A divorce could be a statutory decree given by the court that ends a marriage
for a lifetime before the death of either the spouse. Divorce is the most
complex phase of life that a few goes through. In India, divorce is taken into
account as a private matter and connected to devotional grounds.
According to Hindu Marriage Act 1955[1], regulates the divorce procedure of
Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, and Jain. Divorce for Muslims is regulated through the
Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act, 1939[2]. Paris Marriage and Divorce Act
1936[3] governs the procedure for parsi individuals. Indian Divorce Act
1869[4] governs Christians. Every type of inter-community marriage is ruled by
the Special Marriage Act 1956[5]. The divorce law work underneath sure
conditions prescribed by law.
Either of the spouses will begin a divorce by giving a judicial notice to a
different spouse before terminating the husband and married person relationship.
There are a varied type of divorce petitions through that divorce may be
- Divorce with mutual consent
- Divorce with not mutual consent
Divorce with mutual consent:
Whenever the couple, i.e. husband and wife reciprocally confirm to offer divorce
to each other, maybe thought of as a ground for divorce on mutual consent. The
court will not grant suo moto for the dissolution of marriage. For accepting the
reasonable ground for divorce, it is necessary that each one relevant grounds
that need to be fulfilled.
Sometimes, a divorce application could also be initiated due to money problems,
and the spouse is not able to sustain their sustenance.
There are three aspects regarding divorce when both husband and wife would apply
for a divorce petition:
- The First side is regarding the minimum and maximum time, that couples
want from one another
- The Second side is related to custody of the child, once the divorce is
going down by mutual consent; it is upon the couple to choose that who can
take custody of the child after the divorce. Child custody may be shared in
an exceedingly joint or exclusive means at the sense of the parties.
- The Third side is related to the distribution of property that what
number shares are divided between the husband and wife after divorce. In
this word property, include both movable as well as immovable.
Living individually does not mean that the husband and wife have to live in
different localities. For the petition to be accepted, the couple ought to be
separated for over a year or two years and able to prove that they are not
As there is varied law, that deals with completely different periods specifies
for completion of the divorce procedure. In Section, 13-B of the Hindu Marriage
Act, 1955[6] it has been mentioned that husband and wife should be living
individually for a minimum amount of one year. The amount of living individually
as a husband and married person vary from one marriage act to a different
marriage act.
- Amardeep Singh vs Harveen Kaur[7]:
It was ascertained by the court that there was an enclosed dispute between the
couple and their married life was not good, due to which there are been many
civil and criminal proceedings occurring. Additional determined to unravel their
downside by filing a divorce. The custody of children is given to the husband
and subsistence money will be paid to the wife. Hon'ble Supreme Court order
that parties weren't willing to measure along if the court can grant a sure
amount to measure along which will be additional painful.
How to introduce a divorce petition? What happens within the court?
The divorce petition is a type of legal document that is to be presented in the
tribunal. When the filing of the prayer and recording the report of each of the
parties, the court postpone the matter for a duration of 6 months.
Divorce without mutual consent:
In the case of one-sided divorce, there are special grounds on that the petition
may be file. It is not as easy as mutual consent divorce. Husband or wife will
ask for a particular reason for divorce that is not applicable to any or all
There's varied ground on that divorce may be given while not mutual
Cruelty could also be described, as physical or mental cruelty. In India
pursuance to Hindu Marriage Act 1955[8], if anyone couple has any reasonable
doubt within the mind that other couple could behave in such a way to cause any
type of injury or damage, then there should be a reasonable ground for taking
divorce due to cruelty.
In India, adultery could also be considered as a voluntary having a sexual
relationship between one of the married partners and other people who are not
their spouses and considered as a provocation of judicial discard. Recently Hon'ble
Supreme Court gave judgment regarding adultery that it solely be valid for
separation and no criminal liability shall be created in regard to a criminal
The ground for divorce as desertion shall be valid; anyone of the spouse deserts
the opposite partner while not giving any genuine reason. In addition to this,
the couples who discontinue associate degree intention to not live along and it
ought to be proof by them.
In Hindu Law, the period for desertion ought to be a minimum of two
uninterrupted years. In Indian Divorce Act 1869[9], there is no truthful ground
for giving divorce in Christian.
When either couple changes/convert his/her, own faith to a different faith then
there will be a ground for divorce and no reasonable time had been mentioned
under any act before claiming the divorce.
Mental disorder:
It will be taken into account as an affordable ground, if either of the couple
unable to perform the essential duties that are anticipated to be performed the
essential duties that are needed to adjust to in married life, due to mental
disturbance and unable to understand consequences.
Communicable Disease:
It may be taken into account as a ground of divorce; if either the couple is
suffering from; transmissible disease due to which different spouse could also
be affected by that malady. Transmissible diseases embrace H.I.V, AIDS,
syphilis, virulent, etc., and so it may be presumed as a ground for divorce.
Presumption of Death:
When there is a fear of death of one spouse and not detected alive for a minimum
of seven years, then there is valid ground for different another one to get a
Renunciation of world:
If either of the spouses sacrifices his/her married life and become sannyasin,
then the aggrieved spouse could get a divorce.
- Y Narasimha Rao vs Y Venkata Lakshmi [10]:
It was a command that marriages that it will solely be dissolved below either of
the customary or law effective in India. Therefore, the sole law which will
apply to married disputes is that the one below that the parties are married.
