An image, video, any quote, etc., by imitation when passed from one
individual to another is considered to be a meme. In today's era the meme
culture is so much popularized that it has become a part of our society.
term meme(from the
Greek mimema, meaning
imitated) was introduced in
1976 by British evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins in his work The Selfish
Gene[1].The memes which are most prosperous in getting intimated, becomes the
part of our culture moreover memes are not having any market value that is they
(memes) cannot be considered as a merchandise.
According to section 2(c) of the Copyright act, 1957 creation of a meme is
considered to be an artistic work, which includes painting, sculptures ,drawings
(including diagrams, maps, charts, or plans), even the engraving on wood,
marble, etc and the architecture work do comes under the definition of artistic
work, Image or the photograph of something or someone is the most popularly
copied meme and copying the meme ans sharing it without any authorization would
lead to encroachment.[2]
Memes are constantly and rapidly being copied and do gets viral on the social
media platforms very easily too, but have you ever thought that copying
someone's work (meme) is considered to be legal or not?. The meme creators do
put upon lot of time and hard work too while creating the meme and thus are
protected by the copyright law. The fact that mostly the identity of the meme
creator is unknown does not allow another individual to acquit or prevent him
from legal proceedings[3].
The answer to the above mentioned question lies within the ambit of doctrine of
fair use. Section 107 of copyright act provides the statutory framework for
determining whether something is a fair use or not[4] Certain conditions are to
be fulfilled under the ambit of doctrine of fair use, which allows an individual
to use the copyrighted work in the creation of new work, without taking any
prior permission.
The 4 parameters to be fulfilled for the findings of fair use are as following-
(a) the purpose of using the meme (b) the amount of work to be used (c) the
effect upon the society from the use of it (d) the nature of the work which is
being copy-righted.
Thus from the above readings we can conclude that there is
not a specific answer to the question that the use of original meme is fair or
not, as it varies from situation to situation, however there are some types
which are generally allowed such as criticism or commentary of someone or any
research work or education related meme, etc.
As mentioned above that memes do not hold any commercial value therefore they do
lies under the ambit of fair use defense. But this doesn't means that anyone's
photograph or anyone's artistic work or idea can be used without his/her
consent. This fair use defense works only till the time, someone's privacy is
not disturbed. Therefore before creating something or copying the original work
of any individual, one should get all the necessary licenses and approvals done
so as to prevent any kind of legal liability or legal action in mere future.
- The term meme (from the Greek mimema, meaning imitated ) was introduced
in 1976 by British evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins in his work The
Selfish Gene
- The fact that mostly the identity of the meme creator is unknown does
not allow another individual to acquit or prevent him from legal
- Section 107 of copyright act provides the statutory framework for
determining whether something is a fair use or not
Written By: Anirudh Gupta