The banking industry is the lifeline of any economy. It is one of the most
important pillars of the financial sector. Development of any country is highly
dependent on the performance of the banking industry. For an economy to remain
healthy and going, it is important that the banking system grows fast and yet be
Due to the importance in the financial stability of the country, banks
are highly regulated in most of the countries.
The collapse of financial
institution in one country can also lead to sequential collapse of financial
institutions in other countries. Hence to regulate the banking system, Basel
Accord has been set up by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), a
committee created by Bank for International Settlements (BIS).
- Bank for International Settlements (BIS):
The Bank for International Settlements is an international financial
institution owned by central banks which encourages international monetary and
financial cooperation and serves as a bank for central banks. It carries out its
work through its meetings, programmes and through the Basel Process.The
customers of the BIS are central banks and international organizations. As a
bank, the BIS doesnot accept deposits from, or provide financial services to,
private individuals or corporate entities.
- Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS)
To help promote monetary and financial stability, the Basel Committee on Banking
Supervision was set up by BIS in 1974. It was designed as a medium for regular
cooperation between its member countries on banking supervisory matters. In
1980's the committee created a multinational accord to strengthen the stability
of the international banking system. A capital measurement system commonly
referred to as the Basel Capital Accord was released to Banks in 1988.
Ultimately this framework was introduced not only in member countries but in all
countries with active International Banks.
What are Basel Accords?
The Basel accords are a set of recommendations for regulations in banking
industry. The Basel Committee consists of central bankers from several countries
who often met at Basel, Switzerland and they have come up with set of rules and
regulations for the banking industry.
Initially there were Central bankers from
only 10 countries but now it has extended to all G 20 countries and even beyond
that. So far there has been three versions of Basel Accords : Basel I (1988),
Basel II (2004) and Basel III (2010).
Basel I
This was the first basel accord, which was meant for only Capital Requirement
of the banks. Many a times because of defaults or customers defaulting in the
payments of loans, the banks face a huge loss of money and there is a problem
of capital.
Without money the banks go bankrupt and become insolvent, i.e the
bank cannot exist anymore and hence it has to be rescued by the government or
any other organization. So the emphasis of Basel I was on Capital requirement,
hence determining the capital a bank should always hold in order to avoid the
lending risk, i.e when people default on their loans, the bank can avoid
The banks had to set aside atleast 8% of the capital against the nominal size of
their Loan.
Nominal size of the loan is also known as Risk Weighted Asset (RWA). So
according to the Basel I law, 8% of the RWA has to be kept with the bank in
order to prevent insolvency.
Risk Weights:
It is defined as the % of assets under Risk.
All assets of the bank donot carry the same amount of risk. For example, if a
bank provides loan to the Government the risk is much less compared to when
provided to a private party. A government bond has much lesser risk when
compared to an equity. Hence the assets of the bank has been classified into
different categories and different risk weight has been assigned.
Cash, Home Country Bond |
0% risk weights |
Securities with good ratings |
20% risk weights |
Municipal Bonds, Residential Mortgages |
50% risk weights |
Bonds with no Rating |
100% risk weights |
Explanation: Suppose a bank carries 100 million of municipal bond, then 50
million of that is very risky. Hence, here RWA is 50 million. So the bank needs
to keep aside 8% of RWA, i.e 8% of 50 million which is 4 million, in order to
meet the regulatory criteria.
Main Weakness of Basel I:
It didn't take into account the quality of the counterparty.
The counterparty could be a very big organization like Apple, Microsoft etc or
it could be a very small company or one with not a very good cashflow, like a
small tea selling company or a small restruant. Now when a big company like
Microsoft when compared to a small restruant in a city, the credit worthiness
of the parties will differ a lot. So there was no classification or any strict
rule classifying the counterparties. There was no segmentation rule set out.
Although the banks do segment these counter parties into different groups but
there was no rule set out in Basel I.
Basel II
It was the second of the basel accords, and was published in 2004. Basel II
accord made it mandatory for the banks to set aside sufficient capital to be
able to withstand any losses resulting from credit risk, market risk and
operational risk. In the Basel I, all we had to worry was the loss arising from
the capital risk, i.e, the loss arising from the defaulting of the customers. In
the Basel II, market risk and operational risk were introduced. Market Risk
arises from the movement of the market.
The bank holds lot of positions inn the
capital market because of which the bank can incur a lot of losses. Operational
risk is because of bad incidences like fraud or any kind of natural cataustrophe
or any kind of issue with the local or foreign government where the bank is
operating. Loss happening because of any of these three risk will have to be
taken into consideration while calculating the capital requirement, unlike the
Basel I where there was only credit risk.
It also put emphasis on Risk management process followed in bank which was not
the case prior to that. Regulators now can intervene into how the management
structure is or how the management structure has been put into action within the
bank or how the bank really measures or quantifies the risk.
- Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process (ICAAP)
Bank must have risk management process to manage risk.
- External Reports
Bank must show how it measures risk and quantify it.
Weighting Factor:
The weighting factor almost remained samed. It changed a bit in terms of
percentage while the methodology remained same. There was segmentation among
different types of asset classes.
Bonds |
AAA- AA- |
A+ A- |
Below B- |
Unrated |
Government |
0% |
20% |
50% |
100% |
150% |
Banks |
20% |
50% |
100% |
150% |
150% |
Corporates |
20% |
50% |
100% |
100% |
150% |
Government Bond carries the least risk and the banks and the corporate carry
higher risk. And also it depends on ratings. Good ratings got less weight in
calculating the RWA whereas assets with lower ratings got higher weight in
calculating RWA.
Analysis of Basel I and Basel II
- Basel I didn't differentiate creditworthiness of the counterparty while
determining the risk capital. While Basel II made the distinction between the
creditworthiness of customers.
- Basel II also took care of the market risk and the operational risk, which
was absent in Basel I.
- The 8% capital requirement, also known as BIS ratio remained the same.
Hence, Basel II served as an update of Basel I.
Basel III
Basel III came after the 2008 financial crisis where there was a credit crisis,
in which not only the customers defaulted in loans but also the banks ran out of
cash and the banks didn't have enough liquidity for daily work. Hence Basel III
was introduced in December 2010.
It intends to address the shortcomings of Basel II to create more stable banking
and financial sector. It gave a stricter definition of capital (what qualifies
to be called a capital and what not). Also it made clear that its not just the
loss that matter to the regulators but also the capital and the liquidity
scenario of the bank is taken into account
- Base III introduced leverage ratio and it was fixed at 3%.
- Basel III introduced a new term Capital Conservation Buffer also
called the additional buffer which puts a condition to the bank to save
money or to have buffer money to withstand the bad economic conditions. It
was set at 2.5 %, increasing the total capital requirement from 8% to 10.5%.
Regulators now put an emphasis that when there is good time, the banks make
- It also introduced Counter Cyclical Buffer. It is meant to be used in
bad times. It can be kept at 0% during bad times but needs to be kept at min
3% during good times.
The main aim of Basel III can be stated as:
- Improve bank's ability to absorb losses/ shocks.
- Improve risk management and governance.
- Strenghten bank's transperancy and disclosure.
Analysis of Basal II and Basal III
The Basel III framework prescribes higher ratio in comparison to Basel II
- Minimum Capital Requirement : 8% under Basel II increased to 10.50%
under Basel III
- Comman Equity Tier 1 (CET1) : 2% under Basel II increased to (4.50% to
7.00%) under Basel III
- Tier I capital : 4% under Basel II increased to 6% under Basel III
- Capital Conservation Buffers : none under Basel II increased to 2.50%
under Basel IIIf) Leverage ratio under Basel IIfrom none to 3.00% under Basel
- Countercyclical Buffer : none under Basel II to (0% to 2.50%) under
Basel III
Important Terms:
- Tier 1 capital
It is essentially the most perfect form of a bank's capital the money the bank
has stored to keep it functioning through all the risky transactions it
performs, such as trading/investing and lending. It is used to describe the
capital adequacy of a bank and refers to core capital that includes equity
capital and disclosed reserves.
Tier 1 capital = CET1 capital + additional Tier 1 capital (AT1).
- Comman Equity Tier (CET1)
It is a component of Tier 1 capital that comprises a bank's core capital and
includes common shares, stock surpluses resulting from the issue of common
shares, retained earnings, common shares issued by subsidiaries and held by
third parties and accumulated other comprehensive income ( unrealized
gains and losses reported in the equity section of the balance sheet ). These
are the most important assets of any bank.
- Additional Tier 1 (AT1)
It is defined as instruments that are not common equity. An example of AT1
capital is a contingent convertible ( debt instrument issued by European
financial institutions), which has a perpetual term i.e no fixed term and can
be converted into equity when a trigger event occurs.
- Tier2 Capital
It is the secondary component of bank capital, in addition to Tier 1 capital,
that makes up a bank's required reserves. It is designated as supplementary
capital and is composed of items such as revaluation reserves, undisclosed
reserves, hybrid instruments, and subordinated term debt.
- Leverage ratio
It is meant to evaluate a company's debt levels. The most common leverage
ratio is the debt ratio. A debt ratio is simply a company's total debt divided
by its total assets. The formula is:
Debt Ratio = Total Debt / Total Assets
A ratio above 1.0 indicates that the company has more debt than assets.
Basel Accord has created a major difference to the operation of the financial
system. Banking has become safer. The features of Basel Accord such as higher
risk coverage, thrust on loss-absorbing capital in periods of stress, improving
liquidity standards, creation of capital buffers in good times and prevention of
excess buildup of debt during boom times has helped in creating a resilient
banking system.