Disrespect By Subordinate Judge Deprecated- HC Showing Benevolence Expunges Adverse Remarks On Tendering Apology And Commitment To Decorum And Courtesies
Katyayana defined the virtues of a good Judge as one who is not cruel, who is
sweet-tempered, kind, clever and energetic but not greedy. A Judge should
exhibit the proper judicial temperament which mandatorily includes Patience,
Courtesy, Open-mindedness, Tact, Courage, Punctuality, Firmness, Understanding,
Compassion, Humility and Common sense. However, Patience is the virtue which
should be specially imbibed deep in judges and above all a judge has to learn to
control his adrenal glands and his temper. Judges, although human beings, cannot
be men of clay, amenable to all human failings and all frailties and foibles of
Recently, the Allahabad High Court on 05-03-2021 in the case of Mohd. Irshad
vs. Smt. Anjum Bano in First Appeal No. 25 of 2017 showed exemplary
benevolence and expunged the remarks and revoked suspension for misbehavior &
showing disrespect to the High Court. The brief facts of the case are that a
Petition under Section 9 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 for restitution of
conjugal rights was filed in the Court of Principal Judge, Family Court,
Sultanpur although both the petitioner & the respondent were Muslims.
On First Appeal, the High Court observed the family court below has wrongly
decided the application for interim maintenance made therein and stayed the
operation and implementation of the order dated 09.12.2015 passed by Principal
Judge, Family Court, Sultanpur as well as further proceedings of Original Suit
No.85 of 2014.
The High Court also directed the Principal Judge, Family Court, Sultanpur to
appear in person before the Court and explain why this case was registered under
Section 9 of Hindu Marriage Act although the parties therein were Muslims. In
response to the said order the Principal Judge, Family Court, Sultanpur send a
reply/report through letter stating therein that the case was heard & issue
decided by his predecessor judge in accordance with the facts & pleadings.
Later, pursuant to order dated 23.10.2019, Sri Manoj Kumar Shukla, Principal
Judge, District Sultanpur appeared before the Court on 18-11-2019 and reiterated
that at the time of passing of the order dated 09.12.2015, he was not the
Principal Judge of Family Court, District Sultanpur.
However, during enquiries by the Court he became agitated that he had been
unnecessarily summoned although he had not passed the impugned order. He
protested the manner in which judicial officers are being summoned by the High
Court. He also submitted that such types of mistakes are committed by Judicial
Officers due to heavy rush of work in the Court & lack of other infrastructural
He also reacted loudly on the failure of the family court to apply the correct
law & also questioned about the functioning of the High Court and created scene
in the Courtroom before the Members of the Bar who were sitting in the Court. He
was annoyed that in past also, he was summoned by a Bench of the High Court. He
kept on repeating that he had been unnecessarily called for and he also
commented adversely on the functioning of the High Court. On being cautioned &
warned of dire consequences affecting his career he was defiant and critical.
The High Court was deeply irked by his misconduct/ misbehavior & disrespect for
the High Court observed as under:
In view of the above, we are constrained to observe, that too, with a heavy
heart and affliction that the scene created by the Judicial Officer, Sri Manoj
Kumar Shukla today inside the Court room has diminished the image of Judiciary
which was unwarranted and also it manifested disrespect to this Court which is
not expected of a Judicial Officer. The conduct of the Judicial Officer in full
view of the members of the Bar was not only disrespectful but was an attempt to
show this Court in poor light. Our Constitutional Scheme recognizes and provides
for a hierarchical system of Courts in achieving the goal of dispensation of
In such a hierarchy, if a Judge of a subordinate court fails to conduct himself
in a manner expected of the Judicial Officer, it is not only bound to lower the
dignity and majesty of the Court but it may even tend to shake the faith and
trust of the litigant who is the most important stake holder in the justice
dispensation system.
The behavior and conduct of the Officer inside the Court room was such that it
even caught the attention of the learned Members of the Bar who felt annoyed and
even requested this Court to initiate appropriate action against the Officer.
However, we feel it appropriate to refer the entire matter to Hon'ble the Chief
Justice, who being the parens patriae needs to be apprised of any such
misdemeanor by a Judicial Officer, who in this case, most astonishingly is of
the rank of District Judge.
We, therefore, direct the Senior Registrar to place this order before Hon'ble
the Chief Justice for taking appropriate and necessary action.
Later, the said Sri Manoj Kumar Shukla erstwhile Principal Judge, Family Court,
Sultanpur under suspension since 22.11.2019 moved an application being
C.M.Application No. 32788 of 2021 for expunction of adverse remarks made against
him by this Court in its order dated 18.11.2019 & offered unconditional apology
for the untoward happenings on the last day of hearing. He stood before the
Court 'with folded hands and in tears, seeking mercy and pardon' and repented
for being anguished because he had not passed the order impugned in the first
appeal yet he had been made to appear before the High Court.
He regretted that in a momentary lapse of control over his faculties, the said
incident had occurred. He also committed that he shall never repeat what he did
before this Court on 18.11.2019 and earlier before another Bench. He lamented
that his entire career was at stake as he has been superseded by officers junior
to him, who have been promoted as District Judge. He begged for mercy as both
his life and career have been tainted because of the adverse remarks. The Bench
of the High Court accepted his unconditional apology and showed unprecedented
benevolence in the matter and held thus:
Considering the overall facts of the case as the applicant is a Judicial Officer
of the of rank of Additional District Judge and also as he expresses sincere
regret and remorse regarding his conduct which is also reflected from his
affidavit filed in support of the application for expunction of remarks,
paragraph 2 and 11 of which read as under:
2. That before submitting anything on the fact the deponent most respectfully
submits that he is Judicial Officer member of Higher Judicial Services and he
maintains high dignity and discipline of his office and his entire carrier
remained throughout unblemished. The deponent begs repentance and he extends
remorse and begs unqualified pardon from this Hon'ble Court if anything spoken,
demonstrated or done by him which is tantamount unreasonable or undisciplined on
his part. He always obeyed the orders issued by this Hon'ble Court and complied
with in letter and spirit and he has made always frantic endeavour to dignify
the judicial system and his office from his girt coast of his heart and he can
never speak or show any gesture which is against the dignity or majesty of this
Hon'ble Court.
11. That the applicant begs unconditional apology from this Hon'ble Court
regarding the observation made against him in the order dated 18.11.2019 and he
extends assurance that such thing will never happen in future. It is settled law
that this Hon'ble Court may invoke the inherent power to wipe off the
remark/observation made against the judicial officer. Hence, the above said
application is being preferred invoking the provisions of Section 151 of Code,
As also considering his assurance, undertaking and unconditional apology
contained in paragraph 11 as quoted above, we are persuaded to expunge the
adverse remarks contained in the order dated 18.11.2019 relating to the
petitioner starting with the words we asked a question to him and ending
with the words and even requested this Court to initiate appropriate action
against the officer. The applicant has remained under suspension for more than a
He has realized his mistake; therefore, we see no reason to allow the aforesaid
remarks to continue against him any further in view of what has been stated
hereinabove. The same shall be treated as expunged and shall not be used against
the applicant- Manoj Kumar Shukla in his career. As regards the disciplinary
proceedings pending against him, the consequences shall follow accordingly as
per law.
We have also counselled the judicial officer not to repeat what he did before
the Court on the dates mentioned hereinabove. We hope and trust that he shall
henceforth not only perform his judicial duties with diligence and sincerity but
shall also follow the decorum and courtesies, which are required to be observed
vis-a-vis his juniors, his colleagues, as also the superior officers. He once
again assures us that he shall observe these etiquettes not only against
judicial officers and judges but also against the Members of the Bar. We
accordingly, allow the application in the aforesaid terms.
It is therefore imperative for every litigant, officer or subordinate Judge who
has been directed to appear before the Court to behave honorably in the Court
and maintain calm & solace while addressing the Court. As runs the Italian
proverb Anger can be an Expensive Luxury. Do not let Anger ruin your life;
relationship & career- maintain decorum & human courtesies.
Written By: Inder Chand Jain
Ph no: 8279945021, Email: inderjain2007@rediffmail.com
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