manner as any other
physical property gets. One of the most significant area which has broadened its
scope since the era of globalisation is termed as Trademark. Trademarks are the
marks/symbols which makes the product distinctive from others and determines the
products origin. Traditionally to get register under trademarks these were
confined to words/devices/logos/designs etc in other words which could be
graphically and visually perceptible, are recognised as Conventional Trademarks.
However with technological advances and since 1990s with adoption of TRIPS
agreement has led to new trends in trademark fields as a result of which the
definitions of Trademark in India[1] and foreign legislation[2] has grown
extremely wide due to the standard legal definition laid down for
Trademarks. [3] Consequently, marketplace has persuaded companies and individual
to produce marks which are more sensory and non-visual in nature and have been labelled
as non-conventional.
It includes marks based upon sounds, smell/scents, textures, tastes, shapes,
colours, holograms, moving images etc. To differentiate their products these
trademark focuses more on communicative ability feature. As it encourages new
ways of branding there have been an increase in application for their
registration. However due to legal implications of not having separate
registration procedure and being beyond the domain of conventional trademark,
they have become the most contemporaneous issue of advanced trademark system.
Practically, their representation can successfully serve the essence of
trademarks however to be eligible for protection and registration there are
several complexities which makes the registration process rigorous for these
First and foremost from where the problem arouses is due to lack of explicit
provision for Non-Conventional trademarks, as they fall within the ambit of
trademarks traditionally they need to then fulfil the criteria of graphical
representability. This requirement is the biggest impediment since it is
recognised as sine-qua-non for trademark registrations in many different
jurisdictions[4] i.e. the mark should be capable of being embodied in a paper
form.[5] But on contrary Non-Conventional trademarks are non-visual (smell,
touch, sound) which vary from person to person and becomes problematic to
represent graphically.
The second problem is related to proving distinctive criteria. To prove
distinctiveness of Non-Conventional trademark it takes longer and becomes costly
to register. Though with visible-signs like shapes, colours still consumers can
uniformly identify however with respect to non-visible signs sound/taste/smell
marks due to personal variables the perception and recognition amongst human may
vary leading to confusion amongst customers. Consequently, non-fulfilment of
these essential criteria generates problem for Non Conventional Trademarks to
get IP protection.
Moreover, because of unusual nature i.e. non-visual and sensory, they become
more subjective to function as trademarks for which these trademarks faces a lot
of criticism and have not reached high acceptance in all legal systems, some of
which as judicially interpreted by different countries are listed below:
The ECJ in
Ralf Sieckmann v. German Patent Office[6] case for odour-trademark
registration though it held visual representation is not required for graphical
representation however the smell-mark was rejected as description of odour did
not satisfy graphical-representation criteria i.e. self-contained, durable,
objective, intelligible, accessible. Similarly registration was rejected in
other cases[7] as representation of smell by drawing/chemical formula/verbal is
not clear and storing is not possible due to ability to change/deplete with
For sound marks registration the European Court of Justice in
Shield Mark BV
v Joost Kist gave a clear judgement that due to graphical representation
being unsatisfied for sound mark it cannot be registered as by means of written
language description not every person could read written music and written notes
while demonstrating pitch, and normally would not demonstrate the tone as well
thus causing ambiguity.[8]
For colour trademark problematic issue was how to differentiate between
different shades of colour. Allowing single colour would lead to monopolisation
and unjustified competition.[9] Further Indian Courts have recently addressed
this issue and held single colour cannot be inherently distinctive and
self-sufficient.[10] However with specific colour codes uncertainties can be
The other most common contention made for not extending IP
protection to non-conventional-trademark used is that their inclusion are not
only making undesirable restriction in free IP resources and but there can
be possibility of overlapping protection.[11]
Lately, certain types of Non-Conventional Trademarks have been widely accepted
and gained recognition by various countries however it still lacks
formal identification for instance in India definition to non-conventional mark
is made illustrative.[12] Thus due to no uniform and standard regulation for
their examination, registration across globe inconsistencies still exist in some
countries owing to the necessity of graphical representation
it obstruct proprietors selling goods in international markets under
Non-Conventional Trademarks.[13]
Furthermore the acceptance of different forms of non-conventional trademarks by
different countries is another issue at hand as clear contradiction can
be viewed between standards laid down for the same by countries. For instance
for countries like Australia, Europe hold stringent approach by depending upon Sieckmann-test and
US adopting a liberal approach due to Qualitex Co. v. Jacobson
Prods [14] ruling. Additionally, in countries like U.S.A, Australia Nokia
ringtone got registered as sound-trademark conversely Hong Kong rejected it.[15]
Thus, to avoid such conflicts I would strongly recommend a need for formal
consolidation of law for non-conventional trademarks to ensure uniformity and.