However, confusion happens in regard to parties are domiciled abroad however
came India for the only real purpose of ritual of a wedding. Once these parties
are domiciled abroad however were married within country under Indian laws,
enter into married disputes, it's unclear whether or not the divorce pleading is
rectifiable in India.
The Supreme Court of India has not adjudicated on this matter. The most read
rising from the opinion of the state Supreme Courts is that command by the
Bombay High Court that domicile in India is the command to be a requisite demand
for the appliance of Indian married statutes.
Where to file the divorce petition?
In the domestic relations court of town or district, wherever each the partners
lived along for the last time, that was their married home and such petition is
filed by a lawyer.
How to File a Divorce in Country:
In case a spouse needs a divorce then they need to follow the subsequent steps:
- The couple can have to be compelled to rent a professional person
initially, in order that he will offer them all the small print
- A petition is going to be filed within the court by the professional
- A copy of the application is going to be then sent to the domestic
- The couple might either comply with divorce or contest against it.
- The completion of the procedure can rely on the case.
- In case of divorce by mutual consent, the parties have to be compelled
to prove that they were living one by one for over one year.
- An amount of six months is given to the parties to rethink their
- After the end of the amount of six months, if the parties square measure
still of the opinion that they require a divorce, then, the court will
provide the divorce decree.
Contents of Divorce Petition[11]:
The procedure for applying a divorce case in India is regulated by the Code of
Civil Procedure, 1908[12]. The procedure of initiating a divorce case begins
with filing a petition for seeking divorce by either the husband or wife and
then, it is inclusive of a legal instrument from each the parties.
The petition
for seeking a divorce should state the subsequent details:
- Name of the parties
- Date and place of the wedding.
- Status and domicile of the parties.
- A permanent destination wherever the parties cohabited.
- Place wherever the parties last resided along.
- Name of the children (if any) in conjunction with his or her
- The grounds for seeking divorce or separation.
- The parties have to be compelled to provide a written statement giving a
guarantee that they are not deceiving the court.
- If the court is glad about the petition and therefore the proof
conferred, the court will pass the decree for granting a mutual divorce to
the couple.
Grounds for Dissolution of Matrimony
According to Section 10 of the Indian Divorce Act, 1869[13] once the
solemnization of marriage the District Court will supported the petition filed
by either the husband or adult female, will dissolve the wedding on the bottom
that the respondent:
- Has committed extramarital sex.
- Has regenerated his faith and is not any longer a Christian.
- Has been of unsound mind for 2 years ceaselessly prior to the filing of
the application.
- Has been diagnosed with the transmissible disease for a duration of a
minimum of 2 years prior to the filing of the request. Although this clause
has currently been excluded by the Personal Laws (Amendment) Act, 2019[14].
- Has been affected by some genital disease for not but 2 years.
- Has not been discovered for the past seven years from the persons who
would have detected of the respondent if he had been alive.
- Has refused to consummate the wedding.
- Has did not accommodates a decree for restitution of legal right for a
duration of 2 years or upwards once giving the decree against the
- Has the applicant for a minimum of 2 years straight off preceding the
presentation of the petition.
- Has treated the petitioner with such cruelty that it created an
affordable apprehension within the mind of the petitioner that it would be
harmful to the petitioner to measure with the respondent.
Divorce is that the most traumatic event within the lifetime of each man and
wife, nobody desires to travel through this era, however, once this era of life
confronts nobody will throw off it. Therefore, it becomes essential to grasp
what area unit our rights and duties, once a divorce suit is filed, etc. The
through couples will obtain a divorce and any matter just like the maintenance
or custody of the kid and property sharing disputes that area unit to be
Ladies area unit the worst sufferers in such cases, as in India many
women area unit keen about their husbands for financial backing. Therefore, the
article additionally analyses the rules governing the rights of girls when
divorce. In India it has usually thought that men do not suffer as they're the
most culprits behind divorce however in several cases we will see that those men
also are full of the pain of divorce, they need to travel through the mental
torture, monetary burden, and also the most significant is that the humiliation
from the society. Therefore, in the end, the article focuses on the rights that
men will avail themselves when divorce and the recommendation that they ought to
take into account before seeking a divorce.
- The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, No. 25, Acts of Parliament, 1955 (India
- The Dissolution of Marriage Act, 1939, No. 08, 1939 (India)
- The Parsi Marriage and Divorce Act, 1936, No. 03, 1936 (India)
- The Indian Divorce Act, 1869, No. 04, 1869 (India)
- The Special Marriage Act, 1954, No. 43, Acts of Parliament, 1954 (India)
- The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, No. 25, Acts of Parliament, 1955 (India
- Amardeep Singh vs Harveen Kaur, (2017) Civil Appeal No. 11158 of 2017
(Arising out of Special Leave Petition (Civil) No. 20184 of 2017).
- The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, No. 25, Acts of Parliament, 1955 (India)
- The Indian Divorce Act, 1869, No. 04, 1869 (India)
- Y Narasimha Rao vs Y Venkata Lakshmi, 1991 SCR (2) 821, 1991 SCC (3) 451
- http://www.google.com/amp/s/blog.ipleader.in/divorce-law-in-india/amp/
- Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, No. 05, Acts of Parliament, 1908 (India)
- The Indian Divorce Act, 1869, No. 04, 1869 (India)
- Personal Laws (Amendment) Act 2019, No. 06, Act of Parliament, 2019
Written By: Irish Ranjan (Amity University Lucknow Campus)
E-mail: irishpandey64@gmail.com