Free speech has always been an issue for debate in India. Irrespective of the
framing of the Constitution, people have always deserved and demanded their
right to free speech. Prior to independence, there was a wave of slavery where
people did not even know that they had or they deserved certain rights. It was
just a certain class which enjoyed all rights. With the gradual change of time
and advance of freedom, we obtained certain fundamental rights which were
mentioned in the Constitution.
Slowly, the interpretation of these fundamental rights evolved and got widened
on a case-to-case basis on the strength of judicial interpretation. One out of
these fundamental rights is the Fundamental Right to Freedom of Speech and
Expression. Although it has been made quite clear that none of the fundamental
freedoms are absolute in nature, the freedoms have been given a broad
interpretation by the Courts. With this broadened interpretation, people have
faced various issues regarding free speech as there is always someone or some
group/s which object to someone else's point of view on a particular issue. This
has led to an alarming rise of sedition cases in India. According to Section
124A of Indian Penal Code,
Whoever by words, either spoken or written, or by signs, or by
visible representation, or otherwise, brings or attempts to bring into hatred or
contempt, or excites or attempts to excite disaffection towards, the Government
established by law in India, a shall be punished with imprisonment for life, to
which fine may be added, or with imprisonment which may extend to three years,
to which fine may be added, or with fine.
The most remarkable and landmark case regarding sedition is the case of
Nath Singh v. State of Bihar[1]. In this case, the Supreme court clearly
stated that the section 124A cannot be interpreted literally and it needs to be
interpreted by the judges, hence the two essential conditions necessary to
establish the crime of sedition are:
the acts complained of must be intended to have the effect of subverting the
Government by violent means; and
the acts complained of must be intended, or have a tendency, to create disorder
or disturbance of public peace/ law and order by resort to violence and must
incite violence.
In 2007, there again came up a case of sedition namely
Dr.Vinayak Sen v.
State of Chhattisgarh[2]. In this case, Dr. Sen was charged of allegedly
helping Naxalites in a specific rural area through letters sent from one of his
patients in the jail. He was sentenced to life imprisonment for this reason
disaffection towards Government as his offence. However, as a
paediatrician and a human rights activist, he received massive global
recognition irrespective of the charges of sedition made against him.
Subsequently, there was the case of
Sanskar Marathe v. State of Maharashtra wherein
a famous cartoonist namely Aseem Trivedi was accused of sedition because of his
anti-corruption campaign cartoons. Although he was arrested and was kept in
judicial custody, the Court did not find him guilty of sedition on the ground
that mere criticism of the Government cannot be termed seditious in nature.
This was a case where the Court applied the rule of harmonious construction
between Article 19(1)(a) of the Constitution and Section 124A of the Indian
Penal Code. After applying the harmonious construction and interpreting the
object and purpose of the provisions, it was held by the Court that publishing
one's own opinions in the form of cartoons and expressing criticisms about the
Government does not amount to sedition.
The new database showed that six sedition cases were filed during the ongoing
farmers' agitation, 22 after the Hathras gangrape, 25 amid the protests against
the Citizenship Amendment Act in 2019 and 27 after the Pulwama terror attack and
those charged with sedition included Opposition leaders, students, journalists,
academics and authors.[3]
On a recent hearing at the Patiala House Court, Umar Khalid, Kanhaiyya Kumar and
Anirban Bhattacharya along with seven others were granted bail in the 2016
sedition case. This has been a situation where these people have turned out to
be heroes for a certain class of youngsters despite having spent some time in
the Tihar Jail. This was a time when sedition seemed to clash with free speech
not only on legal, but also on moral grounds.
If we look at the history of sedition, we shall be able to understand that it
was a suppressive law framed by the Britishers to keep the Indians quiet who
dared to raise a voice again the British Government. Even after independence,
this law exists in equal severity and cases of sedition are constantly being
filed against people irrespective of the judicial precedents set by the Courts.
Apart from just making our Government look authoritarian, it is also demeaning
the power and sanctity of the judiciary. On one hand, we talk about democracy
and judge-made law whereas, on the other hand, we fail to respect the power of
dissent existing as a limb of democracy and we also fail to understand the value
of a judicial precedent.
Apart from sedition, this restraint on freedom of speech and expression has also
affected journalistic freedom. In Gujarat, Dhaval Patel, editor of a Gujarati
news portal, was booked and arrested on May 11, 2020, for sedition for allegedly
publishing a
speculative report on the possible change in leadership in
the state due to criticism over the rising COVID-19 count.[4] On reading this
sentence clearly, we can easily see the words
speculative and
The content of the report was merely an opinion and even this could not be
accepted from a journalist. This shows how these restraints are diminishing the
quality of journalism in our country and affecting creativity in their field. It
is high time that we realise the true value of democracy and free speech in this
The ruling elite, regardless of their political affiliations and adherences,
always want to suppress and stamp out free dissent and criticism of the
government as it exposes the flaws and shortcomings of the very same ruling
elite. Regardless of the name of the political party or leader, the aim and
objective always remains the same, which is to remove all forms of speech which
is not directly in line with the ruling narrative. The right to free speech and
expression, one of the paramount hallmarks of a healthy democracy, includes in
it the right to criticize one's own government and to dissent from the ruling
Times has come when the parliament should seriously ponder on this issue
touching upon basic tenets of constitution. While there exists a fine line
between freedom of speech and expression and licence to insult however, the law
enforcement agencies and political class must be sensitized about this valuable
right of free speech and they must restrain themselves from filing spree of
cases even when such expression or speech falls within ambit of right to freedom
of speech and expression as guaranteed by our constitution.
- AIR 1962 SC 955
- MCRC No 1184 of 2007
- Ibid.
Written By:
- Dr Farrukh Khan is an Advocate and Managing Partner of Law Firm- Diwan
- Somya Mishra working with Diwan Advocates &
- Abhigyan Choudhary working with Diwan Advocates.