consistency. In my opinion these trademarks are the most positive phenomena of
IPR and there is no difference between conventional and non-conventional
trademarks, they not only perform essential functions of trademark like
identifying source/origin, generating quality etc but also provide additional
benefits to other segment of consumers where visual perception becomes
restricted i.e. the visually impaired, illiterate and in low literacy areas who
are unable to understand conventional marks.
Therefore, a non-visual nature cannot be an impediment in-fact it has more
potential than conventional marks and facing few obstructions due to present
legislation should not be viewed as discouragement for their use as
distinctiveness is more of practical problem than legal impediment[16] and
contention for undesirable restriction is also unreasonable as McCarthy remarked
until properties have exhausted all avenues of IPR, it cannot be supposed
free.[17] Non-Conventional trademarks can be an important breakthrough for
development of global trade hence it is desirable to incorporate standard rules
for their protection and registration like inherent distinctiveness can be made
sole criteria or stating visual perception requirement should not
be sine-qua-non for these trademarks etc.
- Trade Marks Act, 1999 defines Trademark under Section 2(1)(zb) means
a mark capable of being represented graphically and which is capable of
distinguishing the goods or services of one person from those others and may
include shape of goods, their packaging and combination of colours. In fact,
Mark has also been defined in the act in section 2(1) (m), in an inclusive
- In US, Lanham Act definition for trademark consist of non-traditional
marks. It includes any word, name, symbol, or device, or any combination
thereof and Supreme court in the case Qualitex Co. v. Jacobson Prods.
Co have clarified this position.
- Article 15 of TRIPS Agreement defines Trademark as any sign, or any
combination of signs, capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one
undertaking from those of other undertakings. This signifies that for
registration purpose member states may or may not require trademark to be
visually perceptible.
- Article 2 of the European Directive and UK Trademarks Act,1994 and UK
court in the case SwizzelsMatlow Ltd Application have also clarified it to
be a necessary criteria.
- Trademark Rules, 2002 : Rule 2(k)1
- Ralf Sieckmann v. German Patent Office (C- 273/00) (2003) E.T.M.R 37
- Eden vs Ohim (Case T-305/04) ; R v. John Lewis (2001)EWCA Civ 1529
- Shield Mark BV v Joost Kist (Case No. C- 283/01)
- Shilpi Jain, Protection and Enforcement of Colour Marks
- G.M Pens International v. Cello Plastic Products (2005)
- For instance in case of shape trademarks with patents and design and in
case of motion trademarks with copyright.
- With inclusion of the words shape of goods, packaging and combination of
colours under the section 2(1)(zb) of Trade Marks Act, 1999 and as per Rule
26(5) of trademark rules, 2017 sound marks can also be registered
- Lisa Lukose, 'Non-Traditional Trademarks: A Critique' (2015) Journal of
the Indian Law Institute, Vol. 57
- American Supreme Court in Qualitex Co. v. Jacobson Prods 514 U.S. 159,
162 (1995) held almost anything at all that is capable of carrying
meaning can function as a trademark
- As Section 9(1) of trademark Act though it mandates that with lack of
distinctiveness it is an absolute ground. for refusing registration. But,
the said section proviso also virtually obliterates its effect by stating
that for obtaining registration the requirement of distinctiveness is done
away if mark has attained distinctiveness through use, in that case the
trademark cane be registered. Thus requirement can be met even if it is not
inherently distinctive.
- J. Thomas McCarthy, McCarthy on Trademarks and Unfair Competition (II)
(4th edn)