Lock-Down and Pandemic
The coronavirus malady (COVID-19) pandemic, that originated within the town of
city, Wuhan, China, has quickly spread to numerous countries, with several cases
having been rumored worldwide. As of May 8th, 2020, in India, 56,343 positive
cases have been registered. India, with a population of over 1.34 billion the
second largest population within the world will have difficulties and problems
in controlling the transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus
a pair of among its population.
Multiple strategies or methods would be extremely necessary to handle this
outbreak; these embrace computational modeling, applied statistical tools, and
quantitative analyses to manage the spread as well as the speedy development of
a new treatment. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of India has raised
awareness concerning the recent occurrence and has taken necessary actions to
control the spread of COVID-19.
The central and state governments are taking various measures and formulating
several protocols to achieve this objective. Moreover, the Indian government
enforced 55-days lockdown throughout the country that started on March 25th,
2020, to scale back the transmission of the virus.
This occurrence is inextricably linked to the economy of the state, because it
has dramatically obstructed industrial sectors as a result of people worldwide
are presently cautious concerning partaking in business within the affected
Criminal activity
With fewer citizens stepping out, crime has seen a dramatic drop across the
globe. In Delhi and Karnataka, wherever crime rates born by half after 21-day
internment or lockdown was declared, the sharpest fall was seen. Though crimes
like theft, murder and rape have declined, analysts warn that within the
lockdown period, incidents of cybercrime and domestic violence could have risen
and plenty of them haven't been reported.
Over the past month, crime has seen a considerable decline once Delhi prohibited
all public conferences, followed by the national lockdown that took result on
25th March. From 3,416 in the previous year, the cumulative variety of offences
plummeted to 1,890 in 2020. Women's molestation reports fell to seventy two this
year from 144 within the previous year.
The number of kidnappings conjointly reduced from 259 to 150, whereas the amount
of thefts are dropped from 110 to 53. Thefts of motorized vehicles to 1,244 from
1,981. A climb in vigilance throughout the city has taken impact. The protection
of the borders of metropolis has conjointly well-tried effective in reducing the
rate. The Delhi Police are cracking down on all uncommon activities and drones
have helped them keep track of even the slightest activity.
Specialists claim that the spike in unemployment due to COVID-19 is driving
several people into criminal activity, particularly youngsters. During a recent
case, 2 ex-restaurant managers and a salesperson at a hardware shop were found
guilty of stealing cell phones and jewellery in Delhi.
Recently, there was a incident where a food deliveryman was robbed. In most
cases, educated people with no criminal history are found committing these acts.
Once interrogating them they told the police that they did not have employment
and were unable to create ends meet.
Domestic Violence
With a fast increase in the number of COVID-19 cases across the globe in the
past few months, many international organizations took cognizance of a globe
rise in violence (DV) cases as a result of physical distancing rules and
regulations and its resultant lockdowns.
The National Commission for women (NCW) received 257 complaints of assorted
crimes against women at the start of the lockdown, out of that 69 incidents were
known for domestic abuse. According to the President of NCW, throughout lockdown
, the highest number of cases of violence (DV) were recorded from Punjab and all
other cases were complained by email. As everyone have no accessibility to
lockdown, the amount of instances might be higher.
Many cases of mental and physical torture are registered against husbands and
relations this is due to the substance use and alcohol consumption, as per the
special women's support bench. Additionally to the present, psychological state
also has a huge impact. The effect of domestic abuse on psychological state is
also dangerous than its effect on physical health. It brings immense
disappointment, nightmares and different social conditions.
Cybercrime has doubled, with a lot of individuals spending most of their time
on-line during the lockdown. With work from home rising, a lot of business
knowledge is being obtained from homes that don't have an equivalent degree of
protection as workplace networks. A cyber protection warning was issued by The
World Health Organization alerting people regarding scammers imitating WHO
After the onset of the pandemic, officers have also reported a surge in
cybercrimes. Police officers within the state of Maharashtra have reported four
hundred law-breaking cases against offenders who used on-line hate speech and
gave the pandemic a communal twist. Cyber fraudsters are determined to own
developed fake websites that mimic retailers and residential delivery systems to
draw in customers to make on-line purchases.
There has conjointly been a spike in banking fraud with cyber criminals
threatening individuals with faux reactivations of their debit and credit cards,
on-line bookings, free coronavirus testing and international job offers
following the relief of lockdown restrictions.
