India is an emerging and developing country. It is the world's
largest democracy, and one of the world's fastest growing economies. [1]It is
currently the seventh richest country in the world, and by 2025 it is projected
to be the third largest world economy after China and the USA. India is an
example of a country that has become richer[2].
The population of India in 2016
was approximately 1.3 billion people, and a recent United Nations report
predicts that India will overtake China as the most populous country in 2022[3].
India has around 50 cities with a population of over a million people, and is
home to three of the world's megacities- Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata. The
development of the country however is stinted due to the increase in rate of
The Human Development Index (HDI) places India 136th out of 187
countries, with 25% of the nation's population still living on less than $1.25
(US dollar) a day. The census in 2016 demonstrated one sixth of the world's
population is in India. It had an annual population growth rate of 1.2%, and had
one of the youngest populations in the world. More than 65 percent of the
population was below the age of 35, and it is expected that by 2022 the average
age in India will be just 29 - compared to China which is 35 years and 48 years
in Japan[4].
This feature of expanding youthful workforce would be a trump card
in India's economic development in the long run, while the dwindling workforce
of European and other developed countries adds further to the advantages of
India. [5]
India falls under the status of a developing nation in the WTO. It declared
itself a developing nation and had not faced any opposition to this status till
The President of the United States of America, Donald Trump recently questioned
its status along with other countries.
Economically and otherwise India is still
a growing nation that requires a lot of development and support to achieve the
status of being developed. As a nation having the developing status, India
enjoys certain special rights and advantages in its Trade with other countries
and also tariff benefits.[6] In this situation, the current article focuses on
the effects that India will face in its trade and tariffs exclusively on its
agricultural sector if its status of being a
“developing” nation is stripped off
in the WTO.
Whether there are adequate legal provisions set for India to be claimed
as developing country under the working of WTO and the need to
maintain this claim under the Organisation?
In the Uruguay Round, the Member States pushed for a substantive change in the
multilateral trading system by strengthening the loose special and differential
treatment provisions (S&D) as it was agreed by the Members that they form an
integral part of the WTO Agreements and for the inclusion of major reform in
agricultural trade which is composed of mainly developing countries.[7]The goal
was to help producers of goods and services, exporters and importers conduct
their business.[8]
There are provisions in the WTO Agreements granting these certain rights to
“developing countries” after the Doha Declaration and these provisions should be
included with an objective to strengthen and make them more effective and
operational.[9]India played an important role in the negotiation and structure
of the Doha Development. However, the efforts in the Doha Round to negotiate a
framework agreement towards a new global economic order have used negotiating
capital with, so far, little result as United States and the European Union did
not agree to subsidize their agricultural sectors. [10]
In the rules and regulations as prescribed by the WTO, there are no specific
definitions of “developed country” and “developing country”.[11] It is the
Member's autonomy to raise these claims and use the special provisions available
to developing countries but it can be challenged by other Member States.[12]
The Declaration also mandated the Committee on Trade and Development to
recognise the treatment provisions that had to be mandatory and to consider the
legal and practical implications of making mandatory of those which are
non-binding. [13]
Special and Differential Treatment Provisions:
The WTO Agreements contain special provisions which give special rights to
developing countries and that give more favourable treatment to developing
countries than other WTO members who have claimed "developed country" as their
status and the developing countries will benefit from unilateral preference
schemes such as the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP)[14]. A mechanism to
review and analyse the implementation of special and differential treatment
provisions was established at the Bali Ministerial Conference in December
There are few concessions implemented by developing countries in accordance with
the provisions such as:[16]
- longer time periods for implementing Agreements (like TRIPs, GATS etc.)
and commitments,
- measures to increase trading opportunities for developing countries,
- ensuring WTO members safeguard the trade interests of developing
- provide support to aid the developing countries build the capacity to
perform the work of WTO , handle disputes, and implement technical standards or
guidelines to be followed
- implement provisions related to Members from least-developed countries (LDC)
in the WTO
- Preferential tariff treatment by developed contracting parties in
compliance with the Generalized System of Preferences to products
originating in developing countries.[17]
As per the S&DT provisions, the least developed countries are given higher
benefits vis a vis the developing countries.[18]
The other provisions in WTO highlighting S&D treatment to developing countries
- GATT Article XVIII: Governmental Assistance to Economic Development
Recognition of the status of developing countries and their need for derogations
from certain trade measures relating to the GATT Articles, including support for
Infant Industries and rectifying Balance of Payments issues.[19]
- GATT Article XXXVI: Principles & Objectives
That developing country members need to get more favourable access to world
markets without reciprocity for commitments made by developed members to
promote economic progress. This is accomplished under the Generalized System of
Preferences (GSP) in the form of special & differential (S&D) treatment for
developing countries.[20]
- GATT Article XXXVII: Commitments
Developed Members ' commitments to give higher priority and pay special
attention to minimizing trade barriers for goods of interest to developing
countries. As for other developing members, developing countries also strive to
do this.[21]
- Generalized System of Preferences (GSP)
Implemented under the U.S. trade programs, GSP enables opportunities for many of
the world's poorest countries to use trade to promote economic development by
removing duties on thousands of products imported from one of 119 countries and
territories designated as beneficiaries.[22]
The United States President Donald Trump wishes to restructure the WTO by
insisting that countries like India, China, South Korea, South Africa, Indonesia
and many more lose their self-declared developing country status and prohibit
them from availing flexibilities in WTO rules and negotiations that do not
satisfy any economic or other indicators. [23]The proposal made by the US has
been rejected for three times by other Member States in the General Council
Although there has been a significant growth in the GDP of India in the recent
years through implementation of innovative economic policies, the country still
remains a shelter for millions of poor people and the space provided under the
S&DT provisions to implement and strengthen domestic trade laws to reduce
poverty, increase the rate of employment and to complement the growth of their
trade to bridge the divide between them and developed countries. The transition
to being a developed country does not allow India to incorporate meaningfully
into the global trading system.
Can the effect on trade tariffs and non- tariff measures of the
Agricultural Sector in India can be curbed if India's status is revoked?
Earlier times have seen sympathetic treatment of developing countries such as
India, which have received special and differential treatment under the WTO,
giving them more time and space to comply with WTO rules, but now the US has
started to question this special treatment because countries such as India and
China are considered large emerging economies due to their huge population size
and thus their GDP. However India requires to be treated differently because it
needs to look after about 300 million people who may be considered poor[24].
Under the WTO, S&DT are special provisions for developing countries that allow
them more time to implement agreements and commitments, including measures to
increase trading opportunities, protect their trade interests, and promote
capacity building for litigation and technical standards implementation[25]. As
a country with such a huge population, having a substantially decent GDP does
not allow it to be called a developed nation. The Special and Differential
standards under the WTO have helped and supported India in reaching its present
stature in the world economy.
India does have all the right to protect its interest in various sectors such as
International Trade and agriculture. Unlike the allegations against India, we do
not impose such high import duties as compared to developed nations like Japan,
America and South Korea. The US charges extremely high duties on several of
their products like peanuts and tobacco. As developed nations, they must
maintain and rationalize their duty structure more efficiently.
Like other
countries India must also be able to take appropriate actions to safeguard its
domestic interests when and where it deems fit. As a member of the WTO, India is
committed to free, fair and predictable trade, thus India also deserves to be
supported in reaching this goal. India's tariff measures rely fundamentally on
the bylaws and functioning of WTO. India's average WTO bound tariff rate is
48.5% while its average applied tariff rate is 13.4% and this gap between bound
rate and applied MFN rates help import management. It also leaves scope to raise
the tariffs up to the bound rates.
Around two-thirds of WTO members are developing countries and it is their
membership that gives them immediate access to developed markets at lower tariff
rates. This advantage gives them time to catch up with sophisticated
corporations and their mature industries. They are not compelled to remove
reciprocal tariffs in their markets until later. As a result, developing
countries don't immediately have to open their markets to overwhelming
competitive pressure.
This way India has gained an advantage, rightly enough, by
being a developing nation under WTO. Special and differential treatment allows
developing countries longer time frames to implement commitments and greater
flexibilities in adopting measures to improve their presence in the global
markets, among others.
For example, developing countries are allowed to provide
comparatively larger input subsidies and minimum price support where they can
offer product-specific farm subsidies up to 10% of the value of production,
against 5% for developed countries, although the latter enjoy other
The most favourable impacts that WTO has had on India and its
Economy are in the increase in export earning, agricultural export, textile and
clothing and foreign direct investment. All these impacts have taken place due
to reduction of tariff and non-tariff trade barriers.
Also, the domestic
subsidies that help India raise the price of products during export in the
global market. Thus it is quite understandable that without the special and
differential treatment under the WTO, India might fall drastically in the global
market. With more than 300 million people still living in poverty, it would be
against the rule of law of WTO to let India be stripped off its status. The rule
of law requires justice for all and equally wherein more than half the
population of India would be left out if these incentives were to be taken away.
The export earnings and tariff flexibilities are keeping the country capable of
competing with its developed counterparts. Any step towards incapacitating
India's reach to the S&DT would hinder and handicap its international trade
India would not be able to adjust to the high rates of tariffs and
duties as that of developed nations it has trade relations with. India has
various FTAs with ASEAN nations and other prominent members of the global trade
system and these relationships are at stake when the WTO contemplates as the
status of India being developing or not. As a primarily agricultural state,
India cannot afford to lose its advantage on export duties and tariffs of agro
products. WTO norms limit subsidies to 10% of the total value of agriculture
production based on 1986-88 prices, which is a point of contention raised by
India and some other developing countries. India wants inflation to be taken
into consideration while calculating subsidy limits, which is also justified
keeping in view the soaring prices.
The developed countries want India to stop
buying food grains from farmers and adopt method of direct cash transfers. If
this happens then prices will escalate in India as all the prices of food grains
would depend on the market and not the government leading to about 50% of the
people being unable to afford basic food necessities. India would not be able to
successfully curb the backlash when it loses its status of being a developing in
the WTO.
If India were to no longer be on the receiving end of the Special and
Differential treatment, it would fall down in the global economic spectrum with
no way of coming back up. Even though India is compared to other economically
advanced nations, India faces a major challenge in the form of population and
ineffective labour force.
In spite of being the second largest in terms of
population, India still does not have cheap labour as compared to China. So,
when the factor of population and infrastructure development is taken into
account, India cannot compete in the market without subsidies offered by the WTO
to developing nations. Although India is a country whose GDP may be rising fast,
a huge part of its rural population is hungry and struggling to find basic
amenities to sustain life.
India's per capita income is much lower than those of
developed nations. Therefore, India should continue its commitment of moving
forward in the world economy and not back down in front of the developed world.
The WTO should maintain the development dimension of trade and trade rules as
part of the Doha Round, thereby restoring the trusts of developing countries
like India.[27]
Agricultural Sector in India
Agriculture is the primary source of livelihood for about 58% of India's
The Indian agricultural industry is primed for huge growth, increasing its
contribution to world food trade every year due to its immense potential for
value addition. Being one of the largest food processing industry, India ranks
fifth in terms of production, consumption, export and expected growth and with
70% of retail contribution of the sales, the country ranks to the world's sixth
largest market in food and groceries. [28]
This potential and quality of the
sector is enhanced by the provisions under WTO that developing countries gain
from. The growing economy of India is able to and compete with and export to the
developed nations due to the subsidies and preferential treatment it receives
from the WTO.
Indian perspective of the features of the Agricultural Agreement under WTO:
Market Access
Due to balance of payments, India was maintaining Quantitative Restrictions and
did not have to undertake any commitments in regard to market access. India has
undertaken to bind its primary agricultural products at hundred percent; edible
oils at 300% and processed foods at 150%. negotiations under Article XXVIII of
GATT were successfully completed in 1999, and the bound rates have been raised
substantially for some agricultural products like maize, rice, spelt wheat,
millets etc. which was at zero or at low bound rates. [29]
Domestic Support
Other than market price support, India does not provide any product specific
support. During the reference period (1986-88), India had market price support
programmes for around 22 products, from which 19 are included in our list of
commitments filed under GATT.[30] Subsidies given for fertilizers, water, seeds,
credit and electricity is taken into account for calculation of non-product
specific subsidy.
Export Subsidies
Exporters of agricultural commodities do not get any direct subsidy and this is
not different from other types of subsidies. However, its purpose is special.
When a farmer or exporter sells agricultural products in foreign markets, he
earns money for himself, as well as foreign exchange for the country. Therefore,
agricultural exports are generally encouraged ensuring they do not harm the
domestic economy. Subsides provided to encourage exports are referred to as
export subsidies.
In most developing countries, agriculture is the key source of livelihood as is
in India. Therefore, it is expected that developing countries heavily subsidise
agriculture in order to promote interest of farmers and protect them from
competition from developed nations that can produce at a lower cost, using
modern technologies and more efficient means of cultivation.
From a broad perspective, there are three ways of subsidising farmers through
government involvement:
- Existence of domestic and external policies so that domestic cultivators
receive higher prices for their outputs than would have been possible, for
trade to become completely free. This can be done through domestic price
support policies, tariffs, quotas, export enhancement programmes, price
stabilisation measures, import licensing and canalisation.
- By providing inputs at prices below cost of supply to farmers or at
prices that are lower than prices charged from other consumers of the same
product, farmers can be subsidised. Examples are subsidies in credit, electricity,
transport and irrigation, fertilisers, livestock feed and crop insurance, and
farm fuel tax exemption, and
- The other method of subsidisation is through direct cash payments to
cultivators. [31]
The central government and several state governments are working on many
farmer-friendly initiatives to lighten the agrarian community's challenges. The
agricultural sector is expected to witness its next growth wave with policy
interventions, better and quicker mechanization, adaptation of innovative
technologies and smarter farming solutions, thus helping the Indian economy
achieve the recent World Bank Global Economic Prospects report of projected
growth which is 7.5% , over the next two years. [32]
In India farmers get input
subsidies, fertilizer subsidies, irrigation subsidies and also for power. These
are some of the more inviting factors that help keep farmers in the field and
also benefit them by staying in the agricultural sector. These subsidies are
also possible due the broad framework of the WTO and its special provisions
which lay the outline for our governments to implement these subsidies and
In India, agricultural growth helps in increasing wages, lowering the prices of
food, increasing demand for consumer and intermediate goods and services,
facilitating development of agribusiness, increasing returns to labour and
capital and improving the overall allocation efficiency of factor markets.
Increasing agricultural growth in developing countries requires integration with
the world economy, provided the world market prices are not distorted.
Therefore, if and when India ceases to receive special and differential
treatment from the WTO and subsidies in the field of agriculture, it would be
almost impossible for India to compete in the global market.
It would lead to directly and indirectly affecting jobs, prices of afro products
and inflation where in basic food products would be exorbitantly expensive in
the domestic markets leading to costlier food production and resulting in higher
hunger index. Even the farmers unable to benefit from these subsidies and export
tariff advantages will face major poverty and hunger problems.
Agricultural Export from India
Rice Export
Government support to producers in developing countries concentrates primarily
on research in improved or hybrid rice varieties, investments in irrigation,
preferential credits, extension and distribution of improved seed quality. The
procurement purchases or releases from stocks, or through changes in trade
policies is also taken into consideration for intervention of prices. In
developed countries, assistance to the sector is conveyed through price support
and direct payments.
Trade measures, mainly tariffs, are widely used to protect domestic rice
markets. Rice imports are often subject to “Special Safeguards” in country
schedules despite the high WTO bound tariffs. Although such companies do not
usually have monopoly privileges and they share their trade functions with the
private sector, the role of state companies in managing international rice flows
is considerably vital. [33]
India exports almost a quarter of the rice, Basmati and Non- basmati being the
main categories, in the world mainly to countries like Africa, the US, Europe
and South-East Asian countries.[34] On 22 November, 2018 the government set the
Ministry of Commerce's Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS) a 5 percent
subsidy on non-basmati rice exports.
The measure came into effect on November
26, 2018 and lasted until March 25, 2019. It aimed to raise exports and help
domestic prices during the 2018 key kharif season (harvest), which resulted at
record high level due to high plantings and good yields supported by beneficial
rains. [35]
Recently the government has offered a 5% subsidy to exporters of
non-basmati rice. India is the major exporter of Basmati rice and in the global
marker we have come down in the export of rice to many countries.
In an event
where farmers seize to receive these incentives and advantages via government
policies, the export of rice would not be possible on this scale. Without the
special safeguards that are available, farmers would not make as much money as
they do with the special treatment. The income would be only mainly for large
companies leaving farmers in the lurks of poverty and hunger.
Even though S&DT is highlighted in various provisions of the WTO including the
program implemented by the United States giving concessions and favourable
treatment towards developing countries while implementing trade agreements among
them, there is a deficiency in the definitional criteria on the status of
developing country and lack of substantive strength in the negotiating formats.
The S&DT benefits the developed countries as well in terms of fisheries
subsidies. India must implement better schemes to ensure their dependency on
subsidies is reduced and S&DT must be used to perform rule making and market
opening on a contractual basis.
Unlike the allegations against India, we do not
impose such high import duties as compared to developed nations like Japan,
America and South Korea. The US charges extremely high duties on several of
their products like peanuts and tobacco. As developed nations, they must
maintain and rationalize their duty structure more efficiently.
The issue of
self-declaration as raised by the US is challenged by several developing
countries including India and India deems to be a legitimate claimant of the
status and needs more time to transition unlike countries like China due to the
lack of sufficient domestic laws to protect the interests of the citizens and
time to work towards the tweaking of domestic trade policies and practices in
order to leverage the benefits no matter the decision passed in WTO.
S&DT related to developing countries would lead to intractable deadlock at the
WTO. Therefore, India should continue its commitment of moving forward in the
world economy and not back down in front of the developed world. The WTO should
maintain the development dimension of trade and trade rules as part of the Doha
Round, thereby restoring the trusts of developing countries like India. Without
the status and the treatment of being a developing nation, India would face
crippling losses in terms of tariffs and duties in their export import spectrum.
The trade relationships it has with other emerging and emerged nations will face
extreme downfall and India would not be able to keep up with developed nations
in the world.
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Written By:
- Nikita Raghavan and
- Devyani Vijayakumar

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