Why should we legalize marijuana in India
There’s always been concern over legalization of marijuana. We live in a world
where we have immense users of weed, and most of them consume this drug
illegally. The drug Marijuana is associated with a lot of taboos in India.
Indians describe this drug as a nightmare. But on the other hand cannabis which
is made up of more than 120 components has different advantages and benefits.
This drug is a boon to medical Industry as it helps with many health problems
people are dealing with, but like any other drug it has its flaws too.
India, considers consumption of weed in any form as illegal. The country should
absorb the usefulness of this drug. Cannabis is basically made of two important
compounds THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBC (cannabidiol) which is flooded with
medicinal benefits and also helps us physically, spiritually and mentally. Our
country should realize that alcohol and tobacco is catastrophe when compared to
Weed, Pot and Marijuana are some of the names people are friendly with, talking
about people especially minors and freshmen.
The cannabis industry is rapidly growing and it’s been legalized in so many
countries outside. Why is it important for our country to think about
legalization? Cannabis can be a solution for majority of our problems. Firstly,
the medical Industry, cannabis is absolutely good to treat amnesia, glaucoma,
alleviating anxiety, helps with the effects of hepatitis and PTSD, helps in
treating cancer, AIDS, importantly helps in treating alcoholism and relieve
pain. The researchers are still finding the exotic benefits of this plant.
Secondly, the economic growth of our country. Our country is blessed with the
best weather for the growth of weed. Our country has the scope to enter the
competitive world of the legal marijuana market globally. With the best adapting
climate and good policy decisions it will definitely lead to economic growth.
Other advantages are, reducing the unemployment rates, increased revenue,
medicinal advancement, decreased crime rates and banning illegal trade.
Legalization of weed is a boon for employment sector, setting up marijuana
nurseries and dispensaries and other local trade will give thousands of job
opportunities. Processing, selling and exporting involves a lot of hands and
government can decide on tax rates, limitations associated with marijuana like
which part to sell and not, the policy makers can decide on how to turn weed a
The increased revenue we get from the import export trade can be used
in implementing educational polices for the illiterate, for rehabilitation
centers, for poverty funds, health authority, schools and for the development of
our country. Legalization also helps in the weed startups and pharmaceuticals to
risen up which might help in big investors to step in and also helps country to
engage in global weed market. On further research we could come up with other
products out of weed, which is helpful.
Thirdly, we should emphasize on the crime rates and illegal trade. Legalizing
marijuana can reduce associated crime rates. Even though weed is illegal, a lot
of people use it for recreational purposes and proponents of legalizing
marijuana state that this can reduce violence and crime rates. In India we can
see a lot of crimes related to production, distribution and business of
The Washington state which legalized marijuana in 2013, the number
of low level court filings for marijuana fell by 98% between 2012 and 2013.
Similar decline in charges and convictions were seen in jurisdictions that
subsequently legalized cannabis including Oregon, Alaska and Washington D.C. It
doesn’t prove that legalization can completely eradicate crime but still a
drastic reduction can be accomplished.
Black market plays an influential factor in increasing crimes, as they sell weed
for higher prices among minors and this sometimes results in accidents causing
threat to young lives. Mafias also play a pivotal role, the black market tends
to attract minors because weed is scarcely available and people are ready to do
anything to obtain it, money laundering is also promoted through illegal weed
trade. Legalization will make weed available for people and the malpractice and
fraud will be reduced.
Fourthly, the effect on using other drugs mainly alcohol, opioids and tobacco.
Studies prove that majority of the people are addicts to alcohol and
cigarettes. Also usage of other drugs like opioids, LSD, is also not less. Most
of the drug acquired is consumed and cause serious side effects to the body,
some of the drugs have death cause symptoms which people never bother to
realize. This leads our country to a lot of other repercussions.
Alcohol and cigarettes are considered as a basic need for the majority, even
though people know the side effects, most of them tend to avoid the
instructions. Introducing marijuana can slightly reduce the alcoholics, smokers
and other drug users.
The next factor that should be discussed is the taboo associated with marijuana
in our society. People just assume that this drug could kill people when they
are actually not realizing the factors to treat marijuana like gold. The myth
around weed began from the period of British Colonization when they completely
banned India from using it for any purposes. But many of the states in Europe
has already legalized weed irrespective of the false claims and taboo that
exists. Marijuana is a drug with disadvantages too but without any argument we
can profess that advantages is outweighed. People should acknowledge and accept
the drug wisely:
Medical benefits of marijuana
Most people don’t consider these benefits or are unaware about these benefits
due to lack of education. So let’s look into some medical benefits.
- Slows cancer
Researchers in California reported that marijuana may prevent cancer from
spreading in the body. Experiments were run on breast cancer cells in a lab. The
outcome was positive, in that the cells decreased expression, which became less
aggressive spreaders. It can also slow tumor growth in brain and breast.
- Prevention of Alzheimer
THC, is one of the main ingredient in marijuana and it slows the
progression. It blocks the enzyme in the brain which kills brain cells, that
causes Alzheimer’s.
- Improves lung health
Marijuana may improve lung capacity, in some people who want to reverse the
carcinogenic effects of tobacco.
- Chemo support
People who have cancer experience a lot of discomfort like severe pain, nausea,
vomiting, and loss of appetite. Marijuana can help reduce these side effects.
