Permanent Seat In UNSC Is Neither Necessary Nor The Only Way For India To Assert Its Arrival On Global Centre Stage
The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is considered one of the most
vital organs of the United Nations. UNSC primarily concerns with international
security and peace-making within and between the nations. It has a bigger pocket
with powerful roles and functions. Its operations include establishing and
implementing international sanctions, passing UNSC resolutions for authorising
military manoeuvres, maintaining peace-keeping. The most important feature
available to the only UN organ-UNSC is to issue member states with legally
binding resolutions.
Earlier, India has played a significant role at the UN by being in the
declaratory body and supporting with requisite tangible and moral support. As
per the Indian Constitution, a dedicated Article 51 of the Indian Constitution,
has been dedicated to promoting International Peace and upkeep security. From
pre-Independence, India has always tried and maintained International relations
for the updated development of the country.
And India is an active and one of
the founding members of the United Nations and its desire to achieve a
non-violence state of relations between the countries, has been offered the seat
at the UNSC several times. India has been a non-permanent member for decades
cumulatively but also was offered as the 6th permanent nation previously.
But historically, the then Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru has failed to seize
the opportunity and turned down the offer in the 1950s ironically for then close
ally, China. Since then, many critics have been prevalent due to the rejection
and sacrifices of millions of peoples' national interest in International
Then, India chose the path of morality and worked with other International
organisations to ascertain its presence.
Positive/Necessary Permanent Seat Cause India Deserves:
The contention behind the necessity for a permanent seat at the UNSC by India is
their accommodative nature of International peace and security. India being a
sui-generis nation with billions of aspirations for a democratic framework, has
the capabilities of strengths and valuing peoples' voice. Also, India in the
race of fastest-growing economies deserves a place for its future diverse
investments. And India with the world's third-largest military could influence
and help.
Coming to technical aspects, India played a proactive role in overcoming
brutality and maintaining tranquillity among the nations. No wonder, it holds
the credit of having deployed double the number of peacemakers than the P5
countries cumulatively. Above it, India was the founding country for the NAM
making it more evident for it becomes a permanent member. Further, India
strictly adheres to the UN treatises. Additionally, it has a record for high
financial grant aid to the UN.
India being the undisputed leader for the third-world countries due to its
initiatives, can strengthen the UNSC more as a moralistic force for the
developing nations and embodying it more democratic.
However, coming to how important this position is for India is more crucial. It
aids in efficient peaceful dealings with China. Interests of billions of people
can be addressed priority. It also aids in indicating its rise of global power
and aids in tackling the crux of society. And having experienced diplomats, it
can indulge actively for negotiations globally.
To summarising, India has maintained tri-ethically in three sectors
like-relationship with the UN, Involvement in International Politics and
evolving values.
Negatives/ Alternate Choice Available:
The UNSC at present is not in a state to make any reforms and accommodate new
permanent members due to the exercise of veto power by the P5. The UNSC isn't
serving the needs and not being a representative for the developing nations. In
the year 2005, the legendary General Secretary late Kofi Annan has also proposed
to expand from 5 to 24.
However, coming to the case of India not being a member, it has several critical
conflicts with its neighbouring nations. Ironically, the UNSC aid in maintaining
International peace but in the case of India, it doesn't apply. If India becomes
a part of permanent nations, there's a chance of becoming aggressive at these
nations. And another aspect is the need to claim complete democracy and there
shan't be any governance by religions. India has a history of genocide among the
communities of Muslims, Christians and Hindus, poor Human Development Index and
is on the list of most corrupted countries that can bring its favourable
situations down.
There are several other prominent organisations to look upon to assert their
dominance and rule. Few of the organisations are Quad, European Union, lateral
agreements with the nations, International conferences like Paris, Copenhagen
India along with Brazil, Japan and Germany considered emerging economies that
have dominant worldly affairs are seeking reforms in the UNSC councils. They
wanted an increase in the vetoing power of the countries. Since they couldn't
achieve reforms, countries like Japan, Israel and Germany have looked after
agreements like the Multilateral with the European Union, Bilateral such as
between US and Israel and the QUAD.
By switching focus from UNSC, Israel rose as a persuasive, strong and inclusive
power making substantial gains for its development overtaking the rest of the
world. Though several UN resolutions have been made criticising for its rule,
yet stood firm by strengthening its staple resources amidst collapsing
neighbourhood. With its progressive powerful nature, it is tying hands with
established nations like Bahrain and UAE at its advantage.
The country of Germany having qualified all requisite sovereign instincts like
India is worthy to have a permanent seat in the UNSC. The amount of contribution
by Germany towards the budget of the United Nations exceeds that of France,
Britain and Russia. However, Germany has been positioned as a de-facto
powerhouse at the European Union amidst other influential nations.
And in the case of Japan, by rising from ashes, sanctions and constant denials
for permanent membership at the UNSC has thrived to establish themselves as an
economic powerhouse and a higher GDP.
Therefore, even though such countries request for permanent membership has been
struck down several times, yet they managed to sustain along and emerge as
global pivots with the P5 and even in some cases surpassing their economies.
Henceforth, a non-approval of a permanent seat at the UNSC would no longer
jeopardize a nation's dominance on the international level. Many other doors
have opened to make their mark.
Similarly, India needn't get demotivated for staying away from the
decision-making body by being a non-permanent member despite being the world's
largest democracy and home to 1.3 billion divergent people. The opinions of
these people need to be recognised and conserved.
Though UNSC is not everything, yet being a crucial member of it can aid a nation
comprehensively for its missions, roles and kinds of credits. Therefore, putting
efforts to become a member doesn't go in vain when considering the role played.
Organisations with multi-laterism and a structure will be able to absorb the
multipolarity framework is generally more responsive with rule-bending actions
and efficient inclusive procedure. Therefore, if India becomes a member, then it
would be mutual development for India and the world. Unfortunately, if India
won't able to deserve any place, it needs to move on to other viable options and
work harder to show its ability.
Conclusion & Suggestion:
A permanent seat at the UNSC is a lot more powerful and significant than any
other international organisations supremacy because of its enriching pride and
meaningful service. Yet, one needn't reject other opportunities available.
Likewise, India by following the steps of Germany, Israel and Japan can expand
its wings by not investing greater efforts, ambitions, and strategies for UNSC.
India has done its best all these decades and just needs time to be at the right
Until recently, during the Pandemic, it aided in distributing Hydroxychloroquine
to the world and has gained applause for the help in the need of the hour and
increased its respects. Another instance of victory against the UK in the
elections at the International Court of Justice has bagged credentials too. And
by the introduction of Yoga Day has carved the world by impacting the importance
of yoga.
But sadly the prevalence of there being a notion that the permanent seat is
necessary and the only way to assert its supremacy at the global stage needs to
vanish for the country to live in the moments and satisfy of its non-UNSC
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