Throughout the pandemic, authorities confirmed the cases of "sextortion" have
also escalated, with cybercriminals meddling women's photographs and
blackmailing them. The government has suggested people to be alert of false text
messages and emails and to speak in confidence to authorities cases of on-line
fraud, cyber-attacks and extortion.
Counterfeiting and Fraud
Counterfeiting and fraud directly linked to the pandemic of COVID-19 also have
been reported. In India, police condemned thousands of fake N95 masks, raided
stores marketing extremely high priced masks and sanitizers, and filed a
proceeding against personal protecting equipment hoarders.
Supreme court of India to address the issues
Exercising inherent powers below Article 141 and 142 of the Constitution of
India, a full bench of the Supreme Court has, vide its order dated twenty third
March 2020, extended the limitation for filing petitions/applications/suits/
appeals/all different proceedings before all Courts, Tribunals and authorities
across the country with effect from 15th March, 2020 until any further orders.
In other words, the period starting from 15th March 2020 until any orders shall
be excluded while calculating limitation.
High court of Karnataka to address the issues
A division bench of the tribunal of Karnataka, vide its order dated 24th March,
2020, has directed that every one interim orders passed by it and all the
District Courts, Civil Courts, Family Courts, Labour Courts, Industrial and
alternative Tribunals within the State over that the Court has power of
supervision, and which are due to expire within the intervals of 1 month from
24th March, 2020, can still operate for a interval of 1 month.
The Court has directed that all the orders of eviction, dispossession or
demolition already passed by it, the District or Civil Courts, shall together
stay abeyant for a period of 1 month. On the criminal aspect, the Court has
directed that orders of bail and anticipatory due to expire throughout the
interval of lockdown stand mechanically extended for one month.
Terrorist attack
In April in India, an advisory was circulated among Delhi police officers of a
potential ISIL attack on police personnel within the field, in the form of a
individualist attack or "stabbing, firing or hitting by vehicles. Between
January and May 2020, Indian security forces conducted 27 counterterrorism
operations in Jammu and Kashmir during which sixty four terrorists were killed.
Out of these, eighteen were killed during the COVID-19 lockdown in India.
During the first initial week of May, 5 Indian Army Special forces para
commandos were killed by terrorists. Riyaz Naikoo, a commander of the terrorist
group Hizb-ul-Mujahideen, in his last audio message in 2020, told his followers
to follow health safety tips that health consultants were sharing during the
COVID-19 pandemic. He was killed shortly after.
To an awfully vital degree, COVID-19 has wedged the Indian Judiciary. The
functioning of the Indian courts has not returned to normal since the lockdown
was enforced in the month of March. Whereas the Courts operated at a fraction of
their full capability, many measures are taken by most Indian Courts to make
sure that even during this pandemic; the justice delivery system isn't hauled.
District magistrates across the state had already obligated curfews by
exercising powers under Section 144 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC).
On 26th March 2019, the Supreme Court of India directed the nation-wide
lockdown and take up solely imperative matters and therefore the same order was
also passed on to alternative subordinate courts. Consequently, the Supreme
Court's message was that the judiciary isn't closed down and can still exercise
its constitutional duties. And currently the courts are steady seizing their
paces because the lockdown is upraised and have begun to require to take up
other matters yet, like new filed lawsuits and other supplementary matters.
The Criminal Justice System been affected by COVID-1
The life vogue that has been practiced for a really long while has been blown up
by the genetically mutated coronavirus and natural human interaction has been
largely replaced by intra-family contact and electronic means like zoom, Google
meet, Skype, etc. The judiciary was also deeply affected by a blow and used such
technological media to conduct on-line pleadings of cases via video
An even more essential attribute of the collapse of India's criminal justice
system is its overcrowded prisons, that have become sites at risk of the spread
of COVID-19 disease.
India's jails have annual occupancy percent of 114 %, with under-trials(people
in detention unfinished prosecution or trial) constituting nearly 68 % of the
jail population, as per the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB). Whereas
hearing a case concerning non secular violence within the New Delhi in February
2020, the Delhi Supreme Court declared that "prison is mainly for sentencing
convicts, not for detaining sub-trials. It's currently become clear that the
happening of the pandemic has stalled and, to an explicit degree, paralyzed the
state's law enforcement machinery.
Award Winning Article Is Written By: Ms.Pranali P Ganachari

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