- PTSD and anxiety
People who use marijuana may experience less severe symptoms of fear who have
existing PTSD. Marijuana can improve mood and can lower anxiety.'
- Brain support
Marijuana can help heal the brain after a traumatic. It can lessen the
bruise which helps in healing of the brain.
Comparison of marijuana with alcohol
- A person who consumes marijuana is less likely to cause violence or any
damage when compared to a person who consumes.
- Alcohol consumers have extreme loss of inhibition when compared to
marijuana users.
- Consuming alcohol can lead to longer period of depression.
- Marijuana has many unproven claims to cause cancer whereas alcohol
causes various types of cancer – kidney, mouth, stomach and is proven
- Marijuana enhances senses while alcohol can make one numb.
- Medical marijuana laws
The laws of medical marijuana vary from state to state. The federal Supreme
Court, has stated that it is illegal to sell, possess or use marijuana, even for
medical use (2005 case of
Gonzales v. Raich).
Many states have legalized marijuana, thereby removing the criminal penalties.
The first state to legalize marijuana was California in 1996 when it passed
Proposition 215, also called the Compassionate Use Act. The law allows the
possession and cultivation of marijuana for medical purposes upon a doctor's
Medical Marijuana Penalties
Penalties can vary from person to person according to the offence that has been
committed. It can be a fine or imprisonment.
In states which have decriminalized medical marijuana, penalties in the form of
prison or fines may still apply but offenses are often treated as minor civil
For example, punishable circumstances may include:
- Possession over a certain amount (in grams);
- Selling of drugs to a minor.
- Cultivation of drug in a land without the permission.
- Possession of marijuana paraphernalia.
Medical Marijuana Legalization
Marijuana has been used from 1996. There has been restriction as to how much
ounces can be produced and owned. A few states, including Connecticut and
Massachusetts, have a 30-day or 60-day supply limit, which can vary by patient.
Washington legalized marijuana for medical purposes in 1998, before legalizing
recreational marijuana.
The statute clearly spells out the compassionate intent
behind medical marijuana legalization and states the limited medical purpose of
the law:
Any person who uses marijuana for medical benefits or because of professional
instruction given by the doctor, shall not be arrested, prosecuted, or subject
to other criminal sanctions.
There are laws when it comes to cultivation of this plant. This is important
because if it was illegal to grow them then the people who need it to cure
diseases would have had a difficult time. (4)
The measures that we could adopt while legalizing marijuana
- Policy makers can raise suggestions on how weed plantations by farmers,
nurseries, pharmacies should be managed, the priority should be rural
development and urban infrastructural development.
- An age limit guidelines is essential, as in prohibit the minors and
illiterate people from using cannabis.
- Awareness classes on dosage, application, pros and cons of the drug
should be taught in schools and all the government affiliated institutions
which will prevent inappropriate usage.
- The efficiency and safety of the drug should be clinically proven before
selling it out in any outlets, consumer protection is mandatory.
- Unauthorized export and import should not be encouraged and stringent
action must be taken if violated.
- The violence, disorganization and crimes associated with weed should be
taken by the hands of law.
- Advertising and Public consumption should be stringently monitored.
- Adopting good policies practiced in countries can also provide the
surety of safety, Colorado, Portugal, Canada all show good examples.
- Unbiased laws should be promoted so that no corruption and harm to the
- Tax rates should be regulated. Banning Marijuana does no good to the
country and economy, nevertheless focusing on measures legalizing and
regulating should conveniently strategized for the better growth of country.
Marijuana Decriminalization
Decriminalization of marijuana means if a person is found using marijuana in
small amounts he/she will not be prosecuted for it. That individual will not
receive a criminal order. In many states like Alaska, California, New York,
Minnesota, North Carolina, Oregon, and much of the Northeast possession of small
amounts of marijuana is treated like an n states that has decriminalized
What happens when the law clash
When federal and state law clashes federal laws are taken into consideration.
Federal law doesn’t permit marijuana sale and usage because it is illegal under
the Controlled Substance Act. These laws clash in states where marijuana has
been legalized for recreational purposes.
If Colorado and Washington manage to keep their marijuana retail
businesses completely in-state, it may be legal. That means marijuana must be
grown, sold, used, and taxed all within the state without using any federal land
or means of commerce. This prevents the retail marijuana businesses, marijuana
businesses from deducting business expenses. This also prevents the farmers from
using water from federally managed resources. (4)
We would like to conclude by telling, marijuana is a very useful drug and should
be legalized. Marijuana should no longer be grouped with cocaine and heroin, but
with other recreational drugs such as caffeine and tobacco. The legalization of
marijuana will create new job opportunities and will give a huge boost to our
It can be used for various medical purposes. People are battling with
illnesses and disorders that can potentially lead to death. Everyone must be
educated about the benefits and if a lawyer or a group of people speak, for
legalizing marijuana the taboo ‘junky’ must not be given.
- https://www.scoopwhoop.com/inothernews/legalize-marijuana/
- https://www.greenhousewellness.com/news/2018/4/9/10-benefits-of-marijuana-you-probably-didnt-know
- https://www.scribd.com/document/224478563/Why
- https://criminal.findlaw.com/criminal-charges/medical-marijuana-an-overview.html
Award Winning Article Is Written By:
- Jyothika George and
- Hridya Nambiar
Email: hridyaanambiar@gmail.